These Last Days Newsletter

July 25,1999

Dearest Friend of Our Lady,

    Many of Our Lady’s prophecies are coming true.  Never has the help of Our Lady been needed more.  Never has it been so urgent that Our Lady appear at Bayside to bring millions in prayer.


Comet Lee – an approaching inferno?

    Scientists at the Millennium Group are worried that Comet Lee, a wild card (non-periodic) comet first discovered by Australian Steven Lee on April 16, 1999, may pass discomfortingly close to Earth sometime starting in mid-August, 1999 and continuing through early 2000.
    At the very least, they say, Comet Lee may cause solar explosions in our solar system, earthquakes, and hurricane-like weather on Earth.  At the worst, well, Shoemaker-Levy’s comet fragments crashing into Jupiter could be a pictorial warning for Earth if Comet Lee is captured in Earth-moon orbit.

    Earl L. Crockett, another Millennium Group Scientist, says we may already be experiencing the effects of Comet Lee.  “I would personally add that it may in fact already be responsible for the very weird actions we have been seeing from the sun over the last several months; i.e. the appearance that something has been "pulling" energetic charges away from the Sun in the opposite direction of Earth producing large solar flares.”
    Scientist Jim McCanney adds, “Comet Lee is truly a lawless comet, and with the erratic brightening happening it is certain to be far off course every day.  This could be a doozy!  August is now looking like a time for the first possible trouble.”
    Disturbingly, the Millennium group report quotes a confidential (and unnamed) government security source who says tight military security has been mounted around official tracking of Comet Lee, impeding public knowledge and scientific study. “The word is Ultra tight security on Comet Lee.”


China threatens to invades Taiwan . . .

   In a passage known as Quatrain X:72, Nostradamus wrote: The Year 1999 seven months From the sky will come the great King of Terror to resuscitate the great king of the Mongols (China)

    Some people interpret that as China will attack someone.  China is currently threatening to attack Taiwan.  If they do, it will have a negative effect on the world economy and technology.


Like Mongols down after those who are innocent of heart . . .

    Jesus – “I want you to tell the world again, and remind them that they must all make it an issue among their cardinals and their bishops that in order to save the world from communism and its fast gallop of the war - like Mongols down after those who are innocent of heart - the fast trod of these hoofs come from, My child, the Apocalypse!” (6-17-89)


John Kennedy, Jr.’s death . . .

    We are greatly saddened at the tragic accident and the loss of the lives of John Kennedy, Jr., his wife Carolyn and her sister Lauren Bessette.  John Kennedy had much to contribute to the betterment of our country.  Our hearts and our prayers go out to Kennedy and Bessette families in this time of great sorrow and loss.


Earthquakes in various places . . .

    The Fourth of July holiday weekend began with a rumble for residents in the Pacific Northwest -- not from fireworks but from three earthquakes.

    The most damaging of the quakes, at magnitude 5.5, struck at 6:43 p.m. Friday near Satsop, about 25 miles west of Olympia, cracking walls, breaking gas mains and leaving some people without power. Four people were slightly injured.

    Less than two hours later, Anchorage, Alaska, and the surrounding area were shaken by a 4.9 magnitude quake. The U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colorado, said the quake was centered 20 miles northwest of Alaska's largest city.


A years rain in one hour . . .

    One of the worst storms in modern Las Vegas history roared across the gambling mecca, dumping several inches of rain that killed at least two people, washed away automobiles and bridges, and spilled into businesses.

    Local and national meteorologists said the unusually heavy rains produced one of the worst Las Vegas storms of this century. The downpour produced as much rain in one hour as the desert community normally receives in an entire year. Floodwaters in some areas rose more than 10 feet above street levels. Interstate 15 was transformed into a massive lake. Hundreds of automobiles were trapped in the rapidly rising water, forcing rescue teams to swoop in with helicopters to pluck frightened motorists from their cars.


Iowa deluge continues . . .

    The Cedar River burst its banks in Waverly, Iowa Thursday, chasing 1,500 people from their homes as river water flooded 65 city blocks in the northeastern Iowa town. Downstream in the adjoining cities of Cedar Falls and Waterloo, residents are bracing for near record flooding when the river crests this weekend. 


Flooding around the world . . .

    There are also torrential rains and flooding in China, India, and Bangladesh


There will be more floods . . .

    Our Lady – “There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a higher power working at this time to bring you to your knees.” (6-18-86)


As in the times of the flood . . .
    Jesus - "Woe, Woe, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth!  Your times are such as have never been seen in the times of mankind. You sin in a manner far more foul than in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. And whatever shall become of you? As in the times of the flood, the world was cleansed. You shall receive a baptism of fire." (11-1-75)

Evil floods your country . . .
    Our Lady - "Man is slowly reducing his nature to that of animals. Sin has become a way of life; pagan living, licentious debauchery, all manner of sin and evil floods your country and the countries of earth. How long do you think the Eternal Father shall tolerate this conduct?" (9-27-75)


Winds spread California wildfires . . .

    Winds have spread the flames of a wildfire that has scorched 8,775 acres in remote foothills of northern Santa Barbara County, making it difficult for firefighters to extinguish.

    The spreading fire Wednesday threatened 40 homes as it picked up speed in dense brush.

    More than 1,500 firefighters have battled the flames and it is expected to be contained by Sunday night.


Montserrat Volcano hurls ash 7 miles into sky . . .

    Montserrat's Soufriere Hills volcano hurled ash seven miles into the air on Tuesday and spilled molten rock into the Caribbean Sea.

    Despite the pyrotechnics, however, volcanologists on the island said they still believe the volcano is calming after it devastated the island during the past few years.  Most of the British Island's 12,000 residents long ago fled to nearby islands or Great Britain.


Illuminati control much of the medias . . .

    Jesus - "I ask that you keep abreast of your times by your radios, and also your newspapers.  But remember, My children:  keep abreast of your times with an open heart, and eyes, because much is kept from you.  It is the way of the medias today.  They are controlled, My children.  Yes, they are. There is in your country an institution rising, called the illuminati.  They will control much of the media.  So, My children, you will have to depend on

the graces received from Heaven.” (6-18-87)


Pope ponders the end of the world . . .

    Pope John Paul II said Wednesday, May 26, 1999; 12:25 p.m., that it is natural for humans to wonder when the world will end, and advised all to await the day with serenity and hope.

    ``Nowadays, everything happens with incredible speed -- because of the breakthroughs in science and technology and the expanded means of communication,'' the pontiff said at his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square.

    ``It is therefore natural to question what humanity's destiny is and what its final goal is,'' he said.

    The pontiff, who turned 79 last week, told the hundreds of pilgrims who assembled in the square on this perfectly sunny day that the tension surrounding the ``final event'' must be faced with ``calm hope.''

    The Holy Father is coming out with a letter on the end days very soon.


Oklahoma tornado testimony . . .

    We live in Norman, OK, 8 miles south of the tornado site in the Oklahoma City area. My roommate and I had just finished dinner at a local restaurant, the Misal Bistro, and were driving home (eastward) on Main Street when the tornado sirens turned on. The radio announcer told Norman to seek shelter immediately! We were warned that the tornado, a huge one, was heading directly our way. Instead of seeking shelter in our house (which is protected by Crucifixes on the outside doors), Dennis and I opted to go straight to St. Joseph’s Church (where we spend much time adoring and loving Christ in the Blessed Sacrament), to beg mercy for us, for another special friend, Clark Kelly, and for the whole city of Norman. The moment we stepped into the Church to visit the Blessed Sacrament, the sirens went off, and the tornado backtracked a little bit, and began to bypass Norman by traveling Northeast.

    Strangely, no one else visited the Blessed Sacrament but us, although several people were around the Church to use the basement area for protection.  Dennis and I sensed that we had save the city of Norman by our total trust in Jesus.

    After spending a little time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we then went home, and prayed the Rosary, in between watching the devastation on local TV. We prayed that as many people as possible would hear the weather warnings. The death toll is low considering the indescribable damage the tornado did. Our hearts sank as we saw the destruction happening as it happened; we knew death was occurring as we watched the TV screen observing the flattened area the tornado left behind.  We were thankful for the miracle of continued life, but were also very sad for those who had lost their lives.


Unpublished messages and locutions . . .

    During the course of the year 1970, Veronica either wrote or recorded several statements that, although not part of actual vigil messages, would seem to be of universal interest.


President Eisenhower . . .

    Veronica - Theresa told me many things that were to happen, and that were happening. Like Mrs. Eisenhower, she has the letters I wrote to her when Ike was dying.

    See, when Ike was dying back in August 1968, I wrote to Mamie and told her just as Theresa told me to. The letter went something like this: Dear Mamie, I know you'll never be able to believe this, but Saint Theresa is here with me now, and she told me to tell you have heart, that Ike would not die. (Now I knew when Ike was going to die, but I certainly didn't want to tell her. But anyway, he wasn't going to die then.) And the papers said he had a miraculous recovery.

    Ike didn't have to die that Saturday he died, because I was at Holy Communion at St. Robert's on a Thursday morning and Jesus said to me in voice [locution], "If Ike will drink of the waters of Fatima, I will save him." Oh, I was so happy!  So I ran into Father after Mass [and told him.] He kind of pushed me aside, so I sent a telegram to Cardinal Cushing. I also called [another priest.] Then I sent air mail special delivery [a bottle of Fatima water] and Rosary beads to Mamie.

    I also got the telephone busy and ran up a nice bill. I called the hospital, Walter Reed, I think it was. I got first a doctor and an orderly, and I explained to them. I said, "I have to tell you that I know what I heard at St. Robert's during Communion, and Ike could be saved. Could you please look around on your shelves. The water should be there by now, and please give him the Fatima water." "Oh," he said, "I'll do my best." Well, I saw the hours were ticking on, and the reports were awful on the radio. One of them succeeded in getting a Catholic priest to talk to me, but this was at about twenty after twelve. I'll never forget it. While he was talking to me, I then heard that Ike had died. I cried for days. It was so unnecessary!

    Well, about two weeks later, I have it here to show you, I received a letter from Mamie, and in it she said that she received the Fatima water and the Rosary after Ike had died. Oh, did I cry! I felt so bad, because I knew what Jesus said. But no one cared enough to understand, and no one had faith enough to see, when you try to bring this to someone they think you're insane, or a lunatic, or a religious fanatic, or something else, but you are telling the truth! (1970)


Intellectual Pride . . .

   Veronica - Intellectual pride is objectively a more formidable barrier to God's graces than is pagan licentiousness. Once this barrier of pride is removed only through complete self-reversal and great pain, God will plant the seeds, not only of conversion but of sanctity. (2-28-71)


Private Prayers of Veronica . . .

    Eternal Father, through the merits of Your Son, Jesus, we invoke you to send Saint Michael to defend us against satan.  Cast out all evil spirits that may seek to enter our hearts and minds. Amen.

    Most holy Son of God, protect us.

    Michael, our dear guardian, through the love of our most beloved Father for a lowly sinner, protect us now and through the mission ahead, against the attacks of satan and his wretched henchmen that are set amongst us to carry out a devious plan against all Heaven, and bring tears to the heart of our beloved Queen of Heaven.

    I love you, Father. I surrender my heart to the most wonderful Spouse, the Lord of all creation and most worthy of the name Beloved.

    O Sacred Heart of Jesus, may I place my heart in Your protecting hand. I am but a weak soul, unable to cleanse myself but for a short duration of this stigma of sin. In Your protective and loving hands, I will surrender to the glory of the light that will protect this weak soul from entrance by satan and his ogres.


Pope John Paul II – Statesman of Faith video . . .

    This video was made by a secular organization and it is the best I’ve ever seen on the Pope.  Everybody we have shown it to just loves it and wants to order it. 

    The following paragraph is Arts & Entertainment’s promotional spiel.

    Pope John Paul is the spiritual leader of almost one billion people worldwide, and beloved ambassador of peace to untold millions more. Pope John Paul II is one of the most popular and powerful pontiffs in history. Leader of the 2,000 year-old Catholic Church, John Paul II became the first non-Italian Pope in almost 500 years. Here is the story of his remarkable life - his pre-war childhood in Poland, his rise as Cardinal under communism, and his elevation to the Papacy, where he survived assassination attempts to play a pivotal role in the fall of the Soviet Empire. Join A&E's BIOGRAPHY for a remarkable portrait of this charismatic, caring and compassionate spiritual giant, His Holiness, Pope John Paul II.  Item #V87  Costs $20.00


Beyond Sodom and Gomorrah  . . .

    Bob and Penny Lord delve into Scripture, into Revelations by the Saints, and prophecies of the Popes. Read that you might understand the present days of darkness and the coming days of God’s Justice and Mercy if the world will only convert. Read Prophecies and Promises given to: Jesus in the New Testament,
Mother Mary in her Apparitions, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi , Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Sister Faustina, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, St. Gaspar de Bufalo, St. Don Bosco, Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora, Popes -19th & 20th Centuries, St. Hildegard , and many more!  Item #B324  Cost $15.00


I am the Bread of Life video  . . .

    For two thousand years the Roman Catholic Church has taught that the Most Blessed Sacrament contains the “Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”  In His Eucharistic Presence, Jesus lives among us as the One who loves us and gave Himself up for us.

    We have discovered a most fantastic video titled: I Am the Bread of Life.  This video is an up close personal look at how the lives of people in San Antonio, Texas, have been dramatically touched by their devotion to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament through Eucharistic Adoration.  Their compelling stories inspire viewers to a more intimate relationship with Our Eucharistic Jesus.  It tells of the tremendous graces, blessings, and miracles occurring in people’s lives.  There are adoration programs in over sixty-five churches in the San Antonio Diocese, which is transforming the area.

    This is a profoundly moving testimony to the power, love, graces, and mercy people like you and me are receiving from the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  It is a personal witness to what Eucharistic Adoration can do in your life.  This most extraordinary video costs $20.00.  Item #V85


    Here is a powerful testimony for the video: I Am the Living Bread.  The following is taken from the Pastoral Council Minutes of St. Mary’s Church bulletin in Lowell, Michigan.

    Mr. Noel Black shared a most remarkable and inspiring video about Eucharistic Adoration with the council.  The video was made in San Antonio, Texas, a town Pope John Paul called; “the most Catholic town in the US.”  The film shared the challenges, the beginnings and growth of what is now a very extensive city wide Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament.  To share this message with the parish family Noel will arrange viewing times for parishioners after masses, during CCD on Wednesday and any other appropriate or convenient time.  The parish will purchase additional videos for lending to the parishioners.  The council would like to encourage everyone to take the opportunity to see this presentation. 

    St. Mary’s Church has started a day of adoration every Wednesday.  The parish is amazed at the wonderful things that are happening.  They can’t believe it.

    We strongly urge you share the video with your parish priest to inspire him to start Holy Hours in your parish.  Also share it with your family, friends, and relatives.


Do not be caught short of provisions . . .

    Jesus - "The Eternal Father has the Ball poised in His hand; your end can come by day. It will come upon you quickly, and how many shall be prepared? Do you have your candles? Do you have your water, your canned food, and your blankets? It will become an extremely cold day with the start of the Tribulation, and you will welcome having these on hand, My children. Do not take this lightly, but abide by Our direction and you shall not be caught short of provisions.” (11-1-85)


Our Lady to appear over St. Robert's Church . . .

    Our Lady - "Yes, My child, I am going about the world appearing in various places, and I have reason for all.  One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will appear over the old church building.  Your Bishop then cannot deny My Appearances." (5-17-86)

    Pray that the water erupts at Bayside very soon.  The world situation desperately calls for prayers.  When the miraculous spring erupts millions will come to Bayside and pray many needed rosaries.

    The most powerful time of the Mass to pray is when the priest holds up the Host and Chalice at the Consecration.  At that time ask or even beg Our Lord to have His Mother appear over St. Robert's Church. 


Our Lady urgently needs your help . . .

    Never have times been so urgent!  And never have we been in such a financial bind.  We have 3 bill collectors demanding $40,237 now.  We don’t even have $500 let alone $40,237.  I even had to borrow my son John Paul’s savings to pay bills.

    We were cancelled KIEV on July 19th.  We owe them $25,000 and they want $6,000 before they will let us back on.  Anything you could send would be helpful.

    WROL in Boston will cancel 3 stations at the end of July if we don’t pay them $5,000 by July 31, 1999.

    Never has Our Lady’s mission been in more danger of collapse.  Please pray and send what you can today.

    Please say the Memorare of St. Bernard nine times each day for nine days.  Pray that some very generous souls help save Our Lady’s ministry.

    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided.  Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother, to thee do I come sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but, in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.

    Our hearts are deeply touched by your past support of Our Lady’s mission.  We urgently need your help again.  If you could send $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, or even $5,000 to save the radio program, Jesus and Mary will shower you with an ocean of graces.


Remember God in your Will . . .

    You can’t take it with you but you can send it on ahead.  For a Last Will and Testament, use this legal form:

    I give and bequeath to These Last Days Ministries, and institution incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan whose address is P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331--0040, the sum of ________  dollars for the purpose for which the Ministry is incorporated.


Crucifix on front and back door . . .

    Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals.  And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door.  Both front and back doors must have a crucifix.  I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)


Holy Hours pledged 43,156 . . .

    Will you join us and make that number grow?  Your quality of life will improve more than you can imagine.  The least a Baysider should do is one Holy Hour a week for the success of Our Lady's work.  Ideally, it is best to make a Holy Hour each day.   We do this as a family.

    On the order form there is a place to pledge one or more Holy Hours each week.


Store canned goods, water and blankets...

    Our Lady - "My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination." (7-1-85)

    These Last Days Ministries has Our Lady’s Messages on the Internet, many audio recordings of the message, miraculous pictures, and much more. 


Coming Events upon man . . .

Revolution in Southern Africa

Revolution in Western Europe (France)

Revolution in Italy

The Pope flees Rome in terror

The Great Warning

The Great Miracle

The Rapture

The Great Chastisement

    a.) WWIII for 3 days

    b.) Star circling the earth for 3 days

The Second Coming

The Renewal of the earth like Garden of Eden

Pray for Wisdom...

    Many of the decisions we make now in preparing for the end times will have great effect on our future.  First prepare spiritually and then materially.  Pray for wisdom to make the right decisions.

    You may copy this newsletter freely or you can order it for 20 cents each in the miscellaneous section of the order form. Item #R83.

Need scapulars, Rose Petals and Rosaries . . .

    We receive many requests for Rose Petals, scapulars and free Rosaries.  Any that you could send would be greatly appreciated.  God love you and bless you.

New Directives . . .

    There are 13 new Directives listed on the order form: World War III Parts 1-3, The Comet Parts 4-6, The Third Secret, Earthquake, Faithful and True, Obedience to God, Charity, and Restore My Church.  It is very important to give these to the clergy.

 Bayside Charter Bus . . .

    We have a chartered bus from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Bayside on October 2nd.   We leave Grand Rapids at 4:00pm the day before, make rest stops along the way, and pick up passengers.  The cost is $185 per person for the bus and the hotel.  Write or call 1-800-444-MARY for complete information.


    In closing, at each Mass and Holy Hour my family and I will pray that Jesus and Mary will richly bless and protect you and your loved ones until Jesus comes from Heaven with great power and majesty.

Graciously yours,


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Gary Wohlscheid


    On April 6, 1974 Our Lady said; "For what you give you will receive threefold.  It is not what you receive, but what you give that is important upon your earth life.  Store your graces in Heaven where they shall not perish, for all you have on earth is only loaned to you during your earth existence.  It is apparent, My children, that many are storing their treasures upon earth, caring not for the life eternal."

   Could you send your best gift by August 15th?  We desperately need your help to keep spreading Our Lady's Messages to the world.  We will be greatly thankful and pray for God's blessings upon you and your loved ones for whatever you can send, whether be $15, $50, $100, $1,000, $5,000, or any amount.

    Be sure to visit Our Lord's Sacred Heart often in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  Be sure to pray for an explosive expansion of Our Lady's prophecies to the world on the radio, on the Internet, and in print.  Let's storm Heaven with prayers so that the Miraculous Spring will erupt very soon and Our Lady will appear over the old church building at St. Robert Bellarmine's Church at Bayside, NY, for all the world to see.  Then millions will come to pray for our country and the world.



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