Skills for Survival - How
Families Can Prepare
Most of the last two generations in this country have never
known "want." We cannot prepare for it until we are convinced of
the need for and benefits to us personally. Through careful
preparation we can free ourselves from concern over the impact
of world situations or personal problems such as economic
collapse, drought, famine, energy crisis, illness, reduced
standard of living, unemployment, war, death, or natural
disasters. Yes, for possible emergencies we need food storage,
but in order to survive, to cope with the future and not be
depressed, we must prepare ourselves and our minds to change our
lifestyle. These training techniques have come forth at a time
when the world needs them most, and are being taught across the
nation to businesses, colleges, industries, athletic teams, and
in prisons. We can live comfortably and safely if modern
conveniences become unavailable by: getting water from other
sources; wearing darker clothes that are easier to keep clean;
walking many places instead of driving, raising a little
meat—rabbits, chickens, a goat or calf; planting food crops,
harvesting them, and preserving the surplus; and gathering
greens from the fields and ditch banks in the spring. With the
possibility of widespread disaster growing more real each year,
it is becoming increasingly obvious that we must truly be a
prepared people. We need to help each other learn what we need
to do to prepare. This work explains how to do these things and
more, so we will be ready when the time comes. While this book
covers emergencies, gardening, and foods, it is by no means
intended to be an exhaustive study in these areas—merely an
effort to "whet the appetite" of the reader and stimulate the
desire to "be prepared." Highly recommended, it’s a classic in
the field of disaster preparedness and survival! Paperback 6"x9"
220 pages |