These Last Days News - January 27, 2025
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Catholic Charities Lies to Illegals to Aid Them Against ICE...
"My child, hasten to spread the word!
Much evil is planned against your glorious land. Hasten! Spread the word! You as
a nation are being deluded. There are enemies all about you, waiting. They plan
to move upon you from within. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. You have not
a moment to lose." - Our Lady, February 1, 1975
"My child and My children, I could go back through the years and remember how many times I came upon earth to try to warn you. Those nations that listened were free from harm. But they had to pray the Rosary--the Rosary and the Scapular." - Our Lady, April 14, 1984
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on January 27, 2025:
By Catherine Salgado
Catholic Charities Milwaukee is outrageously advising illegal aliens on refusing to comply with ICE, demanding rights they do not have, lying about U.S. laws, requesting help from foreign officials in undermining immigration law enforcement, and more.
The infamous video in question begins with a woman, Barb Graham, introducing herself as “an attorney at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the Refugee and Immigration Services Program.” She claims to be helping illegal aliens to understand their “rights” if ICE comes to arrest them. “All people living in the United States, including people who are undocumented, have certain rights under the United States Constitution,” she asserts.
This is simply false. Illegal aliens do not have constitutional rights, because they are not citizens, regardless of what wokified courts have wrongly asserted at various times in the past. Foreign nationals who violate our laws to be in the United States do not have constitutional rights. And illegal aliens who are dangerous criminals certainly do not have constitutional rights that prevent them from being deported.
Catholic Charities shocking video instructing Illegals on how to avoid ICE.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 27, 2025
You tax dollars fund this sh*t. They receive millions in Government grants. of right now, even though legally speaking ICE can indeed visit and arrest any illegal alien, Trump and his border czar Tom Homan are currently focusing on dangerous criminals, such as murderers, rapists, and child molesters. This begs the question — why on earth would any Catholic charities be so desperate to protect such people?
The reason that some Catholic charities and dioceses including my own home diocese of Tucson wish to protect illegal alien criminals is not because they are devout Catholics or innocent victims but because the federal government under Democrat control has spent years lavishing billions of taxpayer dollars onto certain Catholic organizations and dioceses to resettle migrants. While some clerics and laymen (including Catholics Homan and JD Vance) highlight the horrors of the border crisis, others are only interested in making money.
It is most certainly not Catholic doctrine that illegal aliens cannot be deported, but it is Catholic doctrine that heads of state have an obligation to defend their people and regulate immigration — see Catechism of the Catholic Church 2241. I have personally heard Catholic bishops and priests from around the nation preach strongly on both sides of this issue, depending on whether they are truly interested in Catholic doctrine and Americans’ welfare or whether they are in on the illegal alien taxpayer money grift. Donald Trump won the Catholic vote by a significant margin in the 2024 election; it is just the corrupt minority (as in any church) who are freaking out about Trump’s deportations.
This is so important, to characterize the gospel as calling a nation to allow chaos is truly absurd. Yes we welcome the immigrant but it is the right and duty of a nation to regulate immigration. Politics has interfered with fulfilling this responsibility properly, we must…
— Bishop J. Strickland (@BishStrickland) January 26, 2025The Milwaukee attorney continued:
If immigration officers, what we sometimes call Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ice come to your workplace, they must have a valid search warrant or the consent of your employer to enter non public areas if you are undocumented and immigration officers come to your workplace, be aware of the following. First, do not panic and do not run away. If you are frightened and feel like you need to leave, you can calmly walk toward the exit. If you are stopped, you may ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says no, do not try to exit the building. If you are questioned, you may tell them you want to remain silent.
What Graham did not say is that, according to ICE’s official government website, “Section 287 of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides ICE officers the authority to arrest aliens without a judicial warrant… no judge in this country has the authority to issue a warrant for a civil immigration violation.” Catholic Charities Milwaukee is flat-out being deceptive and dishonest to help illegals avoid federal law enforcement.
But the shameless attorney went on prevaricating, asserting that “you have the right to remain silent. You do not need to speak to the immigration authorities or answer any questions.” She urged illegal aliens to refuse to say where they are from or provide any identity documents, and “if they ask you to stand in a group according to your immigration status, you do not have to move, or you can move to an area that is not designated for any particular group.”
She touted a “Know Your Rights card” which can be provided to illegal aliens to hand to ICE officers. Graham then claimed illegals “have the right to speak to a lawyer… Even if you do not have a lawyer, you may tell immigration officers that you want to speak to one… If you're assigned a form called a G-28 which shows that you have a lawyer, give it to the officer.”
Graham encouraged other illegal aliens to demand “a list of pro bono lawyers” from ICE and then proposed the interference of foreign officials by urging illegals “to contact your consulate.”
The consulate may be able to assist you in locating a lawyer. You can refuse to sign any or all paperwork until you've had the opportunity to speak to a lawyer. If you choose to sign something without speaking to a lawyer, be sure you understand exactly what the document says and what the document means before you sign it. If you want more information about your rights or to learn you might be eligible for immigration benefits or relief, speak to a reputable immigration lawyer. You can go to the American Immigration Lawyers Association to connect with a lawyer in your area.
Again, foreign nationals who have committed crimes — and, as Homan has emphasized, every illegal has committed a crime by being here in America — do not have constitutional rights, and ICE can indeed arrest illegal aliens without judicial warrants. The Trump administration needs to investigate Catholic Charities Milwaukee for its illegal and outrageous actions. After all, obstructing an ICE arrest is a federal crime.
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"I have come this
evening, My children and My child, specifically to warn you of the vast danger
that the United States of America and Canada are approaching. The enemies now
are gathered from within." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1983
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are a punishment for man's sins. Abortion, homosexuality, and the changes
in the Catholic Church cry out to Heaven for just punishment.
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pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand. When you pray the
Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands. Start now! Let's All Pray
the Rosary that Our Lord and the Catholic Church to
take great action against those who subvert Church
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Virgin Mary's Bayside Prophecy Books are Now Available in E-book Version.
Click Here Now!
Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
Directives from Heaven...
D36 - Bishops (Part 1)
D37 - Bishops (Part 2)
D38 - Priests (Part 1)
D39 - Priests (Part 2)
D40 - Infiltrators
D190 - Cardinals, Part 1
D191 - Cardinals, Part 2
D192 - Cardinals, Part 3
D337 - Hierarchy Infiltrated
D579 - Clergy Misleading the Faithful
D580 - False Prophets, Part 1
D581 - False Prophets, Part 2
D582 - Leaders Lax and Corrupt
D583 - Churches will Close
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
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