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#435 - Saints who appeared to Veronica, Part 1

"Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" - 1 Corinthians 6:2

Veronica - Well, that evening on May the 19th [1968] was when Our Lady started talking to me with directives about Her coming. Well, it was a long list of circumstances or quite a long story involved with Our Lady's coming and how She set up the plan which I have tried to give on the taping at various times. But anyways, that evening, many people have asked me, well who was this apostle or Saint, this nice looking man who was with Our Lady when She was on the ball? Well that evening, when Our Lady was talking to me, giving me directions to give to St. Roberts, I asked Her who this nice looking young man was and She said, "St. Aloysius!" That's the way it was pronounced, Aloysius. So I had never heard of a St. Aloysius, so I woke my husband up--this was quite late in the evening, it was about 12 o'clock I guess, midnight--and I asked Art if he had ever heard of a St. Aloysius. So he said, well no, but we have a saints book and we would look it up. So I went all through the "A's" and finally I found the one, it said, "Aloysius ... Aloie" it looked like in the book Gonz--Gonzagner or something like that. Well, we started reading about Aloysius' life and ohh!! Were we surprised! Because on reading his life, it stated in the same book that the father confessor and the teacher of St. Aloysius, the one who taught him everything he knew and they fought heresy and tried to keep true doctrines of the Church intact, was St. Robert Bellarmine! That is the name of my church! - The Early Years (1968-1970)

Veronica - Now there is a man. Oh, he's a nice man. He's a happy-looking man. Oh, he has such a joyful expression on his face! And he's carrying a large Book. Oh, I recognize him now. He's the young man I saw many years ago with Our Lady. He's about twenty-four years old, and has curly hair, very happy and smiling. And he's holding a large Book out for me to read, and he's pointing to the pages. Oh, but I can't see here.
     Oh, yes, now the Book is right before my face, and I can read it. Oh! "Blessed is he whom the world calumniates, and blessed is he who suffers from the hands of others for My sake, for his reward shall be forever with the Father."
     Now he's backing up with his Book. Oh! And--oh, he's closing it, and the Book has a very large golden cross on it. Oh!
     Now he's speaking:
St. Aloysius - "Blessed be ye when the world persecutes you for the Word of God. When man says all manner of lies against you, you shall not defend yourself, but commend all to the Father. When you can do this . . . "
Veronica - Oh, and he's smiling. Oh, he's such a wonderfully happy-looking young man. Now he's repeating:
St. Aloysius - "When you can do this, then you will know that you have divested yourself of all worldly self-pride. It is a grace from the Father. Do not be discouraged. Veronica, pray for the virtue of continuous purity of heart and purpose. Accept all in the will of God and you will find yourself riding the waves and not fighting the tides, of the dark tides." - September 7, 1973

"Parents, you must teach your children. Do not send them out into your world to be instructed by the father of liars who has done his work well in your schools.
"Your home must be a refuge for your children. Place about them the things of your God. Remove from your homes the trappings of the world, soul destructors--soul destructors, My children, that have been created by satan to capture the souls of your children.
"Sin has become a way of life. Awaken now from your blindness, my children upon earth. You are sending your children onto the road to destruction!" – St. Anne, July 25, 1975

"You have not followed the rules set down by your God, or the teachings of the prophets of old. You will make a complete reversal of your ways of arrogance in the House of God. You must retire from a world that has been given to satan. You must divest yourself of all worldly desires for gain. You must live a life of sacrifice and simplicity. Only in this manner will you return to the road that leads to the Kingdom." - St. Benedict, July 1, 1973

Veronica - Now Our Lady is pointing over to the right side, Her left side. I see now a small figure. Oh, it's a young girl. She has on a pair of what look like wooden shoes, from under her dress. She has on a skirt, like a peasant skirt. Her clothes are very rough looking, the material. And now she's placing about her head a scarf, like a kerchief. She's tying it now under her chin. Oh, I know who she is now. She's Bernadette!
     Now Our Lady is coming forward. She's taking Her hands now, and tying Her Rosary about Her waist.
Our Lady - "Yes, My child, your visitor this evening is Bernadette. - February 10, 1975

Veronica - Now Saint Catherine Labouré is coming down, and she's standing next to Our Lady and Theresa. And she says:
St. Catherine
Labouré - "How many times must the Queen of Heaven shed Her tears upon a world that turns its back upon Her? We await the final outcome, and the hand will be placed upon the world heavily.
     "We are much distressed in Heaven to find the number of our sisters who have fallen in line and lead with great joy of heart down the road to the abyss. They do not seek the road to the Kingdom, but the pleasures of the world which will only be temporary. Eternity: do you not seek an eternity for your life and your soul? How long is eternity, my sisters? It is forever! Your earth-years are but short, but the Kingdom is forever.
     "Have you no shame to expose your bodies? Do you not know your example has been given to you falsely to lead you into the darkness? Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Accept the sacramentals given by the Lord high God of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven. Wear them, and do not let the demons enter upon you.
     "We stand forward in the battle for the recovery of all souls from Lucifer." - February 10, 1973

Veronica - Oh! Oh, there's a young girl with Her. Oh, Our Lady says there are some people here who have a nervous illness. And She said that Saint Dymphna--She said that you are to pray and make her name known to the world.
     She's very pretty. She looks like she's about thirteen years old. She has red-blonde hair, and she's dressed in--oh, it's beautiful! She has on a white gown, but a green robe over her--it's green, like satin. Sort of like--oh, like you see in those green stones. It's beautiful. Oh! Oh, she has also a little crown on her head.
     Our Lady said We reserve many crowns in Heaven for those who--oh, will be martyred. Oh, oh! And there are--Our Lady is pointing over here, and there are many crosses. Oh, there are people on the crosses. Oh, dear! There are going to be many martyrs in the days ahead before Jesus returns. Our Lady said there will be many martyrs. There are hundreds of crosses. - March 25, 1972

"Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom." - St. Francis, May 28, 1975

"Many of our brothers of the orders have given themselves to worldly living, my child. They do not know that they have fallen into the snare of satan. The simple life, my child, is the best for the dedicated.
     "The dedicated, those who have accepted a vocation, must live only as human beings in the world, but must accept the spiritual.
     "Our brothers of the cloth, my child, have rejected the supernatural. They are running fast onto the road to perdition. Pray for them, my child. The simple life of pure dedication and the simple rule is all that can keep them from falling into the abyss.
     "Discipline must be returned to the orders. Many must now retire from the world that has been given to satan.
     "Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom. Shall you trade your eternal life with God the Father for a few short years of plenty upon your earth? Many have sold their souls to get to the head." - St. Francis of Assisi, May 28, 1975

Veronica - And now, following her, the sky is opening up and Michael . . . and there are a great number of angels with him. Michael and--the angels look young but they are carrying with them some instruments. They look like harps. One has a long horn that looks like a long silver horn. It's a very strange looking type of instrument. It's very narrow at the top--almost, I would say, about twelve inches long, and then it fans out into a horn-like round sphere.
     Now the angel carrying this horn is a little taller than those that he is standing with. Oh, he is taller--oh, it's Gabriel! Now what is he doing with the horn?
     Gabriel is holding the horn now, and he's balancing it on the right side of his head. And he's saying:
St. Gabriel - "It is almost time."
Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's bending down.
Our Lady - "Yes, My child, it is almost time." - October 2, 1974

Veronica - With Our Lady there is a young girl who has on a long black dress, tied with a string around the waist. But she has a black cape over the dress, and she is showing me a flame and a heart on the left side of her dress. And she is saying, "Passionata! Passionata!" Oh! Her name is Gemma.
St. Gemma - "I won my crown in Heaven through suffering and sacrifice. Every soul can earn his entrance into Heaven by following my road." - April 10, 1972

Veronica - Oh! Oh, he's pointing to the picture. Oh, yes. Oh! Oh, it's Jacinta and Francisco, pointing to the picture. Oh, the little girl—at first I didn't understand her. I don't understand the words, but now I understand. She's saying:
Jacinta - "I wrote your picture. I wrote your picture."
Veronica - And she is saying:
Jacinta - "It is true; it will happen. It is true." - June 8, 1972

"I ask you again to pray for your Holy Father [Pope Paul VI] in Rome.  He is very ill.  He needs many prayers, for he is being crucified by his own.  He is truly the little one in the message of Jacinta.” - Our Lady, June 1, 1978

"Yes, I tried to warn everyone of what was going to happen to the world of the future.  Our Lady said that the little Father in Rome would suffer great persecution, but much of this persecution would come from his very own, those that he trusted.  That is why the picture was given to you to send the message throughout the world." - Blessed Jacinta, June 8, 1974

Veronica - Now He is going over, and the two men are following Him. They're gliding over to the left side here by the trees. Now they're coming down very close. They're by the first leaf over there. Oh, I never saw Jesus standing so close. Now He's looking down, and He's raising His hand again and He's blessing: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
     Now Jesus is now coming over to the center of the flagpole. And He is bending over now, and His hand now is reaching over to the two men. He said:
Jesus - "I introduce, My child, to you, James and John. I do not believe you recognized them with Me." - August 5, 1973

"I want you to recognize Joan of Lorraine. Your children will be guided by the spirit of Joan. Your children follow idols of darkness. Make Joan known to them." - Our Lady, May 30, 1972

Veronica - Now the other angels in between are in bright white. But they have also very sparkling trim. I believe it's a silver trim going right down to their feet. And now behind them--oh! Oh, coming forward is Saint Joan of Arc; I recognize her. Oh, and she is carrying this banner, and I see on the banner "So be it." It's written, "So be it." - September 28, 1972

Veronica - Oh, my! Walking behind Jesus is this figure of--I thought it was a man at first, but now I can see it's a tomboyish-looking girl. Oh, I know who it is now; it's Joan of Arc. Oh, she's carrying a very large wooden cross. It has no corpus on it. And she's dressed in very strange-looking garments, almost like a warrior. She has like metal all over her waist. And it's like a dress formation, but very heavy armor. That's what it is; it's armor. Now she's holding the cross now high, as high as she can, with its weight over her--you know, in front of her but up over her head. Now she's just standing there. And Michael is coming forward with Jesus. - November 20, 1976

Veronica - . . . appearing to the right side of Our Lady. He is dressed in rough brown garments. He is holding a Book and a large stick with which he is pointing into the Book. He says:
St. John - "I, John, have made it known to you what lies ahead in the last days of your era. You will all peruse the pages now and know what lies before you. There is no mystery to the words, for with the light of the Spirit you will be able to understand. All will be revealed to those who search." - September 7, 1972

"The eagle, My child, does not only represent your country as a symbol, but remember Saint John.
     "Why do I say remember Saint John? Because he rose high, soaring high like the eagle in his writings of the Father. He gave you the truth. Read what he has written in the Book of love and life and you will know the path that lies ahead for mankind. He did not write in error. He wrote in the spirit of truth, Saint John. Read Revelations in the Apocalypse." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"Through many countless earth-years, My child, I have wandered preparing mankind for these days. You are living the days of the Apocalypse. You will read the writings of your John, Saint John. The Eternal Father gave him full knowledge of your days.
     "When you open the good Book of love and life, your Bible, you must pray to the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to enlighten you as you scan the pages. You will find, My children, that the world of knowledge shall unfold before your very eyes." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975

Veronica - Oh, now it's growing very bright behind Our Lady. And I see Michael. Oh, Michael is coming down. He's just behind now the tree on the left side. And Michael's coming down, and behind him I see . . . it looks like a brother or a priest. Our Lady says, John Bosco. Oh! Oh! Oh, and also there are many, now, nuns and priests. I can tell from their habits that they are clergy, and nuns, and they all--I can't see their faces too clearly, but you can feel the sense of joy and peace.
     Now Our Lady is bending down.
Our Lady - "My child, you perceive rightly. It is only in following the rules set down by the Eternal Father that man can find a true peace of heart. There will be no peace upon your earth without My Son. Reject Him, and you will reject life. You will follow the rules given by the Eternal Father, your Command­ments, for if you break these rules, you will break your spirit." - February 10, 1975

"I am a man of few words, preferring to stand behind my Son. But I do feel great sorrow for the state of man on earth and his family life. The family that does not pray together can not stay together, for prayer chases the demons from the household. Why has man no longer chosen to bless his home with sacramentals and the waters?
     "I wish that all fathers of households stand forth and practice their role. They will use the rod and not permit their children to go astray. Firmness is needed in your world that is filled with laxity, permissiveness, and degradation.
     "Your children have been misled by many who shall answer to the Father. As teachers they have failed in their role. Therefore, as parents you must succeed in yours." - St. Joseph, March 18, 1973

"Evil creations from hell--all manner of abominations are entering into the homes of your nation and the countries throughout the world. It will be an absolute necessity now for all parents to act as a director, a leader in the homes. The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation.” –
St. Joseph, March 15, 1978

"My child, you will make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household.
     "A woman of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and housekeeper. In her role as mother, she shall be the guardian of her children's souls and a helpmate of her husband, and a guardian also of his earthly soul and the soul eternal. By her example in her household, she has the power, as woman, for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her children." – St. Joseph, July 15, 1975

Veronica - Now Saint Joseph is still standing. He's a very meek-looking man. He's smiling. And I can see that he has a great feeling--oh, I can see he's looking over to Our Lady, and there's such an expression of love. It's--I can't explain it. It's beautiful; it's such a beautiful expression that--oh, my! I'm sure that Saint Joseph should be an inspiration to all fathers in the homes. – March 15, 1978

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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