"Do not be
affrighted, My child; I realize that this has given you a
feeling of terror, for the AIDS plague has hit many: all the
known and unknown, and children as well. I would suggest, My
children, that you guard yourselves well against this plague. If
you must have a form of operation requiring transfusions, I
would suggest that you have a member of your family donate this
blood; for the other has been grossly - I say grossly -
contaminated and will cause many deaths." - Our
Lady, October 6, 1988

A frightening, never-before-seen "super strain"
of the AIDS virus - unimaginably aggressive and resistant to
nearly all treatments - has been found in New York City, alarmed
health officials. A gay, 40-something city
man recently diagnosed with the new virulent strain is believed
to be the first known case in the world. The most striking
characteristic of the strain is that full-blown AIDS sets in
with lightning speed after HIV infection - as quick as two to
three months, in contrast to the nine-to 10-year lag that is
normally the case when a victim is untreated.
Millions of hepatitis infections and tens of thousands of AIDS
infections have been given to Americans by a blood supply they
were assured was safe. The Swain family’s high-risk behavior for
contracting AIDS was believing safe-blood propaganda. Two
family members received AIDS-tainted transfusions and a third
member was infected because of a self-serving cover-up by one of
the blood banks.
Author Joleen Swain Ottosen
could have stopped after telling this chilling and deadly story
of what government, blood banks and doctors did to her family.
But she did not. Instead, she empowers the reader with
information that was not made available at the time of her
family’s transfusions. The consumer section of this book
outlines a blood users guide which, in a very clear,
step-by-step fashion, shows the reader how to minimize one’s
chances of getting transfusion-associated disease.
Hardcover, 9 x 6, 326 pages.