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“Jesus is not pleased with the manner in which His clergy are carrying out their vocations, and, also, the Mass. Jesus wishes that the Old Mass be returned to wipe out many of the errors that have crept in since the New Mass has started.” – Veronica, July 1, 1985
Note: Our Lady of the Roses dictated to Veronica a message to be given to Pope Paul VI on September 1, 1969, just three weeks before Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci delivered their letter to Pope Paul VI. Our Lady warned Pope Paul VI that he had been "innocently misled to not visualize the destruction to souls wrought by the revision and acts of sacrifice left to the free conscience of the human soul." (Read more...) The following extract is from Cardinal Ratzinger's book Milestones, published by Ignatius Press.
The second great event at the beginning of my years in Regensburg was the publication of the Missal of Paul VI, which was accompanied by the almost total prohibition, after a transitional phase of only half a year, of using the missal we had had until then. I welcomed the fact that now we had a binding liturgical text after a period of experimentation that had often deformed the liturgy. But I was dismayed by the prohibition of the old missal, since nothing of the sort had ever happened in the entire history of the liturgy. The impression was even given that what was happening was quite normal. The previous missal had been created by Pius V in 1570 in connection with the Council of Trent; and so it was quite normal that, after four hundred years and a new council, a new pope would present us with a new missal. But the historical truth of the matter is different. Pius V had simply ordered a reworking of the Missale Romanum then being used, which is the normal thing as history develops over the course of centuries. Many of his successors had likewise reworked this missal again, but without ever setting one missal against another. It was a continual process of growth and purification in which continuity was never destroyed. There is no such thing as a "Missal of Pius V", created by Pius V himself. There is only the reworking done by Pius V as one phase in a long history of growth. The new feature that came to the fore after the Council of Trent was of a different nature. The irruption of the Reformation had above all taken the concrete form of liturgical "reforms". It was not just a matter of there being a Catholic Church and a Protestant Church alongside one another. The split in the Church occurred almost imperceptibly and found its most visible and historically most decisive manifestation in the changes in the liturgy. These changes, in turn, took very different forms at the local level, so that here, too, one frequently could not ascertain the boundary between what was still Catholic and what was no longer Catholic.Consequences could only be tragic.
In this confusing situation, which had become possible by the failure to produce unified liturgical legislation and by the existing liturgical pluralism inherited from the Middle Ages, the pope decided that now the Missale Romanum - the missal of the city of Rome - was to be introduced as reliably Catholic in every place that could not demonstrate its liturgy to be at least two hundred years old. Wherever the existing liturgy was that old, it could be preserved because its Catholic character would then be assured. In this case we cannot speak of the prohibition of a previous missal that had formerly been approved as valid. The prohibition of the missal that was now decreed, a missal that had known continuous growth over the centuries, starting with the sacramentaries of the ancient Church, introduced a breach into the history of the liturgy whose consequences could only be tragic. It was reasonable and right of the Council to order a revision of the missal such as had often taken place before and which this time had to be more thorough than before, above all because of the introduction of the vernacular.
But more than this now happened: the old building was demolished, and another was built, to be sure largely using materials from the previous one and even using the old building plans. There is no doubt that this new missal in many respects brought with it a real improvement and enrichment; but setting it as a new construction over against what had grown historically, forbidding the results of this historical growth, thereby makes the liturgy appear to be no longer a living development but the product of erudite work and juridical authority; this has caused us enormous harm. For then the impression had to emerge that liturgy is something "made", not something given in advance but something lying within our own power of decision. From this it also follows that we are not to recognise the scholars and the central authority alone as decision makers, but that in the end each and every "community" must provide itself with its own liturgy. When liturgy is self-made, however, then it can no longer give us what its proper gift should be: the encounter with the mystery that is not our own product but rather our origin and the source of our life.
The disintegration of the liturgy.
A renewal of liturgical awareness, a liturgical reconciliation that again recognises the unity of the history of the liturgy and that understands Vatican II, not as a breach, but as a stage of development: these things are urgently needed for the life of the Church. I am convinced that the crisis in the Church that we are experiencing today is to a large extent due to the disintegration of the liturgy, which at times has even come to be conceived of etsi Deus non daretur: in that it is a matter of indifference whether or not God exists and whether or not He speaks to us and hears us. But when the community of faith, the world-wide unity of the Church and her history, and the mystery of the living Christ are no longer visible in the liturgy, where else, then, is the Church to become visible in her spiritual essence? Then the community is celebrating only itself, an activity that is utterly fruitless. And, because the ecclesial community cannot have its origin from itself but emerges as a unity only from the Lord, through faith, such circumstances will inexorably result in a disintegration into sectarian parties of all kinds - partisan opposition within a Church tearing herself apart. This is why we need a new Liturgical Movement, which will call to life the real heritage of the Second Vatican Council.
"Because of the fall in
Babylon, many
new languages were given because of the sin of Babylon. Therefore, as a member
of one country, My children, with a universal language, you carried with you
your own country's translation, and were you to visit abroad, you could enter
upon any foreign edifice, Church of My Son, and feel comfortable and in one with
the man, the priest, the one chosen by My Son to represent Him in His House.
"If you were, My child, to go from your United States to France, could you
understand the words in French? But, My child, you would recognize the words in
Latin and you would have your book with you to read in your American language,
just as those in France could read in their French language, bringing upon the
world a beautiful and common bond of language among all who have been given the
grace to be called to the Roman Catholic Church of My Son.
"Do not leave My Son's Church though, My children, because they have taken
this language from among you. You must wait and persevere and weep with My Son
for this defilement by man."
- Our Lady of the
April 10,
Directives from Heaven…https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D1 - The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
D85 - Tradition
D127 - Vatican II
Latin, the universal language of the Catholic Church
“Kneel before your God in the Eucharist”
Vatican on kneeling for holy Communion
Should women cover their heads in Church?
Pope John Paul II recommends praying the St. Michael Exorcism
Restore the high altar
https://www.tldm.org/news5/main%5Faltar.htm"You cannot separate Tradition from your Faith"
https://www.tldm.org/news6/tradition1.htmVatican II, part 1: Infiltration of the Church
Vatican II, part 2: Dark clouds forming before Vatican II
https://www.tldm.org/News6/VaticanII-2.htmVatican II, part 3: the satanic revolution gains momentum at the Council
Pope Benedict XVI harshly condemns Masses that have been transformed “into spectacles that require directors of genius and talented actors"
Pope Benedict XVI Long-time Supporter of the Traditional Latin Mass, Una Voce America
Why Latin? The Latin Mass Society of Ireland
The Popes on the Latin language, Una Voce
Pope John Paul II strongly encourages use of “immortal language”, Una Voce
The Sacredness of Tradition, by Alice Von Hildebrand
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." Our Lady of the Roses May 26, 1976
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