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nuclear war These Last Days News - January 13, 2025
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The Path to War: An Assessment...

"Nuclear warheads, missiles, all manner of contraptions: what dignified name can I give to them, My children? They are destruction to all mankind. I repeat again: If you commit this to come upon you, there will soon be no flesh left. My child and My children, and those who hear Our pleadings, Our hearts are extended to you to help Us to save mankind from his own course of destruction. You have very little time to do this in, My children. I assure you, your time is running out." - Jesus, July 25, 1985

"My child and My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your nation and the nations of the world. You do not know how close you are to being one of the nations to be annihilated. I speak this of the United States of America, because they are being deluded by Russia. Russia has in armaments six times the number of missiles that we store. While they say they deploy them, and take them out of existence--that is not true. They are increasing and increasing; for they have only one thought in mind--that is to take over the whole world.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1987

The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more

JRNyquist.blog reported on January 6, 2025:

By Jeff Nyquist

According to the GRU defector Stanislav Lunev, Russia and China were engaged in secret talks at the end of the Cold War. Their plan was to organize the destruction of the United States as a world power, under cover of the “collapse of communism” and Deng Xiaoping’s “Four Modernizations.” Moscow had high hopes for this plan. The communist movement, they knew, was not merely a Soviet thing.

Meanwhile, China would infiltrate the West economically. American capitalists could not resist cheap Chinese labor. Because of this, Western technology and capital flowed into China, allowing the Chinese communist regime to build up its navy and strategic forces. Powerful Western corporations and governments would align their interests with China’s interests. The communists would gain access to America’s capital markets. Technology theft, confiscation of Western assets in China along with currency manipulation would allow China to rape the West economically. Once the process was underway, none could stand against China’s growing influence. At the same time, communist movements in the West could receive further help and encouragement on every front.  

Russia, in its turn, would extend its agent networks into conservative and rightwing circles to reshape the narrative of the post-Cold War right. New narratives would be devised to divide and conquer America and Europe. America would be blamed for everything, including for the left’s successful advances during the post-Cold War period. The crazy beliefs of the communist-inspired left would no longer be associated with Moscow and its intelligence networks. Instead, the CIA would be blamed for everything. America would also be blamed: from international drug trafficking and terrorism to pandemics and climate change. A constant disinformation campaign, a continual bombardment of factual distortion and outright lies, would convince Americans that their own defensive structures were evil.

The kind of corruption that exists in all nations also exists, to some extent, in America. How easy would it be for the world’s premier intelligence services (the KGB and GRU) to infiltrate organized crime and capture the flow of illicit cash while turning white collar criminals into controlled assets? Operation Friendship of Nations, which was a massive narcotics operation launched in 1960, has probably coopted corrupt police agencies in many cities. By the late 1970s, a capstone was added: Pedophile rings and human trafficking. All these operations were part of the larger, Gramscian scheme. The destruction of honesty, the corruption of morals, would attend ideological subversion and societal demoralization. Nearly everyone would be disoriented. Facts would be routinely misinterpreted. The craziest conspiracy theories would be believed. The existence of corruption in high places would not be correctly interpreted. Instead, the interpretation would be along the following lines: America is evil, American astronauts never landed on the Moon, the Americans are destroying the planet, America can only be fixed by civil war.

Imagine two big countries with massive bureaucratic and intelligence resources. Russia and China’s strategy was managed by a vast system of think tanks and bureaus. Operations were broken into segmented tasks with briefings to high-level officials in Moscow and Beijing. Only a few officials could see the overall design. Only at the very top, where the heads of the various think tanks met, was the full blueprint known. The massive communist bureaucracies were sifted, reorganized, and prepped for each stage of the plan. Allowances were made for setbacks. Always, plans must be amended and revised, updated and corrected. This was done continually. The top leadership of Russia and China were committed to their plan. They believed that these strategies would produce a radical shift in the “correlation of forces” – in the balance of power. It was Lenin who said there was no Marxist dogma. In saying this he was paraphrasing Marx himself. Real Marxism-Leninism was a science of controlling human beings. The Marxist label could be removed. Leninism could morph into “Christianity” of a new type. It could become a new kind of Islam. It could become Buddhist. It could open the pages of Aleister Crowley’s Magick and thrill to the thought of “The Bloody Sacrifice” outlined by Crowley: “There is a Magical Operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood.”[i]

A spirit of destruction has been unleashed throughout the world. There are nihilists and criminals who possess extraordinary talents. One might say, in effect, that nihilism and crime have become political. The psychopath has gone to school — to the school of communism. He has become sophisticated. He has become organized. He has understood the ways of corruption. He has seen the unstable character of modernity. As a creature of opportunity, the criminal sees his way forward. The psychopath claims fresh victims. To hunt down people in an organized way, in a scientific way – that is the trick!

The falseness of the changes in Russia under Gorbachev, and the secret design of communist global strategy after 1991, was best understood by KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn. He defected to the United States in December 1961. There are others, as well, who have understood the false nature of the changes in Russia. On 19 July 2023, at the Captive Nations Summit, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation gave Fr. Georgi Edelstein the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom. Edelstein’s acceptance speech was read at the summit by his biographer, George Roller:[ii]

“I have been living under Communism for 91 years, and I know that Communism always means war – either actual or potential. Communism always means tyranny and bold-faced lies.

“I was born in Kyiv on Lenin Street, Building #24, Apt. #16. I lived there for the first nine years of my life. Today, in all of Ukraine, you will not find a single Lenin Street, or Lenin Square, or Lenin monument – not a single memorial dedicated to the founder of the first Communist state on earth. But in the country where I am a citizen [i.e., Russia], there are tens of thousands of such monuments, streets, and squares. Here lies the fundamental difference between Ukraine and the state which you call ‘Russia.’  Where I am a citizen, Lenin remains our ALL.

“I do not support President Putin, nor am I particularly against him. To me, he is just another leader in a long line of leaders of the never-ending Soviet regime. Back in kindergarten in the 1930s, I was taught that ‘Stalin is Lenin today.’ Eighty-five years later, I can say with complete confidence that ‘Putin is Lenin today.’

“My good friend Vladimir Kara-Murza is in prison now. He is sentenced to 25 years, but there is no reason to blame the judges for their lack of justice. The Soviet legal system was created more than 100 years ago, and in all that time, the sentencing occurred not in the courtrooms but in the Kremlin. Nothing has changed. Under Nazi regimes and under the Communists (whether headed by Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, or Putin), there always were and always will be political prisoners.

“And now to the most important point. All Western media today constantly speak about ‘the Russia-Ukraine war’ or ‘Russian aggression against Ukraine.’ I am firmly convinced, I believe, and I witness that Russia ceased to exist in November of 1917. The necessity to strictly delineate Russia from the Soviet Union is the cornerstone of everything I have ever written and said. The war in Ukraine is being fought by Soviet, not Russian, arms. The crimes in Bucha were committed by Communists, not Russian soldiers and officers. Ukrainian cities are not being bombed by Russians, but by Communist lads.

“The Communist system has not changed in principle during the last 105 years. While temporary changes may occur in the economy, in the legal system, and in the methods of propaganda, in essence it remains the same. To quote Lenin, ‘A blue devil is not different from a yellow one.’”[iii]

In light of Fr. Edelstein’s remarks, it is shameful to consider the countless Western politicians and intelligence officials who have publicly endorsed the fraud that is the Russian Federation. The present war in Ukraine is a war of Soviet consolidation. It is an operation to put the Humpty Dumpty of the Soviet Union back together. It is a necessary preliminary step in mobilizing the resources of a renewed communist bloc for a new world war.

How close are we to war?

I believe we are on a path set by Moscow and Beijing. The present state of the Russian/Chinese mobilization is hard to calculate. Some believe Russia and China are near the end of their mobilization. Some believe the mobilization is advancing slowly, with economic and political adjustments along the way. I think they are having trouble getting their act together. They are having trouble with certain modifications of their plan.

In the 1960s, when the details of World War III were being worked out, the Soviet Union’s chief military strategist, Marshal V.D. Sokolovskii, edited a foundational book titled Soviet Military Strategy. In this book Sokolovskii’s team explained that the principle of concentrating forces for a major offensive against capitalism “requires extensive modification [over previous plans].”[iv]

“In all previous wars, the main efforts were channeled in a principal area by concentrating manpower and equipment and by their close deployment on a relatively limited sector of the ground front; today this [end] can obviously be accomplished by massive [nuclear] missile attacks.

“The concentration of troops at breakthrough areas and the formation of high troop densities in these relatively narrow front sectors, practiced as recently as World War II, are fraught with grave consequences. Moreover, there is no longer a need for such concentration, since continuous fronts have become a thing of the past and the concept of penetration of the front has lost its former significance. It is not the direction of the main blow [on the ground front as in the past] which is now of most importance, but rather the areas where force is applied, since nuclear strikes can be delivered simultaneously to targets in many areas throughout an entire enemy territory.”[v]

In other words, conventional warfare is not decisive. And yet the Russians got themselves stuck in a conventional war with continuous fronts. It was a serious mistake. Sokolovskii taught that only nuclear weapons are decisive. World War III must therefore be a nuclear war. In terms of Crowley’s Magical Operation to initiate a New Aeon, “the whole planet must be bathed in blood.” This is what the Soviet Union’s greatest strategist believed. All-out-war, said Sokolovskii, is nuclear missile war. Hundreds of millions of people will die. Mass starvation and disease will bring social anarchy to every unprepared country. A Cold War cannot achieve these results. A Cold War, however, can grant decisive advantages in advance of a nuclear missile war, yet the decision itself only comes through nuclear combat. Decisive advantages gained from Cold War are only fully realized by fighting a nuclear war. What does it matter, for example, if Western presidents and prime ministers are corrupt idiots manipulated by agents of influence? What can Moscow get from this? More oil revenue, technology transfers, better arms control deals? Unless these advantages are turned into nuclear missiles for smashing America’s military, there is no decisive result. What does it matter if Moscow and Beijing steal a lot of money and technology from the West? Eventually the West will sour on Russia and China. Then Russia and China will fall behind once more and the cycle will begin again. What is the point of this game unless the Russian and Chinese pull the nuclear trigger? America must be infiltrated and occupied. Its people must be exterminated, as Gen. Chi Haotian explained twenty years ago. Of all the Soviet strategists, Sokolovskii knew this. He discovered this as a principle. All previous wars, noted Sokolovskii’s text, tend “to the principle of partial victory.” According to Sokolovskii:

“Modern strategic weapons, which are directly subordinated to the high commands, make it possible to achieve decisive results in winning victory in war sometimes even without resort to tactical and field forces and their weapons. This lends support to the proposition that today partial success can be replaced by successes of a general strategic nature.”[vi]

Here Sokolovskii suggests victory is possible with nuclear strikes alone. Of course, the analysis of later Soviet strategists evolved towards the all-arms approach. They also realized that Sokolovskii’s discovery had to be hidden. The idea of actually preparing for nuclear war in order to take control of the world had to be hidden. Moscow could never let anyone suspect. Therefore, in 1970 Col. M.P. Skirdo wrote,

“[Communists] are even more convinced that war is unnecessary for the transition from capitalism to socialism. In our historic epoch, when the worldwide system of socialism is demonstrating in practice its superiority to the outdated capitalist system, the victory of socialism is completely assured even under conditions of peaceful coexistence and economic competition between two diametrically opposed social systems.”[vii]

This paragraph from Skirdo is a compound lie. The socialist system has never been able to compete with capitalism (and they know it). Today the Chinese economy is in shambles and the Russian economy is struggling. Therefore, the transition from capitalism to socialism cannot be achieved under conditions of peaceful coexistence. The parasitic nature of the Russian and Chinese economies are increasingly shown. Russia has resorted to military aggression while China is threatening military aggression against Taiwan. There is no peaceful transition to socialism because socialism signifies war. When a democratic country turns toward socialism and the economy suffers, the population turns against the government that has failed them. They vote for someone who promises more economic freedom. They vote against the left. In 1980 Americans voted for Reagon. In 2024 they voted for Trump. In Europe the Germans are fed up with the Social Democrats and Greens. The British hate their Labor Government. The French are restive against the Maoism of President Macron. Socialism only succeeds if enough guns and bombs and nuclear weapons are pointed at the intended victims. “No,” say the communists. “We do not care if our economic system impoverishes you. We are imposing it on you anyway.” One may deceive a nation with false narratives and false ideals for many years, but all false narratives and ideals collapse in the end. If destruction is a cause in itself, then its method always begins with a lie. And when that lie has exhausted itself, and the new lie has replaced the old, only nuclear weapons will suffice. Psychologically, the objective is to prevent the truth from ever entering the victim’s mind. He must not understand the cause of the war. He must not be able to identify his enemy. He must not understand the reasons for his situation. The communist complex of lies and warfare form a complete whole. First, incapacitate the enemy’s mind. Disconnect him from the truth. Disorient him politically and spiritually. The secret of victory at the psychological level is not the false narratives in and of themselves. It is the obliteration of truth in the victim’s mind that is decisive. A mind cut off from truth is alienated, disorganized. Such a mind is already demoralized. At the first nuclear blow a disoriented mind will collapse into despair. He will not rally to defend. Skirdo noted,

“In a future war, the enemy may not use nuclear missile weapons alone, but may also use other powerful means of combat. Panic, and the catastrophic consequences associated with it, can be avoided only by ideologically and psychologically seasoned courageous soldiers led by steadfast, resolute officers.

“Thus, the importance of morale and other psychological factors in nuclear missile warfare is exceptionally great. The only states or coalitions which will be able to endure the severe trials of war are those having the objective and subjective conditions for the buildup of moral potential in both peacetime and wartime. In the socialist states, these conditions are fulfilled.

“With regard to the coalition of imperialist powers, there are organic defects in its moral and political potential. The reasons for this are inherent in the very social order of the states constituting the coalition, and in the antipopular goals of the wars which it wages. Whereas the peoples and armies of the socialist countries have inspiring ideals which underlie their high morale and mobilize them for fighting the enemy, the statesmen and military figures of the Western countries have no such ideals with which to motivate their civilians and servicemen.”[viii]

In the last analysis, if people are determined to resist communism, even nuclear bombs are insufficient. What has to happen for a communist victory is simple: people must be demoralized ahead of time. Tell them that nuclear weapons signify the end of the world, the end of all life on earth. Invent false scenarios like nuclear winter. This kind of disinformation has not only encouraged nuclear disarmament in Western countries; in future, it will allow Russian and Chinese troops to advance into America’s bombed landscape without suffering heavy casualties. The defenders, in total despair that the end of the world has come, will have no reason to resist. Christians will expect the return of Christ and forget their duty to resist the enemy. Using examples from World War II and the Nazi regime as a foil, Skirdo warned of the effectiveness of partisan resistance. Skirdo noted, “a world nuclear missile war will be waged by armies many millions strong, and victory will depend, to a considerable degree, on troop morale.” He then explained, “There is no need to prove that massive and effective use of missile mounted nuclear weapons is possible only where the troops are ready for it, not merely technically, but morally and psychologically.”[ix] These armies will enter the territory of disorganized countries where a surviving population of many millions may possess the moral strength and weaponry to resist. Again, using the Nazis as a foil, Skirdo obliquely warned his colleagues that a “powerful army of partisan avengers, who rose voluntarily to combat the … aggressors,” can wage “a war of annihilation against them.”[x] He further noted that during the first two years of World War II, the Germans lost 300,000 troops, 30 generals, and 6,336 officers to partisan attacks. According to Skirdo, partisans derailed 11,128 trains, destroyed 18,700 vehicles, put 13,55 tanks out of operation, and wiped out over 305 aircraft.[xi]

As GRU defector Stanislav Lunev noted twenty years ago, Soviet strategists in the 1980s so feared American partisan operations during a projected Soviet invasion of North America, they adopted a scorched earth approach for dealing with the United States mainland. Since China will be the primary invading power in a twenty-first century war, and China has unlimited reserves of manpower, the scorched earth strategy has been ruled out because it would tend to hinder conquest. (Note: Partisans are not a problem if you have large reserves of well-equipped troops to defeat them.) Also, biological weapons are favored by China in future operations against America.

How do we know China intends to invade the United States? Over the last decade China has been infiltrating millions of Chinese into Canada, Mexico and directly into the U.S. It seems that People’s Liberation Army strategists envision a continent-wide ground war in North America involving Chinese ground forces. In this scenario, triggering a civil war within the United States becomes a major objective. To make all this work, China must use a surprise attack with nuclear weapons to destroy all American naval and nuclear forces.

It is a strategic irony of no small account that the former Soviet Union, which is important to China’s plans, is engaged in a large-scale civil war of its own. In fact, the Ukrainians would welcome American troops with open arms. Here is where the Soviet long-range strategy backfired badly. Since the initial invasion of Ukraine failed Russia appears to be in a kind of holding pattern. What is the Kremlin holding on for? Presently, the war in Ukraine might serve as camouflage for larger mobilizations and war preparations against the United States. If the U.S. were to collapse from nuclear strikes, Ukraine would collapse within a year. But is this a viable strategy? The question is one of economic mobilization, economic stamina and Russian morale. How successful has the Russian government been in these areas? Certainly, much has gone wrong. Yet new weapons are being prepared. New war factories are being built with Chinese help. Corrupt officers and generals are being removed. Corrections are being made in a corrupt military procurement system. Meanwhile, repeated threats of launching nuclear strikes against the West orient the Russian population to their enemy even as the Kremlin begins to manufacture nuclear fallout shelters for the rural and small-town population of Russia.[xii] The West, on its side, exposed to thirty-five months of empty threats, ceases to take Russia’s official statements about nuclear war seriously. The Ukraine War therefore helps the strategists in Moscow solve the problem of surprise while openly mobilizing for nuclear war.

How do we explain the West’s failure to match Soviet and Chinese war preparations? The fundamental difference between the strategists in Washington and the strategists in Moscow follows from differences in their basic assumptions. In Washington a nuclear world war is thought to be a near impossibility. In Moscow, on the contrary, world nuclear war is more than theoretically possible. It is, as Sokolovskii’s text explained, a “fundamental type of war in the present epoch.” According to Sokolovski,

“If a world war between the imperialist and socialist camps is not prevented, it will be, because of its essentially political nature, the decisive armed clash between the two opposing world social systems. Such a war would be aggressive, predatory, and unjust for the imperialists, but liberating, just, and revolutionary for the socialist commonwealth.”[xiii]

The truth that Fr. Edelstein outlined in his 2023 speech to the Captive Nations Summit, was that “Communism always means war – either actual or potential.” This deep truth is carefully and systematically denied in all Soviet military texts, following Stalin’s principle that communists must always blame their enemies for what they themselves are doing. Therefore, Sokolovskii’s text describes nuclear war in terms of the guilt of communism’s victims. “The communists have always been the most determined opponents of world wars, as well as opponents in general of wars between states.”[xiv] This boldfaced lie can be seen through the history of the last 105 years, where the communists have brought about war after war – egging on Hitler in 1939 with the Nazi-Soviet pact; invading peaceful Finland in 1939, the Baltic States and Romania in 1940, Persia in 1941. Then Moscow broke its treaty of non-aggression with Japan in 1945, ordered of the Korean War in 1950, coordinated the attack on South Vietnam in the 60s and 70s, supported revolutions and wars in Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambique and Ethiopia in the 1970s and 80s. Consider, as well, the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and then, after the supposed fall of the Soviet Union, the fueling of the civil war in Colombia, the communist revolution and genocidal communist wars of the Congo and surrounding regions; Moscow’s 2008 invasion of Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea and war in Donbas, and finally a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. What is at the root of these wars? Communist strategy and ambition. Where do these wars lead? To the ultimate war, to the most decisive war. Sokolovskii’s text explains,

“Soviet military strategy clearly reflects the view that the sharp class nature of such a war compel the belligerents to aim at conclusive political and military decisions. Furthermore, the widespread use of weapons of mass destruction will make the war destructive and annihilating as never before. Our Armed Forces must be prepared for a severe, strenuous, and exceptionally violent war.”[xv]

Such a war, with so much at stake, requires extensive preparations. Because weapons of mass destruction threaten the population of the combatant countries, it is necessary to prepare the population for the war. Russia has been engaged in civil defense exercises since 2016, whereas no such exercises have been conducted in the United States. “It is very important to teach the population the rules of conduct during an enemy air attack, particularly the simplest medical first aid and self-aid measures.” Panic of the population must be avoided by means of psychologically preparing the population for war; by orienting the population, by the proper mobilization of the armed forces. According to Sokolovskii’s text, “The political preparation of the morale of the people is of decisive importance in present-day conditions, since the use of weapons of mass destruction in war imposes exceptionally high and unprecedented demands on the political morale of the population.”[xvi] The population must be psychologically prepared to bear any hardship, [to] defend the motherland.

“The Communist Party of the Soviet Union wages an unremitting struggle against bourgeois ideology and morality, against opportunist tendencies in the workers’ and communist movements, and against revisionism as the chief danger threatening the unity of the … movement. To relinquish or slacken our ideological struggle would be to capitulate to bourgeois ideology and morality, and would increase the danger of war.”[xvii]

Behind the Communist Party’s plans for World War III we find an ideological struggle. This struggle is not over. It is ongoing. The part played by war in that struggle is that of a capstone. Before that capstone is set down the leading ideas of humanity must be reformatted by the aggressor. How else could he hope to make his conquest stick? If nations are already conquered through the adulteration of their respective cultural heritages, why should armed resistance to an invader prove effective? Therefore, the Leninists have not merely sought the socialization of the masses, or the elites. There has been a socialization of all ideas, where the term socialization signifies the merging of all prevalent ideas with Leninism. Here is the most sophisticated basis for an ecumenical empire ever conceived.[xviii] And yet, the core of Marxist-Leninist philosophy is not easy to discern. Putin himself has said that Christianity and Leninism are basically the same thing.[xix] This merging of Leninism with everything is visible when we look at radical environmentalism (with Earth Day celebrated on Lenin’s birthday). Then we have feminist ideology, anti-war ideology, even libertarianism and paleo-conservatism merging with Leninism. The Leninist content is disguised under layers of rightwing and leftwing debris, so that Leninism wins whichever local set of ideas prevail in a given state. Every shade of opinion is being colonized across many countries. Even homosexuality now has Leninist characteristics. All the while the “Christian-Leninist,” Vladimir Putin, denounces homosexuality. In the Marxist-Leninist conception, all ideologies are weapons. Why not take and use all these weapons at once?

What now appears under the guise of “Eurasianism,” to explore a further example, is merely an attempt to merge Asian and European traditions into a perennial anti-Americanism. To eliminate America, as Alexander Dugin has argued, is to deliver the world from American imperial dominance – as if Beijing and Moscow would introduce freedom and prosperity to the world (in the wake of America’s demise). It is dangerous nonsense, of course. America has facilitated the prosperity of many countries, including its enemies. Why would its elimination benefit mankind? Such elimination, of course, is the same old Soviet objective under a new ideological guise. The war of the present era, said Sokolovskii’s team, is between capitalism and socialism, between two opposing systems of organizing humanity. Dugin has publicly stated, “The American Empire should be destroyed.” Both Marxism-Leninism and Eurasianism are gnostic mass movements, noted Dugin’s biographer, James Heiser. This is not coincidental, but consistent with a certain mentality and psychopathology. It is the psychopathology of the destructionist. When Dugin pretends to embrace classic or traditional thinking sprinkled with spiritual transcendence, he nonetheless steers straight for the end times and the “final war of the world island.”  Even as Alexander Dugin and other Russian agents of ideological influence appear to praise the election of Trump, they have engaged in the cunning doublespeak of telling their non-English-speaking followers that Trump will be “a greater enemy than Biden.”[xx]

The path to war is open. We do not know when Russia and China will begin the war. The military balance continues to move in their favor. The economic situation begins to constrict them, however. How will they play their next set of cards? Apparently Trump and Putin are going to meet in March. This meeting may be the most important event of 2025.[xxi]   

Stay tuned.

Links and Notes

[i] Aleister Crowley, Magick (New York: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1979), p. 220.

[ii] https://victimsofcommunism.org/a-blue-devil-is-no-different-from-a-yellow-one/

[iii] Special note: The story has been told by emigres from the USSR, and there is a bibliography for this. The story is very long and involves many murders and infiltrations. When the Tsar restored the Patriarchate towards the end of the Empire, the elected Patriarch, Tikhon, a staunch anticommunist, issued a decree granting autonomy to all bishops of the Patriarchate, in Russia and abroad, until the political situation was clarified and a “Council of All Russia” could be convened. Some of the bishops who fled when the revolution occurred [in 1917] went to Karlovitsky, in Serbia, where they founded the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCA). This church repeated Tikhon’s anathema against communism and declared the Moscow Church schismatic and without sacramental grace. But another bishop, named Eulogius, established an exarchate in Paris and sought refuge in the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which is modernist. Today we know that Eulogius’s exarchate was merely a branch of the Soviet secret service in France, so much so that when some White Army officers were killed in France by Soviet OGPU agents, it was facilitated by the collaboration of priests from the exarchate, infiltrated into the émigré community. After Vatican II, the Patriarchate changed its tactics regarding the Church. Soviet priests attended the World Council of Churches and claimed that there was no religious persecution in Russia and that many churches had been opened. It seemed like  a Christian renaissance, but it was all a façade. Soviet émigré sources have listed documents from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad revealing that some bishops of the Patriarchate were never even ordained bishops, but were merely actors pretending to be bishops. As for the Church in Exile, although one wing of it remained faithful to anticommunism, part of it was infiltrated, especially during the construction of the monastery and seminary in Jordanville, NY, which cost a lot of money, in a deal mediated by the Russian mafia which brought a large section of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad back under Moscow’s control. A great deal of church property was acquired by the Russian special services as a result [Res. M.C.P].

[iv] Sokolovskii, ed., Soviet Military Strategy (Rand Corporation Translation), p. 93.

[v] Ibid.

[vi] Ibid, p. 94.

[vii] M.P. Skirdo, The People, the Army, the Commander (Washington, D.C., U.S. Air Force, 1970), p. 43.

[viii] Ibid, p. 55.

[ix] Ibid, pp. 52-53.

[x] Ibid, p. 68.

[xi] Ibid, pp. 68-69.

[xii] https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-begins-mass-production-radiation-resistant-mobile-bomb-shelters-2024-11-19/

[xiii]Sokolovskii, p. 282.

[xiv] Ibid, p. 283.

[xv] Ibid, p. 287.

[xvi] Ibid, p. 458.

[xvii] Ibid.

[xviii] Ecumenic empires were empires of the ecumene (i.e., the known world). In other words, a political/military system aspiring to world control or achieving a remarkable degree of control. Examples include ancient Persia, Rome, China, the Third Reich (conceived as controlling the parts of the world that mattered), and the Soviet bloc empire (whose propagandists carefully eschewed the imperialist label, preferring to put this attribution on their enemies). The people of a given polity are invested with a notion of an ordered cosmos; that is, what may be considered proper, authoritative, divinely ordained, etc. Certain cosmological societies forwarded myths which were, in essence, speculations regarding how the existing order sprang into existence, what the point of origin was, and more. These speculations were often about gods and men. In the oldest societies these speculations arose organically, becoming imbedded in the tissue of local thought and customs. Such formed the shared cosmological framework of towns and villages belonging to the same set of related tribes. As rationality developed and men started recording history as a unique series of events, historical consciousness emerged. This led to new speculations used by emerging empires to insert themselves as the ultimate meaning of history. By adulterating local myths and homogenizing them for universalistic ends, the makers of large military empires hoped to refashion transcendental ideas to their own purposes and to sustain their claims to legitimacy. This process of distorting transcendent truth for political and military purposes was referred to by the political philosopher Eric Voegelin as a deformation of man’s thinking about truth. The massive project to unite mankind into the ultimate ecumenic empire today, necessarily involves the greatest attempt to warp human thought ever attempted. At the forefront of this attempt is Alexander Dugin and his notions of Eurasia which are nothing more than an attempt to bastardize all religions, philosophies, traditions so that they can be rolled into the military/political formations of Lenin’s disguised socialist camp. As Ellis Sandoz explained, “history is symbol; symbols can lose their substance; the emptied symbol can still be used for purposes widely differing from its original and essential function as the indispensable means of constituting existence in historical form.” According to Sandoz, the crisis of modernity stems from the tension that has arisen between “the Judeo-Christian historical form … and the loss of substance it has suffered.” [The Voegelin Revolution, p. 126-27.]  In consequence, Western man is falling away from attunement with the truth of being. This has opened the door to numerous imposter ideologies martialed by nihilists with armies and mafias. In this process of decline and disorder, the dominant pragmatic/materialist modes of thought have made nonsense out of history in the name of universal human civilization.

[xix] See https://www.newsweek.com/putin-says-communism-comes-bible-compares-lenin-saint-781328, and https://euromaidanpress.com/2018/01/15/putin-says-communism-is-like-christianity-and-lenins-body-a-saints-relic/ and https://www.memri.org/tv/putin-communism-no-different-from-christianity   

[xx] https://www.geopolitika.ru/ar/article/tramb-frst

[xxi] https://en.mehrnews.com/news/226493/Putin-and-Trump-will-meet-in-March

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"Your leaders must get down upon their knees and pray for the light, for the forces of darkness are gathering to destroy, and many nations shall disappear from the face of the earth. The mercy of your God knows no bounds. Were it not so We would not stand with you and cry out to you to warn you constantly over and over again to gather the sheep and save them.”
– Jesus, March 18, 1978

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Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Abortion, homosexuality, and the changes in the Catholic Church cry out to Heaven for just punishment.
When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand. When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands. Start now! Let's All Pray the Rosary that Our Lord and the Catholic Church to take great action against those who subvert Church teachings...
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The Virgin Mary's Bayside Prophecy Books are Now Available in E-book Version. Click Here Now!

Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/ These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D36 - Bishops (Part 1) PDF Logo PDF
D37 - Bishops (Part 2) PDF Logo PDF
D38 - Priests (Part 1) PDF Logo PDF
D39 - Priests (Part 2) PDF Logo PDF
D40 - Infiltrators PDF Logo PDF
D190 - Cardinals, Part 1 PDF Logo PDF
D191 - Cardinals, Part 2 PDF Logo PDF
D192 - Cardinals, Part 3 PDF Logo PDF
D337 - Hierarchy Infiltrated PDF LogoPDF
D579 - Clergy Misleading the Faithful PDF LogoPDF
D580 - False Prophets, Part 1 PDF LogoPDF
D581 - False Prophets, Part 2 PDF LogoPDF
D582 - Leaders Lax and Corrupt PDF LogoPDF
D583 - Churches will Close PDF LogoPDF

Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980

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Revised: January 13, 2025