Personal Testimonies #356 – 365







Thank-you so much, for letting us know what's going on, I love your site and look so forward to
reading there each and every day.  You do an amazing job.

Thank you so much,
God Bless you all

In love and faith,
Eileen B.






September 7, 2003


Dear Holy Father,

As teacher, sacristan, and EME, I can only confirm what this web site ( pleads.


Since last Holy Thursday I have returned to the much more reverent reception on the tongue for personal reasons, for safety, and as an example to others. Through reading, prayer and certainly an inner prompting, I am convinced that kneeling and receiving on the tongue is the most reverent posture. 

It is difficult, because my community does not understand, even though they tolerate my behavior, since it is officially allowed to have that choice.

Why has it ever come to this?  It is nowhere in the conciliar documents. The disrespect, the abuse...!

Thank you for allowing me to speak out to you, dearest Holy Father.

Sr. Marita




October 9, 2003


Hi, I have read the messages you publish and I would like to know more about them; I would also like for all (the material) to be in Spanish, because reading English is difficult for me.


I also would like to be sent more miraculous pictures.


I firmly believe in what is published as I have been given many GRACES BY  DADDY JESUS AND MOMMY MARY.


I thank you for what you are doing for the FAITH.  May God bless you and Mommy Mary keep you well.


Thank you.








September 14, 1988


            The present letter is to greet you all and make known the destiny which I gave to the rose petals which were sent to me.  I gave them out to each and every family that receives the statue of Mary Help of Mothers. We are sixty families and I gave the other rose petals in Heredia and Guanacaste and to families of other townships who have much faith in our Mother.

            The pilgrimage has been a success since I had to find another statue in order to satisfy the needs of families who wanted it.

            I also have many testimonies on Jesus and Mary by means of the rose petals.  A family, who had very strong economical problems, solved them favorably;  a young woman with an eight month pregnancy was able to have her baby that was in danger of dying before birth;  another lady had her baby in a sitting position and turned before birth;  a lady had her ankle open and with the placing of the rose petal it healed;  another lady suffered from asthma, to the point where she was choking, but with the rose petal she became well in the name of Jesus and Mary.  I couldn't finish telling so many testimonies and people come to me for rose petals, which I haven't any more.  I sincerely am asking for more rose petals and some stamps and rosaries of Our Lady of the Roses in order to know her and make her known better.

            I would like for you to place my whole family in prayer, specially my husband and children and a family which has a six year old boy that suffers from a weak heart;  his name is Andres.

            Having nothing else to add for the moment, and expecting to hear from you soon and receiving more rose petals, with much love to Jesus and Mary



Ruth Gonzalez

San José, Costa Rica      C.A.







March 25, 1989


Dear Sirs:


            I respectfully write to you in a very moved manner due to the miracles and apparitions of Our Lady of the Roses.  I have taken advantage of the add that appeared on channel 7  T.V. at Costa Rica, where I found out that if I request them, you would send by mail a Scapular and a rose petal, or whatever you could.  We are four persons, reason why, and trusting on your generosity, I expect you to please send me the same.

            I would like you to publish a miracle that Our Lady of the Roses performed.  Mi husband became ill in May, 1988;  he got very sick and was operated of a head tumor and they gave him only six months to live.  He continued very ill, his hands shook as well as his whole body.  A friend had written to you and she received rose petals, of which she gave me one, and I with great faith passed the rose petal over his hands, saying that I would make the miracle public if his hands stopped trembling, and She made the miracle. 

            Now I would like to ask Our Lady of the Roses to cure my hands, since they are numb and sometimes I become desperate.  I hope to receive another miracle from Her.



Mercedes Delgado Segura

Ciudad Neily.  Costa Rica, Centro América







March 28, 1989


Dear Sirs:


            The present letter is to greet you and hoping you are well, the same as I.  I feel that the moment of the Punishment is getting near.

            I am going through a terrible time right now, since some months ago I was with the Don Bosco community, in order to obtain a better emotional balance since I am in the community in an irregular basis, and I don't know what to think. I am disappointed, and have also had problems during my youth, of which I say that I haven't been able to accomplish as God might want me to.  I feel that restlessness to be, to serve Him;  at least with the Salesians I felt very well and felt that at last I was accomplishing something in life. Now I would like for Veronica to ask the Holy Virgin or Jesus if He truly wants me to serve Him.  I know that this is possible because in Fatima or Lourdes, the pilgrims gave the voice boxes messages for the Virgin, and I have faith in the following:  since I know God's will, I would beg that this petition be attended and I think that the Mother of the Roses, and I on my behalf, have tried to understand the messages, here in my town,  and if She helps me to be a priest, I will be eternally grateful.  I have been struggling for four years and during all that time I have felt that desire.  Also, my family is of few resources and I consider that they could not help me to accomplish what I want and feel.

            I also want to tell you that thanks to the rose petals, the Virgin has performed many miracles: in a child who was choking to death and was almost black, the rose petal was placed on his chest and he fell asleep and on the next day he was well, and now he does not let go of it because he says that the Virgin cured him. Another child got a kidney illness and the mother didn't know what to do since the child bled through the urine and had very high fever and thought that the child would not make it through the night.  Then my mother took a rose petal and a medal and went to this anguished mother.  The child did not let my mother touch him but his mother put the rose petal along with the medal on the child's chest and my mother and the child's mother placed their hands above the child's head, and for the glory of God the child's fever went away and his face changed color and aspect.  The child fell asleep all night and on the following day he was well.

            In the same manner other cases have occurred.  Many persons come to ask for rose petals and messages in order to know more about the Mother of God.  I beg of you to send me more rose petals and material, and I have faith that Mary will make it happen.  Please pray a lot for me and I will do the same for you.

            Sincerely in Mary,


Fernando Contreras Astorga

Cartago, Costa Rica 
Centro América







February 20, 1989


Dear Brothers and Sisters:


            It has been more than two months since I wrote you a letter because I found out about the wonderful apparitions of Our Lady, and as soon as I could I wrote and I was sent some documents, medals and rose petals.

            The medals were given out and photocopies were taken of the documents and the rose petals were given to needy people.

            The wonderful thing about all this is that the Virgin has placed her eyes on our town, because I am happy to tell you the Virgin has interceded for two children, both between 5 and 6 years of age, both with cancer; one in the kidneys and the other in the spinal cord, and blessed (is) She because She has cured them and the doctors say that this can only be a miracle; Glory to Our Mother.

            In my case, my life has changed for the better, thanks to Our Lady of the Roses.

            On the other hand I would like for you to send me more information, if it were possible, as well as more medals and rose petals, because a lot of persons from where I live want to have them.   The reason I am asking this is that the majority of the people from where I live are poor or have many children, and they don't have the time nor resources to do it.

            Thank you very much for your attention to this humble letter and I hope you may answer soon.



Guillermo Delgado B.

San José, Costa Rica 
Centro América









Dear Servants of the Virgin Mary:

            Please excuse my delay in answering the letter which you sent me last year but something happened that has me very excited and I have told everyone except you, who should have been the first to know.

            The last letter I sent to you had petitions to Our Lady of the Roses, asking that She would grant me the grace to have a baby, and you answered that in the eve of September 14, you would place my letter at the feet of Our Lady and I want you to know that my plea was answered because on those days I conceived a baby which I am expecting for the month of June of this year.  In sign of gratitude, my husband and I decided that we will call her María if it’s a girl in honor of Our Lady and if its a boy, José, in honor of Her holy husband.

            By means of this letter, and of course in my daily prayers, I want to thank Our Lady and Her divine Son for listening to my plea, but also to you who pray daily and at the vigils so that there may be peace in the world and the commandments may be obeyed by means of the apparitions of Our Lady and Her divine Son to Veronica.

            If it could be possible I would like to ask for two medals of Our Lady, one for my husband and one for the baby that I am expecting, who with the will of God will be born in June.

            If it were possible I would like this letter to be placed at the feet of Our Lady in gratitude and with a prayer that She may send us a lot of faith to all the Guatemalans, who are living very difficult political and economical times, and that only through prayer and faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother, can we tolerate them.

            I hope to receive answer to this letter, even though I know that because of the volume of letters received, it may delay a while.

            God bless the work that you do!

            Your sister in Christ,


Brenda de Samayoa

Villa Nueva, Guatemala

Guatemala, Centro América







March 15, 1989




            I write these lines asking for the medal and rose petals of Our Lady of the Roses.

            Through family and other persons I have heard of the miracles of Our Lady of the Roses.

            When I hadn't heard anything about Our Lady of the Roses, I was sitting on the bed with my son, two years of age, and he was sick with asthma.  Without knowing I found a stamp with a Virgin and She had in Her hands some roses and a Christ.  But I didn't know who was on the stamp, and I took it and I told Our Lady of the Roses that I was very sleepy and that my child was very sick, almost choking to death and asked Her to take care of him and cure him while I slept.  I took the stamp and placed it on his back and I prayed and slept.  From that day on, the child, Franklin Estuardo, never had asthma again.  That was December 10, 1988. He usually had asthma once a month.

            Now I ask Our Lady of the Roses one more miracle.  It is very important for my husband and my children.  My husband has struggled a lot during his whole life, and has given all his love and strength in this work.  But lately nothing turns out well.  He is without a steady job.  He would like to have his own work where he could fight alone, a job with which he could support his family, studies and food.

            I do not ask for riches, just something with which we could fight.

            I ask for the health of all my family and my husband's family.

            Thank you very much Our Lady of the Roses.  I would like this letter placed at the feet of Our Lady of the Roses.


Elizabeth Benavides E.

San José, Costa Rica

Centro América







April 24, 1989


Our Lady of the Roses:

            During the last month of March, my husband suffered a motorcycle accident, and was unconscious for almost a month since the blow was in the brain and had a concussion of the brain.  Even though I saw him so bad, I didn't lose faith in Our Lord for one moment, nor in You, Lady of the Roses, since a neighbor have me a rosary and a rose petal, which I obtained permission to place at the head of his bed at the hospital and we prayed with all the faith we had, knowing that nothing is impossible for God.  My husband has gotten better, he walks, eats and speaks a bit, but there is still much to go in order to be completely cured.

            He was an auditor and I ask you, Virgin Mary, to let his brain get cured and be able to return to his job, since we have three children, two of them still small.

            I would like to have a rosary and a rose petal with your blessing, for his total recuperation.

            Very gratefully yours,


Consuelo de Méndez

Colonia Centro América 01007

Guatemala, Centro América







"It was a miracle!" say doctors and nurses  (Click here)


Directives from Heaven:
#6 -
Sacred Grounds
#51 - Cure and Conversion
#116 - The Supernatural
#117 - Miracles


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