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This was Aired on These Last Days Radio Program
August 24th 1995 through Nov 29th 1996
I used to go to Veronica’s home five days a week to help answer her mail. One day Veronica was in bed with severe back pains. On this day she received a locution from Our Lady. Our Lady said, “Have Ann go to St. Robert Bellarmine. On the grounds where my statue was have Ann dig a hole and place three medals of Our Lady of the Roses.”
St. Robert’s was several blocks away. I didn’t have a shovel, but I took one of Veronica’s large spoons. The soil was moist and I was able to dig a good-sized hole and placed the three medals into it.
The original statue had been removed from the grounds by the Church authorities. This is one of many incidents, which I will relate to you in future radio broadcasts.
As I stated last week, I went to Veronica’s apartment five days a week to help with her mail. On this particular day, we received very little mail and I said to Veronica, “if this continues, and Our Lady wishes Her messages to reach all parts of the world, I will never live to see this happen.” A little while later, Veronica had a locution from Our Lady. Our Lady told Veronica that many arms would be sent to help spread the messages and that I would live to see Her messages go to all parts of the world. This prediction has come true. I will inform you of another incident next week.
In 1973 the messages from Heaven were taken in long hand and then typed and mimeographed on Veronica’s small mimeograph machine.
One day a man from Guam, who attended the Vigils and believed the messages from Heaven, sent to Veronica 15,000 messages. It was a big surprise to see so many boxes of messages being put into Veronica’s small living room. They were piled from the floor to the ceiling. There was very little space left in that room. The messages printed were from 1970 — 1973 in a booklet of thirty-five pages. The size of the booklet was 17” x 12”. It was printed on very expensive glossy paper, the kind one sees on expensive magazines. There was also a six page booklet 17”x12” of miraculous photos all in color.
Several people helped us to distribute these messages. It was reported that a certain priest wanted to know how Veronica could afford publishing such expensive booklets. He was unaware that a generous believer donated them. Our Lady told Veronica she would send many arms to help her.
Veronica told me the following story. The blessing of the cornerstone of St. Robert Bellarmine (new Church) took place on October 3, 1966, the feast of St. Therese. Veronica and Arthur attended the cornerstone ceremonies.
”Veronica and Artie were standing near the cornerstone when the late Bishop Mugavero sprinkled Holy water and it fell on Veronica’s head. The Bishop said to Veronica, “You are the cornerstone of this Church.” Little did the Bishop know that his prediction would come true?
In August 1973, on the vigil grounds I witnessed the spinning of the sun in colors of green, pink and orange. It was a magnificent sight to see. I told my pastor of this spectacular event. He said I was psychosomatic.
I have been fortunate to see this heavenly manifestation many times. Hundreds of pilgrims have witnessed this spectacular happening. We have their written testimonies.
On December 7, 1973 a number of buses from Canada came to the Shrine. They were known as the pilgrims of St. Michael and are consecrated as slaves of Jesus and Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort. They were requested to come to Our Lady of the Roses Shrine by a seer in Italy whose shrine they had attended.
They published a newspaper entitled, “Michael”. I have an old copy in front of me. It is 17”x12” and thirty-two pages. They printed the messages from Heaven given to Veronica including miraculous photos.
I saw Our Blessed Mother holding the Infant Jesus...
On this particular night, December 7, 1973 about four hundred fifty people were present. It was the largest crowd we ever had. It was about 9:30 PM at night when Veronica arrived at the Vigil grounds. Veronica requested everyone to look at the sky. Lo and behold I saw Our Blessed Mother holding the Infant Jesus, standing on a large ball. She was as brilliant as the sun. I was overwhelmed with astonishment. I was unable to sleep that night and many nights thereafter. Many people that night witnessed this heavenly manifestation. We have their testimonies.
The pilgrims from St. Michael did a tremendous task in spreading Heaven’s messages throughout the world. They worked for the Shrine from 1973 — 1977. Our Lady said She would send many hands to help us.
photo Jacinta 1972..
The first miraculous photo taken on the Vigil grounds was on 9/14/71 with a Polaroid instant camera. In a supernatural scrawl across the whole face of the picture are these words, ‘Jacinta 1972.’
Our Lady said on October 6, 1979, “My child the picture “Jacinta” must be read now by all earth’s children. You will study the wording, ‘Jacinta’ and search for lines and figures and numbers. Within the miraculous picture is given the date by God the Father for the Chastisement of mankind. All will be conditional to the response of mankind.”
On April 14, 1973 at a Sunday holy hour for priests, Veronica was present. She said she saw St. Francis standing on the roof of St. Robert Bellarmine Church with a number of birds around him. We didn’t see St. Francis or the birds, but we heard all the birds chirping and no bird was in sight. A pilgrim took a miraculous photo. On the photo appeared a man wearing a long robe surrounded by birds. Veronica said it was St. Francis.
On May 18, 1975 Jesus appeared to Veronica in her home. Jesus said, “Veronica child of grace I hold you very close to My heart and all your good relations. The way I speak of is in reference not to doctrine, but a manner in which to proceed by direction. Your spouse will instruct My child Ann to bring forth two photographs. Only you will know the meaning of these photographs. It is the proof you will need.”
From that day on, when Veronica had to make an important decision, she would phone me. I would take a photo and tell her what was on the photo and she would do the interpretation.
One time a priest from a foreign land wanted to visit her. She requested me to take a photo. On the photo were a goat, a demon and a flying saucer. She did not see that priest.
Before I take the photos, I bless my camera with holy water, light three blessed candles on my altar, then say three Hail Mary” and then I take the photos. I have many albums of miraculous photos. Veronica used to say we have a direct line from Heaven.
St. Therese appeared to Veronica in her bedroom in 1968. Her son Raymond, who was her youngest child, also saw St. Therese. He was about ten years old. When he saw St. Therese he said, “Mom who is that Lady all lit up with a fat face?” Veronica told him who it was. Raymond told all his friends of what he had witnessed. When Veronica told her husband about this apparition, he did not believe her. He thought she was losing her mind. He phoned his doctor who was a friend of the family and told him about Veronica’s vision. Veronica said her husband did not believe her for the first two years.
Veronica went to confession and spoke of her vision to Fr. Nelson a visiting priest from St. John” University in 1968. She told him about St. Therese appearing to her in her bedroom. Father laughed at her and said, “Why should St. Therese appear to an ordinary sinner like you?” Veronica said, “What is an extraordinary sinner?” He laughed again. Veronica said, “St. Therese said the world is now in a bad situation, and now I know what she meant.”
As Veronica watched her husband worry over her sanity, and as she watched her children (who were attending school) being ridiculed because of her, she had an extraordinary task for Heaven. It was only God’s special grace that helped her to persevere.
When St. Therese appeared to Veronica, she said St. Theresa’s face was very small. Then it kept getting larger as it came towards her. Veronica said, “Gee where is her hair or her neck or body? She was surrounded by a great light.” Veronica said, “Who is that?” But just as she said that, there was a blast, a force or an explosion, but it didn’t hurt. She said, “It hit me on the right side of my face and pushed my head up to the left.” After this tremendous force in the face St. Therese entered into her in spirit. For three days, St. Therese lived in her dictating through her, many messages, keeping her awake for three days and three nights. Only after dictation was finished did Veronica retire to rest. One day there was a force, like a pulling at her, pulling out of her and floating away. It was a heartrending experience as she had become so attached to Therese.
St. Therese was placed inside of Veronica as part of a special mission from God the Father. St. Therese said, “I will spend my Heaven doing good on earth.”
St. Therese instructed Veronica that everything she told her was to be put in writing. She said, “We will give Heaven’s messages in a manner, a poetical form.” Veronica had a booklet published entitled, ‘Occulations from Heaven.’ Here is one of the poems:
Dear Holy Father, worried and wan,
Will struggle with Jesus to gather the sheep.
The pastures are rich, but the sheep grow thin,
For the souls have succumbed to the sickness of sin.
You’ll need reinforcements from heavenly shores,
So deep is the darkness of earth’s shallow mores.
All hearts must ascend in true supplication
To avoid the sad fate of divine devastation!
Dear Holy Mother, your Mother of love,
Does beg you heed these dire words from above.
His heart is torn by careless surrender
Of too many souls that don’t try to remember
The Father, the Son, the Spirit of Life,
Smite in the heart with the human knife
Of hate, greed, avarice, vanity -
All indications that sin is insanity.
What more must you do but place the full load
Of saving all souls on the few who are bold,
Who’ll stand up and fight for all Heaven’s glory
And meet with Pope Paul at the end of life’s story.End of Poem.
Veronica told me about a Miss Grace Pera who lived in the apartment next to Veronica. She visited Veronica having lunch in Veronica’s kitchen; they both smelled the beautiful fragrance of roses. There were no flowers around. They happened to look out the kitchen window and saw a large cloud coming towards the apartment. The cloud vanished and instead appeared Our Blessed Mother. They were startled.
In locution Our Lady requested Veronica to pray the Rosary every morning in front of her statue outside St. Robert Bellarmine’s Church. So every morning after Veronica had her children dressed and fed and sent to school, she would pray the Rosary outside of St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Many days were cold, windy and rainy. The children from St. Robert’s School would pass by and ridicule her. Veronica informed her pastor about this and the harassing ceased.
Our Lady requested Veronica to have her first Vigil on June 18, 1970 in front of her statue outside St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Now this sight used to be a “hang out” for teenagers who had beer and drug parties. They were a boisterous group and the neighbors complained frequently about them to the police department. When Veronica and her prayer group appeared on this sight, they were furious. They harassed us by yelling all types of obscene names and throwing eggs and rocks at us. Many nights I came home with eggs on my coat. Dear Veronica was hit with a rock on her ear, thus causing deafness in that ear. June 1 8th, 1970 was the first Vigil I attended with my daughter Maureen at the Sacred Grounds.
October 27, 1995
I belonged to the “Legion of Mary” in my parish. At one of our meetings a member informed us of Veronica Lueken, from Bayside that on June 18w, 1970 at 12:00 noon Our Blessed Mother was to appear to her outside St. Robert Bellarmine Church, in front of Our Lady’s statue. My friend and I went there at 2:00 PM. There was a crowd of people saying the Rosary. Veronica was kneeling in front of Our Lady’s statue. We stayed until 5:00 PM, as we had to return home to prepare dinner for our families. After dinner my daughter Maureen and I returned to Bayside. I remembered it well as it rained very heavy. Veronica was still kneeling in the same spot. We were told that Our Lady would appear. We remained there until 10:00 PM. We returned home disappointed. The next day the party who told me about this event said that Veronica Lueken had hallucinations. I did not hear about Veronica until April 1973.
My daughter and I belonged to a group of trained singers. At one of the meetings, Maureen, who had just returned from Rome, Italy, was relating to a group of people about her trip. In a distance Mary Di Blasio heard Maureen speak of Statues. Mary asked Maureen if she heard about the Statue in front of St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Maureen said no, then Mary told us about Our Lady appearing to Veronica Lueken. We told Mary we had been there on June 18, 1970 and was told the woman had hallucinations. Mary showed us miraculous photos. We were amazed and attended the Vigil on April 14, 1973.
November 3, 1995
In 1974, my daughter Maureen led the rosaries said at each Vigil and I led the congregation in singing. It was in December at a Sunday Holy Hour, while I was singing Gounod’s Ave Maria that Jean Montanaro nudged me to look at my hands. The black gloves had turned to a beautiful royal blue color about one minute then returned to black. Some people said that Veronica was suffering from hallucinations.
I have a letter in front- of me from Doctor Edward O’Keefe counseling psychologist, which I will read to you. See an actual copy of the original letter. (Click here)
Edward A. O’Keefe
Counseling Psychologist
15 Barrows Street
Dedham, MA 02026
January11, 1975
To whom it may concern:
I had the privilege of discussing the happenings at Bayside with Mrs. Veronica Lueken in her home on two occasions for a period of about three hours during 1973.
Besides having a spiritual interest in the alleged events at Bayside, I had a professional interest in Mrs. Lueken herself. Frankly, because of the hard-to-believe events and the statements being made by Veronica Lueken, I was skeptical. I came searching for symptoms of disordered cognition, delusions, and other indications of emotional instability.
I can truthfully state that in my professional opinion Veronica Lueken at that time was intelligent, rational, and completely free from any symptoms of emotional disorder. Her sequence of thought and expression was lucid and forthright, and the religious beliefs she expressed were, to my knowledge, consistent with the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church as propounded by the Vicars of Christ down through the centuries.
Most sincerely,
Dr. Edward A. O’Keefe
November 10, 1995
In August 1973, 1 started to help Veronica answer her mail. I went to her apartment 5 days a week, until 1976, when Veronica moved to Staten Island.
Eight people lived in Veronica’s small apartment. The 4 boys slept in one room. They had 4 bunk beds. The dining room was converted into a bedroom for Veronica and Arthur. Her daughter and Veronica’s disable brother occupied the other two bedrooms.
There was a large oblong mahogany table in the living room, where we answered the mail. Veronica also had an upright piano and a stereo set in her living room —Veronica often played her beautiful classical records. We both enjoyed the same type of music. I studied Voice at the Julliard School of Music. I always enjoyed good music.
Veronica had a wonderful sense of humor and I enjoyed her musical laugh.
One day while answering the mail, I said this party wants scapulars and we are out of them. The phone rang that same day from a religious shop. He wanted to know if we could use scapulars, as he was unable to sell them. We received a large box of scapulars from him — no charge.
Occasionally Veronica would ask me to help her interpret miraculous photos. She received so many of them to interpret. It was a tedious task. I remember we interpreted a picture showing a young man lying in grass in a wooded area — this was in November 1973. At that time Veronica did not know that this picture was pertaining to her youngest son Raymond, who was accidentally shot in January 29, 1974 while vacationing in the country.
November 17, 1995
Veronica had a large album of beautiful miraculous photos, which were given to her by different pilgrims from the Shrine. One day she said I was thinking of showing these photos to Bishop Mugavero -- I said you should — I was born in Brooklyn and lived near the Chancery office. I told Veronica it was only a 45-minute ride from Bayside.
Veronica phoned the Chancery office for an appointment with Bishop Mugavero. Msgr. King answered the phone and told her the day and time to be at the office. Veronica and her husband Arthur went to the Chancery office — Msgr. King greeted them and requested them to wait. Veronica said in the Chancery office there was a large picture of Bishop Mugavero — but no crucifix on the walls — or holy pictures or statues —she was disappointed - another disappointment. The Bishop could not see them.
I wish to state that Nick Sevelan is an artist. He painted a beautiful picture of Veronica and St. Theresa fishing for souls. A copy of this can be seen in the booklet “Occulations from Heaven”
November 24, 1995
As I stated in a previous broadcast that “The Michael” pilgrims from Canada did a tremendous task in spreading the messages from Heaven. I have a 1975 letter in front of me from the Michael people, which reads that the Michael people brought to Bayside aboard the Canadian buses leaflets to be distributed to people at the Vigils from December 7 1973 to December 6 1975. They had 200 buses with 80,000 leaflets on an average, on each bus. This adds up to 16 million leaflets. They also sent by mail approximately 5 million. They were sent to all parts of the world. In view of the wide circulation of Heaven’s messages the attendance at the Vigils increased greatly. At one of the Vigils a letter was read by one of the priests from St. Robert Bellarmine. It was from Msgr. King, Chancellor of the Brooklyn Diocese. Requesting the people to discontinue coming to these prayer Vigils.
I have the letter in front of me dated October 30, 1973. It is too long to read the entire letter. I will read two of the paragraphs Msgr. King said:
“Over the past few weeks we have once again reviewed all the information regarding these “Vigils” and can only conclude that no supernatural significance can be attached. In fact we are more convinced than ever that we must discourage these meeting in every possible way. In view of our complete investigation, and the professional advice given us regarding these spurious photographs we can only conclude that nothing supernatural is occurring and many good people from various parts of the country are being duped.”
Veronica and I and close workers were never questioned or interviewed by Bishop Mugavero or any member from the Chancery office about the apparitions. This statement made by Msgr. King is false and untrue. The pilgrims continue to flock to the Shrine because of their faith in the messages from Heaven.
December 1, 1995
The crowds attending the Vigils increased greatly causing much harassment to the pilgrims by the neighbors. An announcement was made stating that a meeting would be held at the Parish hail of St. Robert Bellarmine Church to discuss Veronica’s Vigils with the parishioners. Veronica requested her husband to attend. Arthur attended. I also attended and so did a number of Veronica’s workers. On the meeting night the neighbors sat on one side of the room and the pilgrims from the shrine sat on the other side of the room. There were two long tables in front of the room Msgr. MacDonald and Mr. C. sat at one table and Arthur Lueken sat at the other table. Many questions were asked by Mr. C. and Msgr. MacDonald. Our pilgrims were competent in giving the proper answers.
Our question was, “If we annoy the neighbors by our prayers why can’t we pray in Church.” The reply was the Church is closed at night.
On Sunday, April 13, 1975, when we arrived to keep our regular Sunday Holy Hour, the grounds around St. Robert’s Church were roped off
December 8, 1995
As I stated in my previous broadcast, the place where we prayed at the Sunday Holy Hour for priests was from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM was roped off We could not enter. My daughter and I went inside the Church and saw Veronica and a few of the pilgrims. They sat in the far left of the Church in front of the Blessed Sacrament. St. Robert’s last mass was poorly attended and there were many vacant pews.
I heard an usher grumbling in a loud voice, “What are all these people doing coming here: They have no right to be here.” We attended the mass respectfully. After the mass we started the Rosary. One weekday at St. Robert’s, after the last morning mass, is the custom to pray the Rosary aloud. A number of the parishioners who did not attend the Vigils prayed the Rosary with us. Before we finished the first Rosary I noticed a large group of photographers and a TV camera looking in at us. We continued praying although we were distracted by a MC and a MS and a number of men from the Civic Association jogging up and down the side and middle aisles. Several people who crossed the altar did not genuflect. We finished the first Rosary. We started the sorrowful mysteries in the middle of the Rosary a strange priest announced from the pulpit that it would be a sacrilege if we prevented a baptismal service. The strange priest was the Chancellor Msgr. King. The Baptisms in my Church are at 4:oo PM. I am in the same diocese. We prayed the Rosary silently while the baptism was taking place. After the Baptism was over we finished the sorrowful mysteries. I became ill and my daughter Maureen and I left the Church. Upon leaving the Church Mr. C. calls out “the Ferguson are leaving.” A newspaperman heard my name and came over to me stating he had spoken to me by phone. In those days I spoke to many newspapermen — as Veronica had a private phone and I received many calls.
December 15, 1995
After receiving a number of threatening phone calls, Veronica decided to have an unlisted phone number, therefore I received many calls during the day and late into the night. I remember one phone call I received from a husband; we will call him Mr. A. whose wife was a worker in promoting Heaven’s messages. He phoned to say he did not believe in the messages and did not want his wife to have any part in spreading the messages. His wife had phoned me previously stating that her husband was a heavy drinker and did not believe in the apparitions. Mr. A phoned me several times and was obnoxious. I told my husband about the calls. When Mr. A. phoned again, my husband answered the call and demanded that he stop annoying me. Mr. A said insulting words to my husband and said he would visit our home that night and beat my husband up.
We waited for his visit. He did not arrive. Mr. A had our phone disconnected for 3 days. He told the Phone Company he was Mr. Ferguson and requested the phone to be disconnected. We encountered much annoyance before our phone was connected again. This is only one of the disagreeable calls I received.
There was a wooden fence put around the grounds in front of St. Robert’s Church where we used to pray. The large statue of Our Blessed Mother was removed from the grounds and put in the cellar of St. Robert Bellarmine Church.
We brought a small statue of Our Lady to the Vigil and placed it on the grass mall in the middle of the street. That is where we prayed. We received much harassment from the neighbors.
December 22, 1995
One day I received a phone call from Captain “B” of our police department requesting to have a meeting with Veronica and her workers. I phoned Veronica and informed her of the Captain’s message. Veronica said she would be unable to attend because of illness and she would contact the workers. We had the meeting and about 20 of our workers were present. Standing around the room at the police station stood about a dozen policemen, ready to take action should we become unruly. One would think they were guarding a group of criminals. The meeting took place. A Mr. D.S. was our Master of Ceremonies; he was a capable and eloquent speaker. The police captain was satisfied with the answers from his questions. He said the bill of rights permits freedom of religion and we had the right to pray on the sweet. The neighbors continued to harass us while we prayed — they had loud radios playing “rock music”. They shouted obscene language. One party shouted, “Let us shoot Veronica” — the pilgrims ignored them and continued praying the Rosary. When they started pushing us the police came to our aide and restricted them to remain on the sidewalk. We were on the street. I must say Captain “B” and his men were very kind to us.
December 29, 1995
There was a rumor going around that the Bayside Civic Association would summon Veronica and her close worker to Court. This was May 1975. I live in a quiet neighborhood. There are 8 houses on our block. One Saturday afternoon a police car blasting sirens came down our block. We live in the last houses at the end of the sweet. They stopped at our home and a Mr. C. rang our doorbell. My husband answered the door. Mr. C. had 2 Court summons — one for me and one for my daughter. My husband refused to take them. Mr. C. departed in a very angry mood. All the neighbors wanted to know what happened to the Fergusons. The next day Sunday, we did not attend our Parish Church. We attended a Church in Bayside — as we though Mr. C. would bring the Court order to our Church and cause a disturbance. The next week we attended a Vigil and while praying the Rosary — our state Senator Mr. P. gave a court order to my daughter and to the other workers and me. Veronica, Arthur and close workers were ordered to Court 7 times.
At one court session, Veronica was sitting next to my daughter Maureen. The judge said to Veronica, “Is that your daughter?” Veronica said no. The judged requested my daughter’s name. She said Maureen Ferguson. The judge said a friend of mine who is a fine lawyer — his name is Bernard Ferguson. “Is he any relation to you?” Maureen said, “He is my uncle.” “Well, he said this will have no bearing on this case.
That night the Judge phoned my brother in law Bernard and wanted to know why his lovely niece, Maureen is involved with Veronica Lueken’s group. My brother in law phoned my husband. Bernard is much older than my husband and did not believe in Veronica’s visions. There was much dissension on the negative side.
January 5, 1996
The conflict between the Bayside residents and followers of Veronica escalated. The tensions were around when a Mr. A.C. a member of the Bayside Civic association became loud and boisterous and was requested by the police to desist. He would not stop and argued with the police. The police arrested him. Captain E.B. told the Bayside Civic Association that they couldn’t prevent the praying group from praying, as this is a constitutional type of meeting. There is no law, which can authorize us to remove them. I received numerous phone calls from different newspapers inquiring about Veronica’s visions. I answered all their questions to the best of my ability. The next day each newspaper printed their own version of Veronica’s vision. I answered all their questions to the best of my ability. The next day each newspaper printed their own version of Veronica’s vision. They printed so many lies. The next newspaperman that phoned me, he had phoned me before — I said Our Lady said the news media is controlled by men of satan. He agreed with me. I said I had no further comments. Mr. A.C. and a number of the Bayside Civic Association paraded outside of Veronica’s home protesting her Vigils.
January 12, 1996
At the next Court Session, Veronica’s workers were present also Msgr. King and 2 priests from St. Robert Bellarmine parish. Due to illness Veronica was unable to attend. The judge questioned the clergy — then our lawyer questioned MR. R. H. of our group. Mr. H.G then I was called to the stand. When I told my name the judge wanted to know if I knew a lawyer by the name of Bernard Ferguson. I told him he was my brother-in-law. He said that would have no bearing on this case. Our lawyer asked me a number of questions which I answered — but he did not ask me the question I wanted him to ask, that was, why I believed in the visions. I mentally prayed to the Holy Ghost to help me - when the Judge said take a 5-minute recess. During the recess I requested my lawyer to ask the question — why I believe in the visions. When the recess was over, he did so. I told the court, I believed because of the messages and also on December 7, 1973 at the night Vigil I saw Our Blessed Mother in the sky holding the Infant Jesus and She was standing on the moon. She was as brilliant as the sun. I saw the spinning of the sun a number of times in the most beautiful colors of blue, pink and gold and it did not affect my eyes. Also I saw the illuminated doves in the sky forming a large letter “W” and disappear. They did this 3 times over Our Lady’s statue. I have taken a number of miraculous photos. When answering the above questions I looked directly at Msgr. King.
January 19, 1996
After I finished answering all the questions asked of me by our lawyer Mr. H.G. and the judge, the court was granted a half-hour recess. We all left the courtroom and assembled in the hall. I went over to Msgr. King and said to him, "When is Veronica going to have a proper investigation?” He said, “When she removes her prayer group from St. Robert Bellarmine Church property.” When I was speaking to Msgr. King — two of the pilgrims from the Canadian group, called the Michael people said they had something important to tell me. I went over to where they were standing in a group and they said to me, “you are talking to the enemy and that is wrong.” Once they heard what I was discussing with Msgr. king, they were no longer upset. The above court session was on May 15, 1975.
Veronica never had the proper investigation. No one from the Brooklyn diocese ever questioned Veronica or her workers about the visions. In the newspapers, Msgr. King stated that he read some of the messages and that they were too conservative. He said, “I can’t believe them, I can’t accept them.”
Consequently it became evident that it had only been on the basis of Msgr. King’s investigation that the Brooklyn Chancery issued to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and to all the clergy and newspapers, the false report that nothing supernatural was going on at Bayside.
January 26, 1996
Veronica and her workers were requested to appear at the police station on 3 different occasions. The first court appearance was on May 8th then again on May 16th and May 15th. The last court appearance was on May 20th. I have the court order in front of me for 5/20/75 which reads as follows: The office of neighborhood Government states that he extends to exercise all of his efforts to secure a suitable site from the Parks Department for the religious devotion and Vigils of the defendants. The court said to Mr. A.G. our attorney — is it the position of your client? Our Mr. A.G. replied I have discussed it with my clients and it is acceptable. The court — all right, so then it will be marked so stipulated.
Judge J.J.K. — made the following statement:
“I would like to commend the named plaintiffs and defendants for their efforts and agreement for reaching this type of solution. It is hoped and it is the court’s earnest desire that those of you who are here today will be guided not only by the letter of this stipulation, this agreement, but rather by the spirit that this agreement connotes and that is the recognition of the rights of all, and I earnestly hope that all of you will go back into your community and to your homes realizing that all of you have had a very precious and basic right protected - the right of freedom of religion and the right to freely use and enjoin your property without unreasonable interference from anyone else.”
February 2, 1996
At the court session of May 20th, 1975, the court stipulated that Veronica and her prayer group could hold their Vigils in the park. On May 18th, 1975 — Jesus and Our Lady appeared to Veronica in her home. Our Lady said — “My child you have passed the test and have given complete obedience to the Eternal Father. Now is the time for a small change. The number of the faithful is reaching to and far in excess of what can be accommodated. Accept the offer of the department of police and I will do the rest. There is a time for everything, My child, even for change.”
The peoples will not lose faith in your mission, My child but will gather in multitudes.” An officer of the Parks Department phoned and stated that Veronica could hold her prayer meetings in the Flushing Meadow Park — at the location, where the Pieta was stationed during the World’s Fair. Needless to say we were all delighted to hear this news. Our first Vigil was May 28th, 1975 and crowds have continued to pray on these Sacred Grounds up to the present time.
February 9th, 1996
At one of the Vigils which was before the court sessions started. Our Lady instructed Veronica to hold in her hand a long stemmed Rose and aim it towards Heaven— Our Lady kissed the Rose and instructed Veronica to give a petal of that rose, to each one of the close workers, who would attend the court sessions. Veronica gave me a petal and she told me to place it in a locket or lavaliere. I have the rose petal in a silver locket. I opened the locket today and it has retained the beautiful color of red. I received this petal in 1975. To celebrated our Vigils in the park, Veronica requested that the close workers have a picnic in the park after the Sunday Holy Hour. It was a beautiful sunny day and we went to the picnic area. Each one brought his or her lunch. They were about 20-25 people. Some did not bring their vittles, but Veronica had anticipated this and furnished everyone who had no food. She took care of everyone but herself. Veronica was very good-natured and she loved everyone.
February 16, 1996
Louis Even, the president of Vers Demain known as the Michael pilgrims from Canada went over the veil in 1975. In Our Lady’s message of Nov 1, 1975, Our Lady said, “yes My child, Louis did not enter purgatory, but he came here quickly and is not resting. He has decided to work with Theresa.” Veronica said, “I see St. Theresa and I see Louis Even. He is putting on his head a green wreath. It is a martyr’s crown,” Our Lady said. Our Lady said, “He, My child performed many acts of penance in secret, which he gave to many thirsting souls in purgatory. Learn by his actions.”
Madam Cote became president of Vers Demain, known as the Michael people from Canada. In Our Lady’s message of April 13, 1974, Our Lady said, “the men of the United States will wear the white berets. The women of the United States will wear the blue berets.”
At the Vigil of May 28, 1977, (Pierre) from the Michael people had an argument about the Blue Berets. At the Vigil of May 30th, 1977 the Michael pilgrims did not come to the Vigil. At the Vigil of May 28, 1977, Our Lady said, “I shall not repeat and repeat again my message about the hats, My child. It is sheer folly for those who seek to change My words.”
In the message of May 30, 1977 Our Lady said, “My children, I did ask for blue hats for reason, upon the women of the United States. When one sets himself or herself to question My directions, they fall into much error. It is better for one to pray when there is a misunderstanding. Pray and you will be given the way.
February 23, 1996
At the Vigil of May 30, 1977, the Michael people did not attend the Vigil. On May 21 Veronica phoned me and requested that I phone Madam Cote. I phoned Madam Cote and I quoted Our Lady’s message to Madam Cote. She said she would rather discuss the matter in person with Veronica and myself. Either we go to Rougemont, Canada or she will visit Veronica. I said that satan had entered her place of work as we have received many complaints about Pierre and Dennis. She said that satan has entered among our workers especially one of your workers. I will tell you the name of your worker when we have our meeting. She said she loved Veronica and prayed for her everyday. She said she also liked me. I phoned Veronica and informed her of this telephone conversation. Veronica requested me to phoned Madam Cote again and ask her if she gave orders that the Michael people were not to attend the Vigil of May 31, 1977. Veronica said to get a yes or a no answer. When I phone Madam Cote she refused to answer. She said she did not believe Our Lady was appearing to Veronica and hung up the phone. I informed Veronica of our phone conversation. Veronica requested that I take a photo asking Our Lady whether or not Veronica and I should meet with Madam Cote. The photo showed — 3 D’s, 3 6’s, 3 J’s, 1 C, 15. - Not favorable.
March 1, 1996
In June 1977 Veronica phoned Madam Cote; president of the Michael people. After her conversation with her Veronica phoned me and requested me to take another photograph to determine whether or not she should visit Madam Cote. The photo read as follows 2J’s, 38’s, 2C and 1E. Veronica said the photo was favorable. Veronica made arrangements to fly to Montreal. I was unable to accompany her; therefore a co-worker named Caroline Stevens went with her.
The Michael people met them at the airport and treated them in a royal fashion. When Veronica reached their building she was escorted into a special room to see Madam Cote. Caroline was not invited to enter this room, but had to remain in a different room. About an hour time elapsed when Veronica left the room. Caroline said Veronica looked very sad. Madam Cote did not accompany Veronica. Veronica and Caroline were left alone to find their way out of the building and back to the airport.
The Michael pilgrims did not attend another Vigil. They also discontinued printing Our Lady’s messages.
March 8, 1996
The year 1977 was a hectic year for Veronica. Veronica and her family had been living in a small rented house in Flushing for about a year. The owner wanted to sell the house and Veronica was unable to meet his price. A friend of Veronica suggested she move to Staten Island where she could obtain a house at a reasonable rental. Veronica moved in April 1977. The house was an old one and required many repairs. Her gas and oil bills were very high. It was a 2-hour ride to the Vigil grounds. On the block where she lived there was a house where many young people congregated on the weekends taking drugs, practicing witchcraft and having all night boisterous parties. Veronica complained to the police. After this situation, Veronica decided to move.
On May 31, 1977 the Michael people no longer printed Our Lady’s messages as stated in last weeks episode. It was necessary that Veronica, Arti and co-workers print the messages. We needed a place to work. We found a small shop in the business section of Flushing. We had business meetings at my home with Veronica. Artie, an accountant, lawyer, two other workers and myself A young chap who worked with the Michael people joined our group of workers.
March 15, 1996
On June 20, 1977, my phone rang. The party who called was Ann Cillis, editor of “The Canadian Layman paper”. She said she called the Brooklyn Chancery office and spoke to Msgr. Bevilacqua. She inquired as to whether or not Bishop Mugavero issued a statement condemning Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. He said the only one who could answer that question was Msgr. King who represents the Bishop. Then he hung up the phone. Ann wanted to know where she could contact Msgr. King. That same day a man from Msgr. King’s parish was visiting my husband. My husband was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and they were discussing the activities of that Society. The man gave me Msgr. King’s phone number and I informed Ann.
That was only time that man visited my home.
Ann Cillis had a lengthy phone conversation with Msgr. King. In the next Edition of the Canadian Layman, Ann printed her phone conversation with Msgr. King.
March 22, 1996
The following article was published by Anne McGinn Cillis, editor of “The Catholic Layman paper”. It is entitled, “Investigation of Veronica by Church officials, a Sham.”
Attachment at end.
March 29, 1996
Veronica was hospitalized a number of times. On one of these occasions, while she was in the hospital she became friendly with the patient in her room. This party was a non-Catholic. Veronica gave her a rose petal and, informed her about the messages from Heaven. The Lady inquired about the Rosary and how it should be prayed. Veronica gave her a Rosary and instructed her and said if you pray the daily Rosary your life will be profoundly altered. The next day she told Veronica she would like to become a Roman Catholic and what was the procedure to do so. Veronica said she would have to take instructions from a Roman Catholic priest, before it is permissible for you to become a Roman Catholic. Veronica recommended a priest. When she returned home from the hospital she abided by Veronica’s advice. Several months passed and Veronica received a phone call from this party, saying that she was going to be baptized and wanted Veronica to be her godmother and Dan Savage to be her godfather. Dan Savage was one of our workers at the Shrine. He also did volunteer ambulance work. He brought this Lady home from the hospital by ambulance. The date was set. Veronica requested my daughter Maureen to go with her. The Lady was in the antique business. Maureen said when they arrived at the house she was impressed by all the beautiful antique dolls placed on most every chair in her home.
Father McNulty from St. Robert Bellarmine Church came to the house to baptize the lady. This is only one of the many conversions to the Roman Catholic faith through Veronica and Our Lady of the Roses and Jesus’ messages.
April 5, 1996
In 1977 Veronica moved to Port Jefferson, Long Island. They bought a small ranch style house in a quiet neighborhood. Their son Larry lived with them, although he works in New York City. One afternoon Veronica visited her Church and went to confession to a Father Rulheil. Veronica said she spent a long time in the confession because the priest said there was no such a thing as sin. There is no proof that we have a soul. The Bible is not the word of God but a fairy tale. Veronica gave him some clever answers and he told her to “shut up”. Veronica quoted the St. Michael prayer and also quoted the poem of St. Theresa entitled “Exhortations.” Veronica was so upset that she phoned Fr. Hamilton, Editor of the Long Island Catholic paper. She informed him of her experience with Father Rulheil. Father Hamilton said he could do nothing, and that she should go to another Church. Father Hamilton wanted to know her name. She said, Veronica Lueken. He said, “Are you the seer?” She said “yes”. He said, “What are you doing in this diocese?” She said, “I now live in Port Jefferson.”
April 12, 1996
On February 10, 1973 we
received a miraculous photograph showing the letter KOH and no one knew what
the letters meant. This was before comet
Kohoutek was discovered. We also
received a miraculous photo of a huge fiery red ball with yellow and white
coloring on top of the ball. When Veronica received this photo, she phoned the
planetarium explaining this photo of the large fiery red ball with the yellow
and white coloring on top of the ball. The man at the planetarium was amazed at
this photo because he said it was the description of a comet, which has not
been made known to the public. Shortly after the news of the comet Kohoutek was
publicized through all the news media. It was said that this comet was the most
widely publicized comet of all times. They called it mysterious and awesome for
its phantom qualities. On October 6, 1973, there was another miraculous photo
showing the large fiery red ball with yellow and white coloring on the top of
the Ball and a pilgrim was holding a Rosary next to the Ball. Veronica said,
the Rosary being held aloft symbolically holds back the Ball which Veronica
stated was then the Comet Kohoutek due to pass near the earth on December 28,
1973, but averted by the many Rosaries prayed.
April 19, 1996
The following is an interesting event. In 1974 five pilgrims came to the Shrine, by car from the state of Maine, which is a very long ride. At that time the Vigils were held outside of St. Robert Bellarmine Church. When the pilgrims arrived they went to the rectory of St. Robert Bellarmine Church to inquire about Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. They were told there is no such Shrine in Bayside. They were so disappointed and upset. While they sat in the car discussing what they should do. A beautiful Lady dressed in a long white gown holding a bouquet of red roses in her arms. She said to them. “The Vigil to Our Lady of the Roses will be held around the corner in two hours Then the beautiful Lady disappeared. The pilgrims were overwhelmed with astonishment. They reported this experience to all on the Vigil grounds.
On February 1, 1974 Our Lady said, “All who come to these Hallowed Grounds will receive graces in abundance, graces of cure and conversion. The crippled shall walk, the blind shall see; those in darkness shall come forward into the light.”
April 26, 1996
As you know every Sunday we have a Holy Hour for priests starting at 10:30 am. I had been unable to attend the Holy Hour for sometime, due to health reasons and the snowy winter we had. Sunday I attended and I was blessed to witness to the spinning of the Sun in the most beautiful colors of green, blue and a beautiful pink color. It is a thrilling experience —although I was privileged to witness this heavenly manifestation many times.
I found this memorandum in my notes. In 1969 Veronica phoned MaryAnn Van Hoof, the seer, from Necedah, Wisconsin. Mary Ann told Veronica, “you had better forget about giving out Heaven’s messages as you will be persecuted.” End of conversation.
In 1971, a number of people received miraculous photos. In 1974, one of the close workers of the Shrine said he would like to become a priest. He was uncertain as to whether or not it was his vocation. He spoke to Veronica asking her what he should do. Veronica requested me to take a photo. The interpretation of the photo was that he should enter the priesthood. The young man entered the seminary. During his years of preparation for the holy priesthood he went to Rome to study. While in Rome he was chosen to serve as an altar boy for Pope John Paul II. The Holy Father commented on how he always saw these young men praying the Rosary. Our Lady surely guides Her children. Today he is a priest.
When Veronica was unable to answer questions pertaining to the Shrine work she would always request me to take a photo and Heaven would guide her through the photo. It was her direct line from Heaven.
May 3, 1996
On September 30, 1979 Our Lady instructed Veronica to take Roses from the Shrine and put a Rosary around them and place them on the grounds at St. Robert Bellarmine’s Church to do this. She went in Caroline’s car as Artie, her husband was ill. Our Lady then instructed Veronica to go to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City and put rose petals and St. Benedict medals around. It was the first time Veronica had been to St. Patrick’s Cathedra. She was amazed at the size of the Cathedral.
While there, a well-dressed man approached her and said, “Are you Veronica?” She admitted that she was. He requested a medal of Our Lady of the Roses. She gave him the medal and he kissed it. He asked her if she would like to see where the Cardinals and Bishops are buried. She said she was very tired, but Caroline wanted to see the crypt and then informed Veronica about what she saw. A few weeks later Our Lady requested Veronica to go to Washington D.C. and give messages to a certain Senators and also to Father Drinan who was a member of Congress. Caroline accompanied Veronica on this trip. Veronica said it was an interesting trip.
May 5, 1996
A number of people received miraculous photos on the Sacred Grounds. Heaven granted these photos as a visual proof that many need to believe. These photographs were given to us for the purpose of understanding the messages. Many calamities and the future are foretold in the photos.
Veronica interpreted the photos occasionally I would help her. It was a tedious task. Then these photos were transferred into slides. The slides were put on a large movie screen. Mary Di Blasio was the first worker to show the slides. The interpreted photos were given to her by Veronica. Mary would show the slides to small groups she visited and many homes in New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Then Veronica told her that some one else should travel with her, as Our Lady requested it. Then Rose Lapi went with her. They visited many states through out the country in all kinds of weather. They could write a book on all their interesting experiences.
May 17, 1996
On January 14th, 1981 at 3:00 am veronica went to the hospital because of severe back pains. Veronica spent four weeks in the hospital. While in this hospital stay she witnessed four people die. One was Diane a young girl, Veronica gave her a rose petal and Rosary. Veronica was transferred to another room because of a nurse who treated her badly. The hospital received many complaints about this nurse. The next room she went into, her companion was a cheerful person named Ethel. Veronica enjoyed her company and informed her about the visions from heaven. After being there 3 days the doctor informed Ethel that she had cancer and that she would have to undergo chemotherapy treatments. After 2 chemotherapy treatments, Ethel became very ill. Veronica put a scapular around her neck and gave her a Rosary. When the nurse saw the scapular and Rosary on Ethel’s neck, she took it off and returned it to Veronica saying, you should not do that as Ethel is Jewish. When Veronica heard that, she was amazed. Ethel was given a few hours to live. Her son flew in from North Carolina and Ethel’s brother and his wife flew in from Florida. When no one was in the room, Veronica baptized Ethel and put a scapular on her under her nightgown so it could not be seen. While veronica was praying, the glorious mysteries of the Rosary, on the 4th mystery, the Assumption, Ethel took her last breath. Veronica heard her. All Ethel’s relatives came into the room. After everyone left the room, Veronica saw Ethel dressed beautifully and looking very happy. She said, (the Lady spoke with an accent) “Hello Veroneeka, look at me!” She was surrounded by a beautiful yellow light.
May 24, 1996
Veronica went to the doctor. The doctor said he was going to put her in the hospital for 3 days, but due to the fact that her heart beat improved and blood pressure improved, a hospital stay now was not necessary. He took blood tests. The next day he phone and said that the bile from her gall bladder was going through her system and that she would have to be operated on. The date set for the operation was June 5th, Thursday. On Monday, June 2nd the doctor told Veronica she was too heavy and her heart could not endure an operation. Veronica refused to go under an operation. On December 16th, 1980, veronica phoned stating the pains she had were severe because of her gallstones. I said I would take a photo requesting Our Lady to let Veronica know whether or not she should undergo an operation. The photo showed 3 4’s, 3 J’s and a figure of Our Blessed Mother. Veronica said it was favorable. Veronica phoned her doctor. She went to the hospital and two days later she was operated on by Dr. Beaty. Her heart stopped twice during the operation. Her body was filled with gangrene poisoning. They had to pump it out of her body and replace the old blood with new blood. The doctor said it was a miracle that she survived. One gallstone was the size of a golf ball and it lodged in one of her ducts, which caused all the pain. They removed her gall bladder.
May 31, 1996
Veronica was having problems with some of the workers. Jesus instructed Veronica to write a letter to each worker. Jesus said if the workers have been told the truth and do not hasten to return it is their punishment they have chosen.
On February 21, 1979 Veronica phoned me and stated that Our Lady had given her a message. Our Lady said when Veronica dies we are to put a crown of pink roses on ‘her head. She is to be laid out in her blue gown. Artie, her husband has other confidential instructions. Our Lady also mentioned something about me (Ann), which she could not tell me at that time. Veronica said I should show Maureen where all my files are kept. This is per Our Lady’s instructions.
On March 4, 1980 Veronica phoned and said that she spoke to Jesus and said if it was not for my family, I would like to go to Heaven. Jesus said no, no; your family is the world.
On September 14, 1985, Jesus said to Veronica “The moon has come, the sun has gone, it is time for all men, good or evil to rest.
June 7, 1996
On April 6, 1977 I received a letter from a certain party who was married in the Catholic Church then divorced and remarried. When she read the Bayside messages, she wanted to know how she could return to her Catholic faith. I phoned Veronica about this letter, as I was unable to advise this party. Veronica said she would let me know. That night Our Lady dictated a letter to Veronica regarding this letter. I have the letter in front of me in Veronica’s handwriting. It reads as follows:
April 6, 1977
Dear Jacqueline,
The road to Heaven is never easy - for we are only human, - but we must persevere. God the Father of Heaven has given us the Way - and we must follow it. Marriage before God (- his Representative the Priest) is Permanent until death of either party. Both people must remain chaste though separated really is not hard to do if you keep Jesus and Our Lady in your perspective. Life upon earth is but a short time - the after life is Forever and isn’t it better to Sacrifice our own longings and desires to please God - and Win a Crown in Heaven!? Is any man or woman (mortal) above God in the heart? NO we must follow God - as He expects us to, as loving children. It makes Jesus sad when we don’t - and surely, Jesus is far more important than any Man on Earth! The Love Jesus shares with us are beyond all human understanding. He wants us to be happy, at Peace and there is only one Way — the Right Way — following the Rules. Sure - the Cross is Heavy — but you can carry it — set a good Example, Pray for each other - and above all --what God has set you to - to — lead a True Christian Life. You must take up your life alone (with child). The penance will not be easy — but you can do it -for your Salvation. It will be best for all concerned. Jesus will be with you. Your first (real) husband must do the Same — or he will be Lost. There is no Easy Penance for sin. The Results of Sin give us all a Heavy Cross, but it can be made easier to carry - as long as you know that the Reward shall be Eternal Joy and Glory in Heaven. Let us say that what has to be done now is to rectify the wrong — start over with a clean slate! - There is no marriage but the first in the eyes of God — for better or worse until death - and since the Worst came — now we can Recapture for the soul — the better — by Repairing the Errors —with God’s grace Restored. I shall Pray for you.
All Heaven’s blessings!
Veronica V. J M JT
April 6, 1977
(Drawing of cross over ball with graces coming from top and RGP under the ball)
Ave Maria!
June 14, 1996
When Veronica lived in Staten Island, which was in 1977, she lived near a house occupied by a satanic cult. Her neighbors informed her about the activities of this satanic cult. Miraculous photos showed this to be true. Veronica contacted the police department informing them of the cults activities. The police listened and failed to do anything about their removal. This is one reason why Veronica moved to Long Island.
In 1981 our newspapers printed much news about the murders of the “Son of Sam”. One of our close workers was employed as a detective. He did an extensive search on the Son of Sam. He found out that the Son of Sam belonged to a satanic cult. This coven was on Long Island and the main coven was out West. Our Lady said in one of Her messages, there are many satanic cults in the USA, Canada and throughout the world. These groups are increasing even on Long Island. There are at least 12 major covens and they are using human sacrifice. These bodies cannot be found by the police or other authorities who seek to help and to solace the hearts of the family members of the lost child.
On February 13, 1981 Veronica was confined to the hospital. She had pneumonia. On February 15, 1981, her husband Artie was rushed to the hospital for a prostate operation. Both were incapacitated for sometime.
June 21, 1996
In the spring of 1982 I had a phone call from a Mr. M.M. stating that he was in Fatima on May 3, 1982, when the Pope was there. He met a pilgrim from Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. She had a large van and a number of young girls and young men with her. She was informing the people in the crowd that she was the seer Veronica Lueken from America. When Mr. M.M. hear her, he went to her and said, Veronica Lueken is in the hospital. Why are you impersonating her? She merely laughed and said some people said I look like Veronica. End of phone call.
On December 1982, Veronica entered the hospital at Stony Brook for dental surgery, for a growth on her gums. She was four hours on the operating table.
June 28, 1996
A young person wrote to Veronica stating she listens to rock music and can’t seem to stop. She also likes to watch MTV on TV. She has trouble in school and wished to quit school. Our Lady requested Veronica to write as follows:
Dear Kim, I understand your problems as stated in your letter. Jesus and Our Lady want to help you. You must pray daily to them. This world is polluted with sin. Satan, the devil, is capturing young souls to take them to Hell with Rock music and sex. MTV is satan’s way. Please don’t listen, it is satanic. Everyone on earth has to die sooner or later, young or old. The life after death is forever. It is so beautiful in Heaven. Hell is horrible, torture. Kim, please, finish school. Without a diploma you can’t get a good paying job. Stick with it. I will pray for you — please. Do you know the Hail Mary and Our Father prayers? If not write me again, I’ll send all to you.
You must contact Jesus and Our Lady everyday. Even if you must talk to them. They hear you. They love you. Remember that’s devil music. No more Rock and so forth. I shall pray daily for you. Your friend. Veronica J M J T.
July 5, 1996
A certain Miss Kay wrote the following letter to Veronica:
Dear Holy Veronica,
Please forgive me for writing to you. I know how busy you are. I’m getting this book together and had asked Gary [Wohlscheid] if I could quote Our Lord and Our Lady in it. And he referred me to you for authority. I have been a worker for Heaven for about seven years. Through dreams and a radio program, I got involved. After I got started I had heavenly visions — saw Our Lady, and also the left arm of Our Lord with the Book of Life on His top and several others. Through two dreams, Heaven has urged me to write it. I’m only following orders. It will be a small book consisting in the first chapter of my growing prayers and going into my visions, which follows through from Heaven’s words. The other chapter will be pictures and actual clips of the writings. I don’t know if Heaven wants me to do this. The only thing I can come up with is to spread the word from the Apparitions site further. In the back of my book will be an order blank. I don’t know what else to say. I will close and I want you to know I pray every night for you and your family and workers. God’s blessings — and — placed upon you His love through time - timeless ages.
Veronica was instructed by Our Lady to answer that letter in the following manner:
Dear Katherine,
God bless and thank you for writing to me. In your best interest I must be honest and tell you. You cannot trust dreams. Satan is alive on this earth and can fool many. Pray for the light. Heaven has no need to approach now, in a dream. They are realistic. I cannot become involved in the numerous claims that have come to me from various peoples. I cannot authorize you to have Our Lady of the Roses and so forth, in the book you plan to write, about yourself. I have consulted with our legal staff, and received the best advice from Heaven to not get involved. I will pray for you. Pray the Rosary every day for guidance. Our hearts and prayers are with you.
Lovingly in Christ, Veronica.
July 12, 1996
In 1973 we heard about a large Rosary rally that was to held on Long Island, by the Garabandal Group on the property of the Montfort Fathers. Veronica wished to attend this rally in order to spread Our Lady of the Roses messages from Bayside. A few of the workers, my daughter Maureen and Veronica decided to attend the rally. At this time, I was unable to go. They drove out to the Rosary Rally. On the way they got lost. Veronica suggested they pray to St. Raphael, as he is the guardian of travelers. In a short time they found the right road where the Garabandal Group were meeting. In the parking area there were hundreds and hundreds of cars. My daughter Maureen and another worker put Heaven’s messages on the cars. Due to Veronica’s poor health she was unable to do this task. However, Maureen walked quickly through the crowds handing out the Bayside messages. While doing this she encountered a number of the workers from Our Lady of the Roses. They informed her that the Garabandal group did not approve of Veronica’s visions and that if they saw them they would endure great harassment and would be ordered from the grounds.
July 28, 1996
At the Vigils in 1974, which were held on the grounds in front of St. Robert Bellarmine Church in Bayside, Our Lady would direct Veronica to give roses to certain people. Many times priest would come without their priestly garbs so as not to be recognized. Our Lady would point them out to Veronica. I remember one time in particular; Veronica announced “Our Lady wishes this rose to be given to Her son, the priest standing by the tree. The crowd saw the man without his priestly habit. The man said he was a priest. He was astounded. A pilgrim took a photo of the priest and the photo was miraculous. When this priest saw the photo he was amazed. The next Sunday at his parish Church his homily was about the miraculous event that happened to him at Bayside. He informed his parishioners about the Bayside messages and that Our Lady was truly appearing there. Needless to say he was reprimanded and transferred to another parish by the Bishop of his Diocese.
July 19, 1996
Last week I spoke about the Garabandal Rosary Rally held on the property of the Montfort Fathers. An angel was protecting our workers as all the messages from Heaven that were brought to the Rally were distributed. The seer from Garabandal — a girl in her twenties was leading the Rosary. They were surprised to see that she was wearing pants. Our Lady told Veronica that all women should wear skirts or dresses below the knee. The Bible states in Deuteronomy Chapter 22-5, “A woman shall not be clothed with man’s apparel. Neither shall a man use woman’s apparel for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.”
Maureen asked Veronica, “If Conchita, the name of the seer from Garabandal came to Bayside, would she be able to see Our Lady and hear the messages as Veronica did? Veronica said, it would be up to Our Lady, but probably she would. They were thinking of how they could reach Conchita to talk with her, when their presence was discovered and they were asked to leave. There mission of giving out the messages and spreading Heaven’s words to those who loved Our Lady was fulfilled.
August 2, 1996
After Veronica had been in her new home on Long Island, she phoned me one day and said that she went shopping in the town with Caroline and in one of the stores she found on the shelf a number of books entitled Satan’s Bible — also a number of articles used for the satanic rituals. Veronica said there must be many satanists in this town. Several years later Veronica phoned me stating she was unable to sleep because a group of satanists were singing outside her window all kinds of weird chantings. Veronica prayed the Rosary and sprinkled Holy Water around the room. She said she was frightened. This continued for several nights. In Our Lady’s message of November 1, 1985, Our Lady said to Veronica, “My child, you have had much discord this week in your household because of the prayers to satan of those on your Island who belong to the Church of satan. They know where you live My child and they pass many times in vehicles before your home. They can do nothing, My child while there is a crucifix on your door. I would suggest also, My child that you go back to your previous habit and plan to keep a St. Benedict medal on each windowsill of your home — a St. Benedict Medal, My child, then you will not be tormented at night by their weird chanting that have kept you awake many nights. There were 12 groups of satan in your community I say community, because the Island of Long Island, has 13 covens now — yes, My child, they are the worst of the worst for they sacrifice the innocent babies and they also are using animals again. Many dead carcasses shall be found on the beaches and in the woods.
August 9, 1996
One day Veronica received a letter from a Bayside pilgrim, which related the story of her pastor in a Church in Pennsylvania. On Sundays his Church was half-empty and collections were very low. He was worried as to how he could keep his Church opened due to the many bills unpaid. The writer of this letter requested the Pastor to pray the St. Michael prayer after every mass as they used to do years ago. He consented to do this. After 2 years time, the attendance increased and the collections increased. The pilgrims told her pastor of Our Lady’s messages at Bayside. In the message of August 21, 1974 St. Michael said, “When I am returned to remain guard at the tabernacles and my name is returned, you will find the people flocking back into the house of their God.”
August 16, 1996
When Veronica moved to Long
Island, she had a heart attack. Since she was in a new neighborhood, a new
doctor was called to help her. The doctor
requested her to get more rest.
Veronica said she was unable to do this as she bad much work to do for Our Lady
of the Roses shrine. The doctor told Veronica he had great devotion to our
Blessed Mother. He was born in Egypt and belonged to the Coptic religion. He
related his amazing story of what happened in Cairo Egypt. He said above the
domes of the Church of St. Mary of Zeitoun, Our Lady appeared in 1968 for
approximately 2 years. The Mother of God appeared to thousands of the faithful
and others. She would visit the Church two or three times per week and would
stay from a few moments on some evenings to 8 hours. He said before Our Lady
appeared the spectators witnessed the appearances of bird-like creatures. They
were larger than pigeons. They flew without ever moving their wings. They were
illuminated birds. They disappeared mysteriously as they appeared and without
sound of any kind.
I have seen and so have many of our pilgrims from the Shrine witness these illuminated birds fly over Our Lady of the Rose statue both at Bayside and the Vatican Pavilion Shrine site at Flushing, LI, NY.
August 23, 1996
Last week I spoke about Our Blessed Mother’s visit to Egypt. I have 3 small books telling about this apparition. In one Book Cardinal Ottavian stated that “Our Lady is more busily engaged on earth today than She is in Heaven. Unique in the history of Marian apparitions, unique in the circumstances of time and place, unique in the almost complete silence of the American Press, religious and secular, are the appearances in Zeitoun Cairo Egypt in 1968 and 1969. These apparitions have been seen by several hundred thousand persons of all ages and ranks because they have remained in full view of the spectators for hours at a time and because they have been officially pronounced authentic by the authorities of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Now I also have in front of me photos of Our Lady as She appeared over the Dome of the Church in Cairo. It reminds me of how Our Lady appeared over St. Robert Bellarmine Church in Bayside on December 7, 1973, which I saw and many other pilgrims were privileged to see. Veronica spoke to Our Lady about Our Lady’s appearances in Egypt — then on May 17, 1986 Our Lady said; “Now My child, you have been much concerned about My appearance in another country. Egypt, yes, My child you do not understand all. St. Demyana is a Coptic Orthodox Church, My child, and I must say though My heart grieves because they are not with Rome at this time, they will join in the future. But at this time the only thing that eases My heart is the knowledge that they have kept the faith, as they know it. In that Church, My child, the Coptics, - which are few in Egypt, they are devout. They do not rush through the services of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where My Son, daily gives Himself to you. They are few in number, but devout. I must tell you, My child, and My children, that they have suffered persecution throughout the years. I came there this time, My child, to try to draw together those about them who seek to persecute them, the Moslems and others, the Arabs.”
August 30, 1996
One of Our Lady’s workers for Bayside, who was born in Japan, visited Bishop Ito of Japan who approved the apparitions at Akita Japan. She informed the Bishop of the Heavenly messages given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside. I have in front of me a letter from this pilgrim after her visit. It reads as follows:
October 10, 1993
Dear Veronica and Workers:
How are you Dear Veronica and Workers? I sincerely pray and hope that you are feeling very well. The Bishop of Akita and the Priest in Tokyo expressed their gratitude to you for your great effort bringing the Divine messages to all the people at this world in these demoralized times. So all we need are to offer prayers, they said. I think the people under the guidance of those Bishops and Priests must be awakened and pray for mercy. Please let me offer you some donation, if it is of any service to you I shall be very happy.
Sincerely in Our Lord and In Our Lady yours,
Famiko Tanishito
I have in front of me a book about Akita written by Father Teiji Yasuda. In the book it states that Our Lady spoke to Sister Agnes from 1973-1984. The messages are the same as given to Veronica at Bayside. The third and last message given by the Blessed Mother at Akita Japan is as follows:
“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity. The good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.
The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms, which will remain for you, will be the Rosary and the sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.”
“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishops against other Bishops. The priest who venerates Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres. Churches and altars sacked, the Church will be fill of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.” The end of the third and last message at Akita.
Bishop Ito of Japan approved
the messages — June 1988 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger at the Vatican judged the
Akita messages as reliable and worthy of belief.
September 6, 1996
The messages from Our Blessed Mother given to Veronica of the Cross were a continuation of the messages given at Fatima. The third message of Our Lady of Fatima was published by the magazine “La Immaculata” of January and February 1959. The message was transmitted to Rev. Father Agusto Fuentes, Postular General for the beautification of Francisco and Jacinta of Fatima. On receiving the message, Father Fuentes disclosed that the Holy Father gave him permission to pay a visit to Lucy now in Coimbra as a Carmelite nun, who received him with great sorrow, and said: “Father, Our Lady is very displeased because no one had heeded Her message of 1917. Neither the good nor the bad paid any attention it. Father, please tell everyone what Our Lady had repeatedly told me: Many nations are going to disappear from the face of the earth. Godless nations will be picked up by God as His scourge to punish the human race, if we through prayers and the sacramentals will not bring about their conversion. Tell them Father that the devil is waging his decisive battle against Our Lady, in that, the fall of religious and priestly souls is the thing that most saddens the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Jesus. The devil knows too well that when religious and priests betray their high calling, they drag behind them many souls to Hell. We have hardly any time left to stave off the punishment of God. There are at our disposal two very effective means, prayer and sacrifice, but the devil is doing his utmost to divert our minds from, and take away the taste for prayer.”
“The outcome will be that either we shall be saved or doomed. One thing Father, you must make clear to the people though, not to wait or hop for any call to prayer and penance either from the Supreme Pontiff, the Bishops, the Pastors or the Superior Generals. It is time that each one, on his own initiative, under-take to do works of sanctity and to reform his life, according to the warnings of Our Blessed Lady.”
September 13, 1996
Last week I spoke about
Father Agosto Fuentes’ visit with Lucy, one of the Fatima children. This is a
continuation of this interview.
Sister Lucy: “The Devil is striving to get hold of consecrated souls; in working to corrupt them in order to induce others to final impenitence, is using all the artful tricks even to the extent of suggesting, ‘updating of Religious life’. What comes out of this is sterility of the interior life, and in lay people unconcern in regards to abstaining from sensual pleasures and total immolation.. Remember, Father, that two facts contributed to the sanctification of Jacinta and Francisco. The sadness of Our Lady and the vision of hell. Our Lady is placed between two fires: On the one hand the stubborn humanity, indifferent to the threatened chastisements and on the other, we, whom She sees setting at naught the Sacraments and disregarding the approaching punishment, while remaining unbelieving, sensual and materialistic. The Holy Mother has expressly said, “We are approaching the last days. She expressed three times, the first time She stated that the Devil is waging decisive (that is to say a final) battle from which we will come out either a winner or a loser.”
“The second time, more than once, She told us that the final remedies given to the world are “The Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”. The third time, She said to e that having exhausted all other means, which men have ignored. She is now offering with apprehension, as the last resource of salvation Herself in Person, Her numerous apparitions, Her tears and messages given through seers scattered in various ports of the world. Our Lady added that if we do not heed Her please and will keep going on with our offenses, then there would be no more pardons.
September 20, 1996
This is a continuation of an interview with Lucy, one of the Fatima children — by Father Agosto Fuentes in 1959. Lucy said, “It is urgent Father, that we face reality, terrible as it may be. The purpose is not that of searing the souls, but of realizing the seriousness of the situation, since in fact Our Lady gave such powers to the Holy Rosary. There is no problem whether material or moral, national or international, that cannot be solved effectively through the Holy Rosary and our sacrifices. Received with love and devotion, the Rosary will please Mary and compensate for the disappointments of her Immaculate Heart.”
That is the end of the interview with Lucy in 1959. On June 18, 1986 Our Lady spoke to Veronica — Our Lady said, My child and My children, this message will not be greeted gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world and if it is not abided by I have nothing to do but to allow the Chastisement to fall upon mankind.”
September 27, 1996
As the messages given to Veronica from Heaven, they are a continuation of the Fatima message. I have in my files, the following extract of the message of Fatima, from a German newspaper, the “News Europa” of October 15, 1963, by Louise Emerich. Its message impressed diplomatic circles in Moscow Pope Paul VI permitted not only Kennedy, but also Khruschev to have a look at the third part of the secret of Fatima, which the Mother of God revealed in 1917. Those who directed world politics were appalled by its contents just as Pope Pius XII, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI had been. On that day the Blessed Virgin showed herself for the third time to the three children, Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucy. The Mother of God revealed a special message to Lucy, which states in particular, “Do not be troubled, dear child. I am the Mother of God who is speaking to you and asking that you announce the following message tot he entire world in my name. On doing so you will meet with strong opposition. But be strong in faith and you will triumph over all opposition. Listen carefully and remember what I tell you. Good people must be better. They must implore God to forgive the sins they have committed and will in the future commit. You ask me for a sign so all may comprehend the words, which I am addressing to mankind through you. You have just beheld that miracle of the sun. Everybody saw it, believers and unbelievers and now announce it in my name “a great Chastisement will come over all mankind, not today or tomorrow but in the second half of the twentieth century.
October 4, 1996
This is a continuation of Fatima’s Distressing message, which was written, in a German newspaper on Oct 15, 1963.
Our Lady said, “What I had already announced at La Salette through the children, Melanie and Maximim, I repeat to you now. Humanity has not developed, as God desired. Mankind has been sacrilegious and has trampled under foot the wondrous blessings of God - no longer does order reign anywhere. Even in the highest places satan reigns and directs the course of things. Satan will succeed in infiltrating into the highest position in the Church. Satan will succeed in sowing confusion in the minds of scientists who design weapons that can destroy great portions of mankind in short periods. Satan will gain hold of heads of nations and will cause these destructive weapons to be mass produced.”
“If mankind will not oppose these evils, I will be obliged to let the arm of My Son in vengeance. If the chief rulers of the world and of the Church will not actively oppose these evils. I will ask God My Father to bring His justice to bear on mankind. Then will God punish mankind even more severely and heavily than he did at the time of the great deluge. The great and powerful will perish same as the lowly and meek. But a time of very severe trial is also coming for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops.”
October 11, 1996
The conclusion of Fatima’s Distressing Message - printed in a German newspaper dated October 15, 1963 - is as follows: - Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will enter into their very midst. In Rome also will occur great changes. What is rotten will fall and what falls must not be retained. The Church will be obscured and all the world will be thrown into great confusion. “The great, great war will come in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will drop from heaven and the waters of the ocean will turn to steam throwing their foam to the very sky. Whatever is standing will be overturned. Millions of people will die. Those surviving will envy the dead.
Distress, misery and desolation will be found the world over. The time is drawing nearer and the abyss is ever deepening and there will be no escape; the good will die with the wicked, the great with the lowly. The rulers of the nations with their people. Death will reign everywhere. These evils will come at a time when no one expects it; nevertheless it must come as punishment and revenge in accordance with God’s plan. The age of ages is coming, the end of all ends if mankind will not repent and be converted and if this conversion does not come from rulers of the world and the Church. Woe and greater woe to mankind if conversion does not occur. Later, however, those who survive those trials, if they will repent and will call upon God in submission to His will and become true followers of Jesus Christ My Son, I will gather them and become their intercessor. But woe and more woe if that conversion does not occur, go My Child and announce it and I will assist you.
October 18, 1996
Since 1975, should Veronica desire to make an important decision regarding the Shrine work, she would phone me and request I take a photo and inform her what I saw on the photo. I would take the photo in front of my altar. I would light 3 blessed candles, bless my camera with holy water, bless myself, say three Hail Mary’s and then take the photo. The photo would have a number of symbols — such as #7, #3, #6, goat, bird, rosaries, letters A, P, B, etc. I would phone Veronica and tell her what appeared on my photo. Veronica would do the interpretation. I have albums of these miraculous photos. As Veronica would say it is our direct line from Heaven. Since Veronica’s death a number of people have sent miraculous photos to me for interpretation. Veronica was the only one who could do this. In the message of 5/18/75, Jesus said to Veronica, your spouse will instruct My child Ann to bring forth two photographs. Only you will know the meaning of these photographs.”
In the message of August 5, 1975, regarding photos, Our Lady said, “I understand My child, that you receive many requests. You must tell these dear souls that We are not in the fortune-telling business.”
October 25, 1996
I have a tape of Veronica (made in 1980) speaking. She said the following on January8, 1970. St. Theresa and Our Lady appeared in my bedroom and there was dictated to me by St. Theresa a poem message called ‘Pieta’. Not the Pieta (Michaelangelo’s statue) was brought over from Rome to the very grounds where Our Lady is holding Her Vigils now in Flushing. It is just marvelous how Heaven had everything planned out that we should be where Pope Paul VI said mass back during the time of the last World’s Fair in New York. How very strange it is to all us humans! But God has a wonderful plan for all our lives to allow Our Lady to come here. This is the message
“The Pieta”
In Her arms so soft and loving
Lay the heart of all creation
Torn and bloody from the torment
Wrought by sin’s abomination
Oh! Dear Mother in your sorrow
Can you look upon us still?
Remembering all the grief we gave you
Can you really love us still!
Yes My dear child, I do love you
With a heart that’s pure and kind
I will save you from disaster
Only seek and ye shall find!
Take His heart so torn with sorrow
Kiss the wounds that sin did bleed
We are living now the past, dear
Lust and envy, hate and greed!
Once again he lays there hanging
Begging you to put aside
All the evil man has made
To make the road grow long and wide!
See the light grow sad and dimmer
Listen now while there is time!
Turn and give your life to Jesus
Let Him lead you to the Shrine
Safe within His magic circle
Blessed by peace of heart and soul
You will find all heaven’s treasures
If you work to reach this goal!
November 1, 1996
Continuation of a tape made by Veronica in 1980 — Veronica said, “Now you see how much in perfection Heaven had this all planned. Our Lady appearing because that message was given on January 8th, 1970. Now, at that time, the Vigils had not started on the Shrine of St. Robert’s grounds, and Our Lady’s first appearance hadn’t started, and yet here already heaven had written. (Which I understand now after many years) all about what they meant by the “magic circle”. Because as you know, there is a circle now kept where Our Lady appears. And listen now while there is time. Turn and give your life to Jesus; let Him lead you to the Shrine. At that time there was no mention of the Shrine at St. Robert’s. That came later on, because the first apparition there was on June 18, 1970. So you can see, way back in January, though I didn’t understand at the time, heaven had it already planned for Our Lady to appear there in June and yet this was dated January 8, 1970. 1 understand so much now how everything through the years has been planned so perfectly to fall into place by Jesus and Our Lady.
On January 3, 1970, I’d like to tell you at this time, that everything from the written notes, the handwritten notes this and much more was sent to Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston. Everything that I received from Theresa and Our Lady and Jesus was written and sent to Him.
November 8, 1996
The rest of the 1980 tape by Veronica is as follows:
Daily, Richard Cardinal Cushing received letters and notes from me. He was very kind to me. He sent many cards and letters back to me stating that he will have Masses said for my benefit. Somewhere in Cardinal Cushing’ s (effects) are the messages, the poem messages, and many writings, that were given to Cardinal Cushing in a red loose-leaf notebook folder. It was a pliable thin-bodied red loose-leaf I’m sure somewhere in Boston that folder is still lying.
I sent the second copy of the original writings dictated by St. Theresa to the nuns at the convent of Lisieux. The Mother Prioress told me a year later that one of the nuns took the liberty — she thought they were of such supernatural quality and they were very personal — and she burned them. I do want to give you the poem-messages given to me by St. Theresa dictated on January 3M, 1970. She said we will call this
“Cross My Heart Forever Jesus”
Place your hand upon My Heart
Seal my future with your kiss
Take this soul forever homeward
To your land of love and bliss
Free my spirit from the shackles
Bound on earth by body pleasures
Let me fly unto the Kingdom
Shining there with Godly treasures
Light my way through earth’s bleak darkness
Place the seal that makes me free
Feed my soul with Heaven’s manna
Give me eyes and heart to see
Share your friendship with the weak souls
Strengthen us with heaven’s power
Set the road just straight before us
Send the essence from the flower
November 15, 1996
This is the end of a tape made by Veronica in 1980.
“I thought that I would add here that I have found the notes of August 20th 1968. I sent a telegram to Cardinal Cushing at 12:30 PM to Richard Cardinal Cushing’s residence at 2101 Commonwealth Aye, Brighton Mass. and I wrote in the telegram, “For the glory of God, please listen to St. Theresa! I had previously written him a letter, and told him that on Monday, this terrible black eagle had appeared in the sky, and shouted “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! And sure enough it was that Tuesday Czechoslovakia was invaded. I then understood why when I was walking down Springfield Blvd. I saw in vision this tremendous black eagle, very ominous looking and it shouted out, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.” There was another poem prayer like message given to me, dictated by St. Theresa, and it was called:
“To a Miraculous Mother”
Blessed Mother, be my guide!
Be here always by my side!
Take me through this world of sorrow.
Show me there’s a bright tomorrow!"
November 22, 1996
In 1973 my daughter Maureen and I were on our way to a meeting. It was at night, the road we were riding on was very dark on the right side of the road is a valley. Suddenly there appeared in the sky a saucer like object with many lights. The lights were brilliant. There was no sound from this object. It started descending close to the road. We were scared and petrified. We prayed to St. Michael to protect us. Suddenly the saucer like object or as they are known as UFO started to go over the valley. What a relief St. Michael answered our prayers. Many people saw this UFO. The next day the radio news reported that many people from Long Island and New York had called the police stations inquiring about this unusual saucer like vehicle with flashing lights. The newspaper also reported this event.
In Our Lady’s message of 9/13/74, Our Lady said:
“It has been deemed necessary by the Father, to give unto you a photograph of the transports from hell. You will inform your men of knowledge - scientists - that the vehicles known as UFOs are but transports from hell sent to deceive and confuse mankind and set him in quest of another world that does not exist.
On Dec 24, 1973, Our Lady said: “These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of manes imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls.”
November 29, 1996
Our Blessed Mother told Veronica in 1973, that I would live to see Her messages spread to all parts of the world. This has been accomplished through the many zealous workers for Heaven’s Mission. Our Lady said we should shout Her messages from the rooftops and that She would use the news media to do this.
You Gary are an instrument of promoting the messages through your radio and Internet namely “These Last Days” (www.tldm.org) , which reaches all parts of the world. Yvonne and Vivian Hanratty have promoted Our Lady’s messages on Cable TV. They are on 115 Cable TV stations throughout the country. Richard Seccondro has put Our Lady’s messages on the Internet. Many workers have placed expensive “ads” in various newspapers throughout the country, advertising the messages from Heaven. Other workers for Our Lady have promoted the messages by mail in this country and foreign countries. Various groups have installed large Billboards on major highways throughout the country promoting Our Lady’s messages. Others have sponsored posters on the subway trains announcing the messages of Our Lady. Our Lady said we should endeavor to promote Heaven’s mission until we leave this earth. Our Lady also said, “you are all little children in our eyes. There is no age counted in Heaven.”
This is the conclusion of my memories with Veronica of the Cross.
There are workers for Our Lady of the Roses in Japan, Poland, Australia, Germany, England, Ireland, France, Spain, Africa, Korea, Puerto Rico, Central America and South America.
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There are 4 Things You Must Have to Survive
the End Times:
1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...
"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
"You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976
The Douay-Rheims Bible was published in 1899. It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. Almost all other Bibles have been rewritten by Satan. See: https://www.tldm.org/directives/d33.htm , https://www.tldm.org/directives/d415.htm and https://www.tldm.org/directives/d182.htm If you don't have a Douay-Rheims Bible order it now! (Order Form) Yours and your loved ones salvation could depend on it.
Read the Bible cover to cover. If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time. A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times. Wow!
2.) The Complete Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 Paperback Books..
The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times. God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it. These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones. Order it now. Tomorrow may be to late. These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00. (Order Form)
3.) Heaven's Home Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Send $14.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15 (Order Form)Crucifix on front and back door... The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) https://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm (Order Form)
4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...
Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5 (Order Form)Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448. Item # P5 (Order Form)
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book. Veronica said it was very good. It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it. Every North American must read this book! Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
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