Personal Testimonies #115 - 123


March 6, 1991
Thank you for the scapulars, I really appreciate it.
     I am not sure of the exact date when I received my first paper from the Shrine, or who sent it to me?  But it was 1981-82.  After reading my first paper, I felt I had to return to the Church and sacraments.  I had been away since 1950.  I tried on & off at different churches, but couldn't find no peace or answers.  I'd lost my husband in 1980, to a heart attack, he'd just turned 50.  All we had, were 23 short years together.  I've had a hard life.  Born in 1938, my parents were chronic alcoholics, & divorced when I was in 6th grade.  Being the oldest of three children besides the [word unclear], my mother had me clean, cook, & take care of my younger brother & sisters.  I dropped out of high school in my first year, & went to work.  When I lost my younger sister in '78 to cancer, I though that was pain.  But when I lost my husband, my world ended.  I tried to commit suicide, even though I had two children.  I don't remember anything about it.  It was right after this, I received my first paper from the Shrine.  God bless whoever thought of me then.  My pain now is my two adult children, ages 27 & 32 who have no love for Our Lord & Our Lady.  My deepest wish, is to pray for them, & see them back in church with me.  I pray Sweet Jesus & Our Lady will let me live to suffer all for my sins, & to bring them back to Our Lord.  As of last year, I receive Social Security, thank God.  He heard my prayer.
     A few years ago, I sent Veronica a sterling silver Rosary.  The beads were all roses, & it was a large Rosary.  I thought it'd be nice if Our Lady would accept it, for the Shrine statue.  I never heard whether Our Lady accepted it, although I did get a thank you from one of Our Lady's workers, back then.  As it's been a few years ago I sent it, I wish now I had kept it.
     Would you do me two favors?  Would you thank Veronica for me, & ask her to pray for me & my family.  A blessing from Our Lord & Lady would be asking too much.  And would you please send me the old Shrine's papers, I would deeply appreciate it.
     I've been back to church ever since, receive the sacraments, & say a Rosary as often as I can.
     Thank you & God bless you all. Sincerely, a humble sinner,

from Sauk Village, Illinois

March 13, 1991
Dear Veronica,
     I hope you are feeling better.  Your cross is heavy since you are a victim soul offering your sufferings to God in reparation for sinners.
     My life has changed since I began reading Our Lady & Our Lord's messages at Bayside.  I no longer go to bars & discos and try to avoid sin with God's grace.  The rose petals have been of great blessing to me.  I used to have these stress related headaches but since I applied a rose petal to my forehead & prayed, I no longer have the headaches.
     I wear my sacramentals, go to Mass on Sundays & pray the Rosary daily.  It's great leading a clean life for Jesus & Mary!  Veronica, I always keep you in my prayers & Rosaries.  I've enclosed a gift for you, it is a statue of Our Lady of Mercy.  Her feast day is September 24th.  She appeared to King James of Aragon in Spain, St. Peter Nolasco & St. Raymond of Penafort in the 13th Century to found a religious order, now called Mercedarians to help free the Christians held captives by the Moslems in southern Spain.  You see Spain was dominated by the Moslems from Morocco for 7 centuries and Catholics were oppressed.  These Mercedarians offered ransom money and even gave up their freedom in exchange for the freedom of Catholics held prisoners who had families waiting for them.  Eventually the Moors from Morocco were driven out and Spain became 90% Catholic to this day.
     I was born in Cuba and I remember back in the early sixties going to the Church of Our Lady of Mercy in Havana.  This church is very beautiful, it was built by the Spaniards a long time ago.  As a boy I came to the United States and later on as a young adult became a U.S. citizen.  I pray that Cuba returns to its Catholic roots and that Communism end on the island.  I've been here 25 years & I'm 34 years old.


March 16, 1991
Dear Sister:

Last Fall, I wrote to you regarding my 33 year old brother who had a cancerous brain tumour.  He underwent surgery in October, was given cancer treatments in November & December, and sent home with the news that no one could help him any more.  The tumour was still growing deeper in his brain.  At the time that he was told nothing could be done, the doctor asked that he come in a month's time for one last C.T. Scan and to renew his prescriptions.  On February 22, he went for his C.T. Scan, and lo and behold, the tumour and cancer had disappeared!  The Doctors couldn't explain to him what had happened.  It is so obvious that God had heard our prayers.  I would like to thank you for your help and prayers and let you know about the wonderful news. . . .

from Winnipeg, Canada

March 22,1991
Dear Veronica and Workers:
      Several weeks ago our local organizer R.B. called your office and spoke to one of the workers. She asked if we could talk about some exorcisms we've been to, at our regular vigil. I would like to relate to you all more details about my experience. My experience with the devil proves some of the Bayside messages true.
     I have had this problem for 9 years now. Last year I read a front page article in our local newspaper about a priest in our diocese who is a exorcist. I contacted this priest, Fr. D. and made arrangements to see him. Fr. D. is the only exorcist in our Diocese and has the permission of our Bishop to perform exorcisms. The Diocese occasionally refers people to him.
     I knew this was the right thing to do because I followed the instructions of Our Lady and prayed the Holy Ghost prayer for guidance. I then opened my Bible to the first verse and read "go to the high priest Aaron and let him minister unto thee". I prayed further, wondering what would happen when I got there, and the Bible said something about going to a high hill and meeting some men and that I would change into another person.
     Well, my husband finally agreed to take me to [city], although he did not believe that a evil spirit was tormenting me. H thought it was my imagination.
     I felt fine on the drive up there but when we got within a mile of the church, which sits on a high hill, the evil spirit manifested itself and possessed me. I started wringing my hands uncontrollably and felt strange. The evil spirit e.s. manifested itself during that 1st exorcism session and in every session I've had since then.
     Fr. D. can recognized a true reaction. He is from Sri Lanka and has performed many exorcisms over there. He told us that priests and lay people in this country don't believe in possession anymore or that the priest here are too afraid to do exorcisms. That is true because I had consulted 2 other priests about my problem and of course they told me it was my imagination.
     Fr. D. is outspoken with his parishioners about this topic and well he is just a good, holy priest. Very conservative and gives a good mass + homilies. During one of his homilies he told his parishioners not to judge those who are possessed. A possessed person can be in the state of grace and pleasing to God. Possession is a disease of the body, it cannot touch your soul. And a person possessed by the devil can receive Holy Communion.
     I have gone to [city] 2 more times to receive additional sessions.
     The second time R.B. accompanied me and the 3rd time two other Baysiders, M.N. and M.L. went with me. During the sessions my friends prayed for me and assisted by putting Sacramentals on my body to rid the e.s.

Let me explain some of my reactions during exorcism:

The inibility to look at crucifix. At one point I saw glowing rays from the crucifix as if to harm the devil.

Holy waters burns the e.s. and causes it to scream.

Violent rages. Almost broke railing

Tore up rosaries.

Mocking Mary and Saints.

Speaking strange tongues or languages.

Curse those around me.

Also, when Fr. would invoke Our Blessed Mother, that would cause the e.s. to feel great despair and defeat.

The St. Michael prayer is the next most powerful prayer. The e.s. hated that prayer.

     All the time I am aware of what's going on and what I am doing or what the e.s. is making me do. But I can't control my body. My friends also say that I make ugly faces and eyes and gnash my teeth.
     This devil has revealed its name. It's name is Izicala. It spoke little English and when it did it was most proud and arrogant.
     Another interesting note, when during a session a parishioner put a Lady of Medjugorje card in front of me and the e.s. said, "That won't do anything to me, Ha, that is false!"
     The last time I was up there was on 1st Friday with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. had a beautiful exposition with many candles and incense and everyone singing in Latin. All the ritual sure does make a difference because the devil was absolutely terrified and trembling at the sight!
     Fr. also used the Easter candle. This is a very powerful candle. He presented it to me and said "this is the risen Christ, who has conquered you!" The devil went crazy afraid and tried to bite off the wounds of Christ. The wound on the right hand especially bothered him. That day the evil spirit almost left 3 times.
     Now how this evil spirit came about.
     9 years ago, before I was married, I was involved with another man. He was seeing another young possessive woman who was into witchcraft. Not that she told him or me that but I knew she was involved in satanism, I just felt it. Well, I relinquished my virginity to this man and I became possessed in a few days. Evidently, she placed a hex on him so whenever he was with another women the women would get the curse. She never admitted what she did. I suffered horribly for several months. It was like I was pregnant, but with a demon! I knew I suffered because of my mortal sin and offered myself a victim soul. At the same time I came upon a gypsy fortune teller and she rid me of the 1st evil spirit. {another mortal sin!} The witch, the young possessive women, sent another evil spirit to me! This one the gypsy women could not get rid of.
     Then I learned of Bayside. Thank God! I knew it was a true apparition and returned to the state of grace and frequent reception of the Sacraments, and have tried to follow the messages to the best of my ability. The evil spirit has weakened considerably.
     I always thought my problem was more obsession than possession because it never forced me to do anything. It only tormented me physically, emotionally and spiritually. But since the exorcisms it has possessed me several times especially when I recite the Rosary. I know its angry about the exorcisms and it knows it time is short.
     Here are some important facts to remember that correlate with the messages from Heaven.

1  Our prayers and our Blessed Sacramentals are powerful against the evil one! Especially Our Blessed Mother and St. Michael. This is visible proof.

2  Witchcraft is REAL. I have literally felt the unholy ray.

3  Any man, women or child not in the state of grace can be possessed. If I didn't commit those mortal sins I would never have had this problem.

4  The charismatics are calling up evil spirits. I went to a charismatic prayer meeting several years ago and it was very much like the exorcism, such as the uncontrolled emotions and strange babblings.

5  The prayer to the Holy Ghost and Bible certainly worked for me.

One more thing I forgot to mention is that Fr. D. had me get a photograph of that women who did this to me... The e.s. tore up 3 photos of her and said it would go back to her and make her suffer.

Well, I could go on with many more details, but this letter would be a book. I hope to go to Bayside this June for the 3rd time. Hopefully, this thing will be cast out.
     I hope this letter has been enlightening and I will continue to tell people about my problem. There is some reason why God has allowed this to happen for such a long time. Perhaps for the sanctification of souls. Keep me in your prayers.

God bless you. Love in Jesus and Mary,

from Phoenix, Arizona

March 25, 1991
I wrote to you last November about the witchcraft that was being done against me and my loved ones and of the evil manifestations in my home. I am writing to you now to let you know that through your prayers and Jesus and the Blessed Mother's intercession, for the first time in my life, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everybody, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I am more aware of the little miracles that are occurring not only in my personal life but spiritual life as well.
     I was ready for a divorce from my husband when I wrote you that letter. My marriage was in a shambles. Today we are going to church every Sunday and not only are we going to be godparents to our 10 month old grandson, my husband has expressed a desire to learn more about his Faith and to receive his Sacrament of confirmation. There is even a letter included with this letter from him to the Blessed Mother. He is coming to know God through Mary on a personal level. It's marvelous!
I pray constantly for my family. The devil has a strong hold on something that doesn't belong to him. I praised the Lord. This afternoon though, my daughter (19 years old) wears her Scapular everyday, got another one from me today to put around her boy friend's {he 's athiest} son's neck, and not only expressed a desire to attend Mass with my husband and I but to bring the boy with her. She also wants him baptized. Little miracles - A few months ago she scoffed at me and we were constantly at odds - now she is telling me she loves me and gives me hugs. I'm still praying for my two sons but I see the light there too.
     The Holy Spirit has certainly become a personal part of my spiritual life too. I haven't reached sainthood yet it's become my daily quest.
Thank you in Christ's name once again for your prayers and praise Mary, the Mother of God.

from Stockton, California

March 25, 1991
Our Lady of the Roses,
     . . . A miracle happen[ed] to me on March 10, 1991. I got burn[ed] by hot boiling water, I pray the Rosary daily, I did not go to the doctor or hospitals. I just pray and put the rose petals on my arm that was burn[ed]. I kept my arm in cold water. My arm did not get big or turn ugly color. I believe Virgin Mary deliver me from the bad burn from hot water. My arm heal before two weeks, I miss only one day from work, I give all the credits to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary. God took care of me. I pray the Rosary every days. I pray the Rosary when my arm was burn[ed]. I pray on bending knee.
     Thank you Virgin Mary for prayers.

from Cheraw, South Carolina

Dear Friend/s in Mary Queen of the Roses,
     Thank you very much for the Scapulars, Rosaries, medals, small pictures and crosses. My parishioners are very happy to get them.
     Sharing: A young man was wearing the Scapular when he and his peers were attacked by bullets. He saw his fellows falling right and left but he escaped intact. He says he was protected by the Scapular of Our Lady. He has now changed his life, he never misses Sunday services but before this incident he never went to church.
     Thank you, may our Blessed Lady bless you by Her Child Jesus.

Yours in Mary our Mother,

from Republic of South Africa

Dear Veronica,
On this very important Vigil of the Anniversary of Our Lady's appearances at Bayside, my prayers and hopes are that Jesus and His mother will make it possible for you to be present, alleviating your sufferings sufficiently, the magnitude of which leaves one at a loss for words. How can we ever fully appreciate your sacrifices for the mission. It's as if by your 'fiat' you gave birth to Bayside and how it has grown with the assistance of all who have answered Our Lady's call--fanning out everywhere like so many rays from her Immaculate Heart, even directing me over here to St. Theresa's to assist me for which I am grateful.
May God bless all of you very special people.


from New Bedford, Massachusetts

Dear Veronica:
     A year ago this past New Years Eve, I was admitted to the hospital with a high temperature, that stayed with me for 17 days.  After a battery of tests, I was told that I had Lymphoma and luekemia.  On son Allen, had made several trips to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Roses.  He brought water to be blessed and I've been drinking a teaspoon full every day.  He also brought back a single rose petal encased in plastic.  While I was so sick, he held it over me every time he visited and prayed to Our Lady for a cure.  A nurse also gave me 2 rose petals encased in plastic.  Prior to that time, the doctors and my family thought they would lose me, at least a half dozen times.  I spent a total of 96 days in the hospital and have improved so very much.
     At the present time, I am in remission, so my oncologist says, and have been for 4 months.  I say, "Our Lady of the Roses and Her beloved Son Jesus Christ has cured me."  Why do I believe this to be true?  Because, when I came home from the hospital I looked for the three single rose petals and they were gone and in their place in front of the statue of Our Blessed Mother, were 2 smaller rose petals encased in plastic.  No one knew where they came from, including our son.  I know, Our Lady of the Roses made the exchange.
     Now I must tell you of another miracle that took place.  About four months ago, I started to run a low grade temperature every night for two weeks.  Both my oncologist and my family physician, thought it was a virus, so I was put on antibiotics.  Still the fever persisted.  Then late one afternoon, my temperature soared to 103.8.  I began to sob uncontrollably, because I knew I'd have to enter the hospital again.  I asked my husband to bring me the rose petals.  Kissing the rose petals, (while still sobbing) I asked Our Lady of the Roses to please take away my temperature and whatever was causing it and as God and my husband were witness, in less than 5 minutes, I felt cool and relaxed.  I took my temperature again and it had gone down to 98.2.
     I just had to let you and everyone else know of this miracle that happened to me.  I tell everyone I meet, because I know that's what Our Lady wants me to do.
May the Lord bless and keep you,

from Seymour, Connecticut


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