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Vatican investigation of U.S. seminaries to be led by strongly pro-life bishop...


"In your country, My children, in your seminaries in the United States and Canada, My children, and the world, you have professors now so steeped in sin . . . they who call themselves My Son's chosen priests, they are vile sons of satan who are now rationalizing sin! There shall be no rationalization placed upon sin. The commandments shall not be looked at objectively and given to excuses, or reasoning to condone sin! No, My children, it is the minds poisoned by satan that spread this filth and error, this distortion of doctrine, this distortion of Tradition, and this distortion of your Faith!  Awaken, pastors, from your slumber! Can you, O bishops, not spare but the little time to look into your seminaries? I say but one expression to you: they have become hell-holes of error and heresy! Clean out your seminaries, My bishops!” – Our Lady of the Roses, October 2, 1976


LifeSiteNews.com news service reported on August 23, 2005:

Catholic News Service has announced that Rome is set to start its long-awaited "apostolic visitation," or systematic investigation and evaluation of the formation offered to prospective priests in seminaries. With many bishops studiously ignoring what has become the ecclesiastical equivalent of the elephant in the drawing room, Rome may be planning to force the issue at last.
The last Vatican-led visitation was seven years in duration beginning in 1981. The report given to Pope John Paul II, according to some observers, amounted to a whitewash in which the theological and moral dissent being taught was deliberately ignored or hidden.
This time, after years of mounting sexual abuse scandals in which certain bishops were implicated in a massive cover-up, and after some dioceses have declared bankruptcy and closed parishes to pay off settlements, Catholics may be hopeful that the real issues will at last be addressed. The Vatican has named Edwin F. O'Brien Archbishop for the Military Services as the coordinator for the project.
O'Brien's may be a familiar name to pro-life Catholics, especially those in the military, for his letter of 2000 that forcefully upheld the Church's teaching that the right to life has primacy over other social concerns. Writing on the priorities for Catholic voters, he said, "One subject stands out as preeminent --foundational to every other. And that is the sacred dignity of human life and the right to life itself !" (emphasis in the original).
"Nowhere," wrote O'Brien, "is the disregard for human life more heinous than in abortion and the increasing acceptance of euthanasia… abortion and euthanasia strike at the foundation of every other human right."
"Laws that promote the right to kill innocent human life are unjust, not to be obeyed and, surely, not to be promoted by any elected official who holds human life sacred," he wrote.
Rome has also specified that the visitation will be carried out in the light of John Paul's 1993 encyclical Veritatis Splendor which highlighted the necessity of adherence to the fullness of Catholic moral teaching.
Faithful Catholics in the US have said for years that the sex abuse scandals have been caused or seriously exacerbated by the laxity in formation of priests in seminaries which, in the 1960's adopted a more secularist and psychological approach to moral formation.
The problem of accepting homosexuals into the priesthood has become so common that it is now widely and openly considered a "gay profession." The USCCB's own report on the sex abuse crisis showed that since 1950 over 80% of victims of clerical sexual abuse were male.
Read Catholic News Service coverage:
Read Archbishop O'Brien's letter:




Dwindling U.S. seminaries and seminarians


From 1966 to 1999, the total number of U.S. seminarians dropped from 39,638 to 4,826 (2000 Catholic Almanac). In 1966, there were approximately 600 seminaries and religious houses of formation in the U.S. that educated future priests. In 1967, 32 seminaries closed. By 1970, 74 more seminaries closed their doors. By 1996, only 192 seminaries remained (408 seminaries/houses of formation had closed since 1966). This was exactly what Our Lady of the Roses predicted on January 31, 1976:

“My children, the seminaries in the United States shall close, unless they start now to clean their homes! The Eternal Father shall not permit young souls to be destroyed by evil teachers, by those who have fallen into error because of loss of the grace from Heaven, by those who, for worldly gain, choose to sell their souls! What manner of evil is in these seminaries, My children, that they promote fallacies and heresy, permissive behavior, a morality that now is based on advanced science and theology! The Eternal Father gave the mode, the manner for man to save his soul--simple, clear, and unadulterated with the evil that now has set My Son's Church in darkness!” - Our Lady, January 31, 1976



As Ralph McInerny laments:


“… the behavior in many seminaries has turned them into Augean stables. It is not enough to turn hitherto sheltered offenders over to the public prosecutor. The bishops have to get to the root of the problem. And the root of the problem is that many of our seminaries have been producing clueless clerics. And now we have bishops resigning. This didn’t just happen.” (“It just didn’t happen,” by Ralph McInerny, Crisis Magazine)



Disobedience to the Pope and pro-homosexual American bishops


The current clerical sex abuse scandal is overwhelmingly an issue of homosexual predation. According to a February 1961 Vatican document:


"Advancement to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers." 

Had the American bishops been obedient and followed the prudent guidelines from this 1961 Vatican document, many of the instances of homosexual predation could have been prevented. The lay group Roman Catholic Faithful recently asked the U.S. Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, for a copy of this above document. The Papal Nuncio refused. (Read more…).

The homosexual network within the American hierarchy was documented years ago by Fr. Enrique Rueda in his book The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy. Within this book, Fr. Rueda exposed the growing network of support groups, counseling referrals, newsletters, and organizations of homosexuals and pro-homosexuals in the Catholic churches of America. He reported that in the late 1970's a key staffer at the Office of Public Affairs and Information at the U.S. Catholic Conference/National Conference of Catholic Bishops was a leader of the Washington DC homosexual movement, as well as president of Dignity/USA (the radical pro-homosexual clerical group).

The originator of the NCCB, the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, was himself accused of homosexuality.


Good Catholic priests such as Fr. Charles Fiore and Msgr. Eugene Clark have provided a desperately needed service to the faithful by giving clear Catholic teaching on this subject, filling the void created by the bishops’ lack of moral leadership. In a WorldNetDaily article, “… [Fr.] Fiore said that the ranks of priests and seminarians should be "zero percent" homosexuals, and he urged careful formation and guidance of seminarians by seminary personnel faithful to Church teaching. Finally, it is the ultimate responsibility of Catholic bishops to certify the moral rectitude of those they ordain to the priesthood, Fiore stated.” ('Gay' culture in Catholic Church grows, Toby Westerman, March 24, 2002)


Msgr. Eugene Clark, rector of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, clearly stated in an April, 2002 sermon: "Unfortunately, . . . homosexual students were allowed to pass through seminaries. Grave mistake. Not because homosexuals in any way tend to criminality, but because it is a disorder and, as a disorder, should prevent a person from being ordained a priest."


The prohibition against allowing homosexuals to work around boys is common sense.  The Boy Scouts do not even allow this: “The Scouting organization simply refuses to allow what the Catholic Church has allowed - to let known homosexuals occupy positions of authority and trust, positions too easily and too often used to prey on vulnerable young people.” ('Pedophile priests' and Boy Scouts, David Kupelian, May 8, 2002)


The hell-holes of sin and heresy


In Michael Rose’s book, Goodbye! Good Men, various American seminaries have such a bad reputation that they have earned nicknames, such as “Notre Flame” (for Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans); “The Theological Closet” (for Theological College at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.); and “The Pink Palace” (for St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore).

The following seminaries are only some that require a cleansing; this list is by no means exhaustive.

St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland (nickname: “The Pink Palace”)


According to former seminarians and recently ordained priests, the "gay subculture" is so prominent and accepted at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore that students have long nicknamed it "The Pink Palace." Father Andrew Walter, ordained for the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut in 2000, spent several semesters at the Baltimore school as a seminarian for the Diocese of Patterson, New Jersey. The problem was so bad when he was there, he explained, that "some of the students and faculty used to get dressed up in leather to go to ‘the block,’ Baltimore’s equivalent to 42nd Street in Manhattan." Seminarians, sometimes accompanied by faculty members, would do this regularly, Walter explained. "They would meet in the foyer, and then head for the gay bars."


A March 24, 2002 interview of Fr. Walter by the New York Post reported:


The Rev. Andrew Walter was tossed out of Baltimore's St. Mary's Seminary five years ago after a psychological evaluation at a church-approved treatment center concluded he was "homophobic" and had a "histrionic personality disorder." … Walter claims his traditional views led to lower grades and other forms of harassment, although he was supposed to be in a "celibate" environment. "I know for a fact guys were protected," Walter said. "Activities and agendas on the part of homosexual guys were protected." (“Critics see ‘gay bullying’ at seminaries,” New York Post, March 24, 2002)


An April 5, 2002 article by NewsMax states:


According to Father Andrew Walker, the situation at the Baltimore seminary was so bad that the vice rector delivered a lecture "in front of at least 150 people when he stated, ‘Yes, we accept openly gay seminarians; that's our policy.’" (“Homosexual Culture Undercuts Priesthood,” NewsMax.com, April 5, 2002)


EWTN personality Fr. John Trigilio stated: “The few times I was there, some of the seminarians would literally dress like gays from the Village. They would even go so far as to wear pink silk; it was like going to see La Cage Aux Folles.” Fr. John Despard states: “In my days at St. Mary’s, down the hall there would be two guys together in the shower and everybody knew it” (Michael S. Rose, Goodbye! Good Men, p. 93).

The prelate responsible for St. Mary’s Seminary is Cardinal Keeler. He was head of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) from 1992 – 1995.

St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California

From a May 20, 2002 Newsweek article: “… The 64-year-old institution, nestled in the hills of Camarillo, Calif., may be one of the country’s gayest facilities for higher education. Depending on whom you ask, gay and bisexual men make up anywhere from 30 percent to 70 percent of the student body at the college and graduate levels. ‘I don’t want people to think that in a negative way,’ says a 28-year-old gay alumnus.”

    … “I think we do a good job recruiting solid candidates, and welcome the opportunity to do better,” says the Rt. Rev. Helmut Hefner, the school’s rector. He accepts that his gay enrollment may be as high as 50 percent, but that hasn’t caused any discomfort to heterosexuals, much less an epidemic of straight flight, he says. (“Gays and the seminary,” Newsweek, May 20, 2002)


A May 19, 2002 article from the Ventura County Star reports:

“At St. John's Seminary and Seminary College in Camarillo, leaders said that as long as priests and seminarians commit to celibacy, sexual orientation is not a primary concern. They are taken aback at the suggestion of screening out gay students. ‘Good heavens no, that is not the solution,’ said the Rev. Kenneth Rudnick, president and rector of the seminary college. "That's not part of the problem. There is no problem. As long as one is celibate, that is all the church requires." (“Local clergy disagree about gay priests, Ventura County Star, May 19, 2002)


Hello-o-o!!!  "Advancement to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers." (Sacred Congregation for Religious, February 1961)

The Ventura County Star also reports:

“Some former St. John's students have talked about promiscuity at the campus in the 1980s. An affidavit that was part of a molestation lawsuit against an Orange County priest contended students and a priest had made homosexual advances and also included second-hand allegations of sexual abuse.” (“Local clergy disagree about gay priests, Ventura County Star, May 19, 2002)


St. Anthony’s Seminary, Santa Barbara, California

Allegations surfaced in 1993 that 34 boys at St. Anthony's Seminary had been molested by 11 monks over a 23-year period ending in 1987, when the seminary closed for financial reasons. At the time, the provincial minister of the order publicly called the findings a "terrible truth" and "horrific."


St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, California

In a May 20, 2002 interview with Newsweek magazine, St. Patrick’s Seminary rector Fr. Coleman stated:


“’Shouldn’t you consider a homosexual as equally fit? I would think yes,’ says the Rev. Gerald Coleman, the rector there.” (“Gays and the seminary,” Newsweek, May 20, 2002)


During the campaign over Proposition 22, which defined marriage in California, Bishop Tod Brown (Diocese of Orange, CA) sent a memo on February 15, 2000 to the priests of the diocese of Orange: "Attached are two articles, 'Moral Theology' and 'Is Proposition 22 Discriminatory?', by Father Gerald D. Coleman, SS, regarding the marriage initiative, you will find them helpful to you."


The article by seminary rector Fr. Coleman included these horrendous statements:


"Some homosexual persons have shown that it is possible to enter into long-term, committed and loving relationships, named by certain segments of our society as domestic partnership. I see no reason why civil law could not in some fashion recognize these faithful and loving unions with clear and specified benefits. These unions would then be recognized by society as sustaining an important status deserving our respect and protection. I believe that this possibility could be pursued without equating such unions with marriage, and without in any way demeaning our needed respect and protection for the institution of marriage."


Fr. Coleman doesn’t know what he is taking about. The Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family stated on July 26, 2000:


"With regard to the recent legislative attempts to make the family and de facto unions equivalent, including homosexual unions (it is good to keep in mind that their juridical recognition is the first step toward their equivalency), members of parliament should be reminded about their grave responsibility to oppose them, for ‘lawmakers, and in particular Catholic members of parliaments, should not favor this type of legislation with their vote because it is contrary to the common good and the truth about man and thus truly unjust’. These legal initiatives present all the characteristics of non-conformity to the natural law which makes them incompatible with the dignity of the law…. the family based on marriage is a fundamental and precious good for the whole society whose most solid fabric is built on the values that are developed in family relations and guaranteed by stable marriage.  The good generated by marriage is basic for the Church which recognizes the family as the ‘domestic Church’.  All this is endangered by abandoning the institution of marriage, which is implicit in de facto unions.” (Read more…)


Fr. Coleman still remains rector of St. Patrick’s, in charge of “forming” tomorrow’s future priests.


In 2000, a police sting operation caught the academic dean of St. Patrick’s Seminary, Fr. Carl A. Schipper, soliciting online for sex.  Fr. Schipper was arrested on March 2, 2000. According to an article by San Francisco Faith:


“The 57 year-old priest fell under police suspicion in September while an investigation into the reported molestation of another 13-year-old boy yielded Schipper's America Online screen name, which was written on the boy's hand. Schipper is not a suspect in that case. San Jose police are examining the computers' memory caches at Schipper's home and his office at St. Patrick's seminary. Police are also looking into America Online archives to see if there were other juveniles involved. When asked if the solicitations were occurring from St. Patrick's seminary itself, Sergeant Hewitt of the San Jose Police department told this writer there was ample reason to obtain a search warrant for Schipper's offices at St. Patrick's.”


Responsibility for St. Patrick’s Seminary lies with Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco (who was head of the National Conference of Catholic bishops from 1977-1980), and Archbishop William J. Levada who succeeded Archbishop Quinn to head the San Francisco Archdiocese on December 27, 1995.

St. John's Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts

In a May 15, 2002 article in the Boston Globe, it was reported that Cardinal Law provided a written assurance to Belmont Abbey College that the Rev. George C. Berthold had an unblemished record, despite Berthold's November 1995 dismissal from Boston's St. John's Seminary. Just two months after he became dean of St. John's undergraduate college, Berthold was accused of making improper advances toward a freshman seminarian, including kissing him on the lips. (Read more…)


Another article by the Boston Globe on March 3, 2002 made the connection between St. John’s Seminary, and the clerical sex abuse crisis within the Boston Archdiocese:


“The sexual-abuse scandal tearing at the local Roman Catholic Church has played out in courtrooms and psychiatrists' offices and even the chancery on Lake Street in Brighton. But ground zero could well be St. John's Seminary, a complex of tan brick and stone buildings down the street next to Boston College.

     “A Herald analysis of cases of priests facing serious pedophile allegations in the state, including those who settled out of court or have been suspended by the church pending resolution of accusations, shows that a disproportionate percentage attended St. John's in the late 1950s and 1960s.

     ``This is the general pattern with these scandals across the board. They're usually guys now in their late 60s and 70s who received their priestly formation and were ordained in the '60s and '70s,'' said the Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, a Catholic priest who publishes ``First Things,'' a monthly journal popular with religious conservatives.” (Hub seminary linked to problem priests,” by Eric Convey March 3, 2002)



In a “letter to the editor” addressed to Catholic World Report (November 2000), former St. John’s seminarian Paul Sinsigalli reports that he was kicked out for his traditional Catholic beliefs, and for opposing the openly-gay culture at St. John’s Seminary:


     “I read Michael Rose’s article on vocations with great interest. You see, until I had heard about this phenomenon I thought there was something wrong with me. I was studying at St. John’s Seminary in Boston and was told that I did not have the qualities required to be a priest. They said that I lacked leadership, intellectual ability, and emotional maturity, among other things. When I asked them to explain where these traits were exhibited they merely repeated the oft heard mantra: “It’s the consensus of the faculty,” and then would not defend or cite examples of said behavior. They had decided that I did not fit into their mold of what a priest should be. 

     “What were my crimes, you may ask? I stood up for what the Church teaches every time there was a question about it. I stood against the homosexual atmosphere which pervaded the college at that time and had the temerity to suggest that homosexuality is a disorder. I also did not engage in their pro-masturbation conversations which were commonplace in the halls and the dinner table. I was the target of a homosexual classmate who is known to have a violent history and required a restraining order to be taken out against him by another student. This student tried to have me kicked out by telling faculty and other students that I was out to get homosexuals and hated them. He made things up—which were believed, while nobody believed me.”


St. Mary’s of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois
In 1996, Fr. Wayne Wurst stated on a Chicago radio station that at St. Mary’s of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois “there were madams, pimps, and prostitutes all in a major seminary system that, from the outside, if you were to walk through, would look very holy.” Joseph Kellenyi, a seminarian from 1998-1999 says things have not changed at St. Mary’s. He relates that one hall in the seminary dorm is nicknamed the ‘Catwalk,’ since it housed the more fashionable gays and their accompanying feline personalities. When a seminarian would “come out” and admit of a homosexual orientation, he would be wined and dined (literally) by the seminary faculty in hopes of involving him more deeply. The heterosexual seminarians are forced to trade class notes, tapes and share spiritual readings together just to keep their heads above the rampant perversions surrounding them.

St. Francis Seminary (Southern California)

In his best-selling book Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children (1992), journalist Jason Berry found that a third of the students at St. Francis Seminary in southern California were gay. One priest, Fr. Stephen Dunn, propositioned one student a dozen times over two years, while another, Fr. Nicholas Reveles, was having sex with at least four seminarians at the same time. When one student refused their advances, they had him committed to a hospital on a trumped-up charge of alcoholism.

Altoona-Johnstown diocesan seminary

Although some Catholic dioceses screen out would-be priests because of gay sexual orientations, the eight-county Altoona-Johnstown Diocese in Pennsylvania does not, said Bishop Joseph Adamec. The diocese is currently reviewing about a half dozen allegations of homosexual abuse of minors. (Read more…)


Michael Rose writes that David J. Brown, a clinical psychologist under contract with the Altoona-Johnstown diocese to screen candidates for the priesthood, has “gone out of his way to make the case that homosexuality is ‘perfectly normal’ and that ‘homosexuality is natural, not unnatural.’” David Brown has made the outrageous statement that Sodom was destroyed for “inhospitability,” not homosexuality. It seems Mr. Brown needs a refresher course in Scripture. The men of Sodom refused Lot’s daughters, but sought the men, saying, “Where are the men that came in to thee at night? Bring them out thither that we may know them” (Gen. 19:5). Lot replied to them, “I beseech you, my brethren, do not commit this evil” (Gen. 19:7). For this sin, the men of Sodom were blinded by the angels (Gen 19:11), and Sodom was later destroyed by fire and brimstone (Gen. 19:24-25). The New Testament recalls the destruction of Sodom (2 Peter 2:6; Jude 1:7). Our Lady of the Roses explains that the destruction of Sodom had nothing to do with “inhospitability”:


"You who cry love your neighbor, do not twist the truth and say that Sodom and Gomorrah fell because they were inhospitable! Oh, no! I say unto you: hospitality had nothing at all to do with this. It was a manner of degrading, debased sin, using a creation of the Father for vile acts, animal acts, and far worse until your filth and pollution has entered into the minds and souls of the young! You defilers of mankind, the skin shall burn off of your bones soon!" - Our Lady, April 2, 1977 


St. Gregory Seminary, Ohio (closed in 1980)


Archbishop Pilarczyk, succeeded Bernardin as bishop of Cincinnati, Ohio.


In 1991, a former seminarian named Gregory Flannery wrote an article exposing the "other life" of the psychologist who screened candidates for the priesthood in Cincinnati. Flannery explains that this man was worshipful master of the nearby Masonic lodge--even though Catholicism forbids Masonic membership--and a practitioner of past-life regression, something incompatible with church teaching.


In 1993, Flannery wrote an article outing a Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Paraniuk, who had been secretly marrying gay and lesbian couples in Cincinnati. In 1994, Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk wrote a private letter to a physician, complaining that Flannery had "written a series of articles denigrating the Catholic Church."


Flannery writes, “In 18 months as a college seminarian for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, I saw too much debauchery and vice to be shocked by the revelations of clerical sexual abuse now rocking the Catholic Church.”


St. Gregory Seminary eventually closed, in no small part due to the negligence and incompetence of Archbishop Pilarczyk.


Archbishop Pilarczyk was head of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) from 1989 – 1992.



The crisis facing the Catholic Church in the United States and the abominable state of the seminary system, goes beyond mere incompetence; it bears the mark of intentional orchestration. Mr. Manning Johnson, a former official of the Communist Party in America, gave the following testimony in 1953 to the House Un-American Activities Committee: 

"Once the tactic of infiltration of religious organizations was set by the Kremlin... the communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through the infiltration of the Church by communists operating within the Church itself. The communist leadership in the United States realized that the infiltration tactic in this country would have to adapt itself to American conditions and the religious makeup peculiar to this country. In the earliest stages it was determined that with only small forces available to them, it would be necessary to concentrate communist agents in the seminaries. The practical conclusion drawn by the Red leaders was that these institutions would make it possible for a small communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen in the paths conducive to communist purposes.... The policy of infiltrating seminaries was successful beyond even our communist expectations."  - Manning Johnson


In the early 1950s, Mrs. Bella Dodd provided detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." She stated that she alone had encouraged nearly 1,000 youngsters to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders. The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church."


"Yes, My child, I want you to let the world know that Our seminaries were not pure.  Many had entered for this very day to try to destroy the Faith and the Church of My Son.  You must know that the Eternal Father will not permit this. The world is fast hurtling to a baptism of fire.” – Our Lady of the Roses, May 17, 1986


Directives from Heaven...

D63 - The Third Secret  PDF Logo PDF
D174 - Homosexuality, Part 2  PDF Logo PDF
D175 - Defilement of the Young  PDF Logo PDF
D176 - Sodom and Gomorrah  PDF Logo PDF
D177 - Seminaries  PDF Logo PDF


Clear Vatican statement against ordaining homosexuals: "a person who is homosexual or has homosexual tendencies is not, therefore, suitable to receive the sacrament of sacred orders."


Bishop D'Arcy urges ban on gay priests


Philippine Bishops Conference bans homosexual seminarians and priests


Austrian seminary: no more homosexuals

Pope orders cleanup of U.S. seminaries

Bishop Galante, spokesman for the U.S. bishops, protected homosexual priests

New head of bishops' review board on sexual assault by priests: "Very disappointed" in bishops

Pope John Paul II: men with deviant affections cannot be priests

Great Britain study says 43% of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals have a mental disorder


Homosexuality and Hope: excerpts taken from a document by the Catholic Medical Association


Homosexuality: dispelling the lies


What the Bible says about homosexuality


Supreme Court Justice Burger speaks out against homosexuality



How America's Catholic Church crucified itself, [London] Times Online, March 13, 2005


Vatican Monsignor says gays shouldn’t be priests, Washington Times, September 20, 2002



Catholic official argues against gay priests, Modesto Bee, September 19, 2002



Pope to Church: Risky seminarians must go, National Catholic Register, Sept. 15-21, 2002



Pope John Paul II: Men with deviant affections can’t be priests, ABC News, September 5, 2002



Catholic Medical Association: Homosexuality and Hope


Pope orders U.S. bishops to cleanup seminaries, Reuters, May 6, 2004


The Lavender Mafia: Homosexual Culture Undercuts Priesthood, [St. Mary’s Seminary of Baltimore, MD, nicknamed “The Pink Palace”] NewsMax, April 5, 2002



Boston Seminary linked to problem priests [St. John’s Seminary, Boston, MA] Boston Herald, March 3, 2002



Menlo Park Vice [St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, CA]



Local clergy disagree about gay priests [St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA] Ventura County Star, May 19, 2002)



Standing up to Bishop Adamec, Fatima Centre



An introduction to the sexual underworld in the Church, Roman Catholic Faithful



The Gay priest problem, Catholic World Report, November 2000



It just didn’t happen, Crisis magazine, May 1, 2002



The Greatest Conspiracy (infiltration of Catholic seminaries) Christian Order magazine



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