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Miracles of the Eucharist video

In Lanciano, Italy in year 700, there was a priest who had doubts of the real presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. One day at Mass he prayed that his doubts would be removed.  As he said the words Consecration the Host turned into real Flesh and the Wine turned  into real Blood.  This was proved by scientists.  The Miracle of Lanciano is in this amazing video.

See God orchestrate the Miracle of Bolsena/Orvieto, which brought about the Feast of Corpus Christi.  See the Face of Christ Which appeared on the page of the Miracle of the Eucharist of Cascia.  See the incorrupt Hosts, in their original state after 267 years in the Miracle of the Eucharist of Siena.

"Bob and Penny Lord have done us all a favor by bringing us, Miracles of the Eucharist. After you see this program, go to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament." - Mother Angelica
    "This video has been a tool to focus us on what really happens on the Altar and Who dwells in the Tabernacle.   I can never consecrate the bread and wine without seeing Our Lord Jesus’ Heart in the Miracle of Lanciano.  This video is a must to show everyone who tries to promote Eucharistic Adoration." - Father De Luca
    "I use this video in all my classes on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist." Fr. John Bertolucci. 
    People who have purchased this video share it with their friends and watch it over and over again.  29 minutes.

Miracles of the Eucharist VHS video
Qty: Price: $20.00

The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament

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Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 1996 - 2004   All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 40                     616-698-6448
Lowell, MI 49331-0040
January 03, 2014



See also:
Holy Hour of Reparation
Miracles of the Eucharist Book 1
Miracles of the Eucharist Book 2

Moments Divine Book
Miracles of the Eucharist
Passion of the Christ DVD - Wide/Full screen







Makes an excellent gift.