Personal Testimonies #234 -
October 23, 1997
Dearest Our Lady of the Roses Workers,
I thought I would write and let you know that
my son is now clean of drugs and is trying really hard to put his life
back in order. He carries one of the petals that you sent me and I am
teaching him how to pray. He had really given up on this world. I am so
happy to have my son back. He has made peace with all the people that he
hurt through his drug abuse, especially his dad. (Who had found him
overdosed and minutes from death).
He has one last ordeal to go through and I ask
for prayers for him that it goes in his favour.
Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers has
been so kind to me in granting my prayers. I am so humbled.
I prayed the rosary to Our Lady for my friend
who was desperate to have a baby and she is now 4 months pregnant.
from Australia
January 29, 1997
Our handicapped son, Kevin, suffers from
epilepsy and has suffered sporadically with an eating disorder for some
time now. Since we put a rose petal from your site under his mattress,
he has improved greatly and is so much happier, loving and alert. All we
can offer is a profound thank you to our Blessed Mother Mary and her
loving son, Jesus.
May God bless you all for these wonderful
changes in our lives. We are very, very grateful.
from Oswego, New York
January 20, 1997
I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing this
excellent page and have found it is having a profound affect on my out
look and thinking.
I have requested the info pack, Petals, and
The reading I have done on the DIRECTIVES have really opened my eyes and
have caused me to think more deeply into the my own personal
relationship with Our Lady.
Keep up the good work, and I look forward to
many future visits to the web site.
God Bless
from Edmonton, Canada
December 9, 1996
I first came across your web via a web-site
entitled Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary. It was reported on the
page that the Bayside Apparitions were discouraged by the Church and so
by curiosity I went to look.
At that moment I knew for a lot of time about
the Medjugorje apparitions; they too have got a lot of criticisms from
the local bishop, nevertheless I did believe in these apparitions maybe
also thanks to the books (translated in Dutch) of Rene Laurentin and
Sister Emmanuel. I also have heard about apparitions of Our Blessed
Mother at Kibeho in Rwanda, In Argentina and at Finca Betania in
I knew of some earlier prophesies (Fatima,
etc.) about the time we live in. I was at that time already
"converted" and back in the Church. I found the Church in
great distress : all bishops in Belgium who remained silent about
abortion, homosexuality, perverted heterosexuality, etc.
This was clearly not the Church I knew from my
youth ( I am 46 years old now). Amazingly, enough discussion with people
busy in the parish and other people in charge of teaching Catholicism
gave me the idea that there are only a "few" believers left.
So I began to try to come in contact with them.
So when I came on this website, discarding the
negative advice of the local bishop, and after reading the messages, I
couldn't find anything against the official teaching of my beloved
Church. On the CONTRARY: all messages breathed the teachings of the
Church of my youth. Also I believe the Truth is eternal : one cannot
teach now the contrary of what was regarded as true some 35 years ago.
Another interesting fact of the messages was
that they [The Bayside Messages] seem to complete with amazingly detail
other prophecies (see Fatima, Garabandal, Saint John Don Bosco, and some
other mystics).
I profoundly believe now that we are living the
end of the End Times as described in the Apocalypse.
I wear my brown scapular (and believe
completely the promise) and I also pray the 15 prayers of Saint Bridget
of Sweden. Thanks also to other websites (see "Behold the Lamb of
God") I can better believe in the real presence of Our Lord in
every Consecrated Host. I hope there will come a time that the faithful
will be able to adore at any time Jesus, our King, in the Eucharistic
Host in every parish church.
from Belgium
I'm responding to your invitation on the WWW
for the information package and the rose petal.
I first came across your web address months ago
on a page entitled Catholic Apparitions of Jesus & Mary. It was
reported on the page that the Bayside Apparitions were discouraged by
the Church so I didn't bother to look.
Last week I was at an international trade expo
and there was an internet stand. On an impulse I ran
"Catholic" as a search string and one of the search results
that came back was the Bayside Apparitions. It was of sufficient
interest to me to scribble down the page address. When I got back to the
office and had a bit of time, I accessed the page containing the Directives.
To say I was stunned is to put it mildly, every
single thing that has been seriously bothering me was addressed clearly
and unambiguously, from these "ministers of the Eucharist" to
Vatican II. I have been seriously considering leaving the Church and
going the Traditional route. As sure as sure can be, I was guided by Our
Lady to these pages in answer to the doubts that have been plaguing me
about the Church.
My problem has not been my faith, but rather
how the Church has been measuring up. To give you an example, about a
month ago there was an anti-abortion march in Pretoria. I found it
pretty shattering that only 1,500 people bothered to show, and of this,
there were a mere handful of Catholics. The clergy was represented by
three or four nuns and two Franciscan monks.
I have no doubt as to the authenticity of these
locutions, and if there is any way I can assist, please let me know.
In His Love,
from South Africa
Would you please send me an order form for the
various items you offer? Such as, prayer candles, various rosaries,
sacramentals, and rose petals. I need some for replacements as well as
for the members of my family. Thank you very much. You have been such a
great help to me and strengthened me knowing that almighty GOD and JESUS
and MARY are always near us to help us in these days of turmoil and
C. M.
September 12, 1976
Dear Veronica,
I have been going to most of the vigils held at
the Vatican Pavilion. I have seen so many things that leave no doubt
that Our Lady is appearing.
Last June, I put a petition on the altar and
asked Our Lady to please help my 12-year old nephew who had a congenital
condition of the throat which did not permit him to swallow anything
solid, like meat, without bringing it up. He had to go under general
anesthesia to have his throat dilated... and was told that for the rest
of his life he would have to dilate his own throat with special tubes,
but meanwhile the doctors were doing it every two weeks.
Last August, he went in for another examination
and dilation. His father was waiting for him, and when the doctor came
out he had the strangest expression on his face. He said: "Mr.
Walsh, I don't know how to explain this but Jimmy's throat is perfectly
normal. We don't have to do anything for him." That same day the
letter I put on the altar arrived. Needless to say there were many tears
of happiness over this cure.
It has been three months and this boy gained 20
lbs. and eats everything he hasn't eaten during the last 12 years. We
are very grateful to Our Lord and His Mother, and when we can get enough
money the whole family will be coming to give thanks in person at one of
Our Lady's Vigils.
I don't know why the Church doesn't recognize
the wonderful things that are happening at those vigils. I'm doing my
share spreading the message and telling people about this cure.
God bless you and your family,
October 14, 1977
Dear Veronica,
I received a cure at Bayside at the Vigil of
May 17, 1975, Pentecost. I had a painful foot for over 30 years, and
since then have had no need of a doctor or special shoes. I have not had
a pain of any kind in my feet since then.
I feel bad when I know all the graces I am
missing by not being present.
I do try to spread the word here where I am
missioned, but not with too much success.
You are certainly a privileged soul and have
your place reserved in heaven.
Please say a prayer for me; none of my fellow
religious believe me! Thank you!
Sister G.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
December 28, 1977
Dear Mrs. Lueken,
I have previously received rose petals that
were blessed at the Shrine of Our Lord and Our Lady. Truly, they have
been helpful in conversions!
I have placed one in my son's wallet and now he
attends Sunday Mass regularly after a long absence. I have given blessed
rose petals to another friend who placed them between the box springs
and mattresses of her sons' beds and now they returned to confession and
These blessed roses have truly brought about
conversions, and a friend asked me to write and inquire about receiving
Thank you,
from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dear Veronica,
At the vigil of December 7th, 1973, I saw Our
Blessed Mother in the sky, holding the Infant Jesus. There was a bright
ball under Her feet. She was as brilliant as the sun!
Many witnessed this beautiful sight, as there
were between four hundred and five hundred people present.
from Douglaston, New York
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