St. Vincent Ferrer,
Angel of Judgement

St. Vincent Ferrer, Angel of Judgment book...
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), during the last 20 years of
his life, preached all over Southern Europe that the Last
Judgment was imminent if people did not repent and change their
lives. He even maintained that he was "The Angel of the
Judgment" mentioned in the Apocalypse (Apoc. 14:6-7), and he
worked an extraordinary miracle to prove it, which the Church
accepted as verification of the truth of his claim. And like
Nineve at the warning of the Prophet Jonas, the people did
change, and the world was spared, and it has subsisted
to the present hour - in large part because of this one man! Yet
today hardly anyone has ever heard of St. Vincent Ferrer!
Commissioned by Our Lord Himself to preach His Gospel, St.
Vincent began at age 50 an apostolate of preaching that would
extend to France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria,
Germany and a few other countries as well. Travelling with him
were as many as 10,000 people, including at least 50 priests.
The throngs that gathered to hear him came from many miles
around, such that he was forced to preach in the open - no
church being large enough to hold all the people. Miracles
occurred at every step. The author says that if her had
only worked 8 miracles a day, they would have totaled over
58,000--yet he worked far more than 8 miracles a day.
At his canonization, the judges became weary and stopped
the recitation of validated miracles after they exceeded 800.
196 pgs Item# B383