Many of the spiritual leaders in the Catholic Church today are in a
fantasy world when it comes to Russia and the status of world communism.
Misled Catholic clergy naively proclaim the "conversion of Russia" and
insist that the danger is now over, that the period of peace has arrived,
and all of us can rest on our laurels and give a sigh of relief now that
"communism is dead."
In the words of journalist Anthony LoBiado,
"It is a game the liberal Western press has played time and time again.
Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Viet Cong, the Sandinistas, Winny and Nelson
Mandela and now even bloody dictator Kim Jong Il [North Korea] have been
lionized by liberals in the U.S. and abroad. The perpetuation of these
lies has brought murder, genocide, famine and anti-Christian persecution to
countless millions scattered to the four corners of the earth."
Sad to say, many of our spiritual leaders are perpetuating this same lie by
claiming "communism is dead." In the words of Lenin, many have
become "useful idiots."
The Catholic hierarchy, as well as the Catholic faithful,
are due for a massive reality check when it comes to Russia and world
communism. Many are the innocent victims of an elaborate and well-planned
deception that has been effectively propagated by a controlled mass media.
Many have had their minds clouded, their wills weakened, by an
anti-Christian society that wars against our values and morals. But for
those who retain a love for the truth, we recognize that the information we
present below will sufficiently dispel the "communism is dead"
We remind our readers that many of the events
described below took place years after the March 25, 1984 consecration, that
mistakenly is credited for the "end of communism." The reality is quite
different: Russia and its communist
allies still intend the conquest of the entire world, and are now quite close to
obtaining their objective. For those in a state of denial, each of these
pieces of the puzzle will be rejected, as the emerging picture is not to
their liking. We might add that such a denial of reality is indicative of a
sickness of soul, a sickness of mind.
Castro rose to power many people were deceived, considering him a benign
reformer. Even the Catholic newspaper Our Sunday Visitor was deceived
and denied the claims that Castro was a communist (today, Our Sunday
Visitor is once again deceived, naively reporting that Russia is
undergoing a conversion, and that the consecration of Russia has been
During the Cuban repressions of the 1960s, between
7,000 and 10,000 were killed and 30,000 people imprisoned for political
reasons. In 1979 there were between 15,000 and 20,000 prisoners of
conscience in Cuba. From 1959 through the late 1990s more than 100,000
Cubans experienced life in one of the camps, prisons, or open-regime sites.
Between 15,000 and 17,000 people were shot.
According to a recent historical book on communism,
"From 1975 to 1989 Cuba was the major supporter of the Marxist-Leninist
regime of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, which was
engaged in a civil war against UNITA forces led by Jonas Savimbi. In
addition to sending innumerable 'cooperators' and dozens of technical
advisers, Cuba sent an expeditionary force of 50,000 men." (The
Black Book of Communism, pp. 663-664) In 1979 and 1980 Castro sent
600 military advisers to Grenada to prop up the pro-Soviet regime of Maurice
Bishop. When U.S. forces invaded in 1983, they took prisoner 750 Cubans.
Cuba's proximity to the United States makes it a
paradise for spies. The Russians have established an massive spy station in
Cuba to electronically eavesdrop on the United States:
"As has previously reported, the Lourdes
[Cuba] electronic intelligence station is spying on U.S. nuclear missile
submarines in the Atlantic Ocean, and penetrating American military,
governmental, and commercial communications on the East Coast and in the
Midwest. According to Russian military officials, this station is 'a diamond
in the system of Russian National Security'." (Read
Cuba is apparently stockpiling massive amounts of chemical weapons.
According to Joseph D. Douglass Jr. and Neil C. Livingstone, in their book America
the Vulnerable, Russian instructors at Cuban chemical warfare
schools in the 1980s boasted that Castro was prepared to kill tens of
millions of Americans with toxins he had stockpiled. ("High
Anxiety," J.R. Nyquist, September 7, 2000). In 1994
Castro announced that he "would rather die than abandon the
of the Catholic Church: In 1991 and 1992, the Chinese government killed
Catholic bishops SHI Chunjie, LIU Difen, and Joseph FAN Xueyan while they
were incarcerated. The story of the battered body of Bishop Joseph Fan was
published in the Italian newspaper Avvenire. The date of the death of
Bishop FAN as announced by the Chinese government was April 13, 1992. His
body was transported to Baoding on April 16. Later, a public official
secretly disclosed that Bishop Fan died in February. Bishop Fan was secretly
detained in a mosque in Shijiazhuang City.
In 1996, several hundred plain clothe agents from
the government gathered twenty primary school teachers in Dong Lu village
and ordered them to prohibit religious activities among students, and forced
students to write letters of apostasy. These letters stated: "…in
order to respond to the Party's leadership and to continue my education, I
hereby renounce my Catholic religion…." Students who disobeyed
were beaten and dismissed from school. Teachers who disobeyed were fired and
arrested. At that time, the government had already forced about 4,000
Catholics villagers to renounce their religion in Baoding. There were about
4,000 Catholics in Dong Lu. 2,000 of them were beaten or fined for their
religious activities.
On January 10, 1997 the Cardinal Kung Foundation
(based in Stamford, Connecticut) released a copy of the Chinese
Communist Party's document for Chongren Xian in the Fuzhou District of
Jiangxi Province in China. This document details a procedure to eradicate
the underground Catholic Church in China. Joseph Kung, President of the
Foundation, said: "The document proves that the ongoing persecution of
the Roman Catholic Church by the Chinese Government is not regional, or an
isolated case of abuse of power by a certain government official. On the
contrary, it is a carefully planned strategy by the central government to
destroy the Roman Catholic Church commonly known as the underground
church." (Communist
document on eradicating the Catholic Church in China)
Many other atrocities have been committed by the Chinese communists
against the Catholic Church. For more information, please visit the Cardinal
Kung Foundation website.
Military alliance with Russia: It has long been predicted by
KGB defectors that, after a period of feigned weakness, Russia would enter
into a military alliance with China and turn the table against the United
States. This prediction has come to pass:
The Clinton administration's failed policies toward Russia
have created a growing anti-American alliance between Moscow and Beijing
based on arms sales and joint efforts to curb U.S. power and influence,
according to a congressional report.
"To challenge America's dominance, Russia
today cultivates its strategic partnership with the People's Republic of
China—a partnership explicitly targeting American policies and
interests around the globe and founded on increasing both the PRC's and
Russia's military capabilities against the United States," the report
"It is not only deeply ironic but tragic that
this state of affairs follows $112.2 billion in Western assistance to
Russia," the report said. "After eight years of a Clinton
administration policy that has yet to place highest priority on the basic
steps needed to create a free enterprise economy in Russia, the U.S.-Russia
relationship is in ruins, characterized by deep and growing hostility and
divergent perceptions of international realities and intentions."
("House Report warns of anti-U.S. alliance: panel says Russia, China
teaming up," Washington Times, September 25, 2000)
for war: In a CIA report to Congress covering the period between July
and December 1996, it was stated that "During the last half of 1996,
China was the most significant supplier of weapons of mass destruction goods
and technology to foreign countries." As we reported previously,
China has also outlined steps whereby it would threaten the United States
with nuclear war:
China's People's Liberation Army has outlined plans,
including a nuclear conflict with the United States, to "liberate"
Taiwan, Hong Kong's South China Morning Post newspaper reported Monday.
The PLA issued a 16-page publication, the Howangjio
Weekly, that was devoted to Taiwan, that was sold on street corners. In
contrast, most Chinese newspapers had little to say about Taiwan's
pro-independence vote....
The PLA has reportedly been working on a new
generation of nuclear weapons, the publication said, and it outlined
steps by which China would threaten the United States with nuclear war.
China would then sway U.S. public opinion by making economic concessions,
and it would increase arms purchases from Russia, the Post reported.
It would then stage a limited attack on Taiwan and
if that failed, China would mobilize its people into exercises that would
show that it is preparing to survive a nuclear war, the newspaper said.
"The United States will not sacrifice 200
million Americans for 20 million Taiwanese and eventually they are going to
back down," the publication said. (March 20, 2000)
to the CIA's 1998 National Intelligence Daily, "Thirteen of
China's 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on
the United States." Furthermore, it was recently reported from
the Hong Kong press that China's President Jiang Zemin said to his central
military commission, the leading generals in the People's Liberation Army,
air force and navy, that they should "... prepare for war with the
United States by the year 2008."
North Korea
you dig deep, news on North Korea is limited to rumors of a
"peace process" with South Korea and various photo-ops of its
communist dictator, Kim Jong II. It is unlikely that you will ever see
articles such as these in the mainstream media:
Other lesser-known malevolent misdeeds on the part of North
Korea include sending its special forces to the Marxist Congo to shore up
that teetering regime and dig for uranium for its fledgling nuclear weapons
program. Such adventuring is not new for North Korea, which in 1983 sent
mercenaries to Zimbabwe to help slaughter 30,000 black anti-communist
Matabele tribesmen who opposed the Marxist government of Robert Mugabe....
North Korea's buildup of biological and biochemical
weapons at its top-secret base at Shingye—reportedly with 10
different strains, including anthrax—has forced the U.S. military
to draft Plan 5027, which calls for emergency measures to be taken against
North Korea's toxic weapons.
Estimates by the South Korean military are that up
to half of Seoul's 12 million citizens would be killed by a single North
Korean biological attack launched on her modified, Russia-produced
SCUD missiles. ("Hope
and hell in North Korea," Anthony C. LoBaido, December 23,
has given immense military technology and tactical information to their
North Korean comrades:
This year alone, the reclusive Stalinist country [North
Korea] has spent $12 million on Mi-8 helicopters purchased from Russia
and 40 MiG-21 fighters from Kazakhstan. The fighter planes—part
of an ongoing North Korean plan to upgrade its air force—are
reportedly being assembled at "secret bases."
According to a late September North Korean Defense
Ministry report, Pyongyang also bought $4.90 million worth of TNT, $2.78
million worth of tanks and blankets from China and $2.60 million worth of
ammunition and ground-to-air guns from Kazakhstan last year.
North Korea has also purchased tens of millions of
dollars worth of more advanced Russian Mi-26 helicopters, tank
engines, spare parts and batteries, as well as submarines and diving suits
of the kind used to infiltrate Special Forces units into South Korea
In 1997, the North also bought nearly 8,000 trucks
from Russia and an undisclosed number of Mi-18 helicopters from
Japan. And in 1995 Pyongyang purchased nearly $7 million worth of 100mm guns
and radar systems, mostly from Moscow and Kazakhstan. ("North
Korea continues to arm: Purchases continue despite bad economy,"
Anthony C. LoBaido, October 22, 1999,WorldNetDaily)
North Korean defectors stated that Russia has given them daily
satellite photos of U.S. and South Korean military bases in the South. ("Hope
and hell in North Korea," Anthony C. LoBaido, December 23,
1996 marked the defection of communist party official Hwang Jang-yop, the
chief ideologist for the ruling Korean Workers Party. He revealed that
North Korea has plans to turn South Korea into a "sea of flames."
Persecution in North Korea is intense. Again, you are
unlikely to hear any of this on the evening news:
... WorldNetDaily did manage to meet with a North Korean
family who had secretly copied the entire Old and New Testament in Korean
characters, by hand, in their home—which was nothing more than a
hut with a dirt floor and a leaky roof.
"Yes, there are many thousands in the gulags
here," said the father of the family in Korean. "Most of them are
Christians. Everyone knows it, but no one dares speak of it." ("Hope
and hell in North Korea," Anthony C. LoBaido, December 23,
LoBaido summarizes quite well the real North Korea:
As previously reported by this writer, North Korea is a total
Stalinist police state holding tens if not hundreds of thousands of
Christians and political dissidents trapped in gulags.
Since 10 of the 20 largest Christian congregations on earth are based in the
city of Seoul, it should come as no surprise that some committed South
Korean Christians journey to the DMZ to launch inspirational scripture
balloons which they send to North Korean believers trapped in gulags.
Worse still, the North has conducted heinous
Nazi-style experiments on American POW's, has threatened to "bathe
Seoul with fire" utilizing its nuclear arsenal, and now has 14
different kinds of biological weapons loaded onto her powerful theater-wide
ballistic missiles.
When not testing these missiles by flying them over
Japan, the North is selling them to rogue Middle Eastern states like Iran.
North Korea's foreign adventures are legion. They
have sent mercenaries to Zimbabwe to execute 30,000 black anti-communist
Matabele tribesmen and currently have Special Forces digging for uranium at
the world's largest mine in Marxist Congo. The North Koreans have extorted
millions from Japanese credit unions and stashed Kim Jong Il's personal
billion-dollar fortune in a joint Austrian venture called Gold Star Bank. ("N.
Korea's teddy bear," July 18, 2000, Anthony C. LoBaido, WorldNetDaily)
to WorldNetDaily columnist J.R. Nyquist, Major General Jerry Humble
revealed that North Korea has recently moved many more troops close to the
"... the North Koreans have increased their military
forces by 10 percent over the past year. They currently deploy more
than 1.1 million troops, 4,300 tanks, 13,000 artillery tubes and 600
ballistic missile. Even more alarming, the North Koreans have pushed
their forces, including artillery, right up to the DMZ. "These
are not defensive positions," said Humble. ("North
Korea's Military Buildup," J.R. Nyquist)
Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of Kuwait? And who helped Hussein and his war
machine? Russia, of course! In fact, the Scud missile that
destroyed U.S. barracks in Dhahran (killing 28 U.S. soldiers on February 25,
1991), was manufactured and sold to Iraq by none other than Russia. Not only
did Russia help arm the Iraqis, but it also supplied military experts and
tactical information, making the invasion of Kuwait that much easier.
According to The Washington Times, on August
14, 1990 Colonel-General Albert Makashov (a Soviet general
specializing in tank warfare) arrived in Bagdad two weeks before the Kuwait
invasion on July 17, and remained in Iraq until August 13. “The
Soviets played a critical role in operational planning, communications, and
logistics for the invasion of Kuwait.” (Financial Times, August 8,
1990). The same article stated that the attack on Kuwait “bore all
the earmarks of Soviet satellite intelligence.”
In the latest war with Iraq,
The Washington Times reported on October 28, 2004:
Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and
related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March
2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned.
John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international
technology security, said in an interview that he believes the Russian
troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, "almost certainly" removed the
high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility,
south of Baghdad.
"The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole
series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred
all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the
Iraqis. The others were transportation units."
Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloging the tons of conventional
arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained
reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European
intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi
weapons collaboration.
Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated
from other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and
Lebanon, and possibly to Iran, he said.
The Russian involvement in helping disperse Saddam's weapons,
including some 380 tons of RDX and HMX, is still being investigated, Mr.
Shaw said.
The RDX and HMX, which are used to manufacture high-explosive and
nuclear weapons, are probably of Russian origin, he said.
Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States,
mandated by Congress in 1997 and headed by Donald Rumsfeld (President Gerald
Ford's Secretary of Defense), detailed its findings in a 307-page report.
Within this report it was noted that "Russian assistance has greatly
accelerated Iran's ballistic missile program."
On January 29, 1997, the U.S. embassy in Moscow
received a secret cable from the State Department in Washington. A
delegation of Israeli military intelligence officials had been in Washington
and reported that Russia was deeply involved in Iran's project to
develop medium-range ballistic missiles based on the North Korean No Dong
[missile]. The Israelis stated that the cooperation was "a severe
threat" to Israel.
A CIA intelligence report disclosed in March 1997
that the Iranian president "considers obtaining Russian military
technology one of Iran's primary foreign policy goals." The report
further states, "Iran has a budgetary reserve of $10 billion, much of
which it is willing to dedicate towards military purchases from
In a recent Middle East Newsline article, it is
reported that Iran's ICBM program is quickly nearing completion, with a
little help from guess who:
The U.S. intelligence community forecasts an Iranian launch
of an intercontinental ballistic missile by 2005.
The assessment by the CIA predicts an Iranian crash
development program that completes the intermediate-range Shihab-3, Shihab-4
and then focuses on a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile that
could strike the United States. The program would be aided by China, North
Korea and Russia and continue regardless of whether Iranian
reformists gain power. ("Iran could launch ICBM by 2005," Special
to World MIDDLE EAST NEWSLINE, September 27, 2000)
recently, the Washington Times reported that "The CIA's latest
semiannual report to Congress on arms transfers stated that Russia is
continuing to sell advanced conventional weapons to Iran." ("Russia
said to aid Iran's missile effort," Washington Times, October 6, 2000)
May 29, 1998, an underground nuclear explosion occurred in a remote region
of southwestern Pakistan. With this successful underground test, Pakistan
became the first new developing nation in over twenty years to detonate a
nuclear weapon. A recent news article verifies that not only has
Pakistan developed nuclear capabilities, but it has also developed
intermediate-range ballistic missile technology:
Pakistan is set to test-fire its intermediate-range ballistic
missile Shaheen-II, a weapon whose 1,550-mile range makes it capable of
reaching India's major cities, according to Pakistani newspaper reports
published Tuesday.
"The Shaheen-II is ready for testing and we
are waiting for the orders to go ahead," one report quoted nuclear
scientist Dr Abdul Qadir Khan as saying....
Qadir said Pakistan has a stockpile of missiles and
nuclear bombs capable of striking all of the major cities in India,
Pakistan's archenemy. "I can even name the cities but that would not be
proper," he said.
Claiming that Pakistan has a foolproof and flawless
system in place for delivery of nuclear weapons, Khan said "our nuclear
facilities are at par with any other similar facilities in any part of the
Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear program,
said the nation crossed the nuclear threshold in 1985 but had to defer tests
until provoked by India, which tested nuclear weapons on May 12, 1998,
prompting similar tests by Pakistan 17 days later.
Khan denied reports that Pakistan had borrowed the
missile technology from
China and North Korea and said the missiles were
"developed at home by
Pakistani scientists." ("Pakistan tests medium-range missile,
papers say," UPI, September 26, 2000)
mainstream media is misleading the public again, this time concerning
Chinese involvement in Pakistan's nuclear arms program. It is common
knowledge among many journalists that, starting in December of 1994, China
sold some five thousand ring magnets to Pakistan. These magnets are
necessary components in making the fuel needed for nuclear bombs.
China also supplied nuclear weapons design material and several reactors.
This information was made known to the National Security Agency in December
of 1995. But due to a cover-up by the Clinton administration and
various government officials, the public was not made aware of this until
February 5, 1996, when Bill Gertz broke the story on the front page of the Washington
The CIA later produced an unclassified report to
Congress covering the period between July and December 1996. This report
stated that "During the last half of 1996, China was the most
significant supplier of weapons of mass destruction goods and technology to
foreign countries." The report also stated that "The
Chinese provided a tremendous variety of assistance to both Iran's and
Pakistan's ballistic missile programs."
is the hallmark of communism to foment hatred and wars throughout the world.
Considering that both China and North Korea have armed Pakistan, and Russia
has been arming India (Pakistan and India are enemies), it appears that
Pakistan and India have been "set up" for a very bloody
confrontation in the near future. Recall that Our Lady of Fatima predicted
Russia would "provoke wars":
"India, which boosted defense spending by an
unprecedented 28 percent this year, is in final stage of talks with Russia
to buy tanks and fighter jets and to acquire an aircraft carrier. In
particular, India plans to buy 100 T-90 tanks as part of a program to
replace its army’s Soviet-era T-72 tanks... As the Russian press reported
a few weeks ago, a new diesel-electric Russian submarine purchased by
India’s navy left St. Petersburg for India. The Kilo-class Sindhushastra
was the tenth submarine to be built for India in Russia. The RF has sold the
same model of diesel-electric submarines to Poland, Romania, Algeria, Iran
and China." "Russian
Arms Sales Booming," Colonel Lunev, September 29, 2000
(October 2, 2000, CNN) NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Russian
President Vladimir Putin is visiting India for a summit in which defense and
arms sales will dominate the agenda. The two sides are expected to sign a
dozen agreements, the most prominent of them being the announcement of a
strategic partnership. India is spending billions more on defense as it
emerges as a major force in Asia. This year alone, its defense budget
increased 28 percent. Most of that money is being used to buy hardware—from
Russia. Currently the Indian army—the third largest in the world—buys
70 percent of its weapons from Moscow, making defense a cornerstone of
India-Russian ties. "It is Russia that has stood by India in
every military or other major political situation we have faced," said
India's Defense Minister George Fernandes.
"India and Russia signed a $3bn (£2bn) arms
deal, India's biggest, which will for the first time involve the joint
production and marketing of Russian-designed weapons systems."
("India and Russia sign $3 billion arms deal," by David Gardner in
New Delhi, October 4, 2000)
you were to tell your friends that the Venezuelan government has just fallen
to communism, you would probably be labeled as crazy. But such a naive
reaction is only possible today because many Americans are the victims of a
steady diet of media propaganda and spin. It is a fact that a Marxist, Hugo
Chavez, has taken control of Venezuela, with the help of 1,500 Cuban agents
that infiltrated Venezuela in order to assist the "election
A Cuban defector was forced into hiding following a
presidential order for his arrest, prompted by his accusation that there was
massive Cuban infiltration of Venezuelan society prior to that nation's
elections—a charge that both the Cuban and Venezuelan governments
denied, and which the Cuban embassy in Venezuela described as a
Chavez ordered the arrest of Juan Rosabal after Rosabal
made an accusation that he was part of a group of 1,500 intelligence agents
sent to infiltrate Venezuela, whose mission was to spread the communist
message through virtually all levels of Venezuelan society. ("Castro
denies election involvement," WorldNetDaily, July 29, 2000)
revelation that Cuban agents had been sent to infiltrate Venezuelan society
was voiced by Juan Alvaro Rosabal Gonzalez, himself a former Cuban
intelligence agent:
Cuba is
using a small army of covert agents to brainwash Venezuelans into
re-electing the Castro-supporting president, charges a defector who claims
to be a former Cuban intelligence operative. According to Juan Alvaro
Rosabal Gonzalez, Cuba’s DGI intelligence agency has sent 1,500 agents to
infiltrate Venezuelan society and "brainwash" people into
supporting President Hugo Chavez, a friend and supporter of Cuban dictator
Fidel Castro, in next week’s presidential election. Chavez opponent
Francisco Arias has won the backing of Venezuela’s middle and upper
classes by denouncing Chavez's ties to the communist leader, while Chavez
has the support of the poor and leads in polls by a strong 15 percent.
Last year, Chavez described Cuba as "a sea of
happiness" after visiting the island.
In a TV interview Rosabal said Friday he was one of
1,500 agents sent by Castro to "brainwash" Venezuelans.
"We're conducting an ideological job to infiltrate the universities and
the country's most humble sectors to make them see that Venezuela must
change," he said. ("Cuban
Agents Infiltrating Venezuela, Alleged Defector Says," NewsMax, July
24, 2000)
eight years ago, Lt. Col. Chavez, then an army paratrooper, attempted an
unsuccessful Marxist coup against the democratic Venezuelan government. What
was impossible by an attempted military takeover has now been accomplished
by a swayed election. The media is touting Chavez as a democrat, as it did
Castro years ago:
Castro-style takeover is taking place right in America's backyard, but
practically no one is paying attention.
It wouldn't be quite accurate to say that the
leftist takeover of Venezuela by former Lt. Col. Hugo Chavez has been
totally ignored by the major media.
Here and there we do find isolated reports of
events in Venezuela after the election to the presidency last July of the
45-year-old Marxist. But most of these reports have a clear slant in
accepting Chavez, who has proclaimed that his power-grab, his "peaceful
revolution," is intended to bring true democracy to Venezuela.
The Chavez coverage here in the U.S. bears an eerie
resemblance to the positive press treatment afforded a young Fidel Castro,
who promised democracy for the Cuban people. ("U.S.
on Siesta As Communist Coup Takes Place in Venezuela," Newsmax,
September 8, 1999)
Chavez's recent travels was a visit to Saddam Hussein, which angered the
U.S. State Department. Spokesman Richard Boucher stated that Chavez's trip
was "particularly galling,'' since Chavez will be the first
democratically elected head of state to go to Baghdad—a fact that he added is a "dubious distinction.''
massive military buildup has taken place in Nicaragua. Already in 1986,
Bulgarian ships had delivered more than 15,000 tons of heavy military
equipment to the Nicaraguan port of El Bluff.
As of 1986 there were already 120 anti-aircraft
guns, 700 heat-seeking missiles and more than 100 heavy tanks, at least 18
helicopters and several MIG warjets in Nicaragua. Today there are many more.
On the very same day that Mikhail Gorbachev was in
Washington signing the INF Treaty, his accomplices in Moscow were agreeing
to provide Nicaragua with enough arms to conquer any nation in Latin
The Russians are building one of the largest
military ports in the entire world on the west coast of Nicaragua, large
enough to base an entire Communist fleet a few miles from the Panama Canal
and to unload massive amounts of military hardware, including new Soviet
tanks with reactive armor that no U.S. tank cannon can destroy. A
600,000-man army is being formed, that is, an army larger than the whole
North American based U.S. Army, and that army will be equipped with
high-tech weapons. A 10,500 foot airstrip with six foot deep runways that
can accommodate the most deadly Soviet bombers is now completely built at
Punta Huete in Nicaragua. This airstrip is already fortified as a military
installation. Anti-aircraft batteries and surface to air missiles are
already in place.
Communist Nicaraguan pilots are already being
trained in Communist Bulgaria to fly the Soviet MIG fighter jets that have
already been shipped in crates to Nicaragua.
The final preparations for the total military
conquest of North America are now being made. Tomas Borge, the Interior
Minister of Nicaragua said: "We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Mexico. One day, tomorrow or
five years or fifteen years from now, we're going to take 5 to 10 million
Mexicans and they are going into Dallas, into El Paso, into Houston, into
New Mexico, into San Diego, and each one will have embedded in his mind the
idea of killing ten Americans." (Thomas Borge, Nicaragua Interior
Minister as quoted in Washington Times, March 27, 1985)
Years ago, pictures of Soviet tanks were taken 100
miles south of Brownsville, Texas, outside Ciudad Victoria, Mexico. The
pictures were presented to the U.S. State Department, but the affair was
"hushed up".
[Note: a very interesting footnote to the
communist inroads in Nicaragua is Our Lady's words on June 18, 1987, that
she actually spoke in locution to President Reagan concerning Nicaragua:
"You see, My child and My children, I am sure that with
My attempts to approach your president of the United States . . . . Yes, My
child, though he is not of the Faith, I have approached him. He heard My
voice. He heard My voice but cannot speak of it. He does not understand the
fully supernatural.
I asked him to be sure that he does not let the evil go from the shores
of Nicaragua, and also cut off all the supplies in the Persian Gulf. You
understand, My children, that what you read in your newspapers are not fully
the truth. They are, also, guarded well by a group named the
Illuminati." (Our Lady, June 18, 1987)
incredible as this sounds, it was confirmed by a TV show called "The
Reporters" (which investigated this claim). The White House phone
records showed that President Reagan did call a promoter of Our Lady of the
Roses in California, who had passed to the President some literature via
President Reagan's brother. In this telephone conversation, the
President said, "I will do my best to serve Him." President
Reagan acted upon this request of Our Lady, and provided military assistance
to oppose the communists in Nicaragua. His docility to the requests of Our
Lady of the Roses should be an inspiration to us all.]
Panama Canal is what is known as a "choke-point," one of four
places in the world where a small area can block trade for an entire
continent. This tiny canal cuts 8,000 miles off the trip around South
America, saving as much as two weeks of transport time. In the outbreak of a
war, the use of this Canal would be of strategic importance to quickly move
military forces from one ocean to the other. The Chinese presence and
domination of Panama and the Canal has become a matter of great concern to
military experts and certain government leaders. Panama has signed a 50-year
lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with a company called
"Hutchison Whampoa" run by one Li Ka-Shing. Ka-Shing is a member
of China's ruling power elite and Hutchison Whampoa is connected to China's
ruling council. According to Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, Hutchison
Whampoa is "an arm of the People's Liberation Army" and
that U.S. naval ships will now be "at the mercy" of Red Chinese.
A stunning article was written in 1999 concerning
Panama by Admiral Thomas Moorer, who retired from active duty after serving
two terms as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's highest
military post. In this assessment of the communist Chinese involvement in
Panama, and the threat that this poses to U.S. national security, we have
the benefit of an expert's analysis, as well as a patriot's:
For the
last two years I've been fighting an often lonely battle against Bill
Clinton and what could well be the deadliest sellout of America in our
I feel today as I did on the eve of Pearl Harbor.
America is in danger and we could face another Pearl Harbor—only this time
it may be a nuclear Pearl Harbor.
I am referring to Bill Clinton's decision to OK the
imminent takeover of the Panama Canal by Communist China. For over 80 years,
keeping the Canal under the control of the U.S. was properly regarded as
vital for the safety of all Americans.
Control of the Canal will give China the ability to
block vital food and oil shipments to the U.S.... prevent deployment of our
navy in times of national emergency... and create an enemy beachhead within
striking distance of our cities. Red Chinese J-11 attack jets—each of
which can drop 13,000 pounds of bombs—launched from Panama can strike our
This is the same regime that massacred thousands of students
at Tiananmen Square and which supplies terrorist regimes in Iran, Syria,
Libya and North Korea with missiles and weapons of mass destruction.
This is the same regime which "harvests"
the organs of political dissidents, burns churches and imprisons millions of
its own citizens in concentration camps.
This is the same China that stole our most secret
nuclear weapons, missile and satellite technology and tried to smuggle into
California 100,000 automatic weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition.
We still don't know for sure why China was smuggling these weapons into the
United States.
This is the same communist government that calls
America "the #1 enemy" and threatened to attack Los Angeles with
nuclear weapons if we interfere with their planned re-conquest of Taiwan.
Thanks to Bill Clinton and China's recent,
wholesale acquisition of U.S. military technology, China is now building
weapons of mass destruction at breakneck speed and rapidly becoming a global
military power. Control of the Panama Canal will give Communist China a
beachhead for expanded aggression in Latin America and direct assault on the
U.S. ("Analysis:
America risks a nuclear Pearl Harbor," Admiral Thomas H. Moorer,
November 17, 1999)
insightful articles can be found at, in their Panama
canal archive.
has been the recipient of Russian, Chinese, and North Korean weapons and
military technology. With this technical know-how, Syria is reported to have
the largest array of mobile tactical ballistic missiles in the Middle East:
Israeli defense officials have quietly confirmed that China
has exported to Syria M-9 ("Dong Feng" DF-15) ballistic missiles
reported to have a range of over 370 miles and capable of carrying a
1,100-pound payload, including a tactical nuclear warhead of about 10
kilotons in yield.
The M-9 missile transfer is a violation of the
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and should require the Clinton
administration automatically invoke U.S. economic sanctions against China.
The administration has taken no such action.
The Clinton administration knew of the Chinese M-11
ballistic missile sales to the Middle East while publicly denying the
transfers to avoid imposing sanctions....
According to Israeli Defense Force officials, Syria
now has the largest force of mobile tactical ballistic weapons in the Middle
East, including an unspecified number of M-9 missiles purchased from China.
Syria currently fields 460 missiles—mostly older Soviet designed
SCUD-C and SCUD-B liquid-fueled tactical missiles—plus a few Syrian-built
copies of the SCUD. ("How
China sold Syria nuke-capable missiles," WorldNetDaily, October 19,
Syria already possesses the Russian-made Scud B
missile with a range of 185 miles. Based on Russian technology, North Korea
then developed the Scud C missile with a range of 310 miles. The North
Koreans have set up a factory within Syria for the assembly of Scud D
parts either imported from North Korea or, possibly, manufactured by
Syrians. ("Libya,
Syria buy North Korean rocket," Newsmax, May 30, 2000)
recent headline has added significance in light of the Mideast tensions that
escalate day by day:
Syria now is able to launch nuclear or biological missiles
from anywhere within its borders to anywhere within Israel, thanks to
Communist North Korea's help. According to a report in World
Israeli defense officials acknowledged that Syria
– still technically at war with the Jewish state – has successfully
carried out its first test launch of the new, longer-range Scud D
surface-to-surface ballistic missile. They said the test took place in
northeastern Syria on Saturday. Its significance, they said, is that the
Scud D's longer range – 370 to 435 miles – enables the Syrians to do two
things they could not do with their Scud C model's shorter range of 310
miles. First, they can now hit anywhere inside Israel from anywhere inside
Syria. Second, that in turn enables them to place their Scud batteries in
sites that are most difficult for Israel to find and to strike back at. This
is especially sobering, because these missiles are configured to carry a
"non-conventional warhead," which means a nuclear or biological
tip. ("Syria
tests latest North Korean Scud, Newsmax," September 26, 2000)
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 27,1979 and with it toppled the
communist government of Hafizullah Amin, replacing him with Babrak Karmal, a
long time KGB spy and the head of the Parcham faction of the People
Democratic Party of Afghanistan. The Afghan war was fought under four
general secretaries—Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov and Gorbachev.
Although many in the West naively viewed Gorbachev as a liberal democrat,
the bloodiest years of fighting in Afghanistan (1985-1986) were under his
The more than 600,000 Soviet soldiers that fought
in Afghanistan were primarily from the western republics, including Ukraine,
Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. As a result of the war, the number of Afghan
refugees reached 5 million in the early 1990s. In addition to those who left
the country, there were 2 million internal refugees who were forced to leave
their homes. According to Amnesty International, the refugees who left
Afghanistan were "the largest refugee group in the world."
(Amnesty International, Annual Report, 1989, covering the year 1988,
p. 172)
Atrocities were common. It is reported that in
March 1979 in the village of Keral "1,700 adults and children, the
entire male population of the village, were all assembled in the town square
and machine-gunned at point blank range." (Black Book of Communism, p.
Terror tactics were used even against Afghan
children. It is reported that at the height of the war, Soviet troops
deliberately targeted children, dropping booby-trapped toys from airplanes.
(Black Book of Communism, p. 719). Also, it is estimated that more
than 30,000 children between the ages of six and fourteen were abducted and
sent to the Soviet Union.
Between 1.5 million and 2 million Afghans were
killed, 90% of whom were civilians, and between 2 million and 4 million were
My children of the United States, do you not understand what is ahead for
you? Your country, the United States, has not known what it is to suffer
through destructive forces. My children, you shall not escape the
destruction that the Bear of communism has set upon many countries in Europe
and the world." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1978
Directives from Heaven....
- Consecrate Russia
D103 -
D104 -
Visions of the
Great War: The Mideast
Visions of the
Great War: Russia and China
Russia's master plan
Planned U.S. invasion through Mexico
Missile invasion
First strike
Masters of deceit
Communism dead???
Veronica's "landing
points" vision: Is this the communist strategy for invading the United
Africa: Global communism,
part 2
Russian spying in the
United States has reached the high-water mark of the Cold War
June 18, 1992
-- Communism
death; a ruse. (click
October 2, 1987 - Consecrate Russia, or else... (click
April 14, 1984 -- Do
not take lightly the reports of ships out on the sea and submarines... (click

June 18, 1984 -- You are surrounded now by reconnaissance
planes and also by missiles (click

March 26, 1983 -- Russia plans to invade the United States
with missiles (click

May 28, 1983 - The Third World War... (click
November 20, 1978 --
...Pray for your new Pope. He must be
given the strength even unto the point of martyrdom if necessary. He must
not allow Communism to control Rome. (click
External Links...
The enemy behind our enemy: Russia is the spider at
the center of the global terrorism web
Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms, Washington Times, October 28,
Russia moved Iraq's weapons to Syria, Front Page
magazine, October 28, 2004
said to aid Iran's missile effort," Washington Times, October 6, 2000
Arms Sales Booming," Colonel Lunev, September 29, 2000
The Perestroika
Fears Sneak Russian Attack (, January 25, 2000)
Russia and
China: An Anti-American Alliance (, July 19, 2000)
Russia Arming
Chinese Navy Against U.S. (, July 12, 2000)
Nuclear Attack, Part 1, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Nuclear Attack, Part 2, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Economic Moves and What They Portend, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Genuine Threat of War? J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Threats: Then and Now - Introduction (WorldNetDaily)
Moscow Be Trusted: Russia's Hidden Nuclear Missiles - Part I (WorldNetDaily)
Moscow Be Trusted: Inside Russia's Magic Mountain - Part II (WorldNetDaily)
Anxiety, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)
Warns Russia Will Strike First
(, January 17, 2000)
and China Prepare for War -- Part 1 (Christopher Ruddy)
and China Prepare for War -- Part 2: Clinton's Sell-Out of America: (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 3: Russia and China -- Our Friends? (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 4: Russia May Launch a Surprise Attack
Against US (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 5: Russia’s Recent Military Build-up (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 6: Eleven Signs of a Russian Surprise
Attack (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 7: United States is Unprepared for War (Christopher
and China Prepare for War -- Part 8: Why are Most Americans Oblivious to
These Terrifying Facts? (Christopher
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