These Last Days News - March 19, 2025
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SICK! Mother of 13-Yr-Old Girl Is Bullied By Trans Activists At School Board Meeting For Demanding Biological-Sex Locker Rooms After School Adminstrators Tried To Force Her Daughter To Undress In Front of Trans Kid {VIDEO}...
"Now I speak to the parents.
Parents of all young children, are you earnestly making an effort to protect
your children from a world that has been given over to satan? What do you do
when the teachers in your schools teach your children sexual conduct, taking
from your young children the purity of heart and the innocence of the youth?
What do you do? Just let them take over? Parents, you say it will not affect
your child? Look what is happening to the children of the world, young of age,
three years old and upward, even younger than three.”
– Jesus, November 1, 1985
The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on March 18, 2025:
By Patty McMurray
Shepard Middle School Parent Nicole Georgas stood in front of the Deerfield, Illinois District 109 School Board in a room filled with trans activist bullies to defend her teenage daughter from their sick attempts to force her daughter to undress in front of biological males in the locker room.
After the school received a complaint from Ms. Georgas, the mother of a 13-yr-old student, on February 5th that a biological male was in their locker room while they were changing for PE class, her daughter and the other female students who didn’t want to change in front of the boy pretending to be a girl were reportedly disciplined by District 109 “Assistant Superintendent for Student Services” Joanna Ford, Assistant Principal Cathy Van Treese and Director for Student Services Ginger Logemann, who allegedly tried to force them to change in front of the biological boy.
According to Nicole Georgas, her teenage refused to participate in their sick experiment and ran out of the locker room to call her mother.
On Thursday, Ms. Georgas bravely spoke at the District 109 school board meeting packed with a raucous crowd of trans activists from across Chicago, many of them wearing t-shirts that read: “PROTECT” with an image of a large knife underneath, “Trans kids.”
Another unidentified activist made her way to the front of the room to stand next to Nicole, holding a sign directly in her line of view to the podium where the activists spoke. Her sign (falsely) assumes that anyone who doesn’t want their daughter dressing in front of a biological male has “Transphobia” and is “a threat.”
“My name is Nicole Georgas, and I’m here to demand the locker rooms and bathrooms in District 109 be designated as biological male and biological female, as there already is a gender-neutral option. The girls want their locker rooms and bathrooms back!” she said, adding, “They want their privacy back! This is why I’m here tonight,” she began.
“My 13-year-old‘s daughter’s well-being and mental health and privacy is at stake,” she warned. She explained, “This nightmare began on February 5th, when my daughter was using the girl’s bathroom and was stunned that a biological male student was using it as well. She came home frightened and was extremely upset. I asked her to talk with her teachers and find out more information. She was told by the administration that a student can use the bathroom as well as a female locker room because they now identify as ‘female.’ I was sent an email to the teachers involved and received a call from Principal Wegley.” He verbally reiterated that under Joanna Ford’s direction and her legal counsel, the student could use both the locker room and bathroom.” The mother of the teenage daughter continued, reminding the school board that the school was in violation of a recent Trump executive order prohibiting biological males from participating in female sports, dressing in female locker rooms, or using female-designated bathrooms.
Ms. Georgas explained that she filed a civil rights complaint with the DOJ on that day, on behalf of her daughter, to “protect the students.” She then told a horrifying story about how school administrators attempted to force her daughter and other girls who objected to getting changed in a locker room to change in front of the biological male. “The situation went from bad to worse,” she explained. “A few days later, the male student was present in the girls’ locker room; feeling violated, the girls made the choice to not change into their PE clothes with a biological male student present. The next day, Assistant Principal Cathie Van Treese pulled the girls into their office, questioning them. The same day, Assistant Superintendent Joanna Ford, Cathy Van Treese, and multiple teachers all came into the girls’ locker room, making them change into uniforms. This went on all week, with the addition of Ginger Logeman. My daughter refused to take part in having her privacy being violated. How dare they!” Ms. Georgas asked.
The mother of the 13-year-old girl explained that her daughter ran out of the locker room and called her for help! When she called, Ms. Georgas explained that the only solution Principal Wegely was able to offer her daughter was to change her to another PE class! The mother of the mortified teenage girl told the principal, “The answer was, ‘No!’ She is not changing for the remainder of the year, and she’s not changing into another class!” Nicole Georgas added, “The girls just want their privacy, and they want their locker room back!” Ms. Georgas then offered the principal a reasonable solution: “There are gender, neutral options.”
“This is my daughter’s story and the story of many other young girls who have been forced at a difficult age to do something they know and most adults know is wrong!”
Finally, Ms. Georgas implored the school board to “Do the right thing!” She courageously told them, “Give these girls their locker room and bathrooms back; allowing biological males to access girls’ locker rooms sets a dangerous precedent that erodes the very foundation of female privacy and safety. By making this decision, the school board is not only disregarding the concerns of young female students and making their families but also establishing legal and policy framework that will make it increasingly difficult to protect integrity female-only spaces in the future!”
Here is a clip of Nicole Georgas’s appearance in front of the school board:
Nicole Georgas, mother of Deerfield, IL Shepard Middle School student, files civil rights lawsuit with DOJ after school ignores Trump’s executive order to keep biological males out of girls, sports dressing, rooms, and bathrooms.
— PattyMI (@PattyLovesTruth) March 18, 2025
Her teenage daughter, who refused to dress in… school board meeting attracted a horde of cross-dressing activists from around the Chicago area, who came to speak in favor of requiring teenage girls to undress in front of teenage boys who pretend to be girls.
Tina Nelson, a pro-trans bully, stood at the podium in front of the school board, but her comments were vile and primarily directed at Nicole Georgas. It took a moment, but a school board member finally stopped her from glaring at Ms. Georgas as she delivered her sick remarks. “Tina Nelson. She/Her pronouns. Community member and part of the LGBTQ community. Thank you to the board for prioritizing the safety of the student that’s been targeted by an organization that weaponizes religion to push the white supremacist agenda of their cis white husbands.
“White supremacist agenda?” And Their “cis white husbands?”
A male board member finally stepped up and asked Nelson to deliver her remarks to the board and not to the parent seated next to her. “Thank you,” he said. She tried to continue, “Excuse me, excuse me!” he exclaimed. “This is…It must be respectful of each other.”
Nelson reluctantly continued, letting everyone know that she had the floor, “I have the mic!” she said.
She continued, glaring at the mother, “Targeting a middle school student because of your white God! Yeah!”
Again, the male board member kindly reminds her to direct her remarks at them. “This is a time for us to listen—to hear your viewpoint. We want to hear that,” he said.
“Thank you. Yes,” she responded. The woman, filled with hate who was attempting to vilify the mom for daring to defend her daughter, continued by gaslighting the parent, “So children that are raised by those who hate, vilify, and fearmonger, will hate, vilify, and fearmonger their peers.” Nelson then explained why sex education is “super important.”
The pro-trans activist with the knife image on her shirt concluded with, “I’m really grateful to see how full this room is of support for this kid instead of the petty women that target him,” as she walked by the front row where the mother of the 13-year-old victim, Nicole Georgas, sat, and glaring at her intensely.
Pro-trans activist BULLIES & GASLIGHTS mom of teenage daughter for demanding Deerfield, IL Shepard Middle School follow Trump's executive order & not permit biological boys inside girl's locker room & bathrooms.
— PattyMI (@PattyLovesTruth) March 18, 2025
Thanks school board, for "prioritizing the safety of the student… Lake County Gazette reported on the various speakers at the school board meeting- Kerrick Goodman-Lucker of Northbrook, a female who dresses like a male and has grown a mustache and beard, said she had a male cross-dressing friend in college who “was pulled out of a woman’s bathroom and attacked by a police officer for using a bathroom (he) thought was safe.”
She complained that cross-dressing kids are “being attacked as liars… and deviants.”
Jesse Holzman of Chicago, a woman who describes herself as a “Queer, Non-binary, Consensually Non-monogamous, Intersectional Feminist, Anti-Racist, Activist, Educator, and Scholar,” said that “ensuring access to (girls’) bathrooms and changing rooms is not controversial.”
Holzman said that “research” shows middle school girls “do better, academically, socially, and emotionally” when boys are allowed to watch them undress in school locker rooms.
At Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Holzman is a recruiter of cross-dressers for a federally-funded study of “HIV incidence” in cross-dressing men. On her Linkedin, she says she also “crafted a pronoun guide” for Lurie. She previously worked as an independent “gender and sexuality consultant”
“Kristal Larson” of Hainesville, the Avon Township Clerk and first cross-dressing male ever elected to office in Lake County, came in a skin-tight, black mini-skirt dress to speak “on behalf” of “2,000” cross-dressing school students he claims attend Lake County schools.
Larson said he was “once a boy in middle school…back in the 1980s” because he “didn’t know any differently.”
He said the school board should have more concern for the cross-dressing boy, who “finally feels authentic” in the girl’s locker room.
“How are they feeling?” he said. “That’s what we really need to be considering.”
Avon Twp. Clerk and cross-dresser Kristal Larson addressed the Deerfield, IL, District 109 School Board to defend the right of a biological boy to dress in a girl's locker room over the rights of the girls who don't want a boy in their bathrooms or locker rooms.
— PattyMI (@PattyLovesTruth) March 18, 2025
Larson stood in… Friedman of Berwyn, a female who describes herself as a “transmasc nonbinary human” and also has a beard, used much of her three minutes at the podium to praise Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker for “protecting” the right of teen boys to watch teen girls undress.
“We’re very lucky to live in a state that protects (cross-dressing men), she said, adding that her cross-dressing son was “standing next to Pritzker when he signed” an executive order in 2019 establishing a task force ordered to create special rights for cross-dressing teens across the state.
In 2023, Friedman started a “Go Fund Me” seeking to raise $3,000 for what she called her “yeetus the teetus fund,” paying for surgery to remove her breasts.
Charlee Friedman, a self-described "transmasc nonbinary human," ("they/he"), and parent of a trans middle school child, tells Deerfield, IL School Board, "I'm happy to follow" brave mom standing up for her teenage daughter's right not to have to dress in front of a biological boy…
— PattyMI (@PattyLovesTruth) March 18, 2025The Deerfield District 109 School Board includes Sari Montgomery, Ryan Kuo, Kelly Jakymiw, Rosie Bona, Andrew Morrison, Mitch Dornfeld and Kate Joyce.
Jakymiw and Joyce are running unopposed for re-election in the April 1 Consolidated Election, along with new candidates David Murav and Remoun Abraham, for four open spots on the board.
Montgomery and Morrison are not running for re-election.
“After receiving a complaint from girls in early February that a boy was in their locker room while they were changing for gym class, District 109’s assistant Superintendent for Student Services’ Joanna Ford, ‘Assistant Principal,’ Cathy Van Treese, and ‘Director for Student Services Ginger Logemann reprimanded the girls, then escorted them to the locker room and tried to force them to change in front of the boy.” – Lake County Gazette.
Get these sickos away from our children NOW.
“After receiving a complaint from girls in early February that a boy was in their locker room while they were changing for gym class, District 109 ‘Assistant Superintendent for
— Jen (@IlliniJen) March 14, 2025
Student Services’ Joanna Ford, ‘Assistant Principal,’ Cathy Van Treese and ‘Director for Student… entire school board meeting can be watched HERE.
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"Prayer, My children, is all that you have now. You have waited too long. The
evil has accelerated now, and your children are surely the victims of your
laxity, your permissiveness. You condoned immorality. You condoned sexuality.
You made no effort to fight the evils that have corrupted your schools and your
governments, and now your homes.” - Our
Lady, August 13, 1977
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are a punishment for man's sins. Abortion, homosexuality, and the changes
in the Catholic Church cry out to Heaven for just punishment.
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Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
Directives from Heaven...
D36 - Bishops (Part 1)
D37 - Bishops (Part 2)
D38 - Priests (Part 1)
D39 - Priests (Part 2)
D40 - Infiltrators
D190 - Cardinals, Part 1
D191 - Cardinals, Part 2
D192 - Cardinals, Part 3
D337 - Hierarchy Infiltrated
D579 - Clergy Misleading the Faithful
D580 - False Prophets, Part 1
D581 - False Prophets, Part 2
D582 - Leaders Lax and Corrupt
D583 - Churches will Close
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
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Revised: March 19, 2025