Personal Testimonies #346 – 355





Loves website


January 18, 2003



I love your website. I have visited many times for the last two years. It is Mary herself who first took me to the sacred Grounds.  When the first attempt on the
World Trade Center happened I came across a flyer with Our Lady's prophecies. I became curious and wanted to go but never did. This was always on the back of my mind.  Then about 7 years later I was leafing through a newspaper and saw an advertisement of Our Lady of the Roses with an invitation to the vigils. This time I didn't let the opportunity pass me by and I went. My spiritual life has changed ever since. I must say from the bottom of my heart that I am a new person. I have learned so much of my Catholic faith through Our Lady of The Roses. She saved me from the snares of the Evil one and brought me closer to God. Our Lady's Messages are so complete and full of wisdom that I have no desire to learn if it is not from her messages or the Bible. I don't trust any other form of information in these days unless it is the writing of the Saints. I must also give testimony here that Our Lady of the Roses answered my prayers. I was looking to buy an apt but did not have the means. I prayed very hard and went to vigils. I went through all the motions and was able to save enough money for a down payment. Finally, on Feb of 2002 I purchased my apt in Kew Gardens Hills. All this happened in less than a year! When I came to see the apt that same day after the closing, I found in a small closet a picture Our Lady that the seller had left behind. To me this was a message. She was welcoming me to my new home.
     Not only do I have a new apt but, I am also very close to the Vatican Pavilion! I have to add that after I moved in June, I went to a Sunday Holy hour at the Vatican Pavilion to thank Our Lady. As I was stepping on the grass that encircles the Pavilion, I smelled the fragrance of a thousand roses. It was as if the pavilion had an invisible wall made up of the fragrance of roses that as stepped on the grass I had the sensation of hitting something because my head and whole body went backwards as if when you hit an invisible wall. But, it was the fragrance of a thousand roses. My sister and niece were with me and they too smelled roses but didn't really know what to make of it. I give this as a testimony so that the blind clergy can step off their high horses and humble themselves to believe in that which cannot be seen or understood because it comes from a greater power than they will ever be able to comprehend.




Supernatural apocalyptic urgency

February 2, 2003

I "accidentally" happened upon this website. It is extremely informative. Some of the knowledge that is provided here I was already aware, although I feel many times more enlightened after reading through the insightful, truth- clarifying passages. Because I've finally found answers to lingering questions, I do know that I've been guided to this information. It's unfortunate that so many "people in the know" are labeled religious fanatics and instantly dismissed by others. I think when this feeling of supernatural apocalyptic urgency is conveyed through spoken or written words by people that have genuine concern for the future of the world it should be done in the most appealing manner to suit the current times. I think that so many misguided, uninformed people that have no positive spiritual direction would quickly turn there lives around for the better if they had the Truth presented AND explained to them in the most factual manner as it has been from what I've seen of this website. I don't know anything about your particular organization, but I know that it's good. I hope that the truth about what is really going on in the world reaches enough people, especially those who hold high decision-making positions that have otherwise been kept in the dark (or are just choosing to stay there).


"Thank you for the enrichment & salvation that your site has brought"

May God Bless your work and lives. Thank you for the enrichment & salvation that your site has brought to so many souls! Please do not add my name to your mailing list as I read your site daily and do not need the added expense of you sending out newsletters. Save all that you can so your site can continue. Thank you,



"Since I found these directives, miracles, etc. I can't help but to cry"


Dear TLDM: 


Browsing through Internet, I was stupefied to accidentally find out I have done something wrong for many years.  Yesterday, by chance I opened the “Directives from Heaven”. There I learned many things.  And this was, “Taking the SACRED HOST in hands during the Holy Communion” is blasphemous.   I printed the document and as I read the contents I found myself in a very hard situation. 


For many years I have been so irreverent to my one and only GOD JESUS CHRIST.   My own wrongdoings have defiled my body and soul.  I held back my tears but I could not; I broke into tears because I could not imagine the profanation I’ve committed against my LORD JESUS CHRIST. Indeed, I was stunned!  I claimed it is the will of GOD; that I found the truth. 

In the past, when I used to receive the BREAD of ANGELS with my tongue, it was with humility and reverence but I changed my way of receiving the Holy communion when I attended a short recollection at St. Therese Chapel in 1992 when the Priest told the communicants to receive the Holy Communion with their hands and talk to JESUS personally.   I did what he said, and since then I received the KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDs in my hands during the Holy Communion.  I have been doing this for many years without qualm.  Another visiting priest seconded it in the year 1993 also telling the people to receive the SACRED HOST with their hands. And thirdly, during our attendance to the Marriage Encounter when we, couples were asked to receive the SACRED HOST through our hands then put the (SH) on the tongue of our spouses during the Holy Communion.  I thought there was nothing wrong taking the consecrated Host in my hands considering that the priests themselves vouch for it.  I feel so down and forlorn for I’ve desecrated the WORD INCARNATE by receiving HIM in hands and not in my tongue even without knowing it. 

I was so low in front of my LORD…the very reason I cried a lot and asked for HIS forgiveness for the desecration I committed against HIS body (in the form of a host). 


On the night I laid down on my bed the thought still creeps within my senses, and I talked to HIM,” “LORD tell me have I blasphemed YOU?”  Forgive me my LORD for doing so”.  At this very moment I keep on asking myself, am I guilty of committing sacrilege?


The thought of receiving the SACRED HOST through the hands and not by my tongue is a sin at all. So I keep on asking the HOLY SPIRIT to enlighten me. 


Last night a scary thought entered my mind, because every Sunday a Lay minister comes to our house to give the Holy Communion to my sick husband and me.    Shall I make a stop on this? Or shall I let it that way.  I am so confused with what I thought and discovered!  And I pray, “have mercy on me my LORD, with deep sorrow, for the depth of YOUR compassion never ends.  My ever-living GOD sanctify me with YOUR most precious blood, as I am drowning with my own faults and misgivings. O LORD JESUS in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar look upon me with pity and mercy.  Amen.”  .

Had I known my grave mistakes, probably I shall not go on with the way it was asked of us many years ago.  I don’t blame anybody for this; perhaps there’s very little awareness in me.  I pray and hope that GOD in HIS infinite mercy and compassion will bless me and cleanse me from all my sins.  May the room of true repentance in my heart be opened always, that the grace of the Holy Spirit finds it fitting for my soul all the time.  Truly I thank GOD for paving me the way of truth through searching the Internet…”On Miracles”.   

In fact I have printed some of the Directives and gave to my friends.  Since I found these directives, miracles, etc. I can't help but to cry especially whenever I saw many people receiving Holy Communion in hands and the manner of some priest give the Sacred Host.   

I have told this to many but my words fell on their deaf ears.  I just hope and pray that time will come they will soon find the truth in their hearts in GOD's own way. 

The truth came to me last October,  2002.  

Flor O. Santos

Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

February 11, 2003



"I attribute at least some of this tragedy to the errant practice that has led to a devaluation of the Most Holy Eucharist"


February 17, 2003

Dear Gary and all,

Your website is excellent. Please tell Our Dear Holy Father that Communion in the Hand is causing so much confusion for souls. This past week a devote of Our Lady, but a confused and troubled person who received Communion in the hand, apparently took his life/went to his death on the Feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes.  If things in our church were clearer for him, this might not have happened and he might have been able to carry his cross for Jesus.  I attribute at least some of this tragedy to the errant practice that has led to a devaluation of the Most Holy Eucharist and the faith that people need to have in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, in order to have good mental and physical health.  God have mercy not only on his soul … but also on the clergy and laity who accept and promote errant teaching that ignores the divinity of Jesus present in the Holy Host.

Mary N.
West Hartford, CT
United States



"This Marian apparition confirms the meaning of Tradition and Traditionalism"


July 13, 2003


May God and Mary bless you. Thanks to you I have learned the importance of attending my own parish church, keeping hands together during the Holy Mass and many other things. This Marian apparition confirms the meaning of Tradition and Traditionalism; it is the only one I know that makes it so explicitly. In Poland a book was published several years ago, "Warning from beyond", one of the very few ones which deal with this subject. But this book was the messages delivered through daemons during an exorcism in Switzerland. They were exceptionally telling the truth because of the Heaven's will. I wondered however a little why such important messages are sent us only so extraordinarily, by daemons. And it is the Bayside apparition which is an explanation: everything was also told us by Our Lady, Our Most Holy Mother, but because of a lack of acceptation it was announced again by forcing daemons to tell the truth. So now in accordance with the Holy Scripture the whole thing has two witnesses from the beyond, two independent supernatural confirmations, so it must be true. I think it is one of the most important and at the same time the most denied affairs in the Church. In Poland people know little about the Tradition and Traditionalism. Our bishops have threatened an excommunication to all who will join the Lefebvre traditionalist movement. It is a pity, it is a pity that the Bayside messages are also completely unknown and not translated into Polish. You are claimed to be false prophets, but I wish you much grace to manage. Everybody who is given the Spirit and will read more original
Bayside messages cannot reject and deny them. May God bless you and lead you to be accepted world wide, also in Poland.







Converts to the Catholic Faith


July 11, 2003


Dear Holy Father,

Please please STOP communion in the hand.  I am a new Jewish Convert and I want to see respect for my Lord.  Only a Catholic Priest should touch it.  People should be on their knees in reference when receiving our Lord.  Women should not be dressed like men in slacks. Women should have a dress or skirt under the knee.  Women should have their heads covered. During the mass to God the Father women should show respect.  What are they pagans? Isn't in the Canon Law that woman should cover their heads and not be dressed as MEN.  Please Stop Communion in the hand and please make women dress like women to come to Mass not like MEN.  And have their heads covered. Recently, I see more and more men in shorts.  What
kind of respect is this for God? Please NO shorts at Mass. Thank you.  I love you!  I hope some day I can get to meet you in Rome. Would you like to meet a nice Jewish Girl who's Catholic?  Thank you so much!


Gail Pyser
Coral Springs, FL

PS  My son who's 15 converted with me.  He had his Bar Mitzvah 2 years ago.  We are both completed Jews in Jesus Christ. My son after coming to one Mass realized that the Catholic Mass is Judaism Part II, and he wanted to be part of this great gift.  I know he would love to meet you too some day.



"It was for me an immense pleasure to have gotten (into the website) and to have read the messages of Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ at Bayside." 


August, 2003

Dear Friends:


It was for me an immense pleasure to have gotten (into the website) and to have read the messages of Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ at Bayside.  I was barely 7 years old when they began, and I am sure that if I would have had the opportunity of reading them (then), my life would not have passed so sluggishly as I lived it.
     At present I am a testimony of a conversion, led by the hand of my Mother Mary Who took me to the Heart of Jesus.  Since that moment I wear a Rosary as a banner and everyday I grasp it, and in your company, I pray a bouquet of roses for the conversion of humanity.
     From my very sad Country because of its many trials, I wish to send you a message of appreciation from the bottom of my heart.  I would like to know if the messages ended June 18, 1994, or if there is an address I could write to to continue receiving them.

     I kindly request, if it is possible, that you send me some medals of Our Lady of the Roses and anything else you could send.



Julio Raúl
Bogotá, Colombia



"the neurologists were sure they had made a correct diagnosis and could not believe my father's recuperation"


August 10, 2003



Thank you very much for the rose petals which I have begun passing over my small child, Cesar, while I pray the Rosary.  (The child has a renal problem and is about 6 yrs old.)


The day after receiving them my mother called me at 8:30 a.m. to tell me that my father's health was delicate.  We took him to the hospital and were told that he had an emboly, that it might be stabilized or that he could lose the movement of the right side (of his body), which was already notably debilitated.  I took the blessed rose petals and my mother and I started to pray while she passed a petal over him on one side and I on the other.  At 1 p.m. the Internist told us that the neurologists had given a wrong diagnosis, that his brain was intact and that he had only had a transitory vascular cerebral spasm which could be cured with medication and complete rest.  In spite of being told this news, the neurologists were sure they had made a correct diagnosis and could not believe my father's recuperation.  Yesterday we brought him home in fine health and he is resting.


I wish to send these lines not sure that it is a testimony.


On August 15th. we will take our son, Cesar, to a doctor in Ciudad Tijuana.  I hope he will give me better alternatives than the doctors in my town.


Alba Lourdes S. de Cáñez

Ciudad Obregon

Sonora, Mexico



"These Directives have really turned my thinking around as far as recognizing error in our Catholic Churches." 


August 21, 2003

Dear friends of Bayside,


I have enjoyed reading all six volumes of Our Lady's Prophesies as dictated to Veronica Lueken. I am currently re-reading them.  I have noticed that there are many messages given Veronica that are to be revealed at a later date.  Also I wonder if you have figured out who is the "man of perdition” described in Volume one who entered our country January 21, 1971. It sounds like it is a high ranking Bishop or Cardinal. Do you have the answer?

These Directives have really turned my thinking around as far as recognizing error in our Catholic Churches.  People just don't know any better.  The only person I can reform is myself, and I've begun covering my head at mass and at prayer.  Also I have bought new "longer" skirts and never go to mass in slacks.  Some people think I am weird.

I play the piano for the 5:30 Saturday Vigil mass here at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in
Griffin. I made copies of the directive on headress for ladies and put them in the back of the church.  So far it has not made any impact.

Thank you for your website and the sacramentals I ordered from you! May God continue to bless you and your mission.


Linda Collins
Griffin, GA





"It was a miracle!" say doctors and nurses  (Click here)


Directives from Heaven:
#6 -
Sacred Grounds
#51 - Cure and Conversion
#116 - The Supernatural
#117 - Miracles


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