These Last Days News - January 29, 2025
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World War III and the House that Stalin Built...
"O My children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would go throughout the world cutting down nations and bringing death, destruction, and slavery. And you, My country, America the beautiful, you are all-wise but stupid in management, for you have the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to look." - Our Lady of the Roses, April 2, 1977
“He [satan] possesses the body of any unclean soul, be it man, woman or child.” - Our Lady of the Roses, March 25, 1972
"My tears fall on you, My children. And I must give you also the
conclusion to what I have spoken to you of. Lenin and Stalin are not with
Us. They were cast off to meet with their god, the prince of darkness,
"It behooves Me to say, and it tears My heart
in anguish, that they did not seek to be saved. For those who approach them,
as they will approach you in your nation and try to convince you that their
way of life without the Eternal Father was a way that should be adopted by
all - no, My children!
"I repeat again, because this
will be My last discourse to the world on this subject: This man, these two
men are of the same creed, color, spirituality - or should I say, My
children, lack of spirituality. They have a father who is the father of all
liars, so what does it make them, My children - Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev,
Yeltsin, Gorbachev?
"That is the same old plan, My
children, and those leaders of your nation are as blind as they were in the
past. I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of
America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will
fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"
- Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1992
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on January 15, 2025:
By J R Nyquist
“O muse, today sing of Jughashvili [Stalin], the son of a bitch,
“He has artfully combined the donkey’s stubbornness and the fox’s cunning,
“By cutting a million nooses he has made his way to power.”Pavel Vasiliev
In John Lewis Gaddis’s 1987 book, The Long Peace, an important question is asked. Why, “given the unprecedented levels of super-power tension that have existed since 1945, has World War III not occurred?”
In the 1980s critical documents from Britain and the United States were declassified which Gaddis used in his attempt to answer the question. This, arguably, was the wrong approach. Documents of that kind will never provide an answer as to why World War III did not occur. The answer only exists within a larger psychological and philosophical framework. In this context, Gaddis was the kind of liberal who did not take Marxism-Leninism seriously as a symptom of a deeper malady. In fact, he did not even try to grasp Leninism’s meaning. Like other scholars, who saw the Soviet Union as an extension of the Russian Empire, Gaddis attempted to relate Soviet motives to old Russian imperial motives. In other words, Gaddis failed to see the differences between Russian and Soviet sensibilities – between tsars and commissars. This failure was a symptom of that same modern blindness that affects most modern men who take materialism as given – whether they are Marxists or not.
What, then, distinguished the Russian Empire from the Soviet Union? Under the Russian Empire God was God, but under the Soviet Union Lenin and Stalin became God. Of all the differences one might list, what could be more significant than this? In Donald Rayfield’s book, Stalin and his Hangmen, there is the following important aside: “When in 1937 writers were commissioned to write about Stalin’s childhood some took as their model the childhood of Jesus Christ….”[i]
Whatever their faults, the Tsars never thought of themselves as messiahs or gods. They never built tombs for themselves as if they were Egyptian god-kings. Yet Lenin was buried in a pyramidal mausoleum, fit for a Pharaoh. Because of this we should never describe the Soviet Union as if it were a continuation of the Russian Empire. Even Eric Voegelin committed this error in some of his writings, though he should have known better. It is, perhaps, because of our inbuilt positivism and materialism (as modern people) that we prefer to think of spiritual factors as having secondary or tertiary importance. In opposition to this tendency, let me suggest that reality is animated, in the first instance, by spirit. Without the organizing principle of the logos there is no ordered universe.
At its base, the underlying criminal impulse of totalitarianism is to destroy – to “deconstruct” – the God-given order. Having erased what is divinely given, the revolutionary stands before a blank canvas as an artist – as God – to paint upon that canvas whatever he imagines. But the question is, what does he imagine? Why did he want to erase God’s creation in the first place?
This negation of God’s work was not the project of the Tsars, of the Russian Empire – or of any empire prior to the Soviet Union. With that union the communists undertook a project nobody ever dared to attempt. Where did the idea for this project come from? What did it grow out of? According to Max Weber, “The fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.” Weber’s original German phrase is “die Entzauberung der Welt,” which can also be translated as “the elimination of magic from the world.”
This “disenchantment of the world” coincides with a profound sense of alienation. Here the soul is trapped in a realm of unremitting darkness. Convinced by materialism that existence is meaningless, accidental, and cruel, the tendency is to believe that only matter is real while spirit is an illusion.[ii] Under that idea, the soul begins to suffocate. In a misguided attempt to break free, the trapped soul turns to revolutionary destruction as a way out. I believe all the abnormal, abhorrent and aberrant impulses of late modernity are rooted in philosophical materialism (which nearly everyone absorbs by osmosis).
These abhorrent and aberrant impulses, of course, are viewed as heroic by the vanguard of the demoralized and disoriented. In this context, Marx’s gangster disciples thought of themselves as heaven-storming Titans. What did they have to lose? Even today, at this late stage of the World Revolution, the movement’s “philosophers” are consciously reaching back to reconfigure the symbols of spiritual rebellion if only to reclothe themselves (Sartor Resartus) in accordance with “the sorrows of the young Teufelsdröckh.” Thus, in 2014, Putin’s court philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, envisioned a realm between God and man consisting of the shining Logos of Apollo, the dark Logos of Dionysus, and the black Logos of Cybele.[iii] Here the Kremlin sorcerer contemplated “the re-enchantment of the world” while Putin winked. One may imagine that a fire was lit, quietly and perhaps wittingly, by the sorcerer. But rather than serving as a backfire for Vladimir Putin, it might ignite the tinderbox of Russian despair and longing. The evil intention of the sorcerer, under a perverse formulation, is curiously spiritualist rather than materialist. As such, Dugin’s project undermines materialism while bowing and scraping to Russia and China’s materialist bureaucracies. Likening the West’s materialism to the supineness of the ancient Carthaginians in the days before Scipio Africanus destroyed Carthage, Dugin forgot the dominant mystical nocturne of his Kremlin masters:
“A person with a dominant mystical nocturne is prone to seek compromise, is distinguished by conformism and hyper-conformism, is peace-loving, easily adapts to any conditions, is feminine, is drawn towards serenity, and sets comfort, satiety, safety, and harmony above all else, believing that the best is guaranteed to come naturally. Here we can unmistakably recognize the structures of the Black Logos, the noetic world of Cybele, the Great Mother, and the chthonic worlds of the womb.”[iv]
Here Dugin hints at an association between the Great Mother and American consumer culture (with its feminine values). He underscores consumerism’s readiness to surrender. Here Dugin is assuring his pinheaded Kremlin bosses that they are free to rape the Great Mother. But does he understand the twofold aspect of modern materialism and feminism? The Great Mother, as symbol, represents the real revolution of our time (rather than consumerism); that is, the transformation of the ages – aligning more with the allegory of the Holy Grail than with the supineness of capitalist (i.e., Carthaginian) appeasement and its readiness to accommodate totalitarianism (i.e., the Third Rome). In the Grail myth we see that the land is dying. The crops will not grow. The Grail must be recovered before regeneration can begin. Only a purehearted knight can recover the Grail. Dugin suggests that mankind’s salvation is found “in the masculine regime” which Putin’s Russia supposedly represents. In other words, Putin is Dugin’s Percival (i.e., the knight who recovers the Grail). But Putin is a liar and murderer. His heart is not pure, and Dugin knows it. Putin also lacks the evil genius of Stalin. In respect of this, Putin’s military campaigns have all backfired. He does not possess that unique mix of ruthlessness and insight which brought success to Stalin. In his reverence for Stalin, Putin may blame Lenin for the Ukrainian uprising, but Putin is a mediocrity. He neither possesses Lenin’s powers of analysis nor Stalin’s paranoid clairvoyance. If one is to be a great criminal, one must be “great.” Worst of all, Putin shares the failings of all Stalin’s successors rolled into one. His schemes are more harebrained than Khrushchev’s, his bureaucracy more corrupt than Brezhnev’s, while his reforms have failed more miserably than those of Andropov and Gorbachev combined. In short, Putin’s mimicry lacks both sense and art. He is the ape that Soviet man has devolved into. Commenting from Hell, Stalin would say that Putin lacks the nerve to start World War III, especially as he has already failed to follow through on his threats more than once. If Andropov refused to start the war in 1983, the “little Andropov” – as Putin is nicknamed – is even less likely to push the button. The initiative, therefore, passes to China and to President Xi Jinping.
The shabbiness and falseness of Putin’s regime leads us to turn away from Gaddis’s history of the Cold War and his question as to why World War III has not occurred. Gaddis’s manifold analysis is unsatisfying from today’s vantage point. His explanation of our avoidance of World War III is so devoid of meaning that nothing is gained by repeating it. Plato, in his dialogue The Sophist, comes to the point more eloquently in an imaginary conversation between Stranger and Theaetetus. The war itself is not what people think it is. There is a larger war that has been going on for thousands of years:
“Stranger: There appears to be a sort of war of Titans and Gods going on amongst them; they are fighting with one another about the nature of essence.
“Theaetetus: How is that?
“Stranger: Some of them are dragging down all things from heaven and from the unseen to earth, and they literally grasp in their hands rocks and oaks; of these they lay hold, and obstinately maintain, that the things only which can be touched or handled have being or essence, because they define being and body as one, and if anyone else says that what is not a body exists they altogether despise him, and will hear of nothing but body.
“Theaetetus: I have often met with such men, and terrible fellows they are.
“Stranger: And that is the reason why their opponents cautiously defend themselves from above, out of an unseen world, mightily contending that true essence consists of certain intelligible and incorporeal ideas; the bodies of the materialists, which by them are maintained to be the very truth, they break up into little bits by their arguments, and affirm them to be, not essence, but generation and motion. Between the two armies, Theaetetus, there is always an endless conflict raging concerning these matters.”[v]
In the course of this “endless conflict,” Putin does not see that his own court philosopher (Dugin) has undermined his position. In fact, Putin has undermined his own position! You can only pretend to be an Orthodox Christian and a Leninist so long. Stalin knew where the battle lines were drawn. Stalin knew that he represented the materialist side in this battle. But Putin is blind to philosophy. “It seems to me,” wrote Richard Weaver, “that the world is now more than ever dominated by the gods [or titans] of mass and speed and that the worship of these can lead only to the lowering of standards, the adulteration of quality, and, in general, to the loss of those things which are essential to the life of civility and culture.”[vi] Building on Weaver’s comment: If you are going to destroy and thereby conquer the world, you have to make sure that your instrument of destruction does not, in the first instance, succumb to the lowering of standards and the adulteration of quality. Lenin and Stalin’s solution was to say that quantity has quality of its own. But Putin does not have the advantage of quantity in the present phase of struggle.
In the battle between Titans and gods, Stalin was the most formidable Titan, representing mass and speed under a regime of quantity. Stalin was formidable because he understood his mission. “The existence of God vexed Stalin all his life,” wrote Donald Rayfield. “Around 1926, reading a Russian translation of Anatole France’s Sous la rose, Stalin was most intrigued by the story of Charles Baudelaire visiting Theophile Gautier, examining a grotesque African carved idol and wondering, ‘Suppose God is really like that!’” Stalin wrote in the margin of the text, “Hah! Sort that one out!” Stalin was nonetheless perturbed by France’s suggestion that “God is the point of intersection for all human contradictions.” Stalin scrawled in the margin, “Reason-feeling, is that really also [a contradiction]?” Was God, then, at the intersection of reason and feeling? As a God-dictator, was Stalin also standing at this intersection? His immersion in theology during his youth prepared him for the demonic role he was to play; that is, to advance a new religion, which was Marxism-Leninism. It was the religion of Antichrist, he knew. For this religion to work he had to borrow, after an inverted fashion, from Christianity. He used both reason and feeling. When necessary he had to depart from Marx and Lenin to make his system work. Marx and Lenin always approved of such expediencies, so Stalin was not really departing from the teachings of his masters. (Let pedants think what they want.) And so, borrowing from Orthodox Christianity, Stalin threatened his disobedient subjects with the gulag, which was the Soviet equivalent of hell. He promised socialist paradise to the obedient, offering a Soviet version of heaven. This is how his system functioned. Only there was one very large problem. Nobody other than Stalin understood how and why the system worked. This led to another question: What would happen when Stalin died? Stalin, after all, was not immortal. For his system to stand, Stalin would need successors who understood what it meant to be God. For that was the core of the communist project. Man was to become God, or a small group of men would take up God’s office. The dictator’s psychological advantage here was simple. Stalin had been a seminarian. None of the other Soviet rulers would grasp the importance of this. Stalin understood the idea of sin, repentance, divine judgment, which influenced his rule in paradoxical ways. A form of control rooted in obedience was his element. Once Khrushchev introduced his permissive Leninism, which further deteriorated into system-wide corruption under Brezhnev, all discipline was lost. As a dictator, Stalin advanced Marxism by employing a Christian Orthodox architecture. Thus, he introduced the “Soviet family,” modeled on the Orthodox family. Thus, he introduced modes of confession through show trials and purges. The thing he could not do, in the case of Lenin, was to present an empty tomb. He could not bring his predecessor back to life, and he was bound to die himself.
This trick of using a Christian Orthodox architecture served Stalin well. It also confused leading Western Soviet analysts, from George Kennan to Francis Fukuyama. The conventional Sovietologists had many virtues, but they did not see that Stalin’s admixture of Orthodoxy and communism was a stronger poison because it was better and more durable on account of its Orthodox mimicry. In his Stalin biography, Volume I, Stephen Kotkin recognized Stalin’s unique genius – which no other revolutionary leader could replicate. Vladimir Putin’s attempt to follow Stalin’s pattern, to borrow from Orthodoxy, has failed because Putin was not a seminarian. Ultimately, Putin never knew how to weave the Orthodox and socialist systems together. He was doomed to pass further and further into Karl Marx’s icy cynicism and decadence. To rule the house that Stalin built without Stalin’s unique genius was not something a mediocrity could competently do.
In Stalin’s library there was a copy of Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov. “The chapters that Stalin underlined most heavily have nothing to do with murdering one’s father or the right of the individual to do what he wants once God is shown to be dead,” Rayfield explained;
“what held Stalin’s attention was the philosophizing of Dostoevsky’s monks. Father Zosima’s musings about the nature of ‘active love’ for one’s fellow human beings are underlined by Stalin: ‘active love, compared with dreaming love, is a cruel and terrifying business.’”[vii]
It was this cruel and terrifying business that Stalin understood. It built the Soviet Union into a superpower, and Stalin’s successors were not capable of understanding any of it. Stalin was all about bureaucratizing divinity, bringing salvation through politics, reordering the entire world through a process of loving destruction – of negation and war. He was consciously performing the role of Antichrist.
I was told the following story by an Orthodox clergyman decades ago: Stalin had a young priest arrested and brought to the Kremlin. Stalin invited the priest into his office and showed him a Bible open to the Apocalypse of St. John. He told the priest that he was fulfilling the word of God. “Go out and tell your flock,” Stalin told the priest. “I am doing what the scriptures say in the Apocalypse of John.” Stalin then ordered the priest to return to his flock and ordered the secret police to leave him alone.
Consider, in contrast, the fool that now occupies the Kremlin. When Putin says Leninism and Christianity are the same, he is mouthing a formula he does not understand. Why doesn’t Putin understand? Because Putin is not a reader of important texts. He parades around bare-chested, engages in martial arts competitions, and attends hockey games. Did Stalin waste his time like that? In terms of being a dictator, Putin does not understand the formulas he uses. And because Putin only reads trivia, he has nothing to offer but absurd rants on Russian and Ukrainian history. Putin never fails to bewilder his listeners as he wraps himself in one tangle after another. “The most common mistake of Stalin’s opponents was to underestimate how exceptionally well read he was,” noted Rayfield. “That he was erudite we now know from the remnants of his library of 20,000 volumes….”[viii]
Nothing of the kind can be said of Putin, whose inferiority complex always gives him away; sometimes with visibly trembling hands, sometimes with empty threats. When did Stalin make empty threats? He was, after all, everyone’s friend – right up until they were arrested, accused, and executed.
All the greatest leaders of modern times were readers. Cicero once explained that reading was the key to oratory and statesmanship. So it was with America’s Founding Fathers – Washington, Adams, Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. It matters little that Stalin was outwardly deceptive and dishonest in his use of what he read. He knew the difference between a lie and the truth even if others did not. Stalin was not fooled by ideology. For him, ideology was a weapon. Even more important, Stalin knew the kind of scum that surrounded him. Consequently, nobody killed more communists than Stalin.
This leads us to Eric Voegelin’s insight: “The overt phenomenon of intellectual dishonesty then raises the question of why a man will indulge in it.”[ix] The reason is this self-same alienation that animates all the totalitarian movements. This alienation thinks murder is fun, said Voegelin: “The fun consists in gaining a pseudo-identity through asserting one’s power, optimally by killing somebody – a pseudo-identity that serves as a substitute for the human self that has been lost.”[x]
Stalin had this in common with Marx and Lenin and Mao. They all built a pseudo-identity for themselves. All of them had fun killing people. Consider, in light of this, the mediocrity of their successors – Russian and Chinese. If you pick up a copy of President Xi’s Jinping’s famous little book, you will not find anything worth reading. It offers nothing comparable to the insights of Mao Zedong. Like Putin, Xi is a mediocrity. Such people can follow a blueprint, but they cannot improve on it. Every change they introduce weakens the whole. When it is time to make war, they offer peace (as in the 1980s). When it is time for peace, they stupidly make war (as in 2022).
The only black master the latter-day dictators can understand, when Lenin and Stalin are set aside, is Hitler. This is why Marxism-Leninism has gradually moved closer to National Socialism, in Russia and in China. The communists dare not admit this to themselves, yet all preparations for world war tend to affirm Hitler’s approach. And yet, this false nationalism – as Hitler was false to his core – limps from the outset. There can be no critical or open discussion of its underlying values. There is only an effort to spread incoherence on every side. All the dictators see is Hitler’s determination to fight a world war. It follows, therefore, that only the adoption of Hitler’s mentality (at this late hour) serves the Kremlin and Beijing. Thus, we have a reversion to Russian nationalism and Han Chinese nationalism, respectively. Even as Lenin is criticized and kept in the background, the Hitler model percolates to the surface. Everything in this formulation is corrupt, especially the language. In fact, the more corrupted the language the closer to world war the dictators come and the crazier they seem.
Why didn’t World War III happen in the 1960s, 70s, or 80s? Because Stalin’s successors valued comfort and survival. Stalin mockingly called them “blind kittens” who would fail without him. Arguably they missed their one and only opportunity to win World War III in the early 1980s. Clinging to their dachas and rich food, they reverted to liberalization in the late 1980s. Today, of course, they have assembled an arsenal made doubtful by pilfering. They have an advantage in weapons for the foreseeable future, in theory. However, that advantage is only in strategic weapons. Someone forgot to tell them that nobody has attempted mass nuclear strikes and nobody really knows how such strikes will work in practice. Worse yet, these Russian and Chinese leaders do not understand the fundamentals of Leninism. One begins to doubt if they have the nerve to push the button after so many instances of blustering. “You are blind like young kittens,” said Stalin to his Politburo. “What will happen without me? The country will perish because you do not know how to recognize enemies.” He added, “Without me the imperialists with throttle you.”
To rely so heavily on secret creatures in the West, like the Clintons or Obama or Biden, was something Stalin would never have done. However corrupt or Marxist these Western elites might be, they are nonetheless Western. What is a traitor worth? A little influence here or there? A few stale secrets? One trick in the Great Game? The fact is, you cannot bribe a man to cut his own throat. If you put him in a position of power, he might begin to dictate terms to you. Stalin understood all this. He understood there could be no winning without fighting a world war. His successors, as blind kittens, did not. Deception and subversion only work to a point. Beyond that we find the words of Carl von Clausewitz illuminating:
“Now, philanthropists may easily imagine there is a skillful method of disarming and overcoming an enemy without causing great bloodshed, and that this is the proper tendency of the Art of War. However plausible this may appear, still it is an error which must be extirpated; for in such dangerous things as War the errors which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are the worst. As the use of physical power to the utmost extent by no means excludes the cooperation of the intelligence, it follows that he who uses force unsparingly, without reference to the bloodshed involved, must obtain superiority if his adversary uses less vigor in its application. The former then dictates the law to the latter, and both proceed to extremities to which the only limitations are those imposed by the amount of counter-acting force on each side.”[xi]
In light of this, what did Vladimir Putin do when his strategy of winning without fighting failed in Ukraine? He started a war with a hollowed-out kleptocratic regime. And now he opts for a meeting with President Trump. Will Trump save Putin? Only a blind kitten would rely on Trump to pull Russia’s fat out of the fire. Of course, Moscow has time on its side. Russia also has China. World War III can still begin, at any time. But isn’t the Chinese communist regime a kleptocracy as well?
Right now, we do not have all the answers. In theory, Russia and China are growing stronger than the United States because they started their military buildup earlier. The optimal window for attack is not this year. That is all we can say for now.
Hope springs eternal.
Links and Notes
[i] Donald Rayfield, Stalin and His Hangmen (New York: Random House, 2004), p. 14.
[ii] See, especially, the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup’s book, Why Materialism is Baloney: How true skeptics know there is no death and fathom answers to life, the universe, and everything (Washington: Iff Books, 2014), p. 201: “As such, much more than a proclamation of the dominance of mentation, my metaphysics is an attempt to eliminate the artificial separation between mind and matter that has led to the ‘hard problem of consciousness.’ Nonetheless, I still chose to label it ‘idealism’ and continue to use the word ‘mind’ in order to establish a clear contrast with the reigning materialist paradigm, particularly with regards to survival of consciousness beyond physical death. Let there be no ambiguity here: it is a direct and unavoidable implication of my worldview that your consciousness – your subjective experience of being, right now – will survive your bodily death.”
[iv] Ibid.
[v] Translator uncertain, as quoted by Dugin from Plato’s work, The Sophist.
[vi] Richard Weaver, Ideas have Consequences, (Kindle edition), Loc 227.
[vii] Rayfield, p. 20.
[viii] Ibid, p. 21.
[ix] Eric Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 2005), p. 45.
[x] Ibid, p. 47.
[xi] Carl von Clausewitz, trans. Anatol Rapoport, On War (Middlesex, England: Penguin Classics, 1982), p. 102.
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