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William Waters These Last Days News - March 29, 2023
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West Point Grad Credits Mary, Four Daily Rosaries for Helping Him Accept His Call to the Priesthood...

"It is not a prayer of repetition without meaning, Our Rosary, My children. It is a prayer that as you pray you will be surrounded by an aura of peace and holiness. You will find yourself coming closer to the Eternal Father in spirit."
- Our Lady, May 17, 1975

"All who pray the Rosary and wear My Scapular shall be saved."
- Jesus, June 18, 1984

"Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God.  If you do not recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother's loving heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject.
    "Woe to all dedicated who seek to remove these from the little ones' hands, for their punishment will be metered in accordance to it!
    "Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love?  Those who remain true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires.  Gather these treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them on the counters of your stores."
- Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1970

The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more

LifeSiteNews.com report on March 28, 2023:

by Ashley Sadler

West Point graduate William Waters didn’t want to be a priest — but a reignition of faith and devotion to praying the rosary both clarified his vocation and infused in him a deep love of the mission God was calling him to undertake.

Now a seminarian with the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services, Waters described his circuitous route to the priesthood in a heartfelt interview posted to YouTube on March 10.

Raised in a staunch Catholic family, Waters said his vocation discernment began at the U.S. Army’s West Point Military Academy in New York, where he took on his faith as his own for the first time and encountered a priest whose godly masculinity drew his respect and admiration.

“There was a really good priest there, Father Matt. He had graduated from West Point [in 1986], commissioned into the Army infantry, and then felt a call afterward and came back as a priest. And he was all man and all priest, and there was something attractive about that,” Waters said. “I wanted to be like him.”

Later, Waters would forge friendships with missionaries affiliated with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), an outreach group that helps college students connect with their faith.

“They had a joy that nobody else had. They had a love and a peace that nobody had,” he said. “And it was very clear as soon as you talked to them it was because of Jesus Christ. And that holiness was attractive.”

Waters said “one of the gifts” that the FOCUS missionaries gave him was “the gift of Marian consecration.”

“Mary showed up in a big way,” he said, explaining he consecrated himself to Mary before his graduation from West Point and even had “Totus Tuus,” or “All Yours,” inscribed on his class ring.

He said that’s when Mary “started working on me,” and the thought of priesthood first occurred to him.

“The funny thing is I didn’t want to be [a priest],” he said, explaining he decided to explore the possibility merely “out of a sense of duty,” noting that the West Point motto, “Duty, Honor, Country,” inspired his spiritual life as well.

Though he went on some discernment retreats, he said he didn’t feel called to pursue a priestly vocation and instead dedicated himself to simply living out his faith by praying a daily rosary and seeking to do his best as a platoon leader, a friend, and a member of his parish community.

Then his journey began to take some twists and turns.

He entered a dating relationship with a devout Catholic young woman but felt called again to pursue the priesthood after he decided to attend a talk that unexpectedly turned out to be about encouraging vocations to the religious life.

Despite his desire to continue his relationship and ultimately get married, Waters prayed with his girlfriend about the matter and dutifully applied to seminary, all while hoping that God would shut the door on the priesthood for him.

To his chagrin, he was accepted to seminary, even though he attempted to sabotage his applications by affirming he didn’t want to be a priest. Then, despite being accepted, he was told by his Army superiors that he was not allowed to enter.

Confused, Waters pointedly asked Jesus in prayer to make his vocation clear.

He said his prayer was answered through a chance encounter with a woman at Mass who turned out to be the wife of a four-star general. After a brief conversation, she gave Waters her husband’s contact information, leading him to buck military protocol and hierarchy by “jump[ing] seven levels of the chain of command” and asking the general for his permission to leave his battalion and enter seminary.

Against all odds, the request was granted.

Waters said his first year at seminary was the happiest he had ever experienced, even though he still struggled with his calling. Then at seminary, a friend told him about a spiritual practice that had changed his life: praying four rosaries every day.

Inspired to take up the habit as well, Waters began to pray four complete rosaries daily. He said that one Saturday at chapel, after finishing his fourth rosary, he finally received the grace to fully accept his calling and truly say that he wanted to become a priest.

Waters is now pursuing Christ wholeheartedly as he completes his formal training to enter the priesthood and has begun sharing the power of the rosary with others, including several homeless men who he began praying with in an informal act of evangelization.

“I share this with you so that you might know what Mary did in my life,” Waters told viewers. “I know that she changed my heart. That she worked two miracles in front of my eyes to let me see it, to confirm this vocation, to help me know that the only way I’m going to be a holy priest and a great saint is through her.”

“And so, I intend to pray the four rosaries every day of my life until I die,” he said. “And I hope you’ll do the same.”

 When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand.  When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands.  Start now!  Let's All Pray the Rosary to save the United States from destruction... Click here...

Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside End Times Prophecies... https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/  These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

"Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God. If you do not recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother's loving heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject.
    "Woe to all dedicated who seek to remove these from the little ones' hands, for their punishment will be metered in accordance to it!
    "Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love? Those who remain true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires. Gather these treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them on the counters of your stores." - Our Lady, October 6, 1970

"With the extension of the Rosary, many shall now receive the power through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to bring health of body and health of spirit to each soul.
    "You will find that your Rosary beads shall turn color again. The stems will become pure gold. So do not cast aside your Rosary, thinking falsely, as satan would whisper into your ear that they're not good anymore and must be thrown away. That you will understand, that every Rosary that has been blessed by the presence of the Mother of God, Jesus, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Ghost, know that these Rosaries are very powerful. So you will keep them with you always, for they will have the power for cure and for conversion - cure of the ailing body and conversion of the sickened soul." - Our Lady, June 18, 1984

"My children, you will all pray your Rosary daily, even if it means to stop the work you are doing. You will excuse yourself and retire to a quiet place in your office threshold. The Rosary must be said at least once a day, the fifteen decades." - Jesus, June 18, 1984

"All who pray the Rosary and wear My Scapular shall be saved." - Jesus, June 18, 1984

"I ask that the world continues to make Rosaries, and send the prayers, link to link throughout the world. For I still promise that if you will listen to My directions, given through My Son, in the Father and the Holy Spirit - I promise to do all that I can, My children, to save your lives upon earth; and also, if you must come across the veil, to save you from eternal damnation through the Scapular and the Rosary." - Our Lady, October 5, 1985

"With the extension of the Rosary, many shall now receive the power through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to bring health of body and health of spirit to each soul.
    "You will find that your Rosary beads shall turn color again. The stems will become pure gold. So do not cast aside your Rosary, thinking falsely, as satan would whisper into your ear that they're not good anymore and must be thrown away. That you will understand, that every Rosary that has been blessed by the presence of the Mother of God, Jesus, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Ghost, know that these Rosaries are very powerful. So you will keep them with you always, for they will have the power for cure and for conversion - cure of the ailing body and conversion of the sickened soul." - Our Lady, June 18, 1984

"My children, when you pray, for you are rescuing your brothers and sisters, you must not use what could be termed as lip service. You must pray with purpose and feeling from the heart. Each word will be prayed slowly with understanding and reason...." - Our Lady, June 18, 1976

"My child and My children, I could go back through the years and remember how many times I came upon earth to try to warn you. Those nations that listened were free from harm. But they had to pray the Rosary--the Rosary and the Scapular." - Our Lady, April 14, 1984

Directives from Heaven...  https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D8 - Blessed Virgin Mary  PDF
D18 - The Holy Rosary PDF Logo
D19 - Prayers    PDF Logo
D20 - Importance of Prayer (Part 1)  PDF Logo
D21 - Importance of Prayer (Part 2)   PDF Logo
D22 - Disciples of Latter Days (Part 1)   PDF Logo

EDITOR'S COMMENT:  Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world.  When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close.  Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books.  Purchase these items now while they are still available!  You will urgently need them in the days ahead.  Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies.  Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available!  Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed.  Viva Cristo Rey!


Lepanto (Catholic Encyclopedia)

There are 4 Things You Must Have to Survive the End Times:

1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...

"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children." -  Jesus, October 5, 1985
     "You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man.  I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992  
    "I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976 
    The Douay-Rheims Bible was published in 1899.  It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.  Almost all other Bibles have been rewritten by Satan.   See: https://www.tldm.org/directives/d33.htmhttps://www.tldm.org/directives/d415.htm and https://www.tldm.org/directives/d182.htm   If you don't have a Douay-Rheims Bible order it now!  (Order Form)  Yours and your loved ones salvation could depend on it. 
    Read the Bible cover to cover.  If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days.  I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time.  A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times.  Wow!

2.) The Complete Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 Paperback Books...

The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times.  God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it.  These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones.  Order it now.  Tomorrow may be to late.  These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00. (Order Form)

3.)  Heaven's Home Protection Packet...

Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Send $14.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15  (Order Form)

Crucifix on front and back door...  The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.)  https://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm    (Order Form)

4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...

Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5  (Order Form)

    Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
    On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
    This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448.  Item # P5 (Order Form)

Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .

We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book.   Veronica said it was very good.  It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it.  Every North American must read this book!  Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)

Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation.  For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters.  Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission...  "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell."  Our Lady of the Roses,  October 6, 1980

My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.  


We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

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March 29, 2023