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Vatican Mass These Last Days News - July 5, 2019
URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.

New Vigano Testimony: Vatican Covered Up Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Pope’s Altar Boys...

"I will not stand for My priests who condone homosexuality and allow it in My priesthood!...I will not stand by and allow My priesthood to be destroyed!" - Jesus, June 18, 1982

"My children, in the past My Church, My people have gone through crucibles of suffering, but I say unto you: My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far greater than any in past history. Lucifer and his agents now are working with diligence and are most successful at this moment in their striving to topple the Seat of Peter and to place in Rome a pope that is the antipope of history." - Jesus, June 18, 1978

“Rome will lose the faith and will become the seat of Antichrist.” – Our Lady of La Salette, September 19, 1846

"Without the number of prayers needed to balance the scale and acts of reparation from the children of earth, there will be placed upon the Seat of Peter one who will put and place souls and the House of God into deep darkness." - Our Lady, March 18, 1974

The above Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more

LifeSiteNews.com reported on July 3, 2019:

Editor’s Note: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s interview with the Washington Post, published June 10, contained an answer that the Post decided to expurgate from the interview. This answer contained important information regarding unaddressed accusations of sex abuse against a high official of the Holy See, as well as the coverup of a former seminarian, now a priest, accused of the sexual abuse of pre-seminarian adolescents who acted as the Pope’s altar boys. The full text of Viganò’s unpublished answers to the Washington Post follows. The text has been slightly modified to include capitalizations normally used in English. The name of one individual has been removed by LifeSite because LifeSite was unable to find sufficient support for the accusation against him at this point.

I.b.  Do you see any signs that the Vatican, under Pope Francis, is taking proper steps to address the serious issues of abuse? If not, what is missing?

The signs I see are truly ominous.  Not only is Pope Francis doing close to nothing to punish those who have committed abuse, he is doing absolutely nothing to expose and bring to justice those who have, for decades, facilitated and covered up the abusers.  Just to cite one example:  Cardinal Wuerl, who covered up the abuses of McCarrick and others for decades, and whose repeated and blatant lies have been made manifest to everyone who has been paying attention (for those who have not been paying attention, see washingtonpost.com/opinions/cardinal-wuerl-knew-about-theodore-mccarrick-and-he-lied-about-it), had to resign in disgrace due to popular outrage. Yet, in accepting his resignation, Pope Francis praised him for his “nobility.”  What credibility has the pope left after this kind of statement?

But such behavior is by no means the worst.  Going back to the summit and its focus on the abuse of minors, I now wish to bring to your attention two recent and truly horrifying cases involving allegations of offenses against minors during Pope Francis’ tenure.  The pope and many prelates in the Curia are well aware of these allegations, but in neither case was an open and thorough investigation permitted. An objective observer cannot help but suspect that horrible deeds are being covered up.

1.  The first is said to have occurred inside the very walls of the Vatican, at the Pre-Seminary Pius X, which is located just a short walk from the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where Pope Francis lives.  That seminary trains minors who serve as altar boys in St. Peter’s Basilica and at papal ceremonies.

One of the seminarians, Kamil Jarzembowski, a roommate of one of the victims, claims to have witnessed dozens of incidents of sexual aggression.  Along with two other seminarians, he denounced the aggressor, first in person to his pre-seminary superiors, then in writing to cardinals, and finally in 2014, again in writing, to Pope Francis himself. One of the victims was a boy, allegedly abused for five consecutive years, starting at age 13. The alleged aggressor was a 21-year- old seminarian, Gabriele Martinelli.

That pre-seminary is under the responsibility of the diocese of Como, and is run by the Don Folci Association.  A preliminary investigation was entrusted to the judicial vicar of Como, don Andrea Stabellini, who found elements of evidence that warranted further investigation. I received firsthand information indicating that his superiors prohibited his continuing the investigation.  He can testify for himself, and I urge you to go and interview him.  I pray that he will find the courage to share with you what he so courageously shared with me.

Along with the above, I learned how the authorities of the Holy See dealt with this case.  After evidence was collected by Don Stabellini, the case was immediately covered up by the then-bishop of Como, Diego Coletti, together with Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Vicar General of Pope Francis for Vatican City.  In addition, Cardinal Coccopalmerio, then president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, who was consulted by Don Stabellini, strongly admonished him to stop the investigation.

You might wonder how this horrible case was closed.  The Bishop of Como removed Don Stabellini from the post of Judicial Vicar; the whistleblower, the seminarian Kamil Jarzembowski, was expelled from the seminary; the two fellow seminarians who had joined him in the denunciation left the seminary; and the alleged abuser, Gabriele Martinelli, was ordained priest in July 2017.  All this happened within the Vatican walls, and not a word of it came out during the summit.

The summit was therefore terribly disappointing, for it is hypocrisy to condemn abuses against minors and claim to sympathize with the victims while refusing to face up to the facts honestly. A spiritual revitalization of the clergy is most urgent, but it will ultimately be ineffectual if there is no willingness to address the real problem.

2.  The second case involves Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, whom Pope Francis has chosen to be the new Substitute at the Secretariat of State, making him the third most powerful person in the curia.  In doing so, the pope essentially ignored a terrifying dossier sent to him by a group of faithful from Maracaibo, entitled “¿Quién es verdaderamente Monseñor Edgar Robinson Peña Parra, Nuevo Sustituto de la Secretarîa de Estado del Vaticano?” (“Who really is Msgr. Edgar Robinson Peña Parra, the new Substitute at the Secretariat of State of the Vatican” - LifeSite) The dossier is signed by Dr. Enrique W. Lagunillas Machado, in the name of the “Grupo de Laicos de la Arquidiócesis de Maracaibo por una Iglesia y un Clero según el Corazón de Cristo” (“Group of Laity of the Archdiocese of Maracaibo for a Church and a Clergy in accordance with the Heart of Christ” – LifeSite). These faithful accused Peña Parra of terrible immorality, describing in detail his alleged crimes.  This might even be a scandal surpassing that of McCarrick, and it must not be allowed to be covered by silence.

Some facts have already been published in the media, notably in the Italian weekly L’Espresso (see espresso.repubblica.it/inchieste/2018/10/18/news/buio-in-vaticano-ecco-l-ultimo-scandalo-1.327923).  I will now add facts known by the Secretariat of State in the Vatican since 2002, which I learned when I served as the Delegate for Pontifical Representations.

  • In January 2000, Maracaibo journalist Gastón Guisandes López made serious accusations against some priests from the diocese of Maracaibo, including Msgr. Peña Parra, involving sexual abuse of minors and other possibly criminal activity.
  • In 2001, Gastón Guisandes López twice asked to be received by the apostolic nuncio (the Pope’s ambassador) in Venezuela, archbishop André Dupuy, to discuss these matters, but the archbishop inexplicably refused to receive him. He did, however, report to the Secretariat of State that the journalist had accused Msgr. Peña Parra of two very serious crimes, describing the circumstances.
    • First, Edgar Peña Parra was accused of having seduced, on September 24, 1990, two minor seminarians from the parish of San Pablo, who were to enter the Major Seminary of Maracaibo that same year. The event is said to have taken place in the Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, where the Rev. José Severeyn was parish priest.  Rev. Severeyn was later removed from the parish by the then archbishop Msgr. Roa Pérez. The case was reported to the police by the parents of the two young men and was dealt with by the then-rector of the major seminary, Rev. Enrique Pérez, and by the then spiritual director, Rev. Emilio Melchor.  Rev. Pérez, when questioned by the Secretariat of State, confirmed in writing the episode of September 24, 1990.  I have seen these documents with my own eyes.
    • Second, Edgar Peña Parra was allegedly involved, together with [NAME REMOVED], in the death of two people, a doctor and a certain Jairo Pérez, which took place in August 1992, on the island of San Carlos in Lake Maracaibo.  They were killed by an electric discharge, and it is not clear whether or not the deaths were accidental. This same accusation is also contained in the aforementioned dossier sent by a group of lay people from Maracaibo, with the additional detail that the two corpses were found naked, with evidence of macabre homosexual lewd encounters. These accusations are, to say the least, extremely grave. Yet not only was Peña Parra not required to face them, he was allowed to continue in the diplomatic service of the Holy See.
  • These two accusations were reported to the Secretariat of State in 2002 by the then apostolic nuncio in Venezuela, archbishop André Dupuy. The relevant documentation, if it has not been destroyed, can be found both in the archives of the diplomatic personnel of the Secretariat of State where I held the position of Delegate for the Pontifical Representations, and in the archives of the apostolic nunciature in Venezuela, where the following archbishops have served as nuncios since: Giacinto Berloco, from 2005 to 2009; Pietro Parolin, from 2009 to 2013; and Aldo Giordano, from 2013 to the present.  They all had access to the documents reporting these accusations against the future Substitute, as did the cardinals Secretaries of State Sodano, Bertone, and Parolin and the Substitutes Sandri, Filoni, and Becciu.
  • Particularly egregious is the behavior of Cardinal Parolin who, as Secretary of State, did not oppose the recent appointment of Peña Parra as Substitute, making him his closest collaborator.  Even more: years earlier, in January 2011, as apostolic nuncio in Caracas, Parolin did not oppose the appointment of Peña Parra as archbishop and apostolic nuncio to Pakistan. Before such important appointments, a rigorous informative process is made to verify the suitability of the candidate, so these accusations were surely brought to the attention of Cardinal Parolin.

Furthermore, Cardinal Parolin knows the names of a number of priests in the Curia who are sexually unchaste, violating the laws of God that they solemnly committed themselves to teach and practice, and he continues to look the other way.

If Cardinal Parolin’s responsibilities are grave, even more so are those of Pope Francis for having chosen for an extremely important position in the Church a man accused of such serious crimes, without first insisting on an open and thorough investigation.  There is one more scandalous aspect to this horrific story.  Peña Parra is closely connected with Honduras, and more precisely with Cardinal Maradiaga and Bishop Juan José Pineda.  Between 2003 and 2007, Peña Parra served in the nunciature in Tegucigalpa, and while there he was very close to Juan José Pineda, who in 2005 was ordained auxiliary bishop of Tegucigalpa, becoming the right-hand man of Cardinal Maradiaga.  Juan José Pineda resigned from his post of auxiliary bishop in July 2018, without any reason given to the faithful of Tegucicalpa.  Pope Francis has not released the results of the report that the Apostolic Visitor, the Argentine bishop Alcides Casaretto, delivered directly and only to him more than a year ago.  How can one interpret Pope Francis’ firm decision not to talk about or answer any question about this matter except as a cover up of the facts and protection of a homosexual network?  Such decisions reveal a terrible truth: rather than allowing open and serious investigations of those accused of grave offenses against the Church, the pope is allowing the Church herself to suffer.

Coming back to your question.  You ask me if I see any signs that the Vatican, under Pope Francis, is taking proper steps to address the serious issues of abuse. My answer is simple: Pope Francis himself is covering up abuse right now, as he did for McCarrick.  I say this with great sorrow.  When King David pronounced the greedy rich man in Nathan’s parable worthy of death, the prophet told him bluntly, “You are the man” (2 Sam 12:1-7).  I had hoped my testimony might be received like Nathan’s, but it was instead received like that of Micaiah (1Kings 22:15-27).  I pray that this will change.

The Reality of Hell : Stories of Persons Who Visited Hell and Apparitions of the Damned...  Read more...

Editor's Comments:  Matthew 16:18  "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Jesus said; "the gates of hell shall not prevail against 'IT'" (the Church) not 'HIM' (the Pope).

The Church survived the Imposter Pope Paul VI  in the 1970's.  https://www.tldm.org/News3/impostor.htm  The Church survived erroneous popes in the past history of the Church and "IT" will survive them in the future.

"There will be an uncanonically elected pope who will cause a great schism, there will be diverse thoughts preached which will cause many, even those in the different orders to doubt, yea, even agree with those heretics which will cause my Order to divide, then will there be such universal dissensions and persecutions that if those days were not shortened even the elect would be lost." - St. Francis of Assisi (The Reign of Antichrist, Fr. R. Gerald Culleton)

EDITOR'S NOTE:  We welcome your comments at the end of this page.  Email a link or print out a copy of this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.  Email this page to a friend.

"I will not stand for My priests who condone homosexuality and allow it in My priesthood! I will not stand for My priests who allow the murder of the unborn with their permissiveness! I will not stand by and allow My priesthood to be destroyed!" - Jesus, June 18, 1982

“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven."  Matt. 10:32-33

"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy.  I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell.  Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980

"It was, My children, a sinister plan from the depths of hell to remove the knowledge of the divinity of My Son from among you." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 10, 1978

 We immediately need your prayers and financial support to be able to continue to create these web pages.  Click here... Thank you in advance.

Let Us All Pray the Rosary that church leaders will be given the grace to stand and tell the truth no matter the cost... Click here...

The awesome Bayside Prophecies...  https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/  
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"I say unto you, My pastors, hierarchy and priests of all nations: You will follow the rules as given through countless earth-years. My Church, My House has been set up upon earth. I gave the direction. It was a simple way. And you have entered upon the wide road to damnation. Many mitres shall fall into hell! But sadly they will take others with them.
     "The justice of the Eternal Father has charity, gives hope. However, you cannot compromise the Faith. You cannot compromise with evil. There is no middle road between good and evil.” - Jesus, October 6, 1978

"Many mitres now hold major responsibility for the loss of their sheep. You have scattered them in all directions. And now what do you intend to do to restore My House? Restore My House now, for I shall return and I shall send you out of My House, forever lost to Heaven. Your rank has no precedence over another soul when this soul is being sent into the abyss. You hold a major responsibility for the loss of My sheep.” - Jesus, May 29, 1976 

"Because of the arrogance and pride of My clergy, many of Our sheep, Our children, are lost to the Kingdom of Heaven. Many mitres are destined for the abyss. Heresy and apostasy abounds upon earth.” - Jesus, June 18, 1979 

“Clergy in My Son’s houses, you must show more honor to My Son. There are some who are a disgrace to their profession, leading others into ways of sin. Oh ye of little faith, why do you debase the young? You who have given themselves over to worldly pleasures and defamed their profession shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” - Our Lady, June 18, 1993"Red Hats, bishops, you go about earth oppressing the children of God, but you neither chastise nor condemn the evil ones in your House, the Church." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 3, 1978

 "I am your God, and I say unto you:  continue to change My Church and you will fall!  You will build a secular church, bringing in all--even heretics, even homosexuals.  All aberrations condemned by the Eternal Father, you will permit in the name of humanism.  Nay, no!  I say unto you as your God.  You will be given a short reign, for I consider you then an abomination, and as such you will be removed." - Jesus, May 23, 1979 

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978

"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents--and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind--sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth. At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening?" - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"I counseled you at Fatima, and who gave My counsel to the world? Pride and arrogance anew! A secret was to be revealed, and who counseled and prepared the world for the onslaught of Satan into My Son's House? No one!" - Our Lady, December 3l, 1977

"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret--as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel--thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - Our Lady, April 29, 1992

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978

"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents--and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind--sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth. At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening?" - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"I counseled you at Fatima, and who gave My counsel to the world? Pride and arrogance anew! A secret was to be revealed, and who counseled and prepared the world for the onslaught of Satan into My Son's House? No one!" - Our Lady, December 3l, 1977

"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret--as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel--thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - Our Lady, April 29, 1992

"My children, parents, you must be now guardian of your children's souls. Satan is doing major battle upon the teachers in My Son's House.
     "Your governments, your medias of communication, your medias of entertainment are now fully controlled. The United States of America has been plucked. The vultures are gathering for the kill.” – Our Lady, April 2, 1977

“Your children must be returned to learning the Scriptures of the prophets. All parents must gather their children and remove them from the agents of satan. Bring the truth to your children through the Book of life, the writings of the prophets of old, the Bible. This legacy was left to man to guide him in his daily life. Instead, man has chosen to read and absorb, to destroy his eternal soul with books of evil, corruption, blasphemy, atheism—all soul destructors, destroyers of purity of heart and body.”  Our Lady, 9-13-73

Jesus -“My child and My children, you are now approaching grave days.  My Mother has prepared all of you for the trials ahead.  Needless to say, I shall not repeat again the counsel given to you by My Mother.  This counsel has been rejected by many, and for all of Her heart that My Mother has extended to you, many have returned this gift with bitterness, mockery and derision, and blasphemy.” 7-15-78

The voices of blasphemy have reached all Heaven
Jesus - “My children, My Mother’s counsel, Her directives, must go with great haste throughout the world.  Mankind has not made amends to the Eternal Father for his blasphemy, mankind’s blasphemy and his cursing.  The voices of blasphemy have reached all Heaven.  The saints who suffered upon earth to win their crowns cry out now with hearts heavy with sadness: ‘O when, O Lord, just and true, shall You set upon mankind a firm and just punishment for their continued disobedience to the law of the Lord high God in Heaven?  Oh when, Faithful and True, shall You smite mankind with a chastisement that will be necessary to cleanse Lucifer and his agents from earth?’” 6-18-78

Veronica – Our Lady referred to the cult of devil worshippers, and also the black mass now in existence in various cities of our United States—New York and San Francisco. They are conducting sacrificial rites of a demonic nature involving desecration of the human body, and blasphemy and mockery of the soul and denial of the majesty of the Eternal Kingdom of the Father! Many people of high social standing have joined these groups. They seek the wrath of God! Their debauchery has been publicized on television and in many of the papers.   8-21-70

“We view now the vilest of desecrations being perpetrated in My Son’s House. You who have been given the grace to bring the light have chosen to use your power to destroy. What are you telling the children? The young souls are learning blasphemy, heresy, satanism! You will not escape the flames!”  Our Lady, 12-7-71

“My children, you have been given every opportunity to act upon the warnings from Heaven and the counsel of My Mother. In Her mission to Her children, She has met with rejection, defamation, blasphemy, and every abuse that Lucifer could implant into the hearts and minds of man. As a great Mother of great sorrows, She has opened Her heart to all mankind, choosing of Her own free will to act as your Mother, the Mother of all nations, the Mother of all children of earth, to guide you back to the road to Heaven.”  Jesus, 10-6-79

 Major offenses against God
 St. Michael - "I shall list the major offenses against the God of Heaven and earth: 1. Blasphemy! 2. Infamy! 3. Immodesty! 4. Worship of false idols! 5. Disrespect of authority! 6. Infidelity in the family! 7...." 6-16-73

“You cannot live in the world and be of the world and stay on the road to the Kingdom of Heaven.  You cannot love two masters, for one will you grow to hate.  And, My children, it tears My heart anew to hear the blasphemy being committed against My Son even in His own House!” Our Lady, 2-1-78

"My children, you must protest the offenses being committed against the divinity of My Son. Prayer is a great weapon, but unless you act and pray too, My children, you proceed nowhere. You become lax, indifferent; apathy sets in. Each and every individual of conscionable age shall be tested." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1977

"Do you not recognize, My children, that satan will seek to distort and deny My words? Open your ears! Pray for the light! As shepherds, why do you choose to cast Me aside when I have been sent to you by the Father?
    "The offenses to the divinity of My Son are great!" - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1974

"Even in My Son's churches I have watched My children approaching the Sacred Species, My Son's Body and Blood--His divinity being desecrated by young women, young men, and even middle-aged, wearing satan's emblems! How foolish you are not to recognize the cross and the sacramentals given by the institutionalized churches the Roman Catholic Church of My Son--even though sadly I have often cried at the many denominations that came from the first Church of My Son. However, the cross is your salvation, and many of My children are wearing Lucifer's symbols. You wear a horn about your neck, and you say it is the Italian horn of plenty. It is not! It is the horn of Lucifer!" - Our Lady, November 25, 1978

"When you, as a nation, give yourselves over to debasement, immorality, and turn your backs upon your God, denying His divinity, and denying His very existence among you, My children, the Eternal Father has no other recourse but to chastise you." - Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1976

"You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and knowledge of the prophets. You cannot start this new religion, for it will lead you to one religion that is not of My Son, that will not have His true foundation, and you will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the knowledge of His divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning, O you of little faith? Whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1976

"My children, you are aware of one arm of the octopus that you know as communism. I assure you, My children, that is but one small arm of the octopus that is reaching out in all directions upon earth to engulf man and enslave him. These arms reach out to promote a one-world government and a one-world religion, a religion that shall not have My Son as its head.
   "The greatest harm to mankind is being promoted through the channel of My Son's Church. Many who wear the red hats have not turned to My Son. They reject His divinity; they reject Him as part of the Godhead. They reject Him as their God, and they have joined forces with the prince of darkness and his consorts."- Our Lady, December 28, 1976

Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D5 - The Holy Priesthood, Part 1  PDF
D24 - Homosexuality, Part 1   PDF
D38 - Priests (Part 1)   PDF
D39 - Priests (Part 2)   PDF
D172 - Priestly Celibacy PDF
D173 - Women Priests  PDF Logo PDF
D174 - Homosexuality, Part 2  PDF
D188 - Wrath of God PDF
D225 - Final Warning to the Clergy  PDF Logo PDF  
D226 - Many Mitres are on the Road to Hell  PDF Logo PDF  
D285 - Restore Holiness to the Priesthood  PDF
D405 - The Holy Priesthood, Part 2 PDF

EDITOR'S COMMENT:  Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world.  When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close.  Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books.  Purchase these items now while they are still available!  You will urgently need them in the days ahead.  Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies.  Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available!  Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed.  Viva Cristo Rey!

Place a Crucifix on the outside of your front and back door...  The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.)  https://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm

Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $11.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $13.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15  (Order Form)

Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet...
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5  (Order Form)

    Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
    On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
    This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448.  Item # P5 (Order Form)

The Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies book...
The six volumes have all of Our Lady’s Bayside messages from 1970 through 1994. Some of these have never been published before.  This is a type of a survival book.  It tells what is coming and how to prepare for it spiritually and materially. It is a must book for the days ahead.  This is a great way to spread Our Lady’s messages to our family, friends and relatives. (Order Form)

Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book...
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book.   Veronica said it was very good.  It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it.  Every North American must read this book!  Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)

Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation.  For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters.  Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission...  "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell."  Our Lady of the Roses,  October 6, 1980

My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.


We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

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Revised: October 24, 2022