Evidence of the REAL Third Secret:

Apostasy in Rome: Cardinal Kasper publicly denies the infallible Church teaching on salvation… 

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978 

Catholic News Service reported on November 7, 2002: 

In their relations with Jews, Christians cannot conceal the strong missionary dimension of their faith, but also must recognize that Jews do not have to convert in order to be saved, a top Vatican official said.
     Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the
Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, said Nov. 6 that Christians take a different missionary approach toward Jews than toward followers of other non-Christian religions.
     That's because Christians and Jews share a long biblical and religious tradition, a belief in the same God and a conviction that God will complete human history, he said.
     The main difference between the two faiths -- the salvific role of Jesus Christ -- must also be acknowledged, he said.
     "The universality of Christ's redemption for Jews and gentiles is so fundamental throughout the entire New Testament ... that it cannot be ignored or passed over in silence," Cardinal Kasper said.
     "This does not mean that Jews in order to be saved have to become Christians; if they follow their own conscience and believe in God's promises as they understand them in their religious tradition, they are in line with God's plan, which for us comes to historical completion in Jesus Christ," he said. 

What Cardinal Kasper said is, pure and simply, heresy.  It is an infallible dogma of the Faith that the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation. To believe that one religion is good as another, to deny that the Catholic Church is the one true Church, is the sin of religious indifferentism.  Pope Pius IX, in his encyclical letter Qui Pluribus (1846), wrote against this error:   

“[Among errors against the Catholic Faith] must be included the horrible system, repugnant even to the natural light of reason, according to which there is no difference between religions [indifferentism]. These crafty people doing away with all distinction between virtue and vice, truth and error, honesty and dishonesty, feign that people can attain to eternal salvation by the practice of any religion whatever.”  

At the Council of Florence, the Catholic Church taught: 

“[The Holy Roman Church] firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal [statutes] of the Old Testament or Mosaic Law, divided into ceremonies, holy sacrifices and sacraments, were instituted to signify something to come, and therefore, although in that age they were fitting for divine worship, they have ceased with the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom they signified. [With him] the sacraments of the New Testament have begun. Whoever puts his hope in these legal [statutes] even after the passion [of Christ] and submits oneself to them as though faith in Christ were unable to save without them, sins mortally. Yet [the Church] does not deny that between the passion of Christ and the promulgation of the Gospel they could be observed, provided one in no way believed that they were necessary for salvation. But she asserts that after the promulgation of the Gospel (post promulgatum evangelium) they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. Therefore, she denounces as foreign to the faith of Christ all those who after that time observe circumcision, the Sabbath and other laws, and she asserts that they can in no way be sharers of eternal salvation, unless they sometime turn themselves away from their errors.”   

St. Thomas Aquinas explains in the Summa: 

“Consequently, just as it would be a mortal sin now for anyone, in making a profession of faith, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of old said devoutly and truthfully, so too it would be a mortal sin now to observe those ceremonies which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity. Such is the teaching of Augustine (Contra Faust. xix, 16), who says: ‘It is no longer promised that He shall be born, shall suffer and rise again, truths of which their sacraments were a kind of image; but it is declared that He is already born, has suffered and risen again, of which our sacraments, in which Christians share, are the actual representation.’” (Summa, I-II, q. 103, art. 4, reply) 

Commenting on St. Thomas, Msgr. Paul Glenn writes: 

“It would be seriously sinful to observe the ceremonies of the Old Law as though they still had significance and binding force. This would be a practical denial that the prophecies expressed in the ceremonies had been fulfilled. It would be a practical denial of Christ, and of the necessity and sufficiency of the Christian order.” (Tour of the Summa, Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, p. 175) 

What is happening now in Rome is evidence of the REAL Third Secret, that satan has entered into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome, and that the world is now in the midst of the great apostasy announced in Scripture:

"Those who have the highest places in My Son's Church are now using their rank to destroy the truth. You cannot build on the carnal nature of mankind, the fallen nature of mankind. You must now, My children, read the direction given you by Saint John. He was given the prophecy of your times. You are in those days, My children, the days of apostasy." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975  

The great Dietrich von Hildebrand, whom Pope Pius XII called a 20th Century Doctor of the Church, wrote extensively against the error that certain classes of people, such as the Jews, do not need to be evangelized: 

“Apart from the contradiction with the words of Christ and the Apostles, indeed with the whole teaching of the Church, this notion of leaving the Jews alone shows a very great lack of love for the Jews. For the deepest core of true love of neighbor is the concern for the eternal salvation of the neighbor. Therefore, one should encounter no man without seeing in him a living member of the Mystical Body of Christ or a catechumen in spe (a prospective catechumen).
     “Let it not be objected that he can also attain his eternal salvation outside the Church, as a Protestant or as a non-Christian. This is, of course, a dogma which was defined at the First Vatican Council, but it changes nothing of the mission which Christ gave us: ‘Go forth into all the world and teach all peoples and baptize them,’ nor of the enormous importance of the adoration of God in truth, in Christ, per ipsum, cum ipso, et in ipso. There is after all an infinite value in the glorification of God which is present in the true Faith, in union with God through sanctifying grace and all the sacraments. And this desire to glorify God is an apostolate which flows from the true love of Christ, cannot be separated from true love of neighbor, which is grounded in the love of Christ alone.
     “A polite respect for the Jews takes the place of true love—a typical case of this-worldliness.”
     “But it is still worse that the Old Testament is no longer seen as ordered to the New. Is Christ the Messiah, of whom Isaias speaks? Is He the Son of God who redeemed mankind? If so, then the expectation of another Messiah is a clear error and not a parallel way to God. In the light of truth and before God this claim is a betrayal of Christ and a denial of the fact that the Revelation of the Old Testament is an essential part of the Christian Revelation.
     “Is Christ the Son of God—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Is He the Redeemer, promised by God to Abraham? Did Christ not say, ‘Abraham saw my day and rejoiced’ (John 8:56)? And did He not also say, ‘I am not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it’ (Mt. 5:17)? How is it possible that ecumenitis has brought fruits which are in radical contradiction to the Gospel, to the Apostles, and to the teaching of the Church?” (The Devastated Vineyard, pp. 93-94) 

Dietrich von Hildebrand further expounds on this “monstrosity of ecumenitis”: 

“This monstrosity of ecumenitis combines many serious errors: it is, in the first place, an express ignoring of the mandate of Christ [cf. Mt. 28:19]. In the second place, it shows a terrible disregard for the value of God’s revelation for non-Christians: it means acting as though God’s revelation in Christ and the death of Christ on the cross were superfluous for them. For from the standpoint of this ecumenitis, all men, especially Jews, would have been saved anyway, as long as they had lived in accordance with their respective beliefs. In the third place, there is here an absolute lack of interest in the truth. The question of which is the true religion no longer plays a role. The ultimate seriousness of truth, on which every religion stands or falls, is ignored. The essence, and the justification for the existence of the holy Church, is thereby destroyed, as indeed is the entire Christian religion. The teaching of the Church is either the true Revelation of God, the Revelation of Christ and absolutely and unconditionally true—or it is nothing. With this is connected, in the fourth place, the elimination of the glorification of God; only the salvation of men still plays a role. We have pointed out already that the glorification of God demands that He is adored in truth, and that this glorification does not occur when He in His infinite mercy grants eternal beatitude to a man who is not a member of the Mystical Body of Christ. In a similar fashion, the glorification of God through the saints is overlooked. For there can only be saints in the holy Church, in absolute imitation of Christ.” (ibid., p. 95) 

The conversion of the Jew, Alphonse Ratisbonne... 

Certainly Our Lady herself does not subscribe to the error that the Jews are not to be converted to the Catholic Faith, as illustrated by the following conversion story. Alphonse Ratisbonne was a Jewish man who was one day challenged by a Catholic friend of his. Alphonse was challenged to wear the Miraculous Medal and pray the Memorare to Our Lady for one week. Believing that nothing would happen, Alphonse accepted. On January 20, 1842, while waiting for his friend who was attending a funeral at Sant' Andrea delle Fratte, Alphonse went inside the church to wait for the funeral to end. The following account is in the words of Alphonse himself:

"When I traversed the Church, I arrived at the spot where they were getting ready for the funeral. Suddenly I felt interiorly disturbed, and saw in front of me something like a veil. It seemed to me that the entire church had been swallowed up in shadow, except one chapel. It was as though all the light was concentrated in that single place. I looked over towards this chapel whence so much light shone, and above the altar was a living figure, tall, majestic, beautiful and full of mercy. It was the most holy Virgin Mary, resembling her figure on the Miraculous Medal. At this sight I fell on my knees right where I stood. Unable to look up because of the blinding light, I fixed my glance on her hands, and in them I could read the expression of mercy and pardon. In the presence of the Most Blessed Virgin, even though she did not speak a word to me, I understood the frightful situation I was in, my sins and the beauty of the Catholic Faith.” 

Alphonse Ratisbonne became a Catholic. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia: 

“After his conversion he assisted his brother, Theodor, in founding the Sisterhood of Our Lady of Sion in 1843, was ordained priest in 1847, and entered the Society of Jesus. Desirous, however, to devote himself entirely to the conversion of the Jews, he left the society with the consent of Pius IX, transplanted the Sisters of Sion to Jerusalem in 1855, and built for them in 1856 the large Convent of Ecce Homo with a school and an orphanage for girls. In 1860 he erected the Convent of St. John on the mountain at Ain Karim, together with a church and another orphanage for girls. Here Alphonse laboured with a few companions (Pères de Sion) for the conversion of Jews and Mohammadens until his death.” 

"There are many deceptions taking place among you, and one being the falsification of the manner of the salvation of souls. When I was upon earth, I established the rules and I gave you My Church, My House. However, now I watch as many have gone forward with itching ears and novelty, and they are setting upon the world a new religion." - Jesus, May 20, 1978 

Directives from Heaven…

D63 – Third Secret of Fatima
D87 - Divinity of Christ
D119 - Jesus Christ: Redeemer
D123 - Catholic Church, Part 1
D124 - Catholic Church, Part 2
D125 - Ecumenism  
D161 - The Great Apostasy
D164 - Heresy 


Ecumenitis: Conversion of the Jews not necessary???

The New and eternal Covenant of Jesus Christ



Tertullian, An Answer to the Jews

St. Cyprian, Three Books of Testimonies against the Jews

Response of Fr. John Paul Echert

Conversion of the Jews Not Necessary?? The Apocalyptic Ramifications of a Novel Teaching (Catholic Apologetics International)

Our Lady converts the Jew, Alphonse Ratisbonne

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