These Last Days Ministries
P.O. Box 40 · Lowell, MI 49331-0040
1-616-698-6448 or 1-800-444-MARY Fax 1-616-698-2260 ---
http://www.tldm.orgApril 21, 1998
Dear Devotee of Our Lady,
We live in exciting times! We can see Bible prophecies and Our Ladys prophecies occurring daily.
Earthquakes have shattered homes and lives. Mad men could start war in the Middle East with biochemical and/or nuclear weapons. These certainly are the end times.
Tornadoes are increasing . . .
Tornado deaths this year is among the worst in decades. There
are 102 dead so far and the average per year is 48. We see in the news media the terrible
destruction of the tornadoes in Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, etc. If these
people would have had crucifixes on their doors, their homes would not have been
destroyed. The Bayside prophecies told us tornadoes were going to happen and how to
protect our homes. How many listened?
Our Lady - "The Father shall chastise those He loves. Your country and many countries of your world will suffer trials of famine, earthquakes, tornadoes and the plague." (12-31-74)
Our Lady - "In My counsels of the past, My children, I have told you many times that satan has control of the elements. There will be accidents that are not accidents, disturbances of nature claiming many lives: floods, tornadoes. My children, are you ready to face this crisis?" (2-10-78)
Jesus - "I want everyone upon earth to know that the great Chastisement and the punishments of droughts, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, are but minor compared to the number of lives that will be lost with the great Chastisement." (7-1-85)
Our Lord said our homes would be spared if we had crucifixes on all our doors. Do you have crucifixes on all of your outside doors and those of your loved ones?
El Niņo
The El Niņo floods have killed thousands. El Niņo roared
into March like a lion -- with tornadoes in Florida and flooding in Georgia and California
-- and forecasters say it won't go out like a lamb.
The latest long-term predictions from the National Weather Service say El Niņo's impact on the United States will continue at least through May and probably longer.
With the continuing freak weather conditions will come more storms in the U.S., more drought in Southeast Asia and heavy rains in parts of South America in coming weeks.
'98 season may produce five Atlantic-spawned hurricanes
The Houston-based Weather Research Center predicts the 1998
U.S. Atlantic hurricane season, roughly June 1st to November 30th,
is likely to produce up to 8 tropical storms, five of which will become hurricanes.
There is a 90% chance that the West Coast of Florida will be hit, with Gulf of Mexico activity creating a 70% chance that Mexico itself will be struck by a hurricane and a 60% chance along the coast of Texas.
The East Coast of Florida is said to have a 70% chance of being hurricane active.
A tropical storm is given a name when it reaches 39mph, and it becomes a hurricane when winds hit 74mph. More info at:
Crucifix to guard doors to home . . .
Jesus - "I must reveal, My children, to the world again,
that you are to keep a crucifix on your front door and your back door. All entrances to
your home must be guarded by the crucifix. There has not been one home on Long Island that
had a crucifix on its door that did fall to any evil. I do not speak of the trees, My
child; I speak of mankind. You did not know a major disaster as has happened, My children,
in Mexico. You see, My child, I set you down in that area to bring the word to mankind,
and it was through these words that many listened and the passed through the horrible
experience of a hurricane." (10-5-85)
Home Protection Packet
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of
all of our outside doors. In the Heaven's Home Protection Packet
there are instructions, four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal
crucifixes. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to
the outside of the door. Item # P15 Suggested donation $5.00 each
Crucifix on front and back door . . .
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My
children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors
must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas,
and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)
Storms, rotting crops and famine...
Our Lady - "Storms shall ravage the shores; crops will
rot in the ground - famine. Insanity, from sin, in the minds of the young. Murders. Who
shall govern your fine country, My children, in the future, as the pollution is bending
the stalks. Repent now of your sin, for the hand of just punishment is being lowered upon
"I as your Mother will continue to come and guide you through the great test ahead. No man shall be lost unless he does, chooses his path, of his own free will." (7-25-78)
Famine in America...
"A plague. The boats will not anchor to the land, a just
punishment upon man. Famine in America the Beautiful. No one shall have the price of the
wheat. Man shall become like animals, killing their neighbors. It will be like dog eating
"Bands of roaming homosexuals shall attack the young. People will live in fear, their doors barred. There shall be no love or charity between neighbors. Fear shall grip the nation. Murders will increase and the crops will rot. Rodents will run, scavengers will fly, transported by air through the states.
"For a nation where much has been given, much has been expected. And man of this great nation has rejected his God. It is only through trial and suffering shall he return to his God." (7-15-77)
Store canned goods, water and blankets...
Our Lady - "My children, not only with the canned foods
will you store just food, but you must also make known to your families and your friends
that they had best keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the
onset of the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to
contamination." (7-1-85)
Making the Best of Basics book a must
Look at the freezing weather, floods, earthquakes,
hurricanes, tornadoes occurring now.
The idea of emergency preparedness is spreading rapidly among those waking up to the reality of today's chaotic weather and business climate. This is why the book Making the Best of Basics was written.
With over 350,000 copies of earlier editions sold it has long been a standard in food storage and family preparedness. It includes worksheets to determine which items and how much to store for your family.
When you order this book please send a donation along to help keep Our Ladys work going.
St. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel guard the Vatican Internet
There is a new Gutenberg Press called the Internet. The Bible
was the first book printed on the on the Gutenberg Press. It was the greatest way to
spread the Gospel then and today the Internet is the best and fastest way to spread the
Gospel and Our Ladys Message to the world. The Internet belongs to God.
The Vatican is on the Internet in a big way. It has guarded its home page well by putting it under the protection of three archangels. The three computers used for the Vatican's Internet and e-mail service have been named Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel.
Michael, known as the great archangel protector against the devil, has been assigned to the computer that regulates access and protects the system against hackers. Gabriel, known for being the messenger of God, is assigned to the computer that communicates with the outside world. This computer also holds the programs that help people access documents they want. The Raphael computer will store texts and graphics from the Vatican Museums as well as sound clips from Vatican radio.
The Vatican has plans to put up some 1,200 papal and Vatican documents. The computers were named after the archangels because a little protection always helps.
The temporary home page was first put on the Internet on Christmas Day, 1995. Once revised, the new site received 2.9 million visitors in its first three days.
These Last Days Ministries has Our Ladys Messages on
the Internet and many audio recordings of the message. In March 1998 we had 30,685
visitors and over 782,000 hits or files accessed. We desperately need to update the
computer system and software to continue to spread Our Ladys message. We need $3,000
to make these changes. We urgently need your prayers and your financial support to
complete this project.
This month we ran out of funds for advertising on the Internet and the visitors to the Internet dropped 81%. Our Lady urgently needs your prayers and financial support to continue spread Her messages on the Internet.
Pistol Star could be the Ball of Redemption . . .
On October 7, 1997, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, NASA's
announced that Astronomers using Hubble Space Telescope have identified what may be the
biggest and brightest star in the universe.
Scientists who named the star after the pistol-shaped nebula, or gas cloud, which surrounds it, call it the Pistol Star. This star cannot be seen with the naked eye now because of interstellar dust between Earth and the center of our Milky Way galaxy, where the star is located.
The Pistol Star was first seen in the early 1990s with
infrared equipment on Earth-based telescopes. But it wasn't until similar heat-detecting
instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope could provide a better look that the UCLA
team realized the star's significance.
It is a celestial mammoth that releases up to 10 million times more power than the Sun. It
unleashes as much energy in six seconds as our Sun does in one year.
This Pistol Star has an estimated diameter of 186 million to 280 million miles. The Sun has a diameter of less than a million miles across and is 93 million miles from the earth.
The Pistol Star is 25,000 light years away from the earth. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6,000,000,000,000 miles.
Such a luminous star should be very bright in the sky, but clouds of tiny dust grains between us and the Galactic Center strongly absorb most of the light being emitted by the star. In fact, without interstellar dust absorption, this star would be visible with the naked eye, even at its distance of 25,000 light-years. Instead, however, only about one in every trillion visible-light photons survives the long journey to the Earth.
Now this is a most significant fact. Astronomers in South Africa and Japan first noted the Pistol Star in the early 1990s but its true significance was not detected until the recent study, the scientists said.
In October 97 there were a lot of articles on the Pistol Star but not any recently. Scientist figure the Pistol Star it is not a threat because it is 150,000,000,000,000,000 miles away from the earth. (25,000 x 6,000,000,000,000)
Scientist fail to recognize the speed of this ball . . .
Our Lady "For even the scientists have failed to
recognize the speed of this ball." (6-18-88)
Comment: The scientist think there is safety in distance from the Pistol Star. But God can do anything. He could bring the Pistol Star 150 quadrillion miles to the earth in a second!
Scientists don't want to frighten mankind...
It looks very much like this Pistol Star could be the prophesied star, which will destroy three-quarters of the earths population in the near future! Time will tell.
A wonderful Mothers Day 1998
May 10th will be the 780th radio
program and the 15th anniversary of These Last Days radio program. It happens
on Mothers Day. It is a day to honor all mothers especially Our Blessed Mother. I
urgently ask for your prayers and financial support to keep Our Ladys message on the
radio and the Internet. Our current unpaid bills total $287,981.78. Could
you help us by sending $15, $25, $50, $100, $150, $1,500, or even $150,000? Your
reward will be great in Heaven.
UFOs - False miracles in the air
Our Lady - "Your world, My children, is
now filled with demons. They will promote accidents that are not accidents, destruction,
and even false miracles in the air. And I repeat to you, My children: your UFO's are not
unknown to your God, for they come from satan. They are one of the false miracles of the
latter days. They are vehicles from hell, transporting demons, though these demons of the
spirit can act upon their own. I cannot, My children, give you full details at this time
on the reason for calling them transports from hell. In time this will all be given in
knowledge to you." (5-27-78)
No vehicles from other planets . . .
Our Lady - "While We speak of agents of
hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from
other planets - extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents
of hell in transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand.
These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell: satan's cohorts, and satan
himself. He is also on one of the transports.
"There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not
go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I
give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it. They must find out something for
themselves, My child, before We will help them to the ending of this great sorrow upon
earth. Anything that results in murder and death is sorrow upon earth, My child, just as
the great wars that are prevailing." (11-1-85)
Our Lady to appear when spring erupts . . .
Pray for the Miraculous Spring to erupt and Our Lady to
appear over St. Robert Bellarmines Church. Oh what an exciting day that will be. On
May 17, 1986 Our Lady said; "One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside,
and I will appear over the old church building. Your Bishop then cannot deny My
Lets storm Heaven with prayers that this happens very soon.
Remember Our Lord and Our Lady in your Will...
You cant take it with you, but you can send it on
ahead. For a Last Will and Testament, use this legal form:
I give and bequeath to These Last Days Ministries, an institution incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan whose address is P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331-0040, the sum of __________ dollars for the purpose for which the Ministry is incorporated.
American Legion Magazine April 1998 Red Storm Rising
Expect South Africa to be the next trouble spot to grab
attention in Washington. Dr. William Lloyd Stearman, formerly of the National Security
Council, warns that communists are moving to seize control, which could result in white
citizens and foreign investment leaving.
Stearman has this advise for American businessman: "Dont invest in South Africa unless you can get your money back in three or four years." After that, he warns, South Africa could be a full-fledged socialist state with all major industries nationalized.
Although Stearman served in Republican administrations, his concerns are getting more bipartisan attention now that South African President Nelson Mandela has given a tough speech attacking white run opposition parties, media outlets and foreign companies. "This was a shot across the bow," Stearman says.
Stearman briefed President George Bush about Mandelas organization, the African National Congress, the black nationalist movement whose president has now been turned over to Thabo Mbecki, the deputy president of the country. Stearman claims the ANC is communist-controlled and that Mbecki, who is expected to succeed Mandela as president in 1999, is a long-time member of the South African Communist Party a fact swept under the rug by the media.
Comment: There are certain strategic metals that come mainly from South Africa that the industrialized world needs for manufacturing. Without these metals the United States will not be able to build computers, automobiles, airplanes, missiles, war materials, etc. There will be massive unemployment and catastrophic economic consequences.
Revolution, famine and droughts are coming to Africa soon. . .
Veronica - High up in the sky, I see a very large globe. It's
a globe of the world. It's becoming very illuminated. And as Our lady turns, frantically
She is waving to a side of the globe. And She's going over, with approval from Jesus - She
had asked him - I couldn't hear what She was saying, but I could hear the drone - like of
Her voice. And Jesus is nodding, yes, to go over. Our Lady is approaching the globe of the
earth. It is an actual globe, as though taken from space, that only Heaven could present
to us this evening. Our Lady is pointing to Africa. I see Africa with a blackness,
starting in the southern part, and going up and up.
Jesus - "And there will be, also, great warfare in Africa - famine and warfare, droughts. O My children, all of these, with wars included, are allowed to come upon you so that you may understand and learn the hard way that there is a God - One who could stop the massacres; One who could stop all the suffering upon earth. However, it is a test for all mankind; for by this test, many shall be cleansed. O My children, My desperate children, I hear your voices coming up to Us, and My Mother sheds tears of pity for you." (10-5-85)
Africa to fall to Antichrist
Veronica - Now Michael is pointing with his hand over beyond
the huge cross. Now the cross is beginning to fade and I see a large map and Michael is
pointing. It's Africa I recognize the map.
Veronica - Now Jesus is going backwards into the sky. He's pointing with His right hand up over the right side of the sky, and there is appearing a very large globe, a ball-like globe, with a cross upon it. And over on the right side is what appears to be a stone figure, but I don't know what it means. It looks like an iron cross with a swastika in the center of it, one of those figures, swastikas, in the center of the iron cross. And then, over on the left side, as you pass the ball with the cross on the top, on the left side, is the hammer and the sickle, the sign of communism and slavery. Now, the hammer and the sickle now is floating. It seems to have lost its moorings. It's floating over, over Our Lady's statue, and now I can see the whole continent of Africa. And the hammer and the sickle now is floating down. It's in the southern part of Africa. Now I see it's going north. And I see blackness. Oh, it's like the continent is going into darkness. It's a very frightening - looking sight!
I see people fighting. I see nuns running, and priests running. And I see mothers with children running. They're both black, they're white. They're running. And I see now red flags over buildings, a menacing - looking blood - red flag. (3-18-77)
If you think that this could not happen in the United States . . .
Our Lady - "Look over, My child, to your left. Yes, that
is true: you are looking at Africa now, My child, another map. And what do you see, My
Veronica - I see all flames. And I see many people who are hungry. I see babies with their stomachs all swelled up; and babies with their bones sticking out of their skins. And to think...
Our Blessed Mother is crying. She's touching Her lips now.
Our Lady - "My child, and to think how much food is being wasted in your country and the affluent countries of the world. One little morsel could keep a child from starving to death.
"If you think that this could not happen in your country, you are mistaken, My child. If you think this cannot happen, I must tell you now that there are still many who are hungry in your country this evening. You see, My child, man is always self - seeking, and cannot see what lies ahead of him." (11-1-85)
Coming Events upon man
Revolution in Southern Africa
Revolution in Western Europe (France)
Revolution in Italy
The Pope flees Rome in terror
The Great Warning
The Great Miracle
The Rapture
The Great Chastisement
a.) WWIII for 3 days
b.) Star circling the earth for 3 days
The Second Coming
The Renewal of the earth like Garden of Eden
TV and rock music sparked blood bath at Jonesboro . . .
The bloodbath that claimed 5 innocent lives in Jonesboro, AR
schoolyard had its evil roots in a cartoon the raunchy new cable TV show
"South Park." Mitchell Johnson,13, and Andrew Golden, 11, emulated the 4 school
kid characters on "South Park," who used profanity and hunt down and kill
animals with Uncle Jimbo. They were linked to each other by a web of bloody TV shows,
gangs, violent video games and heavy-metal rock bands.
Oil cut off in the Middle East and War????
Iran began wide-ranging naval exercises in the Straits of
Hormuz off its coast Sunday, promising to unveil for the first time three Russian
submarines that have been added to its fleet. Adm. Abbbas Mojtaj, commander of the Iranian
navy, called for regional cooperation and an end to the foreign military presence in the
area, the official Islamic Republic News Agency said.
The U.S. Navy usually stations 15 to 20 warships in the Persian Gulf to patrol its shipping lanes a point of contention with Iran.
Supplies not to be cut off in Persian Gulf...
Our Lady - "You see, My child and My children, I am sure
that with My attempts to approach your President (Ronald Reagan) of the United States....
Yes, My child, though he is not of the Faith, I have approached him. He heard My voice. He
heard My voice but cannot speak of it. He does not understand the fully supernatural.
"I asked him to be sure that he does not let the evil go from the shores of Nicaragua, and also cut off all the supplies in the Persian Gulf."
Comment: When the oil is cut off in the Persian Gulf the United States will not have energy, oil and gasoline for manufacturing and transportation. This is like cutting the jugular vain to the United States. Massive unemployment and an economic collapse will follow.
Greater loss of life in Persian Gulf
Veronica - Oh, Mother, I see the fires. I see the fires. I'm
choked by the smoke! It's terrible! Save us! Don't have this come upon us, dear Mother,
please! (Veronica sighs) It's terrible. (Veronica sighs heavily.)
Our Lady - "My child, the road to peace has been given to the world. You must write and implore your Holy Father in Rome to make known the full message of Fatima. There is no time to be wasted! Your country, My child, is in great distress, though your medias have camouflaged this from you. Your country will meet with a greater distress and loss of life in the Gulf, the Persian Gulf. No, My child, you cannot accept as full knowledge all that the media impart to you; for they, too, are under control." (6-6-87)
CD of the 15 Decade Rosary
The Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries are on this CD.
You can choose to say one, two, or all three groups of the mysteries. You can pause saying
the Rosary at any time and return to complete it any time later. On September 14, 1984 Our
Lady said; "The Rosary must be recited daily, and twice a day, if possible. All
others we leave to you to say for added graces." Item # CD15 Cost $10.00 each
Audio cassette tape of the Rosary
This is a 90-minute audiocassette with the 15-decade Rosary
and beautiful traditional music. There are literally thousands of people who pray their
daily Rosary with this cassette. Item #T2 Cost $5.00
Virgin Marys Bayside Prophecies
We have been fighting a tremendous battle with the devil
trying to get this book published. You would not believe the problems we have had getting
that book done. The book manufacturer says the printing will be done on May 10th.
Please pray there are no more delays.
The Virgin Marys Bayside Prophesies is a pocket size paperback book and has 544 pages plus 16 pages of pictures. It has all of Our Ladys Bayside messages from 1980 through 1994. This is a type of a survival book. It tells what is coming and how to prepare for it spiritually. This is a great way to spread Our Ladys messages to our family, friends and relatives. Item #006 Cost $5.95
Need your Bayside group pictures
In the book titled the Virgin Marys Bayside
Prophecies we have 16 pages of pictures. It would be great to show some of the
pilgrims going to Bayside. If you have any group pictures of you and your friends going to
Bayside it would be great for one the next books. We will try to include as many as
It will take 5 more pocket size paperback books to get all of Our Ladys messages published. We urgently need your prayers and financial support to complete this project.
Bayside Prophecies and the Bible on a computer CD
A personal computer CD is available with all the messages
given by Our Lady from 1970 through 1994, along with the Douay Rheims Bible. Included is
software that will do instantaneous word searches through the Bayside Prophecies or the
Bible. We have had many requests for this and now it is finally available.
This is an excellent way to search the messages and Bible on a given topic, such as the
rosary, prayer, sacramentals, heaven, saints, suffering, earthquakes, comets, UFO's, AIDS,
test tube babies, warning, and much more. You may want to order it for a family member or
a relative that has a computer with Microsoft Windows. Order it today. Item #CD10 Cost
$50.00 each
Home Protection Packet
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of
all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven's Home Protection Packet" there are
instructions, four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal
crucifixes. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to
the outside of the door. Item # P15 Suggested donation $5.00 each
Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano
In Lanciano, Italy almost 1300 years ago a priest doubted the
real presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. At his Mass one day the Host changed
into Flesh and the Wine into Blood. During several investigations down through the
centuries, even as late as 1981, it was proven to be real Blood and real Flesh belonging
to the human species consisting of the muscular tissue of real human heart.
The Flesh and the Blood have the same blood type: AB uncovered in the Holy Shroud of Turin. In scientific testing the Blood tested as if it were fresh blood after almost 1300 years. We have a link to the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano, Italy on our web site at
We have a book and a video with the story of the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano, Italy.
Book titled: Eucharist Miracles for $13.00 S&H 4.50
Video titled: This is My Body, This is My Blood $25.00 S&H 4.50
Pious souls have pledge to pray 38,506 Holy Hour before Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament in the next year Will you join us? Please pray that the Miraculous Spring will erupt and Our Lady of the Roses will appear very soon over the old St. Robert Bellarmine Church as She has promised. Also please pray we will have many generous donors to keep Our Lady and Our Lords messages on These Last Days radio program, on the Internet, and in print going throughout the world.
Holy Hours in your parish . . .
Baysiders should take the lead in starting Holy Hours in
their home parishes. This will reduce the Chastisement on America.
Now you can pledge your Rosaries . . .
Mrs. Ann Ferguson, Veronicas former secretary and close
personal friend, suggested that we pledge to say a certain number of Rosaries each week
for a year. We could add these up and report total each week on the radio and the
Internet. If you would like to join us please put the number of Rosaries to be prayed each
week for a year on the order form.
Chartered Bayside Bus . . .
We have a chartered bus from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to
Bayside on the following dates: June 18, August 1st and October 2nd.
We leave Grand Rapids at 4:00pm the day before and make rest stops along the way and pick
up passengers. The cost is $180 for bus and hotel. Call 1-800-444-MARY for complete
In closing, at each Mass and Holy Hour my family and I will pray that Jesus and Mary will richly bless and protect you and your loved ones until Jesus returns.
Graciously yours,
Gary Wohlscheid
On April 6, 1974 Our Lady said; "For what you give you will receive threefold. It is not what you receive, but what you give that is important upon your earth life. Store your graces in Heaven where they shall not perish, for all you have on earth is only loaned to you during your earth existence. It is apparent, My children, that many are storing their treasures upon earth, caring not for the life eternal."
Could you send your best gift by May 15th? We desperately need your help to keep spreading Our Lady's Messages to the world. We will be greatly thankful and pray for God's blessings upon you and your loved ones for whatever you can send, whether be $15, $50, $100, $1,000, $1,500 or any amount.
Be sure to visit Our Lord's Sacred Heart often in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Be sure to pray for an explosive expansion of Our Lady's prophecies to the world on the radio, on the Internet, and in print. Let's storm Heaven with prayers so that the Miraculous Spring will erupt very soon and Our Lady will appear over the old church building at St. Robert Bellarmine's Church at Bayside, NY, for all the world to see.
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