U.S. refuses to fund U.N.’s forced abortions…


"It is in the direction of the Eternal Father that you remove from your country the forces of satan now running rampant in the grouping you call the United Nations.

     "You must as a nation take yourself away from this group of satan. You have opened your doors to the enemies of God! These enemies do not defend you, but they wait to pounce upon you like vultures! They are bringing you down to your knees now, My children. Like vultures, they will await their time." - Our Lady, September 13, 1974


A July 23, 2002 Newmax article reports:


In a decision that will please most conservatives, the Bush administration Monday announced it is withholding U.S. funding ($34 million) from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which supports "family planning" programs overseas.
     State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the administration "came to the conclusion that the U.N. Population Fund monies go to Chinese agencies that carry out coercive programs."
     Press reports said the money would instead go toward child survival and health programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
     In a statement released over the weekend, the National Right to Life Committee called UNFPA "a cheerleader and facilitator for
China's birth-quota program, which relies heavily on coerced abortion."


Directives from Heaven... 

D12 - One World Government / Religion

D158 - America the Beautiful

D180 – United Nations and World Government



U.S. Refuses to Fund U.N.'s Forced Abortions NewMax, July 23, 2002


The United Nations: Chief Instrument of Russia's Errors, Part 1 , by Cornelia R. Ferreira



The United Nations: Chief Instrument of Russia's Errors, Part 2 , by Cornelia R. Ferreira



Lawmakers reject globalist court, Newsmax, July 19, 2002



The U.N. Hokey Pokey, WorldNetDaily, July 16, 2002



Globalist Senators Backstab U.S. Troops, Newsmax, July 16, 2002



Bush will cut aid to U.N. family planning program, sources say, Kansas City Star, July 15, 2002


U.N. Court Spares U.S. Troops - for Now, Newsmax, July 12, 2002

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