Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers
Reported Cures

cervical spine problem

     I have two miracles that I’d like to give testimony to. The first one was in 1983. I had a cervical spine problem, and I had gone to this chiropractor two or three times a week, and I had to wear a cervical collar. It was a large lump on the top of my spine. It was all swollen, as big as an egg, and the doctor couldn’t seem to get that swelling down.
     So I came to the Shrine one night, and Veronica was there with the crucifix that Our Lady told her never to be without. She blessed my cervical collar, and she blessed me on the forehead three times.
     Then the following week, when I was home, a piece of paper fell on the floor. When I went there, I bent down to pick it up, and I heard this terrific crack in my neck. You could hear it right across the room. That bone went right back to normal. It’s been that way ever since. There is no more pain.
     I told the doctor that the swelling had gone down. He said, "Great." And after the swelling went down, I had no pain anymore. The swelling has gone down, and it’s been down ever since. So I told the doctor about it, and he said, "That is wonderful." So that was the end of that.
     Now, six months later, I woke up, and I stood in my hallway. My eyes were all cloudy, and I couldn’t see anything. Everything was all blurry, and I thought, well, maybe it’s because I’m not awake yet. But the next day, and the next, it was the same thing. So, I said I better go to see an eye doctor.
     So I went to him - the eye doctor. He examined me, and he said that I had cataracts on both eyes. Then he said I might have to be operated on for a transplant. He proceeded to tell me the whole procedure, and how it would be and everything, but he said, "We’ll give you six months, and you come back." So when he told me that, I went home, I put the rose petal on each eye, and I said the rosary to Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers to cure the cataracts. Maybe it will go away and everything.
     A few months later, I noticed, little by little, the blurring went away. When the six months were up, I went to the doctor. So I went to see him, and I told him - I said, "The cloudiness is all gone." So he said, "Well, let me examine you." So he examined me, and after he gave me a thorough examination, he said, "I’ve got good news for you. You’re just fine. Say some prayers for me."
     That’s the end of that, and I am thankful to Our Blessed Mother for using the rose petal to cure me. That’s why I want to give this testimonial, because some people don’t believe in the rose petals. They think it’s just a rose, and they laugh at you. But they don’t realize that Our Lord has blessed that rose petal, and it takes on a different dimension. When Our Lady said that it’s for cures and conversions, She’s not "whistling Dixie," she means business. I’m proof of that, and I’m just so thankful that She cured me, and I hope the people will be encouraged and start to use the rose petals more and more. I can’t thank Her enough.

from Connecticut

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