Lady requests abstinence from meat
on December 24th, Christmas Eve...
Veronica - And Our Lady now—oh, Our Lady is appearing now outside the door. She’s standing, and She’s talking about the meat. Before the Feast Day of Her Son, no meat, She says.
Our Lady – “No meat before the Feast Day. It is only a small act of penance.” (December 24, 1972)
According to the 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia:
The vigils of Christmas, Pentecost, Assumption, and All Saints are also days of abstinence and fasting. In virtue of faculties granted by the Holy See, workingmen, and their families as well, may use flesh meat once a day on all abstinence days throughout the year except Fridays, Ash Wednesday, Holy Saturday, and the vigil of Christmas. This indult was issued for ten years, 15 March 1895, and renewed for another decade on 25 February, 1905. (See "Exposition of Christian Doctrine", Philadelphia, 1899, II, 528-529 Spirago-Clarke, "The Catechism Explained", New York, 1900; Diocesan Regulations for Lent.)
The Story of the Virgin Birth http://www.tldm.org/news6/Christmas2003.htm
Abstinence (Catholic
Merry Christmas to you from all of us at These Last Days Ministries. May the Christ Child richly bless, guide and protect you and your love ones this Christmas Season and all through the New Year 2004. God love you and bless you.
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