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Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
February 11, 2000
Dearest Friend of Our Lady,
The storms are getting much worse. A major ice storm rocks the Southeast, two feet of snow was dumped on the Atlantic Coast, high winds in California, high winds destroyed millions of trees in France, torrential rains wrecked havoc in the Middle East, deadly cold wave hit India, basketball size hail fell in Spain, etc. Severe droughts and dramatic weather changes are expected for the next few years in the United States. Scientists believe hurricanes are set to grow fiercer. We haven’t seen anything yet!
Our Lady – “Your seasons shall turn. Upheavals of nature shall be more prevalent. They will increase in intensity until mankind is brought to his knees.” (2-1-78)
Do you have crucifixes on all of your outside doors?
Y2K – a non crisis?
Governments and business spent an estimated $500 billion on Y2K fixes. Hundreds of U.S. embassy personnel worldwide were brought home because of fear of Y2K problems. Most of the media were focused on the power grid and telecommunications systems in the U.S. and across the globe. Third World countries including Russia, China, India, etc. went to manual operations and severe major failures were averted. Thank God!
There were some problems.
It should be pointed out that there was a massive domestic and global
cover up by governments, media and businesses (including banks) of Y2K-related
computer glitches or failures.
At 7 p.m. on January 24, the
massive electronic brain of the U.S. intelligence system hiccupped, sighed,
then shut down. In a twinkling, billions of dollars' worth of supercomputers,
high-speed modems, and top-secret electronics fell silent. The central data
network of the National Security Agency in leafy Fort Meade, Md., would remain
that way for an agonizing three days–an unprecedented event in the history of
the nation's intelligence services.
Some people have been mocking the warnings and motives of the Y2K awareness movement. But the fact remains that many people prepared for Y2K and serious disaster was averted.
Everyone who prepared for Y2K is now prepared the other disasters coming in the near future. Thank God.
There are several articles on the Internet reporting a military build up in the Mediterranean Sea. Russian ships are monitoring the situation.
The U.S. Government wants to destroy Saddam Hussein. This could bring terrorism and biological warfare to the U.S. This could also cause a Holy War led by the Muslims against the Christians. St. Dominic’s prophecies say this will happen in the 20th century. The 21th century doesn’t actually begin until January 1, 2001.
Poison from the sky: The Contrails Crisis . . .
Veronica - Now Michael is pointing with the spear, and there is a black horse running across the sky. It's a large black ominous - looking horse, and it has a rider on it. The rider is dressed all in black, he looks almost like an executioner. He has a hood upon his head, and he's carrying something in his hand - I don't know what it is. It looks like a basket of some kind. Now behind him there's a green horse, and the green horse is - has also an ominous look. And now there's a voice crying: "Pestilence and sickness. Illness of the body. Pestilence, illness of the body."
Contrail is the vapor trail from the exhaust of the jet engine on an airplane flying high in the sky. Usually it is a short trail but jets are spraying chemicals in the sky which leave very long contrails or chemtrails (chemical trails). Widespread illnesses are reported in the wake of these contrails or chemtrails.
Planes sometimes as many a five or six or more for hours, flying at high altitude, would do criss-cross patterns making a series of “X’s” in the sky and leaving giant white contrails (or chemicals), like the “old sky writers,” behind them.
In the aftermath of these sprayings, a whitish or yellowish substance, sometimes in the form of a mist, sometimes in cobweb-like strings would drift down and settle on fields, fences, buildings, cars, etc. Sometimes there is no discernable residue. These sprayings have taken place in all parts the United States.
It is important to stay indoors when this whitish or yellowish substance, sometimes in the form of a mist, sometimes in cobweb-like strings drift down at our homes.
In the aftermath of these sprayings are large numbers of reports from hospitals of upper respiratory complaints, mouth blisters, chronic tiredness, weight loss, burning mouths and noses, dizziness and disorientation, and strange illnesses.
Chemical analysis of the residue (from private laboratories) have found it to contain ethylene dibromide – an extremely hazardous pesticide that was banned by the EPA in 1983.
Hospitals in Phoenix and other cities became overrun with new patients. In the Phoenix area, starting within a day or so of the spraying, about 25% of the students in the local high school became ill with the described above and remained so for weeks. The government and military, when questioned about these contrails, denied any knowledge of them and the mainline press refused to write about the phenomenon.
There is excellent information on the internet at the following
We also have available a new McAlvany Intelligence Advisor http://www.mcalvany.com/ titled; The New Millennium: Entering the Age of Political Chaos. It has more than 7 pages of important information on contrails. It is $5.00 and is listed in the Miscellaneous section of the order form.
Adding to your punishment . . .
Our Lady - “Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be, accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be un-pleasing to the Eternal Father.”(6-30-84)
Do everything in your power to stop communion in the hand to reduce the punishments coming from God.
Alignment of the planets . . .
On or near May 5, 2000, the following planets will line up: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon with the Earth.
On August 14, 1981 St. Theresa gave this poem to Veronica:
Veronica - This message in poetical form was given to me by Saint Theresa shortly before coming to the vigil. I was quite startled to have this phenomenon, as the world would call it, because of the fact that it has been many years since I have received from Theresa or Our Lady a pre-vigil message in poetical form, as those in 1968 and 1969. But this is now to be brought in with the eve of Our Lady's feast of the Assumption.
to pray through '82
And never forget
to wear your blue.
To guard your way
and bless your home
When skies light
up and oceans foam.
The nine line up
on even course;
The flares emate
with such great force,
The sun in
turning will dance around
To panic souls
upon the ground.
Floods, great
heat repeat anew:
The ones to be
saved will be but a few.
He who defies the
laws of God
Will find these
tribulations hard.
Then Our Lady spoke to me, but I'm sure She wouldn't mind our putting
this also with the message.
Lady - "The six days of suffering are not for you,
For you are
counted among the few."
Veronica - Now Theresa went on:
The heat of the
sun will burn skin from the bones;
Then shed no
light to brighten dark homes.
The moon will be
covered in mourning haze;
Then give off a
red cast in solid maze.
The seas will be
empty, the ground found bare;
There will not be
food for any to share.
Then many shall
gnash their teeth in woe;
For now they have
watched the seeds they did sow.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression.” 9-7-85)
Lowering the Federal Reserve interest rates makes the stock market rise. Raising the interest rate causes the stock market to fall and if the interest rate is raised high enough it will cause the market to crash. The Federal Reserve is talking about raising the interest rates several times in this Year 2000. This qualifies as “monetary doings of your government” which would cause a world wide monetary depression. See these great web sites:
The Camelot Killings . . .
Jesus - "Satan, the prince of darkness, the master of deceit, now controls every media in your country and the countries throughout the world. As he was a murderer and liar from the beginning, so he is still a murderer and liar.” (11-1-77)
Our Lady – “Can you not recognize the accidents that are not accidents as they increase upon you? Think, My children, accidents that are not accidents.” (8-14-81)
There is a most interesting web site titled “The Camelot Killings.” This covers the deaths of John Kennedy, Jr., his wife and sister-in-law. What was presented in the news media was a massive cover up of what really happened. If you are not on the internet I strongly urge you to find a friend or relative who has the internet or go to the library and look up this address www.freeworldalliance.com/camelot.htm
You will be astounded at what you read and will realize what Our Lord and Our Lady said at Bayside is true and occurring now.
Children’s Plague . . .
Jesus - Our Lady told you several years ago that there would be great floods, and there were great floods; that there would be a great heat, and that will come soon; and after that there will be a great plague.”
"I, also, must tell you, My child, to tell the world of the coming second part of the plague: the first you must remain secret with for awhile, My child. I will tell you there will be a slight plague of rats. Do not be affrighted, My child, this plague will be kept within only the eastern area.” (6-18-83)
Initially everyone thought the plague would be in the eastern area of the United States. But the plague came out of the eastern part of the world. The plague will come out of the hantavirus family of viruses. The Chinese trade ships spread the hantavirus to the whole world.
Flu-Like symptoms . . .
The fever comes first. Then comes fatigue, backache, and sore muscles. Days later, the headache, dizziness, nausea and chills, diarrhea, just like the flu. Then comes coughing, and soon a persistent shortness of breath. In 24 hours or less, you can hardly breathe. You’re drowning in your own fluids.
And like a drowning person, your mortal terror is extreme. Unable to absorb oxygen, you rapidly go to into shock. Your blood pressure plummets and finally your exhausted heart stalls and ceases pounding. You have just become a victim of the deadly hantavirus family of viruses.
The plague is spread by voles, deer mouse which has a white underside and feet, cotton rat, marsh rice rat, Norway rat, or the common or black rat.
The hantavirus is active in the spring and the fall when the temperature is between 45 and 72 degrees.
The hantavirus family of viruses is carried in the urine and feces of rodents. A 10% bleach solution can be used to clean up droppings and kill the virus. Avoid all contact with dead rodents. Risky places include barns, cabins, abandoned housed, tool sheds, privies, attics, basements, garages, or any place rodents can make their homes. Properly dispose of all garbage. Plug holes in walls with wire, cement, or steel wool. Set traps and use an effective rodenticide. Keep rodents nesting sites at least 100 feet from your house.
An excellent web site by the Center of Disease Control titled; “All about Hantavirus” is at
www.cdc.gov/ ncidod/diseases/hanta/hps/index.htm Take a look at it for more information.
Always wear your sacramentals and have crucifixes on all of the outside doors of your home for protection by Heaven.
There an excellent article in the February 2000, issue of American Survival Guide magazine titled; Hantavirus, on page 74.
Our Lady - "My child, one more word of direction to the world: We find great discord among the workers of the earth. United you will form a strong front, but you are all divided. You must unify as Mary workers, and set a strong front against the forces of evil. If you do not unify, you will be infiltrated by the agents of hell.
"United you will stand against satan. If you divide, he will conquer many. This is a simple lesson that must be learned by Our workers in the mission of saving souls.” (7-25-83)
Vote Pro-Life candidates or be destroyed
Our Lady – “The Eternal Father sent the little ones upon your earth for a reason, and they were murdered! This shall not be allowed. They were murdered! Any country that allows the murders of the young and the unborn shall be destroyed.” (6-30-84)
Jesus – “All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed!” (6-2-79)
Do you want to help to spread Our Lady’s message via Email?
Go to: https://www.tldm.org/misc/Emails.htm and follow the instructions for prewritten emails promoting Our Lady’s messages. As you browse the web and see email addresses send them one of these prewritten emails promoting Our Lady’s Message. Send these to every email address you see as you browse the Internet. It’s free.
Perpetual Adoration is catching on like wild fire . . .
The following story was in the December 9, 1999, Wanderer newspaper.
Do you have decisions to make, problems to solve? A heavy heart? Just need time to be alone? Want to refresh yourself from the cares and pressures of your life? Want to quietly praise and thank your God?
There’s a chapel very near to St. Patrick’s Church in Glen Cove, N.Y. that provides the tranquility and solitude for this, and everyone is welcome, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
It’s the result of a prodigious team effort by the laity and priests of St. Patrick’s, located on Long Island’s north shore. At the chapel, they adore the Eucharistic Presence of Christ every day around the clock – an undertaking that, in the words of Arthur Reddick, a team captain, has caught on like “wild fire.”
It was launched with a solemn procession from St. Patrick’s to the newly created Notre Dame Chapel in the convent on the hill Oct. 7th – the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary. Six weeks later, the “wild fire” of perpetual adoration had caught on, with a remarkable 350 parishioners taking part, each one committed to worshiping before the Most Blessed Sacrament an hour or more each week.
Pope John Paul II on Adoration . . .
At the 45th International Eucharistic Congress in Seville, Spain, in June 1993, Pope John Paul II said; “I hope this form of Perpetual Adoration with permanent exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue in the future. Specifically, I hope that the fruit of this Congress results in the establishment of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in all parishes and Christian communities throughout the world.”
The Power of His Presence video . . .
There is an extraordinary new film for the 21st century about the unstoppable power of Eucharistic Adoration.
Pope John Paul II, Francis Cardinal George, Mother Theresa, priests, and lay people around the world testify how prayer before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament has dramatically transformed their lives and how it can renew the world and bring about a Second Pentecost. Pastors who have initiated Eucharistic Adoration programs report how adoration is rejuvenation their parish life, increasing Mass attendance, confessions, and religious vocations.
It is a highly informative and dramatic film about this vital and truly important method of prayer.
This most extraordinary video costs $15.00 and is listed in the Video Section of the order form. Item #V88
Mercy of God Devotion
From 1931 to 1938 Our Lord revealed the secrets of His great mercy to Sister Faustina. He designated the first Sunday after Easter as the Feast of the Mercy of God. The prayers are started on Good Friday, a Novena which asks for different prayers each of the nine days for a different group of souls in order to immerse them in the sea of God's Mercy! Confession and Communion are required on Sunday, the Feast of Divine Mercy.
Our Lord promised to the souls who follow these requests a complete remission of all sin and punishment! "I desire that the Feast be a refuge and a shelter for all souls," He told her, "especially for poor sinners. The very depths of My Mercy will be opened on that day. I will pour out a sea of graces upon those souls that will approach the font of My Mercy. Tell ailing mankind to draw close to My Merciful Heart and I will fill it with peace... mankind will not find peace until it turns with confidence to My Mercy." We have these prayers listed in the miscellaneous section of the order form for a donation of 25 cents. Item #R26
Mrs. Ann Ferguson . . .
She was a very close personal friend of Veronica. She and Veronica had an agreement that who ever passed over the veil first would pray in Heaven for the other one on earth to get to Heaven.
Last November 9th, Mrs. Ferguson fell and fractured her hip and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. She now has physical therapy at home. She is very dedicated to Our Lady and mails the messages each day using names and addresses from the phone book. She is 91 years young and her husband is 93. They look like they are in their 70’s. Please keep these dear souls in your prayers.
BayGen Free Play radio . . .
To operate this radio you first wind the spring. You turn the handle for about 20 seconds and you’ll get approximately 30 minutes playing time of your favorite AM/FM Short-wave station before a rewind is needed. The BayGen FreePlay Wind-Up Radio is ideal for emergency use, cottages, boats, camping, teenagers, hunters, remote areas or anytime in these last days. The BayGen Radio will pay for itself in just over a year with the savings on batteries.
This extraordinary radio costs $99.00. Also available is an AC adapter for $10.95 to plug into the wall when you don’t want to crank it. There is also a short-wave antenna available for $19.95. All of these items are listed in the Audio and Miscellaneous sections of the order form.
BayGen FreePlay Flashlight . . .
The BayGen FreePlay Flashlight is designed to be a lifetime flashlight! The flashlight comes as a single unit. The rechargeable battery, printed circuit board, and switches are housed in the body of the flashlight, and operation is the same as a regular flashlight. It operates by using human energy stored in a spring or battery, independent of any commercial energy, yet it has the ability to use such sources if available. The AC Adapter / Charger is included in the price of the flashlight.
The flashlight comes with a Five-year warranty against manufacturers defects. This extraordinary flashlight costs $70.00 and is listed in the Miscellaneous section of the order form.
Make copies of this newsletter . . .
You may copy this newsletter freely or you can order it for 20 cents each in the miscellaneous section of the order form. Item #R85
Give a copy to a your priest and bishop, along with the Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophecies 1980 to 1994. See the Book section of the order form. Item# 006
Help wanted . . .
We need someone to help process the mail, package the orders, and for computer work. We use Microsoft Word, Excel and Quark Express for publishing. Send us your resume if you are interested in working for Our Lady.
New Directives from Heaven . . .
Jesus – “Include My Mother’s messages to the world with My words of direction also: biweekly in directives to Our clergy and laity.”
Mrs. Ann Ferguson and I commend the devotees of Our Lady of the Roses Shrine who diligently and meticulously chose the appropriate messages for these 20 new Directives. Order an extra copy to give to your priest.
- Commandments
#85 - Tradition
#86 - Dedication
#87 - Divinity of Christ
#88 - Martyrdom
#89 - Sin
#90 - Truth
#91 - Grace
#92 - Free will
#93 - Merit
#94 - Sanctification
#95 - Law
#96 - Conscience
#97 - Soul, Part 1
#98 - Soul, Part 2
#99 - Salvation, Part 1
#100 - Salvation, Part 2
#101 - Russia and China, Part 1
#102 - Russia and China, Part 2
#103 - Communism
#104 - Invasion
We have there available in a group of 20 for $2.00 listed in the Directives section of the order form. Item #DD3
Be sure to give one to your priests, bishops, family, friends, and relatives.
Our Lady to appear over St. Robert's Church . . .
Our Lady - "Yes, My child, I am going about the world appearing in various places, and I have reason for all. One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will appear over the old church building. Your Bishop then cannot deny My Appearances." (5-17-86)
Our Lady desperately needs your help . . .
Our former radio agent has turned our radio bill of $93,803 over to bill collectors. A Catholic lady from the bill collectors, who admits she does not attend Mass regularly, is now harassing us. Please pray for this radio agent and this lady.
Another radio station KIEV in Los Angeles was to send their bill of $12,000+ to the bill collectors this week. All together we owe about $200,000. Can you help Our Lady?
Our hearts are deeply touched by your past support of Our Lady’s mission. We urgently need your help again. If you could send us $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, or any amount to help keep Our Lady’s work going. Thank you in advance for your generous gift.
St. Isidore’s Church is raising $1,000,000 . . .
St. Isidore’s, a 700 family Polish Parish, has had Perpetual Adoration for over six years. Last summer they started a campaign to raise a $1,000,000 to repair and upgrade the buildings. They already have over $700,000. They have Vespers every Sunday at 7:00pm for this goal.
At one of these Vespers I thought to myself, if they are raising a million dollars why can’t we raise a million dollars to spread Our Lady’s Message? We immediately began to pray for that intention and have continued ever since.
In the past we had two or three years when the ministry donations were over a million dollars, so it is not new to us. Will you join us with your Rosaries, Holy Hours and financial support to reach this goal for Our Lady?
We have already printed one volume of the messages. Our goal is to print 5 more volumes of Our Lady’s messages and then all the messages will be in paperback. We also want to do a major advertising campaign in the news media and expand the Internet outreach. Will you help with your generous prayers and support for Our Lady?
Our Lady - "All Heaven, is greatly of heart for you (Veronica) and those who came with you from Heaven's direction to build up an apostleship that shall be forever written in the annals of the Church.” (5-28-83)
You can be a part of that great “apostleship that shall be forever written in the annals of the Church.” Won’t that be great?!!!!!
Remember God in your Will . . .
You can’t take it with you but you can send it on ahead. For a Last Will and Testament, use this legal form:
I give and bequeath to These Last Days Ministries, and institution incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan whose address is P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331--0040, the sum of __________ dollars for the purpose for which the Ministry is incorporated.
Crucifix on front and back door . . .
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)
Store canned goods, water and blankets...
Our Lady - "My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination." (7-1-85)
“Food is power; we use it to change behavior. Some call it bribery. We do not apologize,” says Catherine Bertini, Executive Director, U.N. World Food Program.
These Last Days Ministries has all of Our Lady’s Messages on the Internet, Directives from Heaven, the Third Secret of Fatima, many audio recordings of the message, miraculous pictures, and much more.
Pray for Wisdom...
Many of the decisions we make now in preparing for the end times will have great effect on our future. First prepare spiritually and then materially. Pray for wisdom to make the right decisions.
Need scapulars,
Rose Petals and Rosaries . . .
We receive many requests for Rose Petals, scapulars and free Rosaries. Any that you could send would be greatly appreciated. God love you and bless you.
In closing, at each Mass and Holy Hour my family and I will pray that Jesus and Mary will richly bless and protect you and your loved ones until Jesus comes from Heaven with great power and majesty.
Graciously yours,
Gary Wohlscheid
Jesus said on June 1, 1978: "As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold."
Could you send your best gift by March 15th? We desperately need your help to keep spreading Our Lady's Messages to the world. We will be greatly thankful and pray for God's blessings upon you and your loved ones for whatever you can send, whether be $15, $50, $100, $1,000, $1,500, $5,000, or any amount.
Be sure to visit Our Lord's Sacred Heart often in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Let’s storm Heaven with prayers so that the Miraculous Spring will erupt very soon and Our Lady will appear over the old church building at St. Robert Bellarmine's Church at Bayside, NY, for all the world to see.
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Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 2000
Revised: September 25, 2018