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The Douay-Rheims Bible
Hard Cover Bonded Leather Edition
You must read and reread the Douay-Rheims
to survive the spiritually and physically traps the
Anti-Christ forces have set for you in the days ahead...
The Hard Cover Douay-Rheims Bible
We are convinced the Douay-Rheims Version of the Bible is
the best, most accurate, safest English translation that you can
use. The reason is that the Douay-Rheims is a careful word-for-word
translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible (the official Bible of the
Church) - plus, it was compared to the original New Testament Greek.
And the Vulgate is a careful word-for-word translation of the
original languages. Therefore the great accuracy of the
Douay-Rheims. We have observed that the other English translations
of Scripture, when they try to render difficult passages, will
translate “meanings”rather than words. Thus, in these
“translations” one gets the translators’ interpretations of
the meaning of Scripture. Hence the many differences that exist in
the modern translations and the general absence of impact from the
Word of God when reading from them—an impact typical from reading
the Douay-Rheims. This version is a joy to read, is full of
surprises, and really makes the Bible come alive!
This Bible has 1231 pages, hardbound cover, imprimatur
1941, chapter summaries, footnotes and cross- references, brief
explanation of each book, 5-1/2 x 8 inches—handy for reading,
very legible typeface. family record section, photographically
reproduced for complete accuracy, strong, wrapped in black bonded
leather. It makes a perfect gift for any festive occasion.
The awesome
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
"I say now, My children, that you must understand there are great
graces given for reading the Bible, even a short time of fifteen
minutes; you will be graced by indulgences.* Have you forgotten, My
children, in the modernization of My Son's Church, have you forgotten
the meaning of indulgences? They are applicable to the time you may have
to put in purgatory, My children." - Our Lady, July 25, 1985
"For those who have no knowledge of the Book of life, the Bible, you
will read the direction of the prophets of old. John, Joel, and Matthew
have left you words of truth and prophecy." - Our Lady, April 14,
"Your Bible must be studied well, and you will understand that the
Eternal Father gave you truly a simple way to follow. It goes far beyond
much human understanding, because without prayer and suffering and
penance, you will not have the gift from the Eternal Father to
understand even the Sacred Scriptures." - St. Theresa, October 2,
"The road to the Kingdom of God is found in the reading of
the Scriptures. Man does not know God. He no longer looks for
Him in the revelations of the Holy Bible.
"The soul in exile can only be nourished by the word of
God, through Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. The Holy
Bible is your family heirloom." - Our Lady in locution, April
7, 1970
"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if
they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed
not after 1965, My children." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
Veronica - Now Michael is, with
his spear, he's closing the Bible. And it's growing very dark around
the Bible.
St. Michael - "You see, My child, how satan has poisoned the minds
of many. The Book is being rewritten to satisfy the basic carnal nature
of mankind. Learn the truth by reading a Book that has not been
changed.” - St. Michael, August 14, 1976
"This Book will not be rewritten
to satisfy the whims of man. What the Holy Spirit has said shall not be
changed. Restore the Book of life back to its proper place of truth. You
will not change your world and the writings of the men who founded My
Son's House to suit the whims of mankind! Mankind will change his ways
to come under the guidance of the Father and reach the Kingdom he was
destined for.” - Our Lady,
May 22, 1974
Directives from Heaven...
- The Holy Bible
Bible Rewritten
We urgently need your help to keep this web site
going. Please send what ever you can. God bless you and
thank you in advance.
Jesus - "As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be
asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity
shall be returned to you threefold."(6-1-78)
We shall
On March 18, 1976 Our Lord
said: "I promise you, My children, your labors shall bear great fruit
for the eternal Kingdom of your God. You shall all gather one day with
Me and We shall reminisce of the days upon earth and the glory that your
efforts and your struggles through this mission have brought to the
Eternal Father, and the many souls that you have rescued from the
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June 19, 2014 |
Douay-Rheims Haydock - the Ultimate Bible
Flexible Cover Douay-Rheims Bible
Hard Cover Douay-Rheims Bible