Personal Testimonies #62 - 71
Letter July 29, 1995
Dear Gary and All,
I’m writing to let you know that I am pledging, from now on, $25.00 a month, starting
today. My financial situation is beginning to change somewhat. Thanks to all your prayers.
I am so grateful, words cannot express my appreciation to you.
If possible, I’d like you to mail me your latest Newsletter. May Jesus and Mary bless
you always.
Dear Blessed Veronica,
I have been to Bayside five times at the Vatican Pavilion grounds. I had been meaning for
the past year to write to you regarding the miracle cure of my legs. I had heart surgery
three times. I had the most horrible pains in my legs for four years. I saw about five
doctors--they gave me every name you could imagine for my physical condition. I
couldn’t stand more then 15 minutes or walk one block. Only Jesus and Our Blessed
Mother in heaven know the pains I’ve had. Thank God Almighty, I heard about your
December 7, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, I went to the Vigil. I stood for three
hours in the bitter cold. Since then, I have had no pains no more in my legs. I am walking
and standing without pain. I’ve written about my cure, about you, Our Lady, and
Jesus, and my silver Rosaries turning to gold after returning home from the September
Vigil--I wrote to the National Enquirer. I pray--before it’s too late--that all the
bishops, clergy, cardinals, nuns recognize the sad times we are facing.
God love you, Veronica. May Our Lady protect you always.
from New York
Dear Veronica,
I went to Bayside in September to disprove the Shrine to my sister, who I thought was
getting caught up in something akin to the Holy Rollers. Since I have gone on that special
September 7th, my whole life has changed completely.
That day when I arrived at 5 p.m., I sat in a chair near other people. At 5:21, someone
said to me, "Oh, look at the sun." I then turned and tried to look, but tears
came to my eyes. It was too bright, and I moved a little bit further towards the people
and started to stand and look. When I looked up, there I saw the silhouette of Our Lady.
She was in a very dark blue color. I only saw Her from the head to the waist. I could make
out no features. She slowly turned to the right and faded out.
Then the sun started to turn about very slowly. It would bounce up and down and then from
side to side. I stared directly into it--my eyes didn’t bother me anymore. I watched
with a warm inner feeling until it set. During this time, when I realized my camera was
hanging from my wrist, I took four pictures. When developed, a beautiful rainbow came out
in two of them.
I had one intention that night--that my mother-in-law, who had not been to church in 31
years, would return. She now walks nine blocks to church every week. I have never told her
of my intention. It was a sudden change. On Fridays, we go to say the Stations of the
Cross, and she comes with us. I have four children, so it is a carful. She has changed so
much--I thank God for this help.
That evening, two of my pairs of Rosaries changed. I also smelled beautiful fragrance
three times, so heavy you felt you could chew it. I have showed all of my friends--the
people I work with--my Rosaries. Most think I am now some kind of a nut. They blame the
air or the acid in my hands for the change of the color. I continue to talk to them and
reason with them. I don’t know if I should just pray for them or continue to talk.
They are on my back all the time, but I accept this. If I am quiet and just pray for them,
I feel I am not fulfilling my obligation to help.
May God and Our Lady continue to guide you, Veronica, and bless you in this mission.
from Massachusetts
Dear Veronica,
There was a young boy in Dublin, Ireland with skin cancer. We have the testimony of his
cure. After we sent the medals and Rose Petals to the mother of the boy, the medals were
placed about the boy’s neck and Rose Petals were touched to his face. Within a short
time--I believe it was a matter of three days--the cancer completely disappeared.
from Ireland
To Our Lady of the Roses:
I am a pilgrim of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers for the past
three years. I hope through my belief I can bring others to Mary. I have received a
wonderful grace from Her. My husband--after 30 years away from church and the
Sacraments--is now receiving the Sacraments, and has been on these pilgrimages with me and
finds it has helped him spiritually.
from Massachusetts
To Our Lady of the Roses:
A few weeks ago, I was on my way to my friend’s funeral. On the way, the car lost
control--on a curvy, wet spot, the car turned totally in the road--went down an
embankment. All I received was a cut over my left eye. My Scapular protected me. I thank
God and the Blessed Mother for Her help. I still say the Scapular saved me. God is good.
from Virginia
September 29, 1977
Dear Veronica,
First of all, I want to introduce myself, as to who I am. Once a former New Yorker, I
moved out to Canada about ten years ago. I was never aware of Our Lady’s Apparitions
at Bayside, New York, until June, 1976. Prior to this, I never paid attention to the
Catholic Faith; as a matter of fact, I was going downhill all the way.
Life was a constant turmoil to me. Through the prayers of my wife and others, I came
across a few Bayside papers, which my mother-in-law brought me. Wanting to believe in the
true doctrine of the Church badly, but through my own fault and other beings misguiding, I
did not know what to believe. My first impulse was to go to Bayside, NYC and find out for
myself what was going on there. I also want to mention that I did not believe in Mother
Mary before, because of the way I was brought up, but I was to find out soon enough.
So, skeptical, I went for the first time on a pilgrim tour to Bayside! For the first time
of my life, I was reciting the Rosary and other prayers with others. It was not until the
Vigil hour, when you announced Our Lady’s presence that I finally got my eyes opened.
I felt this great sorrow in my heart and pain for not believing in the Queen of Heaven.
Tears were rolling down my cheek, and I just could not stop myself from crying. At the
same time, I saw millions of light particles--blue and white--flashing across the clear
night sky. I also felt this tingling mist fall upon my face and hands. I also felt so
peaceful within my soul, as I have never felt before.
I could not stop crying for a few days, whenever I thought of what had happened to me at
the Apparition. I thank God for Our Lady’s intercession on my behalf and the graces
She has bestowed on me and my family. With Mother Mary’s help, I finally feel
protected and loved, and realize the reparation we owe Jesus and Mary for the sins we and
the whole world are committing daily. I hope this letter finds you and your family in good
health, and may you continue with God’s help in your work for Mother Mary. God bless
you and keep you.
E. J.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dear Veronica,
Thank you so much for the messages. I thank God for you. The messages have given a great
grace in my life. I left the Catholic Church--back a few years--and joined the Lutheran
Church and have thought of coming back. By your messages, I did come back--I need your
prayers. God bless you for the messages. I have had some nice dreams of the Blessed Mother
and Jesus. I hope God will accept my ill health, heartaches, and disappointments in this
life as penance for all my sins and for the sins of my children. I hope one day to have
the means to make a Vigil at Bayside. Wouldn’t it be nice if one day we could all
meet in Heaven--but I am so sinful and have committed so many sins, so I shall hope in the
Mercy of God. Again, thank you, Veronica, for the messages.
from New York
A Medical Miracle!
Case to be documented in the American Medical Journal.
April 17, 1986
Dearest Veronica and Workers,
This is a testimonial of a great miracle from Our Lady of the Roses.
My brother Artie recently went through a horrible ordeal with his marriage, and he became
severely depressed. He tried to commit suicide (a definite attack from Satan) by drinking
poison (a pint of methyl alcohol.) My mother found him and got him to the hospital. I
spent the night at home saying a vigil of rosaries for him. I prayed with friends (Shrine
pilgrims) and family continuously. [He was blessed and/or his body touched almost daily by
a Bayside Rose and/or Rose Petal, and the blessed Rose was left at his bedside, her sister
Rosemary informs us.] My sister called for the priest and he was given the Last Rites.
The doctors didn’t give us much hope, and they said if by any chance he were to
survive, he would at least definitely be blind. After many prayers and novenas, my brother
was totally cured physically. There was absolutely no trace of physical damage whatsoever.
However, his mental and spiritual state was very, very poor at this point. He would not
keep any of the sacramentals on him. It was just an indication to us that more prayers
were needed. He refused to eat, as he said it was painful; he was being fed through a tube
in his nose. He had no will to live, and he was down to 116 pounds from his normal 140
One day he seemed to have a great improvement overnight. He then accepted the
sacramentals. He is doing fabulously right now. We have to add that on the eve of St.
Joseph (his patron saint), he was told by the nurse that his case was a miracle. He had
taken in six times the amount of poison in his blood than the fatal amount! He is the only
person nationwide to have ever survived with that amount of poison in his body. And,
incredibly, without a trace of physical damage! Also, the doctor’s name who was
operating the dialysis machine was Dr. Rosette.
His case will be documented in the American Medical Journal as a medical miracle--but it
is a miracle through Our Lady of the Roses.
Lucille Strafer
Smithtown, New York
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Revised: September 21, 2018