
The beginnings of 
World War III...




Veronica - And I can see now Jesus and Our Lady are going high up into the sky, and there's forming directly over Our Lady's statue, high in the skyit is a cross, a very large cross. The handle, though, of a . . . daggerit looks like a dagger, a knife. It's a strange-looking dagger with a loop at the bottom, like. It's a symbol. And Jesus is nodding.
Jesus - "You will understand, My child, soon."
Veronica - Yes, it is a, like a saber. Gee, it, it's a very strange-looking, dagger-like saber, with a cross on a handle. Likeit's not the kind that you seeit looks almost like Arabian or something. I can't explain itlike a very strange-looking Arabic, or something. I don't know where I have seen that before, but it's a very odd-looking type of dagger-like sword, with a hook on the end of it, though. That's strange. Oh, now it's beginning to fade; I can't see it anymore. (December 24, 1979)

Veronica - ... and there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it; they're all aflame....
Our Lady - "The wars shall increase, and the carnage shall increase, and those who are living will often envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.... When he left the Eternal Father he turned to satan, and this is his reward." (June 30, 1984)

Our Lady - "Many mothers shall face in the world calamity the loss of their sons. Many shall truly join Me upon the Cross."
Veronica - I see, it looks like a large field. Oh, it's like a countryside because there are mountains and I am looking down now upon a river... Oh, no, it's more like a lake because I can see all the foliage and the trees around it, but down now over in the woods there are many, many crosses—crosses white-washed, painted white. Now I am looking down and now I'm walking among these crosses and they do not have names upon the crosses.
Our Lady - "My child, look and weep with Me, for you are witnessing the total destruction that will come upon mankind in the great War, your Third World War. So many will die, My child, that there will not be time to mark the graves.
     "Mothers shall long to see and know where their sons lie but to no avail! This comfort shall not be given to them, so great will be the loss of life! Can you not turn back now and beg the forgiveness of the Eternal Father before it is too late? Are you so blind to the truth, My children, that you do not see the road you are traveling on?" (March 29, 1975)

Veronica - . . . Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a map. Oh, my!
     Now as I am watchingit's a map of . . . oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!
     And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." (March 29, 1975)

Our Lady - "You ask, My child, how this situation evolved. It was not in the plan of God to bring the great Chastisement upon you at this time. It is the will of man that has forced His hand upon you.
     "The great plague and darkness will come before the Ball of Redemption.
     "Gradually you will find the extinction of man evolving from the earth. The Father does not plan to completely eradicate man from earth as He did during the time of Noah, choosing only a few to set up the Kingdom.
     "There will be a great War..."
Veronica - And over to the left side of the flagpole there's written a word: "YELLOW AGAINST WHITE - WHITE AGAINST BLACK", and then there's a large cross over the world. It's a globe of the world, and there's blood dripping over on one side. And there's a pool of blood; it's like a river. And now the word comes out from inside the blood, and it says: "PALESTINE" P - A - L - E - S - T - I - N - E, and underneath, "JERUSALEM." (March 25, 1973)

Our Lady - "Wars are a punishment for man's sins. My children, My heart is torn. I stand with you observing your road, the path you are traveling. Many lives shall be lost in the great War.
     "The forces of evil are gathering about the city of Jerusalem. I walked there, My children. My home will be destroyed. There shall be much blood shed upon My home." (June 24, 1976)

Our Lady - "Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Already your sons are being sent to be there with the invasion in the Mideast. Is this what you want, My children? Can you not give your prayers and acts of reparation for those who have no one to pray for them? They are all Our sheep and We wish that they would be gathered into a holy land. The word 'holy' strikes a chord of misery, My child; I have no way to explain but to tell you, misery." (May 25, 1983)


#57 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part I)
#58 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part II)
#59 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part III)


External links:

U.S. warned over support for Israel: Saudi Arabia says relations between 2 nations may suffer, WorldNetDaily, October 30, 2000

Ayatollah urges 'liberation' of Palestine: Iranian leader calls Arab states to battle 'against the Zionist regime', WorldNetDaily, October 28, 2000

Arafat says Barak can “go to hell,” WorldNetDaily, October 23, 2000

Exploiting violent emotions in the Middle East, J.R. Nyquist, October 23, 2000

Israel braces for Palestinian chaos, October 23, 2000

Arabs declare jihad and agree $1billion aid deal for Palestinians, October 22, 2000

Hezbollah Calls on Arab Leaders to Support Palestinian Uprising, NewsMax, October 21, 2000

Kremlin puppets and how they work, J.R. Nyquist, October 19, 2000

”Is this how World War III begins?" WorldNetDaily October 13, 2000

"Israel on brink of all-out war," October 9, 2000

"Barak: cease rioting or it's war," New York Post, October 8, 2000

"Barak Issues 48 Hour Ultimatum," Washington Post, October 7, 2000

"Anti-Israeli demonstrations in Egypt, Syria, Iraq," October 7, 2000

"Israel faces war on two fronts as fighting breaks out in Lebanon," October 7, 2000

"Sheikh Incites Muslims to Put Jews in Graves," October 6, 2000

"Palestinian-Israeli battles kill nine," Washington Post, October 6, 2000

"Arafat attends rally in Tunisia in support of Palestinians," October 6, 2000

"Saddam threatens Israel," BBC news, October 4, 2000

"Middle East close to 'all out war,'" October 4, 2000

"Violence spreads in Israel," NewsMax, October 3, 2000

"There are signs the battle for Jerusalem may be under way," MSNBC, October 1, 2000

"Arab Groups Blast Israel, Militants Urge Vengeance," Reuters, October 1, 2000

"Israelis use missiles against Palestinian police," UPI, October 1, 2000

"West Bank Deadly Clashes in 3rd Day," AP, October 1, 2000

"Saudis back Arafat on Jerusalem as New York talks go on," September 15, 2000

"Palestinians get strong support at Jerusalem conference," August 28, 2000


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