Personal Testimonies #224 - 233

Dear Veronica,
     I too have a testimonial for Bayside. As a complete skeptic I reluctantly accompanied my wife to a vigil on May 14th, 1977.
     That night was extremely cold for the middle of May. It was so cold that I gave my wife my coat along with a blanket.
     We brought a gallon of water along to be blessed just in case all of this was true.
     I took the gallon of water up to Our Lady's statue to leave it at her feet. When I got there I knelt down to say a Hail Mary and then it happened.
     On that very cold night the cement stairs that I knelt on were as hot as if they were in an oven. Immediately I rationalized this; saying, that the cement should be "stone cold" since it conducts both heat and cold. But they were hot, this didn't make any sense to me. So I said my prayer an started to go over to my wife, and the heat that I felt so strong on the stairs was in my knees, legs, feet, and my whole body. I got scared for a moment; then, as if Our Lady herself put her arms around me, I was comforted. From that moment on my life was changed, to the point of being appointed as one of Veronica's guards.
     Just as a point of interest: prior to our first vigil my wife and I were away from the Sacraments for seven years.
     So I guess two miracles happened that night.
Jesus and Mary's servant,

from New York City, New York

September 7, 1975
Dear Veronica,
     I received your letter and rose petals and scapulars from Bayside. Thank you very much.
     I am writing this letter to see if I could obtain some rosaries. 
     I belong to the Legion of Mary here in our parish at St. Augustine Church. And I have asked our priest, Father Bill, if he would start to say the Rosary before one of the Masses on Sunday morning so that people will get back to saying the Rosary, and also for many of our young people who don't even know how to say it.
     Well, to my great surprise Father said he would, and we will start on the 21st of September before the 11:30 a.m. Mass. I would like to ask you if you could please send me some Rosaries. My family all have one from Bayside and I can't begin to mention all the beautiful graces and favors we have received from Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord. My husband's conversion just to mention one, and Father saying he would say the Rosary before Mass another. We are praying for my son's conversion from drugs now and that he will return to his Church.
     I want the Rosary to give out to the people and tell them that they have been blessed by Jesus and Mary at the apparitions at Bayside, N.Y.
Yours in Christ,


Dear Veronica,
     I am a native of Brooklyn and have been to Bayside five times and also to the Vatican grounds. I have been meaning for the past year to write to you regarding the miraculous cure of my legs.
     I had heart surgery three times; I had the most horrible pains in my legs for four years. I saw about 50 doctors; they gave me every name you could imagine for my physical condition. I couldn't stand more than 15 minutes or walk more than a block. Only Jesus and Our Mother in heaven know the pains I had.
     Thank God Almighty I heard of your apparitions in Long Island, my home. Since last December 8th, Immaculate Conception Day--when I stood for three hours in the bitter cold--since then I have had no more pain and am walking and standing.
     I've written about my cure, and about you and Our Lady and Jesus, and my silver rosaries turning to gold, after my return home from the Sept. 16th and 13th vigils to the National Enquirer, and I pray before it's too late that all the bishops, clergy, cardinals and nuns recognize the sad times we are facing. God love you, Veronica. May Our Lady protect you always.

from Ozone Park, New York

December 11, 1977
Dear Veronica,
     I just had to tell you this. One of my co-workers rushed her husband to the hospital when he suddenly had a lapse of memory and could not use his hands. He began to talk in the past, thinking that their grown and married children were little tots. The doctors called it something and began to take tests. They said it was the beginning of a very serious condition.
     They called in specialists to examine him and they all came to the same conclusion. As soon as Frances had a chance to be alone with him, she took one of the blessed rose petals and touched his head, mouth and hands, while praying to Our Lady. He recovered suddenly. When the doctors returned they couldn't understand what had happened. They admitted they were baffled.
     They talked with Mr. D. (her husband) and he was O.K. But Frances and her husband didn't tell them what she had done. The doctors were not Catholic and wouldn't have believed them anyway. Her husband would never say the rosary, but since this experience he has been saying it every day. He also reads the messages of Our Lady.
     We are thinking of getting a travel agency to arrange a tour back east in the spring or summer. So many people want to attend some of the vigils.
With best regards,

from Sacramento, California

The following account of a cure was taken from a talk by Veronica Lueken recorded on cassette tape from the July 15, 1974 Bayside vigil:

Veronica - If you were here yesterday with Our Lady, you would know that there was a young boy from Dublin, Ireland with skin cancer. We have the testimony of his cure after Our Lady directed that the medal and the rose petals be sent to the mother of the boy. 
     The medal was placed about the boy's neck and the rose petals were touched to his face; and within a short time, I believe it was a matter of three days, the lesions and the cancer completely disappeared.

A lady regained sight when touched by a Rosary blessed on the Shrine grounds. Sister G. said three Hail Marys and placed the Rosary on her eyes, and she saw again! 

testimony from Sister G. LaP., convent in Haiti

Jude C., a 17 year old, crippled three years, made one visit to vigil and awoke next day cured, after undergoing seven operations. The crutches given to Veronica on February 12, 1973, are testimony of the power of God working through His Mediatrix, Our Blessed Mother.

     I am writing to you in regards to a cure which I obtained by going to one of the Bayside vigils. I have had a fractured disc in my spine which was near the pelvis and for a period of about 25 years I was troubled by severe back pain and I would be laid up from work for two or three weeks at a stretch. I would have to wear a brace and sometimes they even put a cast on it to keep it in place. The doctor did not want to operate on it because it was too close to the pelvis and he said that he could only give me a 20% chance of the operation being successful, so I didn't want to take the chance of an unsuccessful operation. However, that is not the reason for my trip to Bayside.
     My sister and I decided to go to Bayside to see what it was all about. That was in the year 1974 on one of the spring vigils. I had come across some of Veronica's messages from Our Lady and I wanted to go and see for myself what was really taking place. My sister was rather skeptical, but she decided to come along with me to Bayside.
     At the vigil I was trying to remember myself and my family to the Blessed Virgin so that we would have an increase in Faith and so that she would protect us and guide us safely to heaven. We went home by plane on the following afternoon and frankly I wasn't even aware of my cure. I didn't have the slightest idea what had happened, because the extra faith I prayed for didn't seem to materialize as I though it should have.
     I seems unbelievable, but it was only about a year and a half after that I discovered I had been cured.
     I was at my sister's place again and we were talking about our trip to Bayside when her son piped up and said, "Hey Unc, you haven't had a backache for a long time," and I realized at that very moment that I did get that cure at Bayside because I didn't have any more trouble with my back.
     Now it is almost five years since I have been there and I have not had a bit of problem with my back again, thanks to Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother at the Bayside vigils.
     It is at this particular time that I would like to publicly thank Jesus and Mary for the cure I have obtained from them at Bayside. It has certainly been a blessing to me.
     I hope that you can use this to help the cause of Bayside because I felt for sure, those messages are very important for our times.
Thank you very kindly,

from Edmonton, Alberta

Dear Veronica,
     Just a few words to pay homage to Our Heavenly Mother and as a testimonial to favors received.
     When we went to Bayside on May 13, 1978, my wife, my two daughters and myself, we had one daughter who was very ill. She was unable to intake food without vomiting. For a period of six months we went from doctor to doctor without any sign of improvement. Her state continued to deteriorate; her weight dropped to 69 lbs. We decided to go to Bayside. On the return trip, she was miraculously cured. She has stopped taking here medicine; she is able to retain the food she eats and has gained 10 lbs. She is dong well now, thanks to OUR LADY OF THE ROSES!

from Notre-Dame des Bois,
Conte-Frontenac, PQ, Canada

February 24, 1979
My dearly beloved in Christ,
     I am 14 years old and would very much like to receive literature on Our Lady. Could you please enter my name on your mailing list? I would also wish to receive the free medals and rose petals.
     Since reading your advertisement in the Philadelphia Inquirer, my attitude towards life has changed. I am not the vain teen that I had been before. I have given up disco music and hard rock for playing the organ at Church. I have also used the time usually listening to tapes of rock music for playing the piano.
     At school, I am studying the harp. My work in music and in academics has improved considerably.
     I now try to pray more often. Most of all, through all my good efforts, I feel that I am more fully being a good, moral person.
     Just wanted to let you know how you changed my life for the better. Thanks!

from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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