"The moment has come when God asks the Holy
Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration
of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means."
- Our Lady to Sister Lucy, one of the seers of Fatima, June 13, 1929
Gary Wohlscheid, founder and president of These Last Days Ministries passed away
on 4/7/22. Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord. And let Perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in
peace. Amen. Click here for obituary.
SICK! Mother of 13-Yr-Old Girl Is Bullied By Trans Activists At School Board Meeting For Demanding Biological-Sex Locker Rooms After School Adminstrators Tried To Force Her Daughter To Undress In Front of Trans Kid {VIDEO}...Read more... 3-19-25
Is The Most Dangerous Volcano Is America Roaring To Life? An Eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano Could Potentially Destroy the United States...Read more... 3-11-25
Francis, Living Behind A 39-Ft Wall, Sends Letter To U.S. Bishops Blasting Trump’s Immigration Crackdown — Yet Imposes Harsh Penalties Of 1-4 Years In Jail And Fines Up To $25,700 For Illegal Entry Into Vatican...Read more... 2-12-25
"Do not go about disparaging your Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. He is not the antichrist. You are deluded in your reasoning if you place this title upon him. He is not the antichrist pope." - Bayside Prophecy, May 30, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 2-11-25
From the Archives - Catholic Bishop Forced to Explain How Vatican Wall Different Than Mexican Border...Read more... 2-10-25
Complete Disaster Survival Manual: How to Prepare for Hurricanes Earthquakes, Floods, Tornadoes, and Other Natural Disasters...Read more...Related Items... 2-10-25
Former FBI Advisor Exposes How FBI Targeted Pro-Life Christians...Read more... 2-10-25
The Bundeswehr Doesn’t Have a Single Combat-Ready Division, Leaving Germany Totally Dependent of Stationed US Troops for Defense and Deterrence...Read more... 2-6-25
“A conclave shall start, and without prayers you will receive one on the Seat of Peter, one with dark spirits, consorting with the devil” - Bayside Prophecy, October 6, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 2-4-25
From the Archives - Chinese Communists’ ‘Police Station’ In New York City Could Be Used For ‘Sabotage,’ Expert Warns...Read more... 1-30-25
“I ask you to remove all diabolical musical recordings from your homes...called 'rock, hard rock', they were...produced in the temple of satan, consecrated to satan" - Bayside Prophecy, November 25, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 1-30-25
"You have now a new rebellious group called ERA, ‘equal rights for women’...What a delusion this is among you!" - Bayside Prophecy, July 15, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 1-20-25
From the Archives - How The Women's Movement Taught Women to Hate Men....Read more... 1-20-25
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Stockpiles Abortion Pills to Make Sure Babies Can be Killed...Read more... 1-20-25
"You must not forget Jacinta 1972. I spoke with the child, and told her of the fashions that would come to the world that would displease the Almighty Father very much." - Bayside Prophecy, April 1, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 1-16-25
Nearly 400 Million Christians Persecuted Globally, Islamism and Communism Main Drivers...Read more... 1-16-25
From the Archives - Lives and Homes Saved from Fires, Riots, Terrorism, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, etc. with Heaven's Home Protection Packet...Read more... 1-8-25
Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant by Rev. Msgr. Louis Gaston de Segur...Read more...Related Items... 1-8-25
Poll Finds Most Parents, Including Catholics, Oppose Transgender Ideology in Schools...Read more... 1-8-25
"Your children, by manner of the infernal boxes in your homes, the televisions, are being now schooled to kill, to sin" - Bayside Prophecy, May 13, 1978...Read more...List of all Bayside Prophecies... 1-8-25
"And I come allowing My Mother first to precede Me, because it
is Her day of birth upon earth, and I have great love for My Mother." Jesus,
Sept. 7,1985
“Better that a man has died in the womb of his mother than to disgrace and to bring
discredit to My Mother.” (Jesus, 11-22-75)
"Man can defame Me very easily but I will not allow him to
defame My Mother." (Jesus, 6-18-93)
"All who have closed their hearts to My Mother’s message will be
brought down to their knees in shock! " (Jesus, 2-1-75)
"I shall not stand by and allow My Mother to be debauched and
defamed. I will take action, great action, against the theater where this
picture (the "Hail Mary" film) shall be shown." (Jesus, 10-5-85)
"In the past many saints were sent to you to prepare you and warn you of
these present days that you live in. But who took heed of their counsel?
And now My Mother wanders upon earth, and who takes heed of Her counsel? How
long do you think I shall stand by and allow you to defame Her? I shall
not much longer allow My Mother to be victimized by you." (Jesus, 7-25-79)
"Harken to my words, O men of sin! You shall not defile or defame the Mother
of God, the woman of virtue and purity whom you seek to dethrone in her place
among you! Vengeance, the saints cry out for vengeance! How long will you
survive the Ball of Redemption!" (St. Michael, 9-7-74)
"It is to your advantage to
listen and act upon My counsel, or you will cry bitter tears of regret when
it is too late!" (Our Lady of the Roses, 9-13-77)
"All scoffers will learn too
late that the Mission from Heaven was urgent and sorely needed, for the
numbers of sin, those children in sin, are counted now not in the few but in
the multitudes, falling fast into hell." (Our Lady of the Roses, 7-1-85)
"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and
God-sent upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in
intensity and numbers." (Jesus, 5-26-79)
“Your seasons shall turn. Upheavals of nature shall be more
prevalent. They will increase in intensity until mankind is brought to his
knees.” (Our Lady of the Roses, 2-1-78)
"O My child and My children, how many disasters must come upon
your country and the countries of the world before the peoples will become
awakened to the reality of a very angry God?” (Jesus, May 21, 1983)
"You will not stop the words of My Mother. She is your Co-Redemptrix,
and as such, it is She Who has been given the mission to bring you back onto the
road to the Kingdom. Without Her you will be lost." - Jesus, August 5, 1974
"I will put
enmities between thee (Satan) and the woman (Virgin Mary), and thy seed and
her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her
heel." Gen 3:15 DRB
"Those who have heckled and doubted shall be
put to shame and confusion. For nothing remains hidden in the darkness,
but must come forward into the light to be exposed at a certain time."
(Our Lady of the Roses, 10-6-80)
"Awaken now from your slumber and seek your return from your
course of destruction by getting down upon your knees and praying in heartfelt,
sincere prayer to the Eternal Father, to guide you back from your present road
of destruction.
"Your countrymen have sought to silence the voice of My Mother throughout your
world. You will not continue to silence the voice-boxes throughout the world,
for you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction!
"Amen, amen, I say to you: unless mankind returns God the Eternal Father to his
life, he will not have the years of two hands to count upon!
"The present generation, My child, shall pass through this crucible of
suffering. Many great saints shall rise from this persecution.” (Jesus, June 5,
The Rosary Holds the Power of God... “I want
a string of Rosaries across your land, from coast to coast, a solid chain to
keep out the enemy, a solid chain of protection. Unite in prayer to keep out
the enemy. “Realize the power in your hand with
the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God. If you do not
recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much
can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother’s loving
heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject.
“Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love? Those who
remain true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires. Gather these
treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them
on the counters of your stores. “Pray your
Rosary slowly, My children, not with your lips but with your heart.” -
Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, October 6, 1970
“My Son has planned many surprises, pleasurable
surprises, for Our children on earth who are working with Us to outwit the
enemy of God. Do not be surprised when you are visited by many personages
from the Kingdom. This will be truly the age of revelation to many. I say
this to you, My children, with great joy of heart, for the many tribulations
ahead shall prove you and test you for your entrance into the Kingdom. -
Our Lady, - December 31, 1972