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Taken at the vigil of February
10th, 1973. The photo was taken of Our Lady’s Shrine Statue. But
appearing miraculously upon the photograph, first of all, in the
upper left hand corner in white rosary bead formation appears
the capital letter G. In the upper right hand corner, one above
the other appears two hourglasses. Or, viewed in another
perspective, two chalices. At the lower left hand base of Our
Lady’s Shrine Statue in small case appear the words “by sky”.
The message of Heaven behind the photographs, the capital G
stands for God. We are told the chalice of God’s fierce wrath is
about to be poured out upon humanity because of the sins of
mankind. The hourglasses stand for time. That time is growing
very short. We are told by Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord in
their message that very soon God is going to send a great
Chastisement upon the world. We are told though that before this
Chastisement occurs God will send to the world a Warning, a
word-wide Warning which will precede the Chastisement.
This Warning will come directly
from God and will come by the sky. The Warning will consist of
an explosion in the sky. The sky shall roll back like a scroll
and the force of this explosion will go into the very core of
the human. At the time of this Warning, every person on earth
will see their sins as God sees them. It will be like a burning
fire within us, a revelation of our sins. The Warning in itself
will be of a short duration, approximately ten to twenty
minutes. As the word itself states it is not a punishment, but
is it a warning sent from Almighty God, which will precede the
Chastisement. Our Lord gave us one time indication of when this
Warning would occur. Our Lord told us that when you see, when
you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the
Holy Father fleeing, seeking refuge in another land know that
the time is ripe. If you see upon your news reports, whether it
be radio, TV, or newspaper, a report of revolution in Italy,
revolution in Rome, and that the Holy Father has to flee for his
safety and his life this is a time indication from Heaven that
this Warning will soon come to mankind. Our Lady has also told
us in her message, in a sense it is very sad. Our Lady had told
us that the hearts of man today are so hardened that very soon
after this Warning many will return to their sinful way of life,
many will return onto the wide road to perdition. And because of
this Our Lady has told us that the Chastisement will follow the
Warning, one will follow the other. The Chastisement will
consist of two parts, the first part being World War III; the
second part being the Ball of Redemption, which will be a
chastising comet or a fiery comet which will strike the earth.
And between these two events, between the Warning and the
following Chastisement, will occur upon our earth a great
Miracle. This Miracle will occur in Garabandal, Spain.
Garabandal is a small village in northern Spain, which through
the year 1960 to 1965 the Blessed Mother appeared to four small
children. Within Our Lady’s message given at Garabandal she
promised that within this village would occur a great Miracle.
Our Lady at Bayside, in her message of December 24, 1973, told
us, “to believe what you see in Garabandal” referencing the
great Miracle that will appear there.
encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops
and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media
and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother,
go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and
sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of
them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you,
but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to
you threefold."
- Jesus, June 1, 1978
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September 20, 2018