Sept. 12, 1976
Dear Veronica,
I have been going to most of the Vigils held at the
Vatican Pavilion. I have seen so many things that leave no doubt that Our Lady
is appearing there.
Last June, I put a petition on the altar, and asked Our
Lady to please help my 12-year-old nephew who has a congenital condition of the
throat, which did not permit him to swallow solid food. His diet consisted
mostly of shakes and soft food. He could not swallow anything solid--like
meat--without bringing it up. He had to go under general anesthesia to have his
throat dilated, and was told that, for the rest of his life, he would have to
dilate his own throat with special tubes, but meanwhile, the doctors were doing
it every two weeks.
Last August, he went in for another examination and
dilation. His father was waiting for him, and when the doctor came out, he had
the strangest expression on his face. He said, "Mr. Walsh, I don’t know
how to explain this, but Jimmy’s throat is perfectly normal. We don’t have
to do anything for him." That same day, the letter that I put a petition in
for Our Lady of the Roses Shrine came back to me. Needless to say, there was
much tears of happiness about this cure.
It has been three months, and this boy has gained 20
lbs. and eats everything he hadn’t eaten during the last 12 years. We are very
grateful to Our Lord and His Mother, and when we can get enough money together,
the whole family will be coming to give thanks in person at one of Our Lady’s
I don’t know why the Church doesn’t recognize the
wonderful things that are happening at those Vigils. I’m doing my
share--spreading the Messages and telling people about this cure.
God bless you and your family.
from California
Dear Veronica,
I wrote a letter to you concerning my husband’s
health and the disease he’s had for the past five years--how we had taken him
to the hospital at Washington, and the hospital at Oregon, and many, many
doctors--that we had hoped they might be able to help him. He had gotten so bad,
that the doctors were contemplating amputation of all his fingers to the first
joint, because the disease had eaten away most of the flesh and skin, and they
were just now bleeding and filled with pus. The doctors said it would soon be
into the bone. He wanted to go one more time to the Oregon hospital.
It was at that time, I had written you a letter, and
you answered back and told me you had placed my letter on Our Lady of the Roses
altar and would pray for him. In less than 24 hours, his fingers were completely
healed. Everyone at the hospital said it was just like a miracle. In my heart, I
know it was a miracle, and that our prayers were answered. There is no
medicine that could cure his hand so completely in such a short time. It’s
hard for him to realize what happened, and I keep telling him that our prayers
to Jesus and Our Lady were answered. I want you both to know of our wonderful
blessing and thank you from my heart--and give thanks to Our Lady of the Roses
for helping my husband.
from the state of Washington
Dear Veronica,
About nine months ago, my oldest daughter was raped.
The news was horrible, and even with our pride, silently we thought with our
minds of an abortion. Later, my daughter said it was so easy--a phone call in
her car while driving by the clinic, because she knew she was with child after a
test about two months later. It was so easy--there were no more gossip, no
tears, no heartache, no setbacks. Because of all the messages that we have
received from you, Veronica, we did not go through with the abortion, but we owe
it all to you. My daughter went into labor, and I remembered the rose petal I
carried in my wallet. I went into the labor room, and the nurse just left for a
cup of coffee and told me she had not even dilated yet. Well, I rubbed the rose
petal on her arm, her head, and her stomach. Then the nurse came back, and I
then went out, and I kept saying the rosary to Our Lady of the Roses. I have to
write to tell you this.
A little girl was born with big, brown eyes. The only
sad part and guilty feeling is that my daughter felt that it would be better for
the baby to be adopted to Catholic Services. She could not bear to see the child
grow up, as she would hardly have time to spend with her. So she signed her baby
for adoption to parents who can’t have children.
I have to write you this letter to tell you Our Blessed
Mother has been good and patient with us. Also, to you, Veronica, suffering for
us, so we can live as God wants us to live amidst temptation.
from New York
Dear Veronica,
I just have to tell you, one of my coworkers rushed her
husband to the hospital, when he suddenly had a lapse of memory and he
couldn’t use his hands. He began to talk in the past--thinking that his grown
children were little tots. The doctors called it something and began to take all
kinds of tests. They said it was beginning to be a very serious condition. They
called in a specialist to examine him, and they all came to the same conclusion.
As soon as his wife had a chance to be alone with him,
she took one of the blessed rose petals and touched his head, mouth, and hands
and prayed to Our Lady of the Roses. He recovered suddenly. When the doctors
returned, they couldn’t understand what happened. They admitted they were
baffled. They talked to the husband, and he was OK. The wife of the husband
didn’t tell them what she had done. The doctors were not Catholic, and they
wouldn’t have believed anyhow. Her husband who never said the Rosary, says the
Rosary everyday after this experience, and he also reads all the Messages from
Our Lady of the Roses.
from California
Dear Veronica,
I just want to send in a testimony of two cures in my
family after visiting Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. They are cures of the soul.
The following Sunday, I went to Confession, and I sincerely feel in my heart
that it was the best Confession that I ever made in my life. I am 38-years-old.
Two weeks later, we took our children--ages 19, 12, and
6. Right before Christmas, my 19-year-old daughter went to Confession. She
hadn’t been to church in two years. I know I received a great gift from God
through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. I know why I am married--it is
to save my husband’s and children’s souls. For several years, I lost sight
of this fact.
from New Jersey
February 24, 1979
My dearly beloved in Christ,
I am 14 years old and would like very much to receive
literature of Our Lady. Could you enter my name your mailing list? I would also
wish to receive the free medals and rose petals.
Since reading your advertisement in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, my attitude towards life has changed. I am not the vain teen that I
had been before. I have given up disco music and hard rock for playing the organ
at church. I have also used the time usually used for listening to tapes of rock
music for playing the piano. At school, I am studying the harp. My work in music
and in academics has improved considerably.
I now try to pray more often. Most of all, through all
my good efforts, I feel that I am more fully being a good, moral person. Just
wanted to let you know how you changed my life for the better.
M. J.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dearest Veronica,
I came to the Apparitions six times last year. I told a
friend of mine about it, so this lady said she wanted a sign that--if it is
true--I would hear again, because my hearing is very poor. I went to the medical
doctor, and he couldn’t help, so my daughter kept telling me she was going to
take me to an ear doctor later. I could go so I can have a hearing aid. I said,
"No, not now--wait till winter passes."
Yesterday morning, my hearing was very good again. I
believe it’s a miracle from Our Lady of the Roses, because the lady was
praying for this intention, but I always believed in it. It was nine months
since I could hear this way. I couldn’t hear the Gospel at Mass and so many
other things. I hear now my footsteps in the house--which I never heard before,
the water dripping, the radio when my daughter puts it low, and the television
when it is very low--before it had to be high point before I could really hear
it. I hear my daughter from far away speaking to me, before, she would be right
next to me and I would say, "Speak loud, I can’t hear you."
Now I hear so good, and I wish to report this to you so
it can be known. This lady now believes the Apparitions are true, because she
wanted the sign concerning my ears. I am so happy about my ear cure. Thanks be
to God and Our Lady of the Roses bless you and protect you always.