Personal Testimonies #183 -
September 4, 1986
I am now
over 60, unbaptized, and have never been a member of any church. I was at one
time an atheist. Practiced occultism to a certain degree. Finally became
interested in the Bible 25 to 30 years ago. I became convinced of its
authenticity and the truths of prophecies. I listened to many conservative
fundamentalist protestant preachers on radio and T.V. and believed in their
teachings of saving through grace and that every word in the Bible, including
miracles, is the Divine Revelation of God.
At this
time, I married a Catholic widow, who has been devout her entire life. She was
very distressed with my lack of desire to become baptized. I didn`t believe I
was worthy of Heaven, with or without baptism. Until recently I was completely
disillusioned with the Catholic religion, with the early Popes, who were kings,
the inquisition and the biblical prophecies of the Antichrist. I didn`t believe
in sacramentals, Rosaries and the Sacraments. I did believe in prayer however.
In spite of this I agreed to take a course on becoming a Catholic. At the
conclusion I was further away from believing in the Church than before. The
watering down of the Bible with each person allowed to judge for himself whether
to accept or reject The Miracles [mentioned in the Bible], didn`t coincide with
my beliefs. The poor dress codes of the Catholic Church-goers as opposed to many
protestant church-goers was another stumblingblock. At this time I was ready to
join a fundamentalist church to be baptized.
In the meantime we happened to
hear the messages from Bayside with Veronica Lueken on radio. We agreed to get
messages and read it with the same spirit in which I originally read the Bible,
prove me herewith. If anything were to contradict the Bible, we would stop
getting them. We ordered Roses book II, after starting to read that, couldn`t
wait to order the rest of the books and tapes, crucifixes and medals. The
messages contained everything that I thought is wrong with the world with the
music, movies, morals, T.V., radio, newspapers, E.R.A., gay rights, etc. The
messages spared no one in their criticism of the modern trends in the Church and
in society in general. With the messages of reverence, prayer, penance, Bible
reading and remaining in the Church as an example, I thought it covered just
about everything one needs to know to trust their eternity upon.
I have
been blessed with a wonderful wife who has been ever an inspiration to me. Now
the only goals in life are taking care of her, getting baptized as soon as
possible and living as near as possible to the directions in the Bible and in
the messages from Bayside.
I just
found out that I will be baptized in October.
I believe that my wife`s prayers led me to the
one source that could convert me to Catholicism.
I attribute my conversion to the messages from
Jesus and Mary at Bayside through Veronica Lueken.
Thank You Very Much,
from Ferndale, Maryland
Dear people:
this past Holy Week, all my family together, had the opportunity to see through
a T.V. programme the the amazing video of the holy Virgin of the Roses.
I have to tell you that I had never heard about
this Virgin and Her fabulous story of miracles. But after the programme, I
learned from the boyfriend of one of my daughters, the following story:
His brother Eduardo Rojas, had a very bad
accident in San Jose, capital of Costa Rica when driving his employer's pick-up.
He crashed against a large truck, front to front, and when picked up by the
ambulance of the Red Cross he was almost dead. He was taken to the hospital,
with many injuries but being the worst that his liver was completely cut in
pieces. As everybody knows, nobody can survive without [a] liver. Doctors gave
no hope but God`s will. Literally his liver was placed into a bag made out of a
special tissue and waited. His mother was, thanks God, visiting her family in
Costa Rica as she has her permanent address in New York. When she advised her
husband there in New York, he immediately by return air mail forwarded ONE PETAL
OF ROSE from the Virgin of the Roses. This petal was place under the pillow of
Eduardo, and suddenly he started to recover, and recover, left the hospital, and
is by now 90% recovered and ready to go back to work.
We consider
this as a miracle, and are anxious to have at home one petal of the roses from
the Virgin. I would like to have 4 of them, one for each of my married
children`s family.... May the Virgin of
the Roses bless you and the rest of the people of your Church. My church is San
Vicente, in Moravia, Costa Rica.
Your sister in the faith,
from Moravia, Costa Rica
May 12, 1988
Dear Veronica,
I started
smoking at 18 years old. I always loved the smell of smoke. By age 62 I smoked
3-4 packs a day. I even woke up at night from sleep desiring a cigarette. I was
addicted. I had a terrible temper which I would unlease on anyone who would dare
to take it away. I`d tell my friends leave me to my one bad poison. One day I
fell down in the street twice. I was having a stroke. I prayed so hard to Our
Blessed Mother in the hospital, to help me not to smoke. I couldn't do it on my
own. I even went to be hypnotized. It didn`t work.
I`d close
my eyes take a deep breath, kiss the holy rose and pray. I could hardly believe
I had no desire.
I never had
withdrawals of any bad day. All my friends & relatives can`t believe it.
It's 2 years and my health is
fine. I tell everyone about my miracle & blessing from Our Lady of Roses.
God Bless & keep you well, from all harm.
I pray the roses are sent all over the
world to help more people who need it more than I. I wish I could meet you so I
can tell many other things that have happened to me and others. Thank you for
send me more roses to give to others.
June 20th 1988
Dear Ones,
At age 84 years,
facing an operation for Cataracts, I visited my doctor for the last time prior
to the surgery.
he left the room to bring my previous chart for comparison.
He came back,
eyes bulging, his face expressing complete amazement.
"You are a very lucky lady", he blurted," your vision has
greatly improved, in fact it is very good. There is no need for surgery.
"He prescribed my first new glasses in well over a year. Unknown to him I
had been pressing blessed rose petals to my eyes.
There is no natural way to give new vision to an 84 year old person
without surgery.
Our Lady
of the Roses gave it to me!
from Vineland, NJ
I read this literature over and over.
I cannot get enough of it. Send more rose petals. I am so happy to report a true
miracle to you.
To think that Our
Lady would be aware and have compassion on an afflicted person of great age.
How can I ever
express my love and gratitude?
God Bless you all
July 10,1988
My Dear Veronica,
I may be a little late in getting this spiritual
bouquet to you in time for your birthday on this Tuesday, July 12th, but I want
you to know that my Mass on your birthday will be offered for your intentions. I
pray for your daily and even though you do not know me, I want you to know that
as a member of the body of Christ, we all suffer with you in your great mission
as seer of Bayside.
By this time in your mission, you have heard and seen
so much from the many believers and workers defending the great appearances of
Jesus & Mary that you must be overwhelmed with hearing what is happening to
those of us who if it were not for the many rosaries & prayers for the
conversion of sinners, many of us would have been doomed to hell.
The news of Our Lady of the Roses appearing in New York
came to my attention in March,1981. Since that time, I believed with all my hear
& soul....
I believe it is a grace to be chosen to suffer. And
you, my dear Veronica are a chosen soul to suffer for the salvation of souls. My
soul was in jeopardy before 1981, but now I have a
chance to be among the children of God which I attribute to you and all
the workers defending Bayside. I had hoped to console you a little on this your
65th birthday. You are in my prayers and in the prayers of all workers in
May Our Lord Jesus Christ & Our Lady of the Roses
continue to protect you and give you the miraculous strength you need to
continue this most holy & sacred mission.
We love you and look forward of seeing you in Heaven
with your Crown of Glory.
Sincerely in Jesus & Mary
from Plymouth,
Dearest Mother,
Peace & Blessings!
I`m so glad to let you and the whole would knows that
through the miraculous rose petal blessed by Virgin Mary that you`ve sent to me,
my brother, Quintin Beltran Jr., was cured from his illness TB, and now he`s
strong and now in good health condition.
Thank you & God bless you!
your child,
from Bacacoy, Albay, Philippines
November 16, 1988
Dear Veronica:
I wanted to write to tell you what happened to me.
I was told by my eye specialist that I have glaucoma,
an incurable eye disease. He gave me drops to put in my eyes day and night. This
was to prevent the condition from worsening. It took awhile to find the correct
medicine for my condition. He saw me every 10 days, trying different medication.
Thereafter he saw me every 3 months.
Meanwhile my daughter was praying to Our Lady of the
Roses and Jesus for a cure for my eye disease. She knew I had other things wrong
with me, including sugar diabetes.
We both went to the vigil on October 1, 1988 (the
evening of St. Theresa and the Guardian Angels) In the Rosary Procession, my
daughter prayed for me, and did smell the roses. She touched my eyes with the
rose petals they gave her and we were very emotional.
When I went to the eye doctor a week later, he told me
that the eyes were healthy and there was no sign of the glaucoma. I was
speechless. We attribute this cure to Our Lady of the Roses and St. Theresa.
It was then we remembered that when we went to
the vigil on October 1, we had been told that St. Theresa would be giving out
cures for the ill and the disabled that evening.
Veronica, please thank Our Lady, Jesus and St. Theresa
for us. Also, we will remember you in our prayers.
Devoted followers of Our Lady of the Roses
November 18, 1988
For those in service for Our Lady OF THE ROSES, particularly to Dear Veronica:
Blessed and greeting to each and all, especially
in the blessed Name of Mary. Enclosed is my mite of 20.00 for Mary`s honor you
are devoted in. This amount is a portion from my monthly World War 1 Veteran
Pension. I am only a simple Lay Brother in God`s servous, and very ardently love
my dearest Holy Mother Mary. I joined Her Son`s Jesus in the Religious life in
1920 - and 42 years in the Philippines. I am now near the door of 93 years of
age; and ever since I entered Her Son`s service, I always cherished my very
ardent motherly love for Mary, and receiving a return of more love for Her and
Jesus. God and Mary bless our dear sister Veronica for her extraordinary vision
in seeing Mary as she is in heaven. At least I have hopes for the same in
Mary bless you all, and confirm you in Her love.
November 22, 1988
My Dear Lady`s Worker,
May I know if I am still included in your mailing list.
Up to the present I haven`t received any message from there. I`m wondering if
there are new messages given by Our Blessing Mother for the year 1988.
If there are, will you please send over these new
messages, so that we here may know what She wants us to do. If the people could
read them, they are more ready to believe.
There is another cure effected here. A man who is
ailing with cancer of the liver was hospitalized. His X-ray result showed that
he has already an incurable one. Upon learning of his ailment, I sent him the
medal, petals, and Scapular, with instruction to wear them, pray with confidence
to Our Blessed Mother. This man doesn't go to confession . . . in short a
lukewarm Catholic. When my sisters visited him at the hospital,
they convinced him to go to confession and to ask for help from above.
According to his wife after they left, he decided to go confession, the next
morning the priest came and he made his reconciliation with God.
They released him from the hospital and now he is as
good as if he never got sick . . . no medication was given to him, not even
vitamins. He knows that soon his time will be up, so he goes around doing the
good things that he can do. He has become an apostle of Our Lady and Jesus. He
gives moral courage to those afflicted with cancer as there is also another one
. . . hopeless like him. So we see the miracle of God to those whom He wants to
Please pray for us here in the Philippines as we are in
confusion. Our countrymen are trying to grab the power of our officials,
communism is the problem and those who want to be the rulers. There is too much
pride, selfishness and avarice going on in our country. So please help us to ask
Our Blessed Mother and Jesus to keep peace in our land.
Thank you. I hope to receive the "messages"
God bless you all. Sincerely yours,
from the Philippines
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