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ordered the shooting of John Paul II, says Italian commission...
"As I have warned you, the time is growing short, and the enemies of My Son's Church are accelerating in their plan to do away with your Vicar, your Vicar who has been sent to you by God the Father to save the whole institution of religion in the world, and not have it fall into the hands of the egomaniacs that reside in the land called Russia." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 7, 1985
ROME - Leaders of the former Soviet Union were behind the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II in 1981, an Italian parliamentary investigative commission said in a report. A final draft of the report, which is due to be presented to parliament later this month, was made available to Reuters on Thursday by the commission president, Senator Paolo Guzzanti.
"This commission believes, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the leadership of the Soviet Union took the initiative to eliminate Pope John Paul," the report said. "They relayed this decision to the military secret services for them to take on all necessary operations to commit a crime of unique gravity, without parallel in modern times," it said.
The report also says "some elements" of the Bulgarian secret services were involved but that this was an attempt to divert attention away from the Soviet Union's alleged key role. A 36-page chapter on the assassination attempt was included in a wider report by parliament's Mitrokhin Commission, which probed the revelations of Vasili Mitrokhin, a senior Soviet archivist during the Cold War who defected to Britain in 1992.
The Pope was shot in St Peter's Square on May 13, 1981 by Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca, who was arrested minutes later and convicted of attempted murder.
Guzzanti, a senator in Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, said the commission decided to reopen the report's chapter on the assassination attempt in 2005 after the Pope wrote about it in his last book before dying. In that book, the Pope said he was convinced the shooting was not Agca's initiative and that "someone else masterminded it and someone else commissioned it".
"Listen, My child, and repeat after Me: the Brown Bear of communism, of red orientation, will seek to devour the Holy Father, your Vicar the Pope, by assassination, and place on the seat of Peter a communist puppet known by all as the White Bear." - Jesus, June 18, 1991
The awesome
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
"Your successor to Peter has been chosen well. We sat him upon the throne of
Peter for the principal reason to return My Son's Church to its original state.
"Understand well, My children, that he is also a human being subject to
error. But this does not mean that he is to be subjected to derision and hate,
until you build up a fire within the hearts of those who are seeking to destroy
him. Better that you pray for the Holy Father than to deride him.
"Do not question him at this time, because I assure you, My children--as he
will tell you in due time--I, too, have appeared to the Holy Father." - Our
Lady of the Roses, September 27, 1986
"There are many enemies of God and those who have infiltrated into the papacy
with one purpose: to set forth a plan to eliminate Our dear Vicar, Pope John
Paul II." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 21, 1983
"Your Pope, he is a good man, but he is weak also, having human frailties, and
he has great undue pressures upon him.
"Help him, My children, by writing, by trying to send through the blockade
that they have set up in front of him in Rome: send a message of grace from
Heaven to Holy Father Pope John Paul II. He must consecrate Russia to My
Immaculate Heart; or else Russia shall go throughout the whole world, destroying
nation upon nation, even the United States and Canada." - Our Lady of the
Roses, October 2, 1987
"The plan of ... communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City, gain
control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to overthrow
Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome
and gain control of the power of the House of My Son throughout the world. They
will subvert it from within." - Our Lady, October 6, 1976
*It was with good reason that Our Lady specifically asked in the second part of
the secret of Fatima for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
Precisely because Her request has not been obeyed to date, Russia is
perpetrating one of the cruelest hoaxes in history—the so-called failure and
death of communism and its replacement with a pseudo-democracy—with its
objective remaining, as always, the same: communist enslavement of the world
(see also June 18th, 1992 Message).
"Listen, My child, and repeat after Me: the Brown Bear of communism, of red
orientation, will seek to devour the Holy Father, your Vicar the Pope, by
assassination, and place on the Seat of Peter a communist puppet known by all as
the White Bear.
"My child and My children of the world, disaster lies ahead in Rome if this
happens. Will you not, in your goodness of heart, go forward and give this
message to the world. Approach your clergy. Write to Rome! Beg them to listen
before it is too late. Your Holy Father, the Pope, is in great danger.
"They cannot outwit the Eternal Father in Heaven. He knows their hearts,
and they will not succeed if you will act upon this and keep a constant
vigilance of prayer going throughout the world for your Pope, the Holy Vicar in
Rome." - Jesus, June 18, 1991
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D7 - Pope John Paul II
D73 - Extermination of Pope?
D155 - Antipope of History
D10 - Consecrate Russia
D101 - Russia and China, Part 1
D102 - Russia and China, Part 2
D103 - Communism
D104 - Invasion
D137 - Visions of the Great War: Russia and China
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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