Maximilian Kolbe...
From the midst of the hate and horror of a nazi concentration camp came a sterling example of what it means to lay down one's life for another. This true documentary/drama vividly profiles the life and heroic offering of the Franciscan Father Maximilian Kolbe.
The actual account of Father Kolbe's last days at Auschwitz is told by Francis Gajowniczek, the man whose place he took. Scenes from Pope John Paul's visit to Auschwitz and the canonization of St. Maximilian Kolbe complete this impressive story
This heroic video is 21 minutes long. It costs $20.00 and is listed in the video section of the order form.

Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930's and More from Your Kitchen Today...
Volume I has an antique, gold cover and consists of 306 pages. This is a two part book. Part 1 of the book, "Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression," contains the original material that made this cookbook series so popular. Part 2 applies similar values and goals to our kitchens today.
Included in Part 1:
Stories and anecdotes from the individuals who lived during the Great Depression, compiled from interviews and letters.
Recipes used by the homemakers of that time that not only fed the family, but literally kept them alive.
Included in Part 2:
Recipes designed to bring efficiency, economy and nutrition to your kitchen today. Wonderfully delicious and quick to prepare family recipes.
This economical book is a good preparation for the difficult days ahead. The information included in this book may be just what is needed to keep our families safe and healthy. It costs $13.50 and is located in the book section of the order form.

Prayers for Priests...
This booklet contains twenty-two prayers, each with an imprimatur that was gleaned from old missals, holy cards, and prayer books. The pictures and images accompanying the prayers highlight the themes of the prayers and offer subject matter for pious reflection. If each Catholic prayed this short booklet each day for one priest, one can only imagine the impact it would have throughout the world.
Our Lady of the Roses asks us to pray for priests. The Holy Hour, each Sunday, at the grounds where the Vigils are held, the Vatican Pavilion Site in Flushing Meadows Park, is for the intention of priests. Can you imagine how happy Our Lady and Our Lord would be if these, "Prayers for Priests," booklets were passed out and used by the faithful!! This booklet contains 24 pages and costs $2.00 each.

Mothers of Priests...
Pointing to her silver wedding band, this was the response of Margherita Sarto to her son when he showed her the ring he had just received as a newly consecrated bishop. First preferring his ring for her kiss, he then bowed his head over her hand and reverently kissed the symbol of her marital and motherly dignity....Later, as Pope Pius X, he would say: "A vocation comes from the heart of God, but goes through the heart of the mother." The true stories in this book are a few examples to confirm his statement.
And St. Augustine? - "What I became and what I am, I owe to the prayers and merits of my mother." In that process, St. Augustine's mother became a saint - St. Monica. This book hails other mothers not-so-famous, but who are largely responsible for their sons' priestly vocation: the mother of St. Bernard, Alice of Montbard; the mother of St. John Bosco, Margherita Ochiena; the convert, Alice Rolls, who gave ten of her thirteen children to religious life; the mother of Pope Pius X; the mothers of Lu, that town of 4,000, who gave 500 sons to the priesthood, over a 50 year period. And, what of grandmothers, that "unknown ingredient"?
Mother, this is not a book by which to make of your son a "mama's boy." It is the book to help you become an instrument to make of your boy a son of the Blessed Mother - a priestly son, that is. It is said, "Mothers are the fate of men." True or false? Ask the Blessed Mother and Her Son.
This true and inspiring book contains 58 pages. It costs $4.00 and is listed in the book section of the order form.

Eucharistic Adoration Magazine...
"Eucharistic Adoration," a special issue of Immaculata magazine, is dedicated to adorers and promoters of Eucharistic Adoration. It is our prayer that this special issue, dedicated to the promotion of parish Perpetual Adoration, will be a great means in the hands of Our Lady to further devotion to her Eucharistic Son.
Since the Eucharist is "the source and summit of all Christian Life," everyone needs to come to a deeper appreciation of this great Sacrament of Love. It is our hope that this publication will foster greater interest in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament which will, in turn, renew the Church!
In it's third printing within two years--with 15,000 copies already distributed! Color photos, informative articles, and moving testimonials affirm the healing and renewing Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
The purpose of this 54-page magazine is to foster devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to encourage programs of Perpetual Adoration. Articles by the "apostle of adoration" - Fr. Martin Lucia, Pope John Paul II, Fr. John Hardon, Bishop John Myers, Marytown's Brother Francis Mary Kalvelage.
This magazine costs $3.00 and is listed in the book section of the order form.

A Man for Others...
Many consider this the best biography of St. Maximilian.
Nationally known author, Patricia Treece, chronicles his remarkable life chiefly in the words of family members, friends and death camp survivors--including those of the man Kolbe died for. Special theme is to show how Kolbe exemplified the Franciscan ideal of "loving without limits," making him a true hero and inspiration for those of any creed.
What the reviewers say: "If you can afford only one book on Kolbe, this is it!" The Priest. "Impossible to put down," Twin Circle. "Absolutely the best book on Kolbe," Our Sunday Visitor. "A stunning re-creation of the life of a very human contemporary who lived his belief," Publishers Weekly. "Will be welcomed by people of all faiths...a moving testimony to the unconquerable power of the human spirit," Doubleday History Book Club.
This exciting and inspirational book contains 255 pages, and 21 photos. It costs $12.00 and is listed in the book section of the order form.

St. Francis of Assisi Holy Card...
"A Prayer for Peace" by St. Francis of Assisi is on the back of this beautiful holy card. It is available for 50 cents and is listed in the miscellaneous section of the order form.

A Rosary from Bethlehem...
This beautiful rosary is made of oval olive wood beads from the Holy Land and mounted on silver-plated chain. It is 20 1/2 inches long, costs $6.75, and is listed in the sacramental section of the order form.

Iron Mountain video
This video will shock you as it probes a top secret report ordered by the Kennedy administration--a report so devastating that President Johnson ordered it sealed for good. Iron Mountain is real. Iron Mountain is the agenda of the elite being carried out upon the citizens of America and the world, without their knowledge or their consent. This video will explain many things you may have been wondering about--ecology, black helicopters, MJTF police, the United Nations, globalism, blood games, and more. It costs $37.77 and is listed in the video section of the order form.

The Rosary with Brother Daniel video...
A Franciscan delivers an inspiring talk on the 15 mysteries, supplying ample food for meditation and a motivational tool for your daily life to advance closer to God. Impressive stained-glass art depicting the mysteries and some beautiful chant complement his insight. A helpful aid for those who have trouble meditating or understanding the second most powerful prayer (after the Mass) you can say. It is 90 minutes long and is listed for $20.00 in the video section of the order form.

Consecrate Russia video...
The entire May 17, 1986 message, "Consecrate Russia" and excerpts from other related messages: June 18, 1986, "The Third Secret of Fatima"; June 18, 1987, "Red Invasion from Nicaragua"; and October 2, 1987, "Consecrate Russia or else..." It shows the evil of communism and the mortal danger that stalks the Pope because of the communist goal to take over Rome. It is 60 minutes long and is listed for $20.00 in the video section of the order form.

Command of the Written Word video...
A general review of the cornerstones of our Faith: The Church's teaching authority, Holy Scripture and oral tradition. The indispensable role of each, the folly of rejecting this truth, with special emphasis on the Bible's proof of oral tradition. Debunks Bible-only theory. The message of Sept. 14, 1985 and July 1, 1985 with visual aids on various topics. Lots of Shrine footage. This video is 30 minutes, costs $15.00, and is in the video section of the order form.

The Eternity of Hell video...
Veronica's graphic account of her visit to the abyss during the October 6, 1974 Vigil; scriptural proof of its existence; how to make a good Confession. This video is 30 minutes, costs $15.00, and is listed in the video section of the order form.

The May Crowning video...
The crowning of Our Lady in 1988 by a young girl from New Jersey. Good footage of the procession and the children. A touching story of a childless couple blessed with twin boys after years of infertility. It is 30 minutes long and is listed for $15.00 in the video section of the order form.

The Charismatic Delusion video...
Heaven's denunciation of this movement is explained in a portion of Veronica's vision of the first Pentecost; the true meaning of tongues. There is a Persian Gulf testimonial and another of a young woman who escaped death in a severe motorcycle accident. It is 30 minutes long and is listed for $15.00 in the video section of the order form.

Shrine History & Miraculous photos video...
Some interesting history brought to light on the Shrine. The "Go" photo; the face of Jacinta appears on the negative instead of on the print, and others. Also, there is rare footage of Pope Paul VI's visit to the United Nations in 1965. It is 30 minutes long and is listed for $15.00 in the video section of the order form.

Plagues Sent by God video...
Divine Providence's merciful design for Legionnaires' disease, herpes and AIDS. The importance of the Act of Contrition. This is 30 minutes long and is listed for $15.00 in the video section of the order form.

The Oklahoma City Tragedy...
Using the Oklahoma bombing tragedy as a political opportunity, Clinton and the liberal news media have increased their attacks on all politically conservative, pro-life, pro-Constitution, pro-Christian groups. They are trying to quickly pass laws which will entirely take away our rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
This legislation would give the government (and the President, in particular) the kind of police state powers over the people, over free speech, over gun ownership, over private property rights, and over the rights of political dissent, action and redress, that were given to Adolf Hitler in 1933. The laws passed in Nazi Germany, preceding Hitler's dictatorship parallel exactly the laws now being passed under the Clinton Administration.
There are five steps leading to persecution, which are identifiable in both the Nazi persecution of the Jews and the Communist persecution of Christians. The first step in the progression toward the persecution of persons or groups is identification. The second step is marginalization--pushing a group to the margins and out of the mainstream culture and community, making them vulnerable to prejudice, discrimination, and persecution. The third step is vilification--making an entire group, because of their beliefs and practices, to be uncivilized, dangerous villains who, if unchecked, will pose a serious threat to the rest of the community. The fourth step is criminalization--passing unjust laws which takes away all freedom for this group. Finally, the fifth step is persecution.
For the complete story you must read Don McAlvany's latest report titled: The Oklahoma City Tragedy: Implications for Free Speech, Political Dissent, and Liberty in America (A Clear and Present Danger). It costs $8.00 and is listed in the miscellaneous section of the order form.

String Rosaries desperately needed...
We receive many requests for free Rosaries and we never seem to have enough. Any Rosaries you can send will be deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following Sacramentals around our necks: a rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $5.00 and is listed in the sacramental section of the order form.

*** Michigan News ***
Grand Rapids monthly Bayside meetings...
The next monthly Bayside meeting will be held on Sunday; October 15 at 2:30pm at Alpine Township Library, at 2015 - Seven Mile Rd., NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is about one and a half miles west on Seven Mile Road from Alpine Ave. We look forward to seeing you there.

Bus trips to Bayside...
The next chartered bus trips from Grand Rapids to Bayside prayer vigil on October 6th. The cost is $167.

The Mass of the Ages...
Bishop Rose of the Grand Rapids Diocese has allowed the beautiful Latin Tridentine Mass to be said every Sunday at Sacred Heart Church at the corner of Park and Garfield SW in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There is a sung High Mass on the first and third Sundays of each month and special feasts in the Church. It is beautiful. Come and attend this Mass of the Ages every Sunday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Bring your relatives and friends. The Rosary is recited before Mass.

Pro Life Rosary...
Please come and pray at the Abortion Clinic of Grand Rapids, 1675 Viewpond Dr. S.E. (one block south of 44th St. just off Kalamazoo), every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Priests and many people from various parishes in Grand Rapids Diocese will be there every Saturday to pray the 15 decade Rosary for the unborn. Please come and help save babies from a deplorable death.
In closing, let's spread Our Lady's message to the whole world, in a manner befitting the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Let's all pray, work, study, and sacrifice to make Our Lady's Mission so extraordinary, that all other Christian organizations, both Catholic and Protestant will stand back in awe. And finally, we look forward to that great day in Eternity, when we can reminisce with Our Lord and Our Lady, and with the souls we rescued from the abyss.

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