Letters of Conversions

by Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers

20 years away from the Catholic Church

Dear Veronica,

     Since we have been reading the messages, my family has started saying the rosary every night. Today we went to church for the first time in at least 20 years.
     Please pray for us! We need your prayers very much.
     God bless you!
With love,

from Plaquemine, Louisiana

April 24, 1991
Dear Veronica and Our Lady's Workers,

     I would like to thank Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers for a big favor granted. My husband has returned to the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion after 20 years. The literature and the videotape regarding the Bayside Apparition and my unceasing devotion to the Rosary have brought about his conversion. He is starting to say his Rosary and is eager about our upcoming pilgrimage to the Shrine on June 15. . . .
     Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter, and may Jesus and Mary bless you in propagating THEIR urgent messages to the world. I am always praying that you will continue to bear all the suffering that Heaven has sent you as a victim soul for the sins of the world.
With love in Jesus and Mary,

from Glendale, California

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Revised: September 21, 2018