Cardinal Rivera of Mexico spins priest sex-abuse crisis as “media persecution”...

"It is the easy way to compromise, My children.  It casts the responsibility onto another, so that you may not be bothered.  But I say unto you, pastors and laymen, you must accept this responsibility to protect your Faith, to restore My House to its former glory, to chase out the rodents in mitres that are burrowing like rats into the foundation of My Church." - Jesus, March 18, 1977

The National Post of Canada reported on July 12, 2002:

A leading candidate to become the next pope says the coverage of sex abuse scandals in the United States represents a "campaign of media persecution against the entire Catholic Church" on par with attacks under Adolf Hitler.
     Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera of Mexico City also compared the "orchestrated plan for striking at the prestige of the Church" to persecutions under Roman emperor Nero….
     James Post, co-founder of the Boston-based Voice of the Faithful, a group formed in response to the crisis in the archdiocese, said Cardinal Rivera's comments are misguided.
     "It's not the media that made this happen. The tree was rotten on the inside. If you think of this as a cancer, it's a cancer that has to be rooted out, and it's a cancer that has to be eliminated. The cancer is the abuse, the deception, the cover-up. In diocese after diocese across this country, we see bishops, instead of tackling the problem head-on, [try] to hide the problem."
     Dr. Post said Cardinal Rivera's comments are part of a "counter-offensive. It's an understandable counter-offensive, but the truth is it doesn't hold water when you stay close to the facts. If anything, the media is to be thanked and applauded for the disclosure. But for the disclosure, we'd still have shuffling to other parishes. The hierarchy may not welcome it, but I think lay Catholics welcome it to lay sunlight on it."

"I ask you as your God to cast away your pride. Admit there has been error. Listen to your Vicar who stated that the smoke of satan had entered My Church....You are blinded, My hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing all manner of heretics and the antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken from your slumber." - Jesus, September 28, 1978

Directives from Heaven...

D 63 -  Third Secret
D129 - THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 1 - 666 in Rome  
D130 -
THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 2 - Satan entered the Church in 1972  
D131 -
THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 3 - Satan entered the highest realms of the hierarchy  
D132 -
THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 4 - There shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst.
D133 -
THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 5 - The Apocalypse / Revelations
D141 - Responsibility 

D142 - Sin of Omission 
D161 - The Great Apostasy

D174 - Homosexuality, Part 2  New
D175 - Defilement of the Young  New
D176 - Sodom and Gomorrah  New
D177 Seminaries New


Cardinal equates U.S. media with Hitler,
National Post{69A1ED6E-D554-4EC6-99F5-A272F2C649F7}

Public Wants Jail for Complicit Bishops, ABC News, June 24, 2002

Dallas News database: Catholic bishops and sex abuse

Dallas Diary, Part II, National Review, June 16, 2002

Bishops betraying the Catholic Church, WorldNetDaily, June 14, 2002

An Open Letter to our Bishops in Dallas, Phil Brennan, June 14, 2002

Bishops castigated by victims, leaders alike, Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 14, 2002

Report: 111 Bishops Kept Priests, Others Accused of Abuse on the Job, Fox News, June 12, 2002,2933,55076,00.html

U.S. Catholics worry for future, BBC News, June 13, 2002

Victims Have 'Heartbreaking' Meetings With Roman Catholic Bishops on Abuse Panel, Fox News, June 13, 2002,2933,55085,00.html

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