Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers
Reported Cures

bone infection

To Our Lady of the Roses:

     I was doing some work for Our Lady. I guess it was my time to suffer, as it is for all of us during our lives. Well, I was hit head-on by a truck. I was on a motorcycle, going at a fairly good clip, and I arrived in the hospital with only my scapular and my rosary.
     My leg was completely smashed. I had pieces of bone hanging out of my leg, and there was some on the road. Well, the doctors told me, at that particular time, that I might have 20 % use of my leg, if I had a leg at all.
     Well, they put the thing in traction, into what they call a Hopkins tri-point. Well, then I was transferred to another hospital, and then another one. Then, I got gangrene, and they said my leg was going to have to be removed. So, during the surgery, I don’t know what happened, but apparently something happened. My leg was still on when I woke up.
     Then, I was transferred to UCLA, because I had a severe bone infection. Then they said, "Well, I’m sorry, Guy, but this time the leg’s going to have to come off. We have no choice." Two weeks prior to that, they gave me what they call a Thompson scan, and this X-ray showed the inside of the bone. Well, the inside of my bone was as black as coal, which means that it was dying, so they were going to have to remove it. And, my other bone in my leg, the smaller one had not healed, which was also bad, because my break was in several parts of my leg.
     Two weeks later, when I came back, they took another X-ray. All heck broke loose. Doctors were arguing amongst themselves--well, they got the wrong leg--this and that. Finally, a doctor came in and told me, "Well, I don’t know too much about miracles, but this is a miracle. But," he says, "this is sure one. And, this time," he said, "I don’t know how to explain this."
     So, they had me back in UCLA Medical Center several times thereafter. My leg had been completely healed by Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Holy Mother--Our Mother, Our Queen. I give Her credit asking our God to heal my leg, because I myself could not do that, because I have not been too good in my life. But Our Holy Mother, through Her great love that She has for all of us--whether we be black, white, whatever--and we’re Her children. So it fits to ask Our Lord that my leg be all healed, in one piece. So, I got it--it is all healed. I also have my life, because they said I should have never survived that accident.

from Los Angeles


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