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magazine's ominous article on how WW III could begin in the Mideast:
The Lebanon - Israeli border and the "worst case scenario"...
"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1981
(Note: TLDM has come across the following articles indicating that Syrian-backed Hizbullah terrorists may be ready to open up a second front against Israeli. President Bush has given Syria a "non-negotiable" deadline to pull all of its troops and agents out of Lebanon by May 2005. He stated that if Syria does not comply, "my last choice is military." Several years ago Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s secretary-general, admitted that his fighters were “getting fully ready for direct military intervention from Lebanon” to assist the Palestinian intifada. Commenting on the redeployment of Syrian troops, Amin Gemayel, former Lebanese President (Christian Opposition) stated, "What is dangerous is this deployment on the borders. We have information that the Syrian army will stay in the mountain range within the Lebanese border." We may be horribly close to the fulfillment of Our Lady's prophecy concerning Syria. The opening of this second front is "the worst-case scenario," mentioned by both Time magazine and Newsmax).
Time magazine: Worst-Case Scenario - www.time.com April 4, 2002
The potential disaster: how the crisis could push
the region's armies into a conflict beyond their control
How would it begin? In one grim scenario, it would start with Egypt's Hosni
Mubarak, who is in the most exposed position of all. His controlled media have
long been replete with fervent anti-Israeli propaganda in a deliberate attempt
to deflect attention from corruption and mismanagement at home. Endless
television replays of the most brutal scenes of the Israeli occupation have
hammered home the message that Egypt's most urgent concern is the plight of the
Palestinians. At the same time, what is still a military-based regime justifies
large expenditures on the armed forces amid extreme poverty by boasting of their
strength. Mubarak therefore risks becoming the prisoner of his own propaganda:
If Palestine is all-important and Egypt that strong, why not use its strength
against the Israelis? The least dangerous Egyptian move would be disastrous in
its consequences. Violating Anwar Sadat's peace treaty, cutting itself off from
vital U.S. aid, the Egyptian army could send part of its vast forces--say, the
four tank divisions and eight mechanized divisions with 1,600 battle tanks,
including first-line U.S. M1A1s--into the Sinai peninsula to threaten the
Israeli frontier. Compelling the Israelis to mobilize their own army, which
would very likely freeze any further action against the Palestinians, would make
sense as a piece of military gamesmanship. But strategically it would be
catastrophic, because if the Egyptians acted, Syria's young and insecure
President Bashar Assad would most likely feel compelled to compete with them by
sending his own armored forces--seven divisions with 2,000 tanks--to threaten
the Golan frontier. And then even King Abdullah of Jordan, who greatly values
his peace treaty with Israel, might come under irresistible pressure from his
Palestinian subjects to send his two armored and two mechanized divisions,
equipped with some 700 tanks, opposite the Jordanian frontier. http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020408/scenario.html
Lebanese-Israeli Border Brimming With Tension
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax, Wednesday, April 3, 2002:
A terrorist squad, April 2, opened fire on Israeli vehicles traveling close to
the Lebanese border. Although Israeli security authorities said there was no
indication of a terrorist infiltration from the northern border, they did not
rule out the possibility that the attack was planned in Lebanon.
Lending credibility to the Lebanon
connection, Israeli intelligence sources reportedly gleaned just hours before
the firefight that the Hezbollah was planning an attack in the north in the hope
of "igniting the northern front.” It was also learned that Hezbollah
sought to conduct "solidarity” operations with the Palestinians -- hoping
to pull Israel into fighting on the northern border....
The worst-case scenario, as seen by
Middle East watchers: a movement of Palestinian fighters toward the
Israeli-Lebanon border, potentially joining forces with Hezbollah militants
already itching to fight Israel again. Despite the expectation of
devastating retaliations by Israel, the weak, Syrian-dominated Lebanese
government may not be able to stem the war beat vitalized by the Israeli–Palestinian
bloodletting. Enter a wider conflict in the region. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/4/3/60645.shtml
Bush gives Syria 'non-negotiable' deadline:
Demands withdrawal of troops, secret service from Lebanon by May, WorldNetDaily,
March 4, 2005
President Bush has given Syria a "non-negotiable" deadline to pull all of its
troops and agents out of Lebanon by May to pave the way for free parliamentary
"The subject that is most on my mind right now is
getting Syria out of Lebanon, and I don't mean just the troops out of Lebanon, I
mean all of them out of Lebanon, particularly the secret service out of Lebanon
-- the intelligence services," he told members of the New York Post editorial
board in an interview yesterday.
"This is non-negotiable. It is time to get out. ... I
don't think you can have fair elections with Syrian troops there," Bush
When asked by the Post whether he would back the
deadline up with a threat of military action, Bush responded "no" but then
appeared to leave the door open.
"The 'or else' is further isolation from the world," he
told the paper, adding, "You know, the president should never take any options
off the table, [but] my last choice is military."
Assad Announces Lebanon Troop Withdrawal - Fox News, March 5, 2005
President Bashar Assad, responding to weeks of intense pressure, announced
Saturday that Syria would move its troops to the Lebanese-Syrian border in a
two-step pullback that he said should satisfy international demands for a
complete pullout.
It was not clear whether Assad meant he would keep some
troops within Lebanon's border, but a Syrian Cabinet minister said later that a
withdrawal would be complete and will be "in the nearest possible time."
"We will withdraw our forces stationed in Lebanon fully
to the Bekaa region (in the east) and later to the Lebanese-Syrian border
areas," he said in a carefully worded address, drawing cheers from legislators
in the chamber and the thousands of Syrian supporters listening outside the
U.S.: Syria Pledge Not Enough, Fox News, March 5, 2005
Keeping up the pressure on Syria, the United States on Saturday strongly
criticized President Bashar Assad for announcing only a partial pullback of his
troops from Lebanon.
"President Assad's announcement is not enough," the
State Department said in a statement issued hours after the Syrian leader made
the pledge in a speech to parliament.
"As President Bush said Friday, when the United States
and France say withdraw, we mean complete withdrawal — no halfhearted measures,"
the statement said.
Assad said in Damascus that Syria gradually would pull
troops back eastward to the Syrian border.
Bush has said that anything less than a complete
withdrawal of 15,000 Syrian troops and intelligence services by May — when
parliamentary elections in Lebanon are to be held — would be an unacceptable
"half-measure." France, Britain, Germany and Saudi Arabia have made the same
Syria Shifts Troops Toward Israel - Thursday, April 4, 2002
BEIRUT, Lebanon – Syrian trucks were spotted Wednesday heading east from the hills above Lebanon's coast toward the Bekaa Valley and Israel, according to Al-Markaziah, the Lebanese news agency. The agency said the Syrian forces were to evacuate positions in Mount Lebanon and coastal areas and organize in the Bekaa. The report follows an announcement earlier Wednesday by Lebanese officials that the Syrian army will redeploy its forces in some areas of Lebanon within a week.***
Lebanon border tensions raise second-front fear - April 4, 2002
United Nations peacekeepers in southern Lebanon say that
tensions on the border are rising to boiling point, with Hezbollah guerrilla
fighters appearing determined to open a second front against Israel. As
far as Hezbollah’s fighters are concerned, it is only a matter of time.
“We don’t know when it will start.
Only God knows that. But it will happen,” one unarmed fighter said as he gazed
at the massive walls of an Israeli Army compound on the windswept summit of
Sheikh Abbad hill.
A spate of attacks along the volatile
frontier since Saturday, including the first missile strike into northern Israel
in almost two years, has provoked fears that the long-expected second front may
have already begun. Timur Goksel, veteran spokesman for the UN
peacekeepers in south Lebanon, said that the border district “could boil over
at any minute.” “It’s all going in a very wrong, very scary, direction,”
he said. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-256603,00.html
Lebanon-Israel border clashes in second day - April 3, 2002
BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- Fears of another battle front for
Israel increased Wednesday as Hezbollah forces clashed with Israeli troops for
the second consecutive day along the Lebanon-Israel border near the disputed
Golan Heights....
Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
has said Lebanon has no intention of opening a war front along its border with
Israel, but the latest violence in that area came as Syria announced it would
redeploy a substantial number of its forces inside Lebanon. http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/04/03/lebanon.fighting/
Hezbullah forces massing on the Lebanon-Israeli border - April 2, 2002 Fox News
Israel warned Syria and Lebanon on Tuesday [April 2, 2002]
that there could be "very serious consequences" if Hezbollah forces do
not withdraw quickly from what it says is a buildup of troops along its northern
border. "Israel has told a number of European countries, including
Italy, that it is concerned about what appears to be a massing of Hezbollah
forces on its northern border with Lebanon," a senior Italian foreign
ministry official told the Reuters news agency in Rome.
"We have passed onto Syria and
Lebanon that Israel says that if there is no disengagement, then the Israeli
response could be very serious," he said. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,49323,00.html
For more information on this very serious situation, please read our article on Hizbullah: http://www.tldm.org/News4/Hizbullah.htm
Our Lady of
the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." - Our Lady, May 30, 1981
Our Lady - "Wars
are a punishment for man's sins. Syria holds the key to peace at this time.
However, I place in front of you, My children, a graphic picture for you to
understand. It will be a parable for some, and some will turn away not willing
to hear what Heaven has to say in these desperate times."
Veronica - Our Lady is pointing up with Her finger,
like this, to Her right side, and high above Her the sky is opening up—all the
clouds are floating away and the sky is opening up and I see a map of the
Mideast. And then Our Lady is pointing up farther and that's another map of
China and Russia. Our Lady is turning back now: She was looking upward also.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, there are
scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and
cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the
Father has great heart for all His children, but when the sin reaches a peak
only known to the Father the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will
take action." - May 28, 1983
Our Lady - "O My
children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you
prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would
go throughout the world cutting down nations and bringing death, destruction,
and slavery.
"And you, My country,
America the beautiful, you are all-wise but stupid in management, for you have
the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to
look." - April 2, 1977
Veronica - . . . Our Lady
now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a
map. Oh, my!
Now as I am watching—it's a map of... oh, I can see
Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There
seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!
And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." - March 29,
Veronica - And oh, oh!
And over by the top of the steeple, I see Saint Francis over there, by--over the
top of the church there's Saint Francis. Oh, and he's picking up this bird; He's
holding the bird in his hand, the bird. The bird looks like it might have died;
its very limp. And Saint Francis now is placing his hand over the bird. No, it's
sitting up in Saint Francis' hand, and Saint Francis is pointing over, over to
the right side. He wants me to look over the right side.
He--oh, I see. He's pointing
over, and over the right side is a map. And he said peace also will be denied
the areas shown. Oh, dear! I can see Egypt, and I see, oh, Asia. Oh, I see a lot
of people there; they're all marching. They look like, kind of like Chinese . .
. Chinese. And oh, they're getting ready for war. They've got all these tanks .
. . all these tanks. And they're all marching, the armies; there's a whole lot
of them. There's so many of them! Many of them look like young children, but
there's so many of them. Oh! And Our Lady said:
Our Lady -
"They are gathering their strength."
Veronica - I
know that's China, and all these kind of--I guess yellow countries. Our Lady's
placing--She's writing "Y-E-L-L-O-W" on the top, right over the map
there. And oh, it looks like they're getting ready for an awful war or
something. They're--oh, yes, they're all marching. Oh, oh. They're all dressed
alike; they're very, very . . . Oh, there's women, too. There's women, too, that
are marching with them, and the girls--the girls look very young; they look very
Oh! Oh! Oh, now over them I
see--oh-h . . . oh, it's Russia! I see Russia now is talking. Oh, they're at a
big desk, a rather large desk. And that . . . umh! At the desk I can see . . . I
know he's Russian. But sitting next to him . . . looks like someone I have seen
before, like . . . I don't know . . . looks almost like Mr. Kissinger . . . I
don't know. But he's sitting at the desk also, and it looks like they're
planning; they're talking about . . . arms or support. I think there's going to
be something going on. And Russia is going to . . . I think it sounds like
they're going to fight. They're going to fight-oh, it's Egypt. I think they're
going to go to war against Egypt and Africa. And--oh! And then Our Lady said:
Our Lady -
"Gathering at Palestine. Gathering at Palestine." -
May 30, 1973
Our Lady - "Wars
are a punishment for man's sins. Already your sons are being sent to be there
with the invasion in the Mideast. Is this what you want, My children? Can you
not give your prayers and acts of reparation for those who have no one to pray
for them? They are all Our sheep and We wish that they would be gathered into a
holy land. The word 'holy' strikes a chord of misery, My child; I have no way to
explain but to tell you, misery." - May 25, 1983
Veronica - There is a great war ahead. It will coincide with the war in the
Mideast. - February 17, 1974
Directives from Heaven... http://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D57 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 1)
D58 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 2)
D59 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 3)
D136 - Visions of the Great War: The Mideast
Terrorist training camps in Lebanon and Syria pose a more urgent threat to the US than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
http://www.tldm.org/news5/syria8.htmPatrick Buchanan foresees Mideast situation ominously similar to that predicted by Our Lady of the Roses
http://www.tldm.org/news6/ww3.htmIsrael to strike Syria?
http://www.tldm.org/news7/Syria8.htmU.S. to Syria: kick out terrorists, get out of Lebanon
http://www.tldm.org/news7/Syria9.htmSaddam-Syria connection: While arguing for 'peace' in U.N., Syria armed Iraqi dictator
http://www.tldm.org/news7/Syria10.htmHezbollah obtained advanced missiles: Israel worries Syria might provide weapons from new Russian deal
http://www.tldm.org/news7/Syria11.htmU.S. withdraws ambassador from Syria
Hezbollah mobilizes supporters for Syria, Seattle Post, March 6, 2005
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