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Our Lady of the Roses' Bayside Prophecies about United States and the world, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and these last days.

Losing Pro-Life Amendment could drastically increase abortions...  Read more... 12-31-08
Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol gives birth to son, abortion was campaign issue... Read more... 12-31-08
Russian professor predicts end of U.S.... Read more...  Read also...  12-31-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 12-31-08
The history of the “Jacinta 1972” miraculous photograph... Read more... 12-31-08
December 6, 1975 message: "The plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves, and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!"... Read more... 12-31-08
Spain sees hundreds of thousands rally against abortion at Catholic event... Read more... 12-30-08
Yellowstone: 250+ earthquakes in last several days... Read more... Read also... 12-30-08
Egypt: Hizbullah declared war on us... Read more... Read also... 12-30-08
Pastor speaks out against immodesty... Read more... 12-30-08
The love of God... Read more... 12-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  12-30-08
May 3, 1978 message: Our Lady says that the United States has given itself over to satan, and many cities are far more corrupt than even in the time of Sodom and Gomorrha... Read more... 12-30-08
Bush administration finalizes rule protecting medical professionals on abortion... Read more... 12-29-08
Israel at 'war to the bitter end,' strikes key Hamas sites... Read more... Read also... 12-29-08
Father Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 12-29-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  12-29-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 12-29-08
The silence of Christmas... Read more... 12-26-08
Bethlehem: the House of Bread... Read more... 12-26-08
Al-Qaida makes Lebanon flashpoint: Analyst expects attack on Israel to result... Read more... Read also... 12-26-08
Winner of the presidential Christmas ad is Ronald Reagan... Read more... Read also... 12-25-08
Three kings adored Baby Jesus, the Infant King... Read more... 12-25-08
Little town of Bethlehem, West Bank, celebrates Christmas... Read more...  Read also... 12-25-08
Jesus was born on December 25th: St. John Chrysostom tells us that the Church of Rome had every means of knowing the true day of our Savior's Birth, since the acts of the Enrollment, taken in Judea by command of Augustus, were kept in the public archives of Rome... Read more... 12-25-08
The True Story of the Virgin Birth... Read more... 12-25-08
St. Francis of Assisi and the origins of the Nativity scene (crèche)... Read more... 12-25-08
The divinity of Jesus... Read more... 12-25-08
THE IMPOSTOR POPE Video, Part 1 (an impostor to the real Pope Paul VI)... Watch here... 
Pope Benedict's Christmas greeting says we must "protect the human being against self-destruction" of sexual aberration... Read more... 12-24-08
Root cause of the war on Christmas... Read more... 12-24-08
The Pope had the guts to say we need to save ourselves from self-destructive sexual lifestyles... Read more... 12-24-08
The origins of Silent Night - A Christmas carol is born... Read more... 12-24-08
Unthinkable act of Christmas kindness: The Christmas Truce of World War I... Read more... 12-24-08
Dom Gueranger's meditation for December 24th... Read more... 12-24-08
Our Lady requests abstinence from meat on December 24th, Christmas Eve... Read more... 12-24-08
Glory to the new born king: Christ, the ten-fold king...  Read more...  Read also...  12-23-08

The divine Christ and the Bible...
Angels are real.... Read more... 12-23-08
Dom Gueranger's meditation for December 23rd... Read more... 12-23-08
Politically correct Christmas... Read more...  Read also...  12-23-08
UK Catholic Bishop contradicts Church on contraception... Read more... 12-23-08
California Attorney General breaks pledge - vows to fight instead of defend Prop. 8... Read more... 12-23-08
Bank of Spain chief: World faces "total" financial meltdown: .. Read more... PDF LogoPDF   World Monetary Crash video, part 1... 12-23-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 12-23-08
Return the use of the patens... Read more... 12-23-08
Dangers of Ritalin... Read more... 12-23-08
SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPEAL...  We need help to survive!  Read more... 12-22-08
Dom Gueranger's meditation for December 22nd... Read more... 12-22-08
Pope Benedict decries euthanasia as "evil" as Luxembourg parliament advances with assisted suicide legalization... Read more... 12-22-08
Illinois Supreme Court decision supports conscience rights of pharmacists... Read more... 12-22-08
6th-grader's teacher says Jesus can't be mentioned in holiday poem... Read more...  Read also...  12-22-08
New Bayside Video on Abortion... Watch here... 12-22-08
Meditation on the fourth Sunday of Advent... Read more... 12-21-08
St. Bernard: The whole world awaits Mary's reply... Read more... 12-20-08
The Night of Christmas: What an Alaskan priest was told happened one Christmas... Read more... 12-20-08
Pentagon resources and U.S. troops may be used if needed to quell protests and bank runs during an economic crisis... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF 12-20-08
Fr. Malachi Martin, who read the REAL Third Secret, believed Our Lady of the Roses was a true apparition... Read more... 12-20-08
Russia must be consecrated by name...  Read more... 12-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 12-20-08
Vatican: Use of morning after pills "fall within the sin of abortion"... Read more... 12-19-08
New study: High rates of psychological problems and death among post-abortive women... Read more... 12-19-08
Stalin and Lenin also banned Christmas... Read more... 12-19-08
American poorer by $1 trillion each month... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF 12-19-08
Marxist roots of radical feminism... Read more... 12-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses message... Read more... 12-19-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 12-19-08
British MEP Nigel Farage: Europe is a “thug and a bully” that “despises democracy”... Read more...  12-18-08
Top Italian minister: It is “illegal” to stop food and hydration of vulnerable patients... Read more...  12-18-08
Russia provides 10 MiG fighter jets to Lebanon for free... Read more...  Read also...  12-18-08
Hungarian court strikes down heterosexual and same-sex civil unions over damage to the family... Read more...  12-18-08
The charismatic appetite: The cult of experience... Read more...  Read also...  12-18-08
Fathers: "Make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household"... Read more... 12-18-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 12-18-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 12-18-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 12-18-08
Another Indiana Planned Parenthood caught covering up felony rape... Read more...  12-17-08
Lithuanian law: Public agitation for homosexual acts is detrimental to minors... Read more...  12-17-08
Catholic Church excommunicates 2 Arizona priests...  Read more...  Read also...  12-17-08
Miraculous cures and conversions at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine... Read more...  12-17-08
The REAL Third Secret of Fatima specifically mentioned the year 1972, as Jacinta revealed to Mother Godinho... Read more... 12-17-08
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  12-17-08
Pope Leo XIII against the Masons: "Christianity and Freemasonry are essentially incompatible"... Read more... 12-17-08
St. Michael’s Catholic hospital in Toronto flying gay pride flag in lobby... Read more... 12-16-08
Spanish Socialists defend plans to loosen Spain's famously liberal abortion law... Read more... 12-16-08
Change is coming to U.S. abortion laws... Read more...  Read also...  12-16-08
Russian warships head for Cuba... Read more...  Read also...  12-16-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  12-16-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 12-16-08
Bishops: "You will inform Our bishops that intellectual pride has been their downfall"... Read more... 12-16-08
Pope Benedict supports excommunication for pro-abortion politicians: "Incompatible with receiving Communion"...  Read more... 12-16-08

Meditation on
the third Sunday of Advent...
The real meaning of the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas"... Read more... 12-14-08
Russian warships visit Cold War ally Nicaragua... Read more...  Read also...  12-14-08
Women will not dress as men: 1960 letter by Cardinal Siri... Read more... 12-14-08
May 15, 1976 message: "The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell"... Read more... 12-14-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  12-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 12-14-08
Vatican rules out adoption of frozen embryos... Read more... 12-13-08
Give Our Lady of the Roses message for Christmas... Read more...
Exclusive: Twenty years of eugenic abortion at Ontario Catholic hospital... Read more... 12-13-08
Pope Benedict against population control: "Population is proving to be an asset, not a factor that contributes to poverty"... Read more... 12-13-08
New York City — The original Mumbai target?... Read more...  Read also...  12-13-08
American Society of Reproductive Medicine statement confirms the pill causes abortion...  Read more... 12-13-08
"Restore My Church to its former glory"... Read more... 12-13-08
November 20, 1976 message - the one-world religion: "It will be a new religion that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator"... Read more... 12-13-08
French magazine confirms Our Lady of the Roses warning about hard rock music: it is consecrated to Satan by Wicca... Read more... 12-13-08
Latest Directive from Heaven: #343 - Trust... Read more...  12-12-08
December 12th: Our Lady of Guadalupe... Read more...  12-12-08
Famous exorcist: ‘The devil loves to take over those who hold political office’... Read more...  Read also...  12-12-08
Jesuit University of San Francisco requires abortion coverage for students... Read more...  12-12-08
Officer fired for expressing Christian views on homosexuality says dismissal is "destroying" him and his family... Read more...  12-12-08
Russia plans 'liquidation' of ministries: Dozens of Christian organizations on the list... Read more...  Read also...  12-12-08
St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Masons... Read more... 12-12-08
Idolatry: "As it was in the past so it is this day upon earth, that man has now regressed back to an age of paganism, idolatry, and insanity from sin"... Read more... 12-12-08
Vatican’s highest doctrinal office endorses Lancaster bishop’s Church reform challenge... Read more...  12-11-08
Uruguayan socialist party in tailspin after pro-life President resigns... Read more...  12-11-08
The divine Christ and the Bible... Read more...  12-11-08
The Church or the Bible?...  Read more...  Read also...   12-11-08
Rethinking Communion in the hand... Read more...  12-11-08
Abortion and the contraceptive mentality... Read more...  12-11-08
September 7, 1974 message: "You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit - a war of religion"... Read more... 12-11-08
The happiness of Limbo... Read more... 12-11-08

“No question” of cancelling Cherie Blair: Angelicum conference organizer adds fuel to fire...
Read more... 12-10-08
When the world and the Church unite: "Lucifer has entered into My Church, My household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of earth and the world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at hand."... Read more... 12-10-08
Montana district court legalizes assisted suicide... Read more... 12-10-08
Lenin's prophecy about the United States... Read more... 12-10-08
What the holy ones say about Communion in the hand... Read more... 12-10-08
UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more... 12-10-08
Original sin... Read more... 12-10-08
San Diego abortion empire collapses as abortionist pleads guilty to 9 felonies... Read more... 12-9-08
And now for a world government... Read more...  Read also...   12-9-08
Homosexual activists protest at Vatican, say Vatican wants to “exterminate” them... Read more... 12-9-08
Nyquist: Old scarecrows... Read more...  Read also...   12-9-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 12-9-08
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  12-9-08
Dietrich von Hildebrand: Communion in the hand should be rejected... Read more... 12-9-08
The comet chastisement... Read more... 12-9-08
March 24, 1974 message: "Women of the world reject their places as helpmates to their husbands"... Read more... 12-9-08
Dom Gueranger on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception... Read more... 12-8-08
The Saints speak of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception... Read more... 12-8-08
Our Lady, the All-Pure... Read more... 12-8-08
Pope Benedict on the theology of kneeling... Read more... 12-8-08
Latin: the universal language of the Catholic Church... Read more... 12-8-08
Divine preparations for the time of Advent... Read more... 12-7-08
The Advent wreath... Read more... 12-7-08
Meditation on the second Sunday of Advent... Read more... 12-7-08
Angelicum University refuses to believe Cherie Blair’s pro-abortion and anti-family reputation...  Read more... 12-6-08
UN gives awards to promoters of abortion and homosexual agenda... Read more... 12-6-08
Catholic Bishop: "Go right ahead and arrest me" rather than obey Freedom of Choice Act... Read more... Read also... 12-6-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 12-6-08
Teen banned from wearing Christian chastity ring on campus... Read more... Read also... 12-6-08
The Apocalypse: "It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness"... Read more...  12-6-08
The murder of John Paul I.... Read more... 12-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 12-6-08
Vatican Archbishop defends rights of parents to educational choice... Read more...  12-5-08
Texas court ruling on murder case defines unborn child as "person"... Read more...  12-5-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 12-5-08
Planned Parenthood suspends employee caught covering up rape of 13-year-old... Read more...  12-5-08
Israel 'prepared to attack' Iran's nuclear plants... Read more... Read also... 12-5-08
Our Mother, the Church... Read more...  12-5-08
"Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar"... Read more... 12-5-08
December 6, 1975 message: "The plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves, and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!"... Read more... 12-5-08
Christian friendships... Read more... 12-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 12-5-08
Vatican attacked for defending natural family... Read more...  12-4-08
Too much television, internet linked to long-term health problems for children... Read more...  12-4-08
Bible rewritten: "Many have set themselves in their arrogance to change the wordings in the Book of love and life, the Bible. These changes were to seduce mankind into bondage of sin"... Read more...  12-4-08
New 'Bible': Heterosexuality is sin... Read more...  Read also...  12-4-08

In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 12-4-08
Third Secret tells of a spiritual chastisement... Read more...  12-4-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 12-4-08
UK Bishops’ document on homosexuality praised by prominent anti-Catholic homosexualist... Read more... 12-3-08
Author of French "right to die" law opposes efforts to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia... Read more... 12-3-08
September 28, 1978 message: "Lucifer, he seeks to unite My Church with the world"... Read more... 12-3-08
Imaging guru: 'Certification' of birth time, location is fake... Read more...  Read also...  12-3-08
Deceit and deception: "You have allowed your world to be taken over by satan, the father of all liars, the master of deceit, and a murderer from the beginning”... Read more...  12-3-08
How old is your church? Read more...  12-3-08
Let's bring back modesty of dress... Read more...  12-3-08
Stocks plunge 680 points - 4th worst drop in Dow's history...  Monetary Crash... Towards a Global Financial Dictatorship...  12-2-08
South Korean court orders removal of life support from comatose woman... Read more... 12-2-08
Australian health minister fires men’s health ambassador for documenting risks of homosexuality... Read more... 12-2-08
Russia to upgrade missiles to evade US space arms... Read more...  Read also...  12-2-08
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell"... Read more... 12-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 12-2-08
Russia's master plan... Read more... 12-2-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #342 - Dying to self... Read more...  12-1-08
UK Catholic adoption agencies voluntarily refuse religious opt-out clause for homosexual adoption... Read more... 12-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 12-1-08
July 15, 1977 message: "You will be scoffed at; you will be called crazy and all manner of other epithets the unbeliever can devise. But, My children, you will follow the same path as My Son"... Read more... 12-1-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 12-1-08
Abortion now number one cause of death in Spain... Read more... 11-30-08
First Sunday of Advent... Read more... 11-30-08
Russia communists: Crisis will help us regain power... Read more...  Read also...  11-30-08
The meaning of the consecration of Russia... Read more... 11-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  11-30-08
Behind the scenes of Volition: Coincidences and startling circumstances... Read more... 11-28-08
Socialist Republic: What would the founding Fathers think of us now?... Read more... PDF LogoPDF   World Monetary Crash video, part 1... 11-28-08

"Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world?"... Read more...
November 20, 1979 message: "This chastisement that will soon come upon your country can engulf all of the nations upon the earth, and in this involvement many nations shall disappear from the face of the earth"... Read more... 11-28-08
Father Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 11-28-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 11-28-08
George Washington's 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation...  Read more... 11-27-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 11-27-08
Financial Meltdown and Collapse: Towards a Global Financial Dictatorship McAlvany report...  Read more... 11-26-08
Cardinal on biblical condemnation of homosexuality: We're not allowed the cowardice of "politically correct" silence... Read more... 11-26-08
Poll finds 44% of Canadians would choose euthanasia over palliative care... Read more... 11-26-08
Film review: Volition - A film that demands a radical choice... Read more... 11-26-08
Russian President renews Cold War rhetoric... Read more...  Read also...  11-26-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  11-26-08
Sister Lucy wrote about a "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  11-26-08
UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more... 11-26-08
July 15, 1976 message: "When the upheaval in Rome takes place, My children, know that the end of your era is at hand"... Read more... 11-26-08
Vatican in “firestorm” over brain death criteria for organ transplants... Read more... 11-25-08
Calgary University threatens students with arrest for pro-life display... Read more... 11-25-08
The Tyrant State: Prophetic warnings of Pope John Paul II... Read more... 11-25-08
"You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior"... Read more... 11-25-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 11-25-08
The miraculous conversion story of prisoner Claude Newman... Read more... 11-25-08
Should women cover their heads in church? Read more... 11-25-08
November 20, 1978 message - Our Lady rebukes the United States: "The more you cry 'peace', the more in your foolishness you give yourself to being saviors of the world"... Read more... 11-25-08
Return the use of the patens... Read more... 11-25-08
Grandmother's account of traumatizing experience with abortion moves Jamaican parliamentarians to tears... Read more... 11-24-08
Brazilian psychologists prohibited from helping Catholic Church screen out homosexual priesthood candidates... Read more... 11-24-08
The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women... Read more... 11-24-08
IMF chief economist: Worst of financial crisis yet to come... Read more...  World Monetary Crash video, part 1... 11-24-08
World monetary crash: "There is a great evil force now enshrouding your world; it is like an octopus reaching out in every direction to ensnare the world. It is a force of evil set up by satan. There are many arms of the octopus controlled by the monies of the world"... Read more... PDF LogoPDF  World Monetary Crash video, part 1... 11-24-08
Nyquist: Specialization and decline...  Read more...  Read also... 11-24-08
Veronica's landing points vision: Is this the plan for the invasion of the U.S.?... Read more... 11-24-08
The case for school prayer... Read more... 11-24-08
Interview: Bishop expands on why a bishop "would consider it a privilege to die tomorrow to bring about an end to abortion"... Read more... 11-22-08
Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer: The death of Catholic culture... Read more...  Read also... 11-21-08
Italian government must act fast to define food and hydration as a human right to save Eluana... Read more... 11-22-08
November 20, 1976 message - the one-world religion: "It will be a new religion that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator"... Read more... 11-22-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 11-22-08
More powerful evidence that the document released in 2000 was a forgery, not the real Third Secret... Read more... 11-21-08
Vatican Cardinal: "A new world order is gaining ground"... Read more... 11-21-08
Terri-Schiavo-like disabled woman allowed to live after parents reconcile... Read more... 11-21-08
Fear stalks the world's economies...  Read more...  World Monetary Crash video, part 1...   World Monetary Crash video, part 2... 11-21-08
The Bible on homosexuality... Read more... 11-21-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 11-21-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  11-21-08
Jack Irey's cure of cancer... Read more... 11-20-08
Book review: The Tyranny of Nice – How Canada crushes freedom in the name of human rights... Read more... 11-20-08
The coming "war" between the new administration and the Catholic Church... Read more...  Read also... 11-20-08
The final confrontation: Who will see it? Who will care?... Read more...  Read also... 11-20-08
The tyranny is upon us but we're too compromised to see it says Michael O'Brien... Read more... 11-20-08
April 13, 1974 message: Our Lady said that the women are not women; they are men. And they must be returned to their role as women and mothers... Read more... Read also... 11-20-08

Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more...
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 11-20-08
Fr. Malachi Martin, who read the REAL Third Secret, believed Our Lady of the Roses was a true apparition... Read more... 11-20-08
Mormons, Knights of Columbus face chilling threats and more vandalism for Prop. 8 support... Read more...  11-19-08
Prophecy - uprisings of homosexuals in the U.S. - May 26, 1979 message: "Prepare yourselves, for the demons are gathering to start uprisings in your country, the United States. These will be led by those who commit abominations upon their bodies. You will call them homosexuals, but they are dead souls in human bodies, possessed by Lucifer to do his will"... Read more...  11-19-08
Christian prayer group sexually and physically assaulted by homosexual mob: SF residents seek vengeance for vote on Prop. 8... Read more...  Read also... 11-19-08
Cardinal Stafford: President-elect's anti-life policies are “aggressive, disruptive, and apocalyptic"... Read more...  Read also... 11-19-08
Changes in the Church: "It is the enemies of your God that have set themselves to promote change upon My words"... Read more...  11-19-08
God or man?... Read more... 11-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 11-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 11-19-08
Vatican warns that feminism is lethal to families... Read more... 11-19-08
The Coming World Crisis and the New World Order...  Read more...  One World Government/Religion...  United Nations and the One World Government... 11-18-08
Italian nuns refuse to kill Eluana... Read more... 11-18-08
Cure of spina bifida: The astounding case of Margie Van Aken... Read more... 11-18-08
Russian spy in NATO may have passed U.S. missile shield secrets... Read more...  Read also...   11-18-08
Homosexualists protest against true marriage in over 100 cities... Read more... 11-18-08
Fr. Newman responds to diocesan concerns about pro-abortion voting letter: Fr. Newman was given a standing ovation by his parishioners at last weekend's Saturday Mass... Read more...  Read also... 11-18-08
The fallen hierarchy: "There will be many mitres in hell. Many priests are on the road to damnation; with them they take others. For this, the lowest pit of the abyss will be eternity! Those entrusted in My Son's House will be held accountable for the fall of young souls. Your rank will be no guarantee of your entrance into the Kingdom"... Read more... 11-18-08
Liberals clinically mad, concludes top psychiatrist... Read more...  Read also... 11-18-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 11-18-08
300 million America idolaters?... Read more... 11-18-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 11-18-08
VIDEO: The Charismatic Delusion, Part 1... Watch this video... 11-17-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #341 - No evil is ever triumphant... Read more...  11-17-08
With homosexual 'marriage' Christian freedoms will be under greatest threat in Hawaii, Wisconsin... Read more... 11-17-08
"Admiration and awe": Bishop Gracida's reaction to priest who told pro-abort voting Catholics to confess before receiving Communion... Read more...  Read also... 11-17-08
Nyquist: Russia's response to the economic crisis... Read more...  Read also...   11-17-08
August 5, 1976 message: "Should Our bishops continue in their errors, should Our bishops not recognize the signs of the times, and continue running fast into the abyss and taking many with them ... well, My children, there will be many chastisements sent to mankind, and each one must grow more severe, until these chastisements shall encompass the whole world”... Read more... 11-17-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 11-17-08
The Mass is a sacrifice, not a meal... Read more... 11-17-08
"Encyclopedia of Country Living, 10th Edition" book...  Read more...  11-15-08
Eluana Englaro to die by dehydration after Italian high court ruling... Read more... 11-15-08
Update: Nationwide homosexual anarchist organization behind attack on MI church planning further disruptions... Read more... 11-15-08
Georgia Congressman warns of dictatorship... Read more...  Read also... 11-15-08
Catholic Church: "You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus"... Read more... 11-15-08
Pope Benedict says that refusing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians is a "doctrine of the Church"... Read more... 11-15-08
Veronica's landing points vision: Is this the plan for the invasion of the U.S.?... Read more... 11-15-08
Reflections on "women's liberation"... Read more... 11-15-08
Australian committee proposal to pay mothers to abort disabled babies compared to Nazis... Read more... 11-14-08
United Nations urges India to legalize sodomy... Read more... 11-14-08
No compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 11-14-08
Bishop Bruskewitz to fellow bishops: No compromise on "vile intrinsic evil such as abortion"... Read more...  Read also... 11-14-08
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America: 'Every day brings this nation closer to Nazi-style totalitarian abyss'... Read more...  Read also... 11-14-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 11-14-08
The Holy Bible on child discipline... Read more... 11-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 11-14-08
NARTH psychiatrist says study claiming biological basis for homosexuality "absolute rubbish"... Read more... 11-14-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 11-13-08
Bishops threaten denial of Communion while Uruguay Senate votes pro-abortion... Read more... 11-13-08
Vatican prelate: Removal of food and hydration from Italian woman “monstrous and inhuman murder”... Read more... 11-13-08
The ouija board and demonic possession... Read more... 11-13-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 11-13-08
The Rosary is music to Heaven's ears... Read more... 11-13-08
December 28, 1974 message: "Your city and the cities of your country shall be wiped away--wiped from the face of your earth, so great is the sin in your cities!"... Read more... 11-13-08
The REAL Third Secret of Fatima specifically mentioned the year 1972, as Jacinta revealed to Mother Godinho... Read more... 11-13-08
Boston's Cardinal O'Malley seems ignorant of the fact that Rome has said pro-abortion politicians 'must' be denied Communion... Read more... 11-12-08
A Marine named Michael...  Read more... 11-12-08
Homosexualist anarchists storm Michigan church during Sunday service... Read more... 11-12-08
Watch church lady meet same-sex 'marriage' protesters... Read more...  Read also... 11-12-08

Communist Party ecstatic over '08 election results...
Read more...  Read also... 11-12-08
"You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior"... Read more... 11-12-08
What inspired Bishop Fulton Sheen to make a holy hour? Read more... 11-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope to Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 11-12-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 11-12-08
VIDEO: The Miraculous Story of Bayside, Part 1... Watch video... 11-12-08
Bin Laden is planning an attack against the United States that will "outdo by far" September 11... Read more... 11-11-08
Pro-life advocates rally in Rome for Italian “Terri Schiavo”... Read more... 11-11-08
The supreme dictator: "The state of your world is capitulating now to all of the forces of the octopus that will seek to bring about a one-world religion and a one-world government under a supreme dictator of evil"... Read more... 11-11-08
UK Prime Minister: Now is time to build global society... Read more...  Read also... 11-11-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 11-11-08
Life begins at conception... Read more... 11-11-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 11-11-08
Pope Benedict warns organ transplant conference of abuses of death criteria... Read more... 11-10-08
Health care providers in Washington state refuse to perform assisted suicide... Read more... 11-10-08
Euthanasia is murder... Read more... 11-10-08
Life will not go on... Read more...  Read also... 11-10-08
"My Son's House is being stripped of all holiness"... Read more... 11-10-08
Nyquist: The web of deceit and the spirit of Sabinus... Read more...  Read also... 11-10-08
Unconverted Russia and its influence on Mideast terrorism... Read more... 11-10-08
Helping your children grow in maturity through discipline... Read more... 11-10-08
A Pro-abort politician, who calls himself a devout Catholic, is an outspoken abortion proponent and as such has incurred automatic excommunication from the Church according to Canon Law... Read more... 11-8-08
Prop. 8 protesters besiege LA Mormon temple, press forward on legal challenges... Read more... 11-8-08
May 28, 1977 message: "As you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God"... Read more... 11-8-08
Bible being rewritten: "The Book of life and love, the Bible, is being rewritten. It is done, My child, with great cunning and deception. Only those in the light, make knowledgeable by the light, will recognize this deception. Little by little the errors are being spread”... Read more... 11-8-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 11-8-08
The family: "The strength for souls will be found in the family circle"... Read more... 11-8-08
VIDEO: Wanda Dunbar cured of brain cancer... Read more... 11-8-08
Cures from drug addition... Read more... 11-8-08
Same-sex "marriage" supporters furious at California loss: Lawsuits filed challenging Proposition 8... Read more... 11-7-08
Study finds Catholic colleges have little positive impact on faith, values... Read more... 11-7-08
Real hope: "Your hope at this moment is in receiving the Message from Heaven and acting upon it" ... Read more... 11-7-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 11-7-08
Putin's plot to return as President... Read more...  Read also... 11-7-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 11-7-08
April 2, 1977 message: "And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like children going through the fields picking daisies"... Read more... 11-7-08
Cardinal Ottaviani endorsed the Neus Europa "third secret", said "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth"... Read more... 11-7-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 11-7-08
The time to prepare is NOW!!!  Store canned goods, water, and blankets... Read more... 11-6-08
Victory: California Marriage Proposition 8 passes in historic battle... Read more... 11-6-08
More good news: In the states of Arizona, Florida and California voters said no to homosexual “marriage”... Read more...  Read also... 11-6-08
Washington becomes 2nd US state with legal assisted suicide... Read more... 11-6-08
With the help of "Catholics"... Read more...  Read also... 11-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 11-6-08
God and our American Presidents... Read more... 11-6-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 11-6-08
November 20, 1978 message: “Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome"... Read more... 11-6-08
Archbishop Burke: Not to vote pro-life is to participate in the Culture of Death... Read more... 11-5-08
Archbishop of Uruguay: Excommunication for Uruguayan legislators who vote for abortion... Read more... 11-5-08
The Third Secret and the Great Apostasy... Read more... 11-5-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  11-5-08
Mother Teresa's letter to the Supreme Court on abortion... Read more...  11-5-08
October 6, 1992 message - The Antichrist is ready to emerge: "You will recognize him by his deeds"... Read more...  (Click to hear the actual message) 11-4-08
Catholics must vote prolife: Pope Benedict,  Pope John Paul II's secretary, 80 U.S. bishops, Kansas City bishops, Cardinal Egan, Cardinal Rigali, Bishop Martino, 
Rhode Island Bishop: "I could never vote for a candidate who supports abortion"... Read more...  11-3-08
March 18, 1977 message: "My children, do not be deceived by the reports being given to you from your news medias, for they are controlled by the father of all liars and his agents in human form"... Read more...  11-3-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #340 - Signs of the times... Read more...  11-2-08
July 25, 1977 message: "O My children, recognize, I repeat, the signs of your times. You are fast selling yourselves into slavery. Your government and the governments of the world are now almost in full control of the agents of hell"... Read more... 11-2-08
Cardinal O'Malley: Right to life "centerpiece" of Catholic teaching... Read more... 11-1-08
Supreme Court asked to halt Tuesday's vote...  Read more...  Read also... 11-1-08
Why this election is about freedom of religion... Read more...  Read also... 11-1-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 11-1-08
The Saints... Read more... 11-1-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 11-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 11-1-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 11-1-08
May 26, 1976 message: "You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom"... Read more... 11-1-08 
Over 80 Bishops say abortion / life issues defining issues of election... Read more... 10-31-08
Archbishop of Omaha issues voting statement to be read at all parishes this Sunday... Read more... 10-31-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 10-31-08
March 26, 1983 message: "The United States is as like the eagle plucked bare by its enemies, plucked bare by misrepresentation, plucked bare by sin"... Read more... 10-31-08
Separation of Church and State a "fatal theory"... Read more... 10-31-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 10-31-08
The history of the “Jacinta 1972” miraculous photograph... Read more... 10-31-08
Coming Great Events Upon Mankind... Read more...  10-30-08
New Bayside Video - Wanda Dunbar's Cure of Brain Cancer by Our Lady of the Roses... Watch this video... 10-30-08
FDR's Folly: "Your leader, Roosevelt, is in hell! Franklin Roosevelt, My child. His spirit is one of darkness"... Read more... 10-30-08
Spanish Bishops reiterate legitimacy of conscientious objection to government sex-ed course... Read more... 10-30-08
What's wrong with socialism?... Read more...  Read also... 10-30-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 10-30-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 10-30-08
Pope Paul VI on confronting the devil's power... Read more... 10-30-08
Vatican's new rite of exorcism called a "blunt weapon"... Read more... 10-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more... 10-30-08
Pope John Paul II condemned the 'Welfare State'... Read more... 10-29-08
Will the US Bishops' "Faithful Citizenship" document win the Catholic vote for the Abortion Candidate?... Read more... 10-29-08
Ex-Hitler Youth Hilmar von Campe asserts embracing socialism equals insurrection against God...  Read more...  Read also... 10-29-08
Should the 2008 elections go to the Dems, as the Communist Party USA is working to accomplish, the direction of the nation will change dramatically... Read more... 10-29-08
November 20, 1979 message: "My children, must you wait until all is destroyed before you will acknowledge that you have been wrong in your procedures, in your teachings, and in your seeking for scientific renovations and novelties, even in My Son's Church upon earth?"... Read more... 10-29-08
Pope opposes Harry Potter novels - signed letters from Cardinal Ratzinger now online... Read more... Read also... 10-29-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 10-29-08
McAlvany Report - Toward the United Socialist States of America: Have We Passed the Point of No Return?  Read more... 10-28-08
Just look: Cardinal Egan compares abortion crimes to those of Hitler, Stalin... Read more... 10-28-08
October 28th: Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles and Martyrs... Read more... 10-28-08
Biden's Bishop chastises VP candidate for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion... Read more... 10-28-08
Communism: "Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world?"... Read more... 10-28-08
In Iraq: 'We are killed because we are Christians'... Read more...  Read also... 10-28-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 10-28-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 10-28-08
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  10-28-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  10-28-08
U.S. attacks inside Syria: 4 American choppers involved in major raid, widen scope of Iraq campaign... Read more...  Read also... 10-26-08
The Socialist threat: Karl Marx long ago anticipated a so-called “crisis of capitalism,” when financial institutions would be convulsed and investors panicked. Such a situation would set the stage for a global Communist revolution... Read more...  Read also... 10-26-08
September 14, 1979 message: "Your country is fast becoming ruled by a communist state. Is this what you will permit? Enslavement of your children?"... Read more...  Read also... 10-26-08
UK announces mandatory sex education for kindergarteners... Read more... 10-26-08
50 Bishops say abortion most important issue in U.S. election... Read more... 10-25-08
Cardinal Rigali: Abortion is the “transcending issue of our day”... Read more... 10-25-08
October 6, 1976 message: "Many priests, bishops, cardinals in My Son's House need prayers from the laity that they may be strong enough not to fall into the plan of the third worlders, who are also known, My child, as the one worlders"... Read more... 10-25-08
Pope Benedict calls abortion "today's gravest injustice"... Read more... 10-25-08
Russia must be consecrated by name...  Read more... 10-25-08
The essence of perfection consists in charity...  Read more... 10-25-08
Scranton Bishop unexpectedly visits forum, repudiates false teachings on Catholic voting... Read more... 10-24-08
Ayers' group foresaw genocide of capitalists: Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million 'eliminated' ... Read more...  Read also... 10-24-08
Communism: "Your country, the United States, and other countries of the world, in their measures of compromise to communism, shall fall to communism"... Read more... 10-24-08
Massachusetts parents warn Floridians of effects of same-sex “marriage” on public education... Read more... 10-24-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 10-24-08
The divine Christ and the Bible... Read more... 10-24-08
"What is a priest?" Read more... 10-24-08
What inspired Archbishop Sheen to make a Holy Hour before Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament each day?  Read more... 10-23-08
Bishops: Catholics “morally obliged” to oppose Roe v. Wade... Read more... 10-23-08
Bin Laden's plan for 'global fireball' - Intel agents uncover plot for worldwide disaster...  Read more...  Read also... 10-22-08
Please say this novena on these days to see that a president, congress and governors are elected that will uphold life, faith and family... Read more... 10-22-08
Bishop Martino discounts U.S. bishops' watered-down voting document, blasts those promoting erroneous interpretations to "justify their political positions and to contradict the Church’s actual teaching," says he no longer supports the Democrats... Read more...  Read also...   10-22-08
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: ...  Read more... 10-22-08
St. Alphonsus Liguori's advice to parents... Read more... 10-22-08
Pope John Paul II blessed Our Lady of the Roses' workers... Read more... 10-22-08
Obedience: "You shall not be obedient to sin and heresy, My children"... Read more... 10-22-08
Belief and obedience: the critical difference... Read more... 10-22-08
Archbishop Chaput: BO's supporting pro-life Catholics "absurd"... Read more... 10-21-08
Fr. Malachi Martin, who read the REAL Third Secret, believed Our Lady of the Roses was a true apparition... Read more... 10-21-08
"I wait for you"... Read more... 10-21-08
Another Australia bill granting same-sex rights passes Senate as systematic overhaul of marriage continues... Read more... 10-21-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 10-21-08
Jeff Nyquist: The same old delusions... Read more...  Read also...   10-21-08
Russia's master plan... Read more... 10-21-08
Persecution: "In many countries throughout your world it appears, My children--and I say, appears--that the communist country leaders are permitting religions within their rule. This is a sham, My children, a cover-up for the fact that it is state-controlled"... Read more... 10-21-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 10-21-08
Video from Roman Catholics regarding the Essentials on Election Day...  Watch video...  Join in Prayer...  10-20-08
Wall Street and Faith: Our Lady of the Roses Shrine back in the news... Read more... 10-19-08
U.S. Bishops come out swinging against abortion, pro-abort politicians... Read more... 10-18-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #339 - Good Example... Read more...  10-18-08
Political miracle links McCain, Virgin of Guadalupe... Read more... 10-18-08
October 18th: St. Luke, Evangelist... Read more... 10-18-08
Washington's fight against euthanasia initiative in critical need of funding as time runs out... Read more... 10-18-08
A liberal supermajority: Get ready for 'change' we haven't seen since 1965, or 1933... Read more... Read also... 10-18-08
March 18, 1974 message: "Not only your country, but the world has now reached a point of complete saturation of evil"... Read more... 10-18-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 10-18-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 10-18-08
A book review of "Se Pedirá Cuenta" (“An Account will be Asked”)... Read more... 10-18-08
Fathers: "Make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household"... Read more... 10-18-08
Bishop Holley: "The number one cause of death in the African American community has been abortion. We have lost over 13 million lives"... Read more... 10-17-08
New poll shows California Marriage Amendment edging ahead... Read more... 10-17-08
The messy, messy business of birth control... Read more... Read also... 10-17-08
The four marks of the Church... Read more... 10-17-08
September 13, 1973 message: "Man no longer honors My Son upon his knees"... Read more... 10-17-08
'Groundbreaking' study shows 'gays' can change... Read more... Read also... 10-17-08
Pornography: Ted Bundy's fatal addiction... Read more... 10-17-08
Texas Bishops: Abortion is the "defining issue" of this election... Read more...  10-16-08
Maryland Archbishop denies school Catholic status for refusing "human sexuality" course... Read more...  10-16-08
September 7, 1985 message: "Tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government—an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression"... Read more... 10-16-08
No compromises: Kansas State Bishops declare voting for abortion candidate is "evil"... Read more...  10-16-08
We know God exists... Read more... 10-16-08
Heresy: "Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy"... Read more... 10-16-08
Iran's nukes getting Russian help... Read more...  Read also... 10-16-08
Pope Benedict rules patients in permanent vegetative state may not be denied artificial nutrition and hydration... Read more... 10-16-08
Connecticut Bishops denounce Supreme Court for bulldozing democratic process in same-sex "marriage" ruling... Read more... 10-15-08
Catholic College President says BO will appoint judges who will protect women's healthcare "choices"... Read more... 10-15-08
Colorado prolifers face uphill battle: The state hoping to be the first where voters say life begins at conception are facing resistance from a seemingly unexpected place - the Catholic Church... Read more...  Read also...   10-15-08
New Bayside Video on the Coming Monetary Crash, Part 2... Watch here...  Part 1... Watch here... 10-15-08
October 6, 1992 message: Antichrist ready to emerge...  Read more...   In honor of Our Lady of the Rosary   10-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 10-15-08
UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more... 10-15-08
Vatican II: "The Council that brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls"... Read more..10-15-08
The Antichrist: "The leaders of your country and the rulers of your world are faster and faster plunging forward, bringing in the reign of the evil one whom you will know as the Antichrist of one world. The plan for his rule has been set for many years"... Read more... 10-14-08
Fr. Lawrence Abello: Addressing the American and Canadian voters from abroad... Read more... 10-14-08
Massachusetts Bishops vacillate on Defense of Marriage petition campaign... Read more... 10-14-08
Archbishop Burke: Bishops must discipline pro-abortion Catholic politicians... Read more... 10-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 10-14-08
May 17, 1975 message: "My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth"... Read more... 10-14-08
What inspired Bishop Fulton Sheen to make a holy hour? Read more... 10-14-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 10-13-08
Nyquist: The German question - The monster at the bottom of the abyss...  Read more...  Read also...   10-13-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 10-13-08
Pope Benedict describes unworthy reception of Holy Communion as Christ's greatest suffering... Read more... 10-13-08
Crisis becomes global crash... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-11-08
Shock: Connecticut Supreme Court strikes down state ban on same-sex "marriage"... Read more... 10-11-08
Exclusive interview with "Fireproof" co-star Erin Bethea... Read more... 10-11-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 10-11-08
October 2, 1976 message: "Learn a simple lesson from the past, My children. When the morals of a country start to go down into darkness, and the teachings turn from God to man, that country will soon be ended. First the spiritual life and then the material life of your country shall be destroyed"... Read more... 10-11-08
Mom proves discipline far superior to Ritalin... Read more...  Read also... 10-11-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 10-11-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  10-11-08
Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"... Read more... 10-11-08
British Catholic hospital under fire for policy allowing abortion referrals... Read more...  10-10-08
New study shows 26% in Oregon who requested suicide were experiencing depression... Read more...  10-10-08
J.D. Power: Global auto market may "collapse" in 2009... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-10-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  10-10-08
Vatican II: "The Council that brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls"... Read more.. 10-10-08
Belief and obedience: the critical difference... Read more... 10-10-08
Jesus is God... Read more... 10-10-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 10-10-08
Mandatory homosexual indoctrination in grade school survives after Supreme Court turns down case... Read more... 10-9-08
Canadian artist and Catholic novelist Michael O'Brien on modesty in the culture of shamelessness... Read more... 10-9-08
Bernanke's blunders and bailout blues... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-9-08
April 2, 1977 message: "The United States of America has been plucked. The vultures are gathering for the kill"... Read more... 10-9-08
What is sanctity? Read more... 10-9-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 10-9-08
Kneel before your God in the Eucharist... Read more... 10-9-08
Changes in Church: "Man will not change to please man; man will stay on the narrow road and please his God"... Read more...  10-9-08
SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPEAL...  We need help to survive!  Read more... 10-8-08
Bayside Video on the Coming Monetary Crash, Part 1... Watch here... 10-8-08
Kenyan Cardinal blasts attempt to legalize abortion... Read more... 10-8-08
Firefighters' lawsuit against city over forced participation in gay pride parade ends in mistrial... Read more... 10-8-08
FBI warns of suicide attacks in U.S.... Read more...  Read also... 10-8-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 10-8-08
God's great gift of Confession... Read more... 10-8-08
Sex education in the schools: A debauchery of young souls... Read more... 10-8-08
Jesus Christ, Redeemer... Read more... 10-8-08
Pope Benedict says world financial system 'built on sand'... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-7-08
Cramer: Preventing Great Depression II... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-7-08
October 7th: Our Lady of the Rosary... Read more... 10-7-08
The Rosary defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto... Read more... 10-7-08
Video catches Planned Parenthood covering up statutory rape... Read more... 10-7-08
Democratic platform promises, Republican platform rejects more abortion overseas... Read more... 10-7-08
Paul Harvey: "If I were the devil"... Read more... 10-7-08
Jeff Nyquist: The myth of government-sponsored salvation... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-7-08
The Tyrant State: Prophetic warnings of Pope John Paul II... Read more... 10-7-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  10-6-08
November 24, 1979 message: "When a country gives itself over to Lucifer, discarding all knowledge of true faith and the Commandments of the Eternal Father, that country will be destroyed"... Read more... 10-6-08
Conversations with an exorcist... Read more... 10-6-08
Pope Benedict decries godless nature of modern societies... Read more...  Read also...  10-5-08
October 4th: St. Francis of Assisi... Read more... 10-4-08
How St. Francis of Assisi converted the Sultan... Read more... 10-4-08
St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons... Read more... 10-4-08
Kansas City bishop warns: Federal "Freedom of Choice Act" would make "null and void" all abortion restrictions in the US... Read more... 10-4-08
The Papacy: "Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar"... Read more... 10-4-08
August 5, 1976 message: "I give fair warning as your God, that Heaven has set a time and an hour to stop the desecration within My Church"... Read more... 10-4-08
Miraculous stories of the Brown Scapular... Read more... 10-4-08
Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 10-4-08
"Food Security for the Faint of Heart" book...  Read more... 10-3-08
McAlvany Report - "Living in a Time When the Foundations are Crumbling" report...  Read more... 10-3-08
"Stocking Up III" book - It is the bible of food storage for the end times... Read more... 10-3-08
Vatican official attacks U.S. Democrats as “party of death”... Read more...  Read also...  10-3-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #338 - Temple of the Holy Spirit... Read more...  10-3-08
Fordham students petition University President to revoke award offer to Justice Breyer... Read more...  10-3-08
VIDEO: Guard your children's souls... Read more... 10-3-08
October 3rd: St. Thérèse the Little Flower... Read more... 10-3-08
The Little Way of spiritual childhood... Read more... 10-3-08
"What is a priest?" Read more... 10-3-08
Occulations from Heaven poems... Read more... 10-3-08
David McAlvany interview of Marc Faber: "I think the end result will be a total loss of purchasing value of paper money"... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-3-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more...  10-3-08
Unconverted Russia: 64% of Russian pregnancies end in abortion... Read more... 10-2-08
Pro-marriage film Fireproof wins at the box office with highest per screen opening weekend of 2008... Read more... 10-2-08
December 31, 1974 message: "Sin, the most abominable of sins, has become a way of life with your country and many countries of your world. It is for this reason that mankind, this generation that has become perverse, will have visited upon it trials such as have never been seen since the beginning of creation"... Read more... 10-2-08
Chavez to U.S.: "This crash of capitalism and of neoliberalism will be worse than that of 1929"...  Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  10-2-08
October 2: The Holy Guardian Angels... Read more... 10-2-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 10-2-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 10-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  10-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 10-2-08
Mysterious behaviors in Pope Paul VI’s papacy: Our Lady of the Roses provides the explanation... Read more... 10-2-08
Bailout marks Karl Marx's comeback.. Read more...  Read also...  10-1-08
Ecuador approves constitution with pro-abortion, pro-homosexual language... Read more... 10-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 10-1-08
Google urges voters: Trash traditional marriage... Read more...  Read also...  10-1-08
The family: "The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation"... Read more... 10-1-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 10-1-08
Changes in the Church: "The experimentation and changes must be stopped and reversed!"... Read more... 10-1-08 

-778: Greatest point drop in history... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-30-08
September 30th: St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church... Read more... 9-30-08
Bishop Soto crashes national homosexual ministries conference with the truth: Homosexuality "is sinful"... Read more... 9-30-08
Canadian Bishops issue pastoral letter encouraging faithfulness to anti-contraception encyclical Humanae Vitae... Read more... 9-30-08
Russia upgrading nuke arsenal - Analyst: 'Military is actually preparing for an all-out nuclear war with America'... Read more...  Read also... 9-30-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 9-30-08
Trying to skirt the Pope's negative appraisal of Harry Potter... Read more... 9-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  9-30-08
Sister Lucy's last unrestricted interview: Father Fuentes' interview with Sister Lucy... Read more... 9-30-08
Fathers for Life: Website with lots of articles combating radical feminist propaganda... Read more...  Read also... 9-30-08
Stock market could crash this week: “What’s being put around behind the scenes is that we’re looking at 1930s stuff. We’re looking at catastrophe, huge, amazing catastrophe"... Read more...  Read also... PDF LogoPDF   9-29-08
Jeff Nyquist: False values, false economy and the devil to pay... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF 9-29-08
September 29th: St. Michael the Archangel: Protector of the People of God... Read more... 9-29-08
Book on sex abuse scandals banned from Catholic bookstores... Read more... 9-29-08
Catholic hospital group says abortion pressures means HHS rule needed... Read more... 9-29-08
October 2, 1976 message: "Learn a simple lesson from the past, My children. When the morals of a country start to go down into darkness, and the teachings turn from God to man, that country will soon be ended. First the spiritual life and then the material life of your country shall be destroyed"... Read more... 9-29-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 9-29-08
Mary, our sweet Mother... Read more... 9-29-08
Yoga and horoscopes can lead to possession by Devil, claims Cardinal's exorcist... Read more... 9-29-08
Tradition: "You cannot separate tradition from your Faith"... Read more... 9-29-08
Ted Kennedy taken in ambulance to Cape Cod hospital... Read more... Read also... 9-27-08
October 1, 1988 message: "the disaster back in the 1920's, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now. I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind"...  Read more... (Click to hear the actual message)  9-27-08
Actor Eduardo Verastegui makes pro-life plea to Hispanic voters... Read more... 9-27-08
Resolution condemning UN committees introduced in US House of Representatives... Read more... 9-27-08
Gingrich: Kill Paulson's plan  - Newt calls it 'stupid,' looking like it was designed by Vladimir Putin... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-27-08
November 24, 1979 message: "When a country gives itself over to Lucifer, discarding all knowledge of true faith and the Commandments of the Eternal Father, that country will be destroyed"... Read more... 9-27-08
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  9-27-08
Archbishop Lenga proposes universal norm that Holy Communion be received on the tongue, and kneeling... Read more... 9-27-08
Abortion forces push back: Connecticut Attorney General leads 13-state coalition against proposed federal rule jeopardizing access to birth control... Read more... 9-26-08
Colombian euthanasia law moves towards congressional approval... Read more... 9-26-08
Syria poised to invade Lebanon:  10,000 soldiers massed along border... Read more... Russians moving into Syria... Read more... Read also... 9-26-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 9-26-08
Changes in the Church: "The Father never changes. It is only satan who seeks change to disturb, corrupt, and degrade"... Read more... 9-26-08
Disciplining children: Bring back the adage, "spare the rod, spoil the child"... Read more... 9-26-08
August 21, 1976 message: "The greatest suffering that can be entered into your heart is to know of the fall of a friend"... Read more... 9-26-08
Fr. Alphonse DeValk: "Catholics who cast a vote for a politician who supports abortion and same-sex marriage commit moral evil"... Read more... 9-25-08
TLDM video: Reverence for the Holy Eucharist... Read more... Read also... 9-25-08
Powerful television commercials driving Catholics back into the pews (and confessionals)… Read more... 9-25-08
Pro-marriage film "Fireproof" opens in theatres this Friday... Read more... 9-25-08
Palin: U.S. could face another Great Depression... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-25-08
Fr. Alonso's last article on the Third Secret... Read more... 9-25-08
Disciplining children: "Do not allow your children to rule you, but set a good example and use a firm discipline"... Read more... 9-25-08
Vatican II: "The promises were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chessboard"... Read more... 9-25-08
Vatican ends debate: No Communion for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 9-25-08
Australian Archbishop says Catholic hospitals set to close in face of mandatory abortion bill... Read more... 9-24-08
Bishops To Congress: "We can't reduce abortion by promoting abortion"... Read more... 9-24-08
Another UK Catholic adoption agency opts for secularization... Read more... 9-24-08
Anger at ‘financial socialism’... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-24-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 9-24-08
Christ is God... Read more... 9-24-08
Bishop Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 9-24-08
Reports that Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago was a pedophile and a satanist... Read more... 9-24-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 9-24-08
Sacred Tradition: "Tradition has been cast aside for humanism and modernism"... Read more... 9-24-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:   #337 - Hierarchy infiltrated... Read more...  9-23-08
U.S. intelligence is worried about a massive Al Qaida ‘October surprise’ attack geared to sway the U.S. elections... Read more... Read also...  9-23-08
Trial begins for firefighters suing city over forced participation in gay pride parade... Read more...  9-23-08
Baroness Warnock: Elderly with dementia have a "duty to die"... Read more...  9-23-08
Nyquist: Financial collapse and destructive war... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-23-08
"Pro-choice" position is heresy says Oregon Catholic bishop... Read more...  9-23-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 9-23-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 9-23-08
Sacrileges due to Communion in the hand... Read more... 9-23-08
Pro-life groups prepare to shut down Planned Parenthood... Read more... 9-22-08
Our Lady warned of a monetary crash: "Tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government—an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression"... Read more... PDF LogoPDF  9-22-08
Almost Armageddon: Markets were 500 trades from a meltdown... Read more... Read also... PDF LogoPDF  9-22-08
Abortion-politician-Communion scandal shows real lack of pastoral concern... Read more... 9-22-08
Cardinal Oddi on the REAL Third Secret of Fatima: "The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the Church"...  Read more... 9-22-08
Msgr. Klaus Gamber's insights are strikingly close to Our Lady of the Roses messages on the Mass and tradition... Read more... 9-22-08
St. Padre Pio on modesty... Read more...   9-22-08
Head of Knights of Columbus joins Catholic leaders rebuking "Catholic" Biden for abortion comments... Read more... 9-20-08
Good news for Proposition 8: New study shows polls significantly understate support for true marriage... Read more... 9-20-08
Senator Bunning says Paulson acts like Socialist and like China's finance minister; says "we no longer have a free market in the United States"... Read more... Read also... 9-20-08
September 14, 1979 message: “Your country is fast becoming ruled by a communist state"... Read more... 9-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 9-20-08
Fr. Malachi Martin, who read the REAL Third Secret, believed Our Lady of the Roses was a true apparition... Read more... 9-20-08
Russia must be consecrated by name...  Read more... 9-20-08
Contraception is intrinsically evil... Read more... 9-20-08
The World As We Know It Is Going Down.  Panic is the word on Wall Street...  Read more... Read also... 9-19-08
Professor who desecrated the Eucharist now leads attack against pro-life pharmacist... Read more... 9-19-08
September 19th: Our Lady of La Salette... Read more... 9-19-08
Melanie Calvat's description of Our Lady... Read more... 9-19-08
Explicit "sex-education" pamphlet to be given to six year-olds in British schools... Read more... 9-19-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 9-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 9-19-08
Marxist roots of radical feminism... Read more... 9-19-08
May 13, 1978 message: "Countless times in the past the Spirit of truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of spiritual darkness. This day has arrived, My children"... Read more... 9-19-08
Cardinal Pell to pro-abortion politicians: "How come you feel that you're able to go to Communion?" Read more... 9-19-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 9-19-08
New McAlvany report: The Real Estate Implosion and the Emerging U.S. Recession (or Depression)... Read more... 9-18-08
Arizona Bishop calls Catholics to uphold marriage in November vote... Read more... 9-18-08
Study: Homosexual lifestyle strongly linked to depression, suicide... Read more... 9-18-08
September 18th: St. Joseph of Cupertino, Franciscan priest... Read more... 9-18-08
Fathers: "Make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household"... Read more... 9-18-08
Bailout band-aids will break us... Read more...  Read also... 9-18-08
Hurricane Ike ravaged the Texas coast Saturday, flooding thousands of homes and businesses, shattering windows in Houston's skyscrapers and knocking out power to millions of people... Read more... 9-18-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 9-18-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 9-18-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 9-18-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 9-18-08
September 17th: Stigmata of St. Francis... Read more... 9-17-08
St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons... Read more... 9-17-08
"Protecting the right to life" top issue on Canadian Bishops Conference Election Guide... Read more... 9-17-08
Teens dismembered in satanic slaughter... Read more...  Read also... 9-17-08
Pope Leo XIII against the Masons: "Christianity and Freemasonry are essentially incompatible"... Read more... 9-17-08
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  9-17-08
The REAL Third Secret of Fatima specifically mentioned the year 1972, as Jacinta revealed to Mother Godinho... Read more... 9-17-08
Miraculous cures and conversions at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine... Read more...  9-17-08
14 Bishops and counting correct Senator Biden... Read more... 9-16-08
Thomas More Law Center: great success defending life, family, faith... Read more... 9-16-08
Stocks down over 500 points, biggest slide in six years...  Read more...  Read also... 9-16-08
World stock markets rocked by Black Sunday... Read more...  Read also... 9-16-08
Pope Benedict supports excommunication for pro-abortion politicians: "Incompatible with receiving Communion"...  Read more... 9-16-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 9-16-08
Statistical decline of the Catholic Church since Vatican II... Read more... 9-16-08
June 18, 1981 message: "Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity fanaticism, and holiness derangement"... Read more... 9-16-08
September 15th: The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary... Read more... 9-15-08
Pope Benedict hails love 'stronger than evil' at Lourdes Mass... Read more... 9-15-08
Lehman Brothers, 4th largest investment bank: "It appears that Lehman will file for bankruptcy and the risk of an immediate tsunami is related to the unwind of derivative and swap-related positions worldwide"... Read more...  Read also... 9-15-08
Pro-abortion Catholics more horrific than clergy sex abuse... Read more... 9-15-08
Will government bailouts spell end of dollar?...  Read more...  Read also... 9-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 9-15-08
May 30, 1981 message: "Count not upon the frailties of human relationship, because they die and wither away. Whereas My Mother, in Her Immaculate Heart, will always be there to counsel you, to guide you; because no purer a love has ever been given to mankind"... Read more... 9-15-08
The approved apparitions of Our Lady of Akita, Japan and the Third Secret... Read more... 9-15-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 9-15-08
"Separated brethren must change. They have protested in the past; they have taken themselves away from the truth and the one true Church"... Read more... 9-15-08
September 14th: Exaltation of the Holy Cross... Read more... 9-14-08
July 25, 1977 message: "To be faithful and true, My children, you must be of the cross, and follow the cross, and not one that has been made by man"... Read more... 9-14-08
Bishop Vasa: Pro-abortion candidates are "disqualified" - clarifies "Faithful Citizenship"... Read more... 9-13-08
Contraception, abortion 'intimate partners' says Filipino Archbishop... Read more... 9-13-08
Return of 'hate crimes' plan looms in Congress: Legal crackdown on biblical condemnation of homosexuality feared... Read more... Read also... 9-13-08

November 20, 1976 message - the one-world religion: "It will be a new religion that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator"... Read more... 9-13-08
"Restore My Church to its former glory"... Read more... 9-13-08
Pope Benedict on the theology of kneeling... Read more... 9-13-08
French magazine confirms Our Lady of the Roses warning about hard rock music: it is consecrated to Satan by Wicca... Read more... 9-13-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  9-13-08
American Idol winner defends sexual abstinence... Read more... 9-12-08
Disabled California woman saved from government-sanctioned starvation... Read more... 9-12-08
Homosexual U.K. documentarian says gay lifestyle a "sewer" of casual degrading sex, drug abuse and misery... Read more... 9-12-08
Post-abortion grief very real, experts say: Psychologists refute claim terminating life doesn't emotionally scar men, women... Read more... Read also... 9-12-08
Idolatry: "As it was in the past so it is this day upon earth, that man has now regressed back to an age of paganism, idolatry, and insanity from sin"... Read more... 9-12-08
St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Masons... Read more... 9-12-08
More reasons for rejecting Communion in the hand... Read more... 9-12-08
US Conference of Catholic Bishops releases official statement correcting Biden's abortion statements... Read more...  9-11-08
26 US Bishops have rebuked Pelosi--so far... Read more...  9-11-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #336 - Corruption... Read more...  9-11-08
Palin is right: Sex ed is toxic... Read more... Read also... 9-11-08
Terrorism: "They are now setting up their plans to bring destruction to the heart of the Americas"... Read more... 9-11-08
"I wait for you"... Read more... 9-11-08
September 7, 1974 message: "You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit--a war of religion"... Read more... 9-11-08
Rethinking Communion in the hand... Read more...  9-11-08
Mysterious behaviors in Pope Paul VI’s papacy: Our Lady of the Roses provides the explanation... Read more... 9-11-08
And again: Now bishops correct Biden's false statements about Catholic teaching on abortion... Read more... 9-10-08
November 1, 1974 message: "You must inform My children in your country that they must put into your government God-fearing men who follow the rules of the Father. If you bring murderers into the house, robbers and thieves, they will rob you until nothing remains. You will be stripped of all earthly wealth and this wealth will be turned over to one small group to govern the lives of many"... Read more... 9-10-08
Spanish family in meltdown: Three "ruptures" for every four marriages... Read more... 9-10-08
Lenin's prophecy about the United States... Read more... 9-10-08
Change agents: A Russian diplomat explained last July, America is about to enter “a crisis of its existence”... Read more... Read also... 9-10-08
What the holy ones say about Communion in the hand... Read more... 9-10-08
Original sin... Read more... 9-10-08
Divorce and annulment: "There will be no rationalization of adultery, there will be no rationalization of the breaking up of the home in divorce"... Read more... 9-10-08
Pelosi, and now Biden: VP-nominee says life begins at conception, but won't "impose" his Faith on others... Read more.. 9-9-08
ARCHIVE: Our Lady of the Roses warned pro-abort Senator Ted Kennedy that he faces damnation unless he defends his Catholic Faith in Washington... Read more.. 9-9-08
The comet chastisement... Read more... 9-9-08
CEO: Fannie/Freddie bailout makes America 'more communist than China'... Read more... Read also... 9-9-08
March 24, 1974 message: "Women of the world reject their places as helpmates to their husbands"... Read more... 9-9-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 11-9-07
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  9-9-08
Dietrich von Hildebrand: Communion in the hand should be rejected... Read more... 9-9-08
September 8th, Our Lady's birthday: Veronica's vision of the birth of Our Lady... Read more... 9-8-08
Proposed Spanish euthanasia law would fine doctors for "unjustified measures" to prolong lives of patients... Read more... 9-8-08
Venezuela to host Russia navy exercise in Caribbean... Read more... Read also... 9-8-08
Consolidation of power: The Feds and the Reds... Read more... Read also... 9-8-08
Heaven demands that bishops use their full powers and excommunicate the heretics... Read more... 9-8-08
April 2, 1977 message: "The United States of America has been plucked. The vultures are gathering for the kill"... Read more... 9-8-08
The murder of John Paul I.... Read more... 9-8-08
Chilean and US Catholic Bishops go opposite ways on morning after pill... Read more... 9-8-08
San Francisco Archbishop: Speaker Pelosi "in opposition" to Church teaching on abortion... Read more... 9-6-08
Pope Benedict XVI finally launches crackdown on world's largest illicit Catholic shrine and suspends 'dubious' priest... Read more... 9-6-08
"Anti-Catholic" union advocating homosexual agenda may face Human Rights Commission... Read more... 9-6-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 9-6-08
Palin more popular than BO, JM... Read more...  Read also... 9-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 9-6-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  9-6-08
Apocalypse: "It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness"... Read more...  9-6-08
Sarah Palin delivers gutsy acceptance speech... Read more... 9-5-08
October 1, 1983 message: "Your country, My child and My children, will lose a great statesman.... I repeat what My Mother has said to you: a statesman will be removed from among you. And then what will happen?"... Read more... 9-5-08
Prominent psychiatrist: "No particular need for sex-education"... Read more... 9-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 9-5-08
'Financial tsunami' to engulf markets 'unless Treasury steps in'... Read more...  Read also... 4-25-08
Our Mother, the Church... Read more...  9-5-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 9-5-08
 McAlvany's newest report - Surviving History's Greatest-Ever Financial Paradigm Shift... Read more... 9-4-08
In new book Denver Archbishop says he will deny Communion to pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 9-4-08
Ontario Human Rights Commission and College of Physicians collude to remove doctors' conscience protections... Read more... 9-4-08
Media controlled: "I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children"... Read more... 9-4-08
September 7, 1974 message: "The agents of Satan have gained control in the major media of your country"...  Read more... 9-4-08
Bishops torpedo Pelosi's pro-abortion 'theology'... Read more... Read also... 9-4-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 9-4-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more...  9-4-08
How old is your church? Read more...  9-4-08
What's wrong with the Masons? Read more... 9-4-08
Scranton Bishop says he will refuse Holy Communion to Joseph Biden... Read more... 9-3-08
Vatican: Fear and hatred of Christians and Christianity is taking hold around the world... Read more... 9-3-08
Republican VP-hopeful Palin's daughter Bristol pregnant, chooses life... Read more... 9-3-08
Mexican police uncover secret border tunnel to U.S., complete with lights, elevator, and air-conditioning... Read more... Read also...  9-3-08
Brazilian homeschoolers score surprise victory in showdown against government... Read more... 9-3-08
February 10, 1978 message: "Your medias are responsible for the fall of your country"... Read more... 9-3-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 9-3-08
Modesty of dress: "Beauty is never in exposure"... Read more... 9-3-08
Russia's master plan... Read more...  9-3-08
Miraculous stories of the Brown Scapular... Read more... 9-3-08
Eminent psychiatrist says homosexuality is a disorder that can be cured... Read more...  9-3-08
Bishop calls Pelosi claim about when human life begins "utterly and completely false"... Read more... 8-31-08
Montezuma’s abortion revenge... Read more... 8-31-08
September 7, 1976 message: "You must earn your daily bread by living in the world, but you must not become of the world"... Read more... 8-31-08
Nyquist: The Oracle... Read more... Read also...  8-31-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 8-31-08
"Sarah Palin is the whole package", Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List... Read more... 8-30-08
Pro-life, pro-family leaders praise McCain's choice of pro-life Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for VP running mate... Read more... 8-30-08
Michael Reagan: Palin a great pick... Read more...  Read also... 8-30-08
ARCHIVE: Alaska Governor Palin calls her baby born last week with Down Syndrome a "gift"... Read more... 8-30-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 8-30-08
The meaning of the consecration of Russia... Read more... 8-30-08
Holiness: "I weep tears of great sorrow because of the desecration, because of the lack of piety, holiness, and respect of the priesthood of My Son"... Read more... 8-30-08
Two more Bishops make 8 who have come out against Pelosi's 'Catholic' abortion theology... Read more... Read also...  8-29-08
Priests for Life nine week novena prayer for election begins September 1st... Read more... 8-29-08
August 29th: Beheading of St. John the Baptist... Read more... 8-29-08
Pelosi's abortion theology 'mangles' Christian teaching: Catholic House members say she 'denigrates common faith' ... Read more... Read also...  8-29-08
"The great apostasy is upon you!" Read more... 8-29-08
November 24, 1979 message: "Soon your country, the United States, will join other nations in knowing physical hunger and want"... Read more... 8-29-08
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell"... Read more... 8-29-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 8-29-08
Pope Paul VI on confronting the devil's power... Read more... 8-29-08
Pro-life group unfurls "world's largest" sign overlooking convention, wins place in Guinness Book of World Records... Read more... Read also...  8-28-08
Pelosi spokeswoman about-face: Catholic Church "clear" on life teaching after all - but Catholics need not listen... Read more... 8-28-08
Archbishop Chaput of Denver: Dems don't know Christianity... Read more... Read also... 8-28-08
St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church... Read more... 8-28-08
Naming names: Catholic University of San Diego faculty supporters of pro-abort Reuther... Read more... 8-28-08
Rep. Mike Pence: "For roughly 3,000 years in Western civilization, until 1973, it was the unanimous position of medical ethicists throughout Western civilization that abortion was immoral and unethical"... Read more... 8-28-08
November 20, 1979 message: "This chastisement that will soon come upon your country can engulf all of the nations upon the earth, and in this involvement many nations shall disappear from the face of the earth"... Read more... 8-28-08
Father Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 8-28-08
Spanish Cardinal: Totalitarian State inevitable without objective morality... Read more... 8-28-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 8-28-08
Biden's Bishop will not permit him, even if elected VP, to speak at Catholic schools... Read more... 8-27-08
New York Cardinal Egan: Pelosi not worthy of "providing leadership in a civilized democracy"... Read more... 8-27-08
Irked by pro-abortion Dems who tout Catholicism, Archbishops warn Biden not to take Communion, chide Pelosi... Read more... Read also... 8-27-08
Washington, D.C. archbishop rips Pelosi on abortion... Read more... Read also... 8-27-08
Life begins at conception... Read more... 8-27-08
Mother Teresa of Calcutta: "The fruit of abortion is nuclear war"... Read more... 8-27-08
July 15, 1976 message: "When the upheaval in Rome takes place, My children, know that the end of your era is at hand"... Read more... 8-27-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 8-27-08
Disciplining children: Bring back the adage, "spare the rod, spoil the child"... Read more... 8-27-08
Veronica's "landing points" vision: Is this how the U.S. will be invaded? Read more... 8-27-08
"Catholic" Speaker Pelosi denies that Catholicism condemns abortion... Read more... 8-26-08
Archives: Bishop Vasa on Nancy Pelosi - It's "categorically impossible" to be Catholic and hold abortion is "just a choice"... Read more... 8-26-08
VP pick Biden is a "slap in the face" to Catholics... Read more... 8-26-08
It's been a brutal Olympics for Chinese Christians... Read more... Read also... 8-26-08
April 14, 1973 message: "Those who have been chosen from the world as leaders in the House of God shall be answerable to the Father for their false direction of the sheep”...  Read more... 8-26-08
Sister Lucy wrote about a "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  8-26-08
UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more... 8-26-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell-holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 8-26-08
Who is responsible for Cold War II? The Catholic hierarchy... Read more... 8-25-08
One of the communists' goals to destroy the United States was to capture one or both of the political parties... Read more... 8-25-08
Proposed U.S. government regulations strengthen doctors' increasingly threatened freedom of conscience... Read more... 8-25-08
Catholic Church in Africa, Philippines and Mexico address immodesty in the face of fierce opposition... Read more... 8-25-08
Nyquist: The West comes unraveled... Read more... Read also... 8-25-08
October 2, 1979 message: "Sodom and Gomorha fell for less sins that you have committed now upon your earth. Noe took to the ark and the world was in a better state spiritually than your world now"... Read more... 8-25-08
The Tyrant State: Prophetic warnings of Pope John Paul II... Read more... 8-25-08
Unconverted Russia and its influence on Mideast terrorism... Read more... 8-25-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 8-25-08
Should women cover their heads in church? Read more... 8-25-08
Reflections on "women's liberation"... Read more... 8-25-08
The miraculous conversion story of prisoner Claude Newman... Read more... 8-25-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #335 - Glories of Heaven, Part 2... Read more...  8-23-08
The enemies of life in Ecuador messed with the wrong bishops... Read more... 8-23-08
EU agency calls for a re-definition of marriage, criminalization of "homophobia"... Read more... 8-23-08
Hal Lindsey sees biblical significance in Russia's re-conquering of neighbors... Read more... Read also... 8-23-08
McAlvany weekly radio commentary: Prelude to meltdown, part 1... Read more... Read also...  8-23-08
October 2, 1979 message: "Cardinals and bishops, you run to and fro, experimenting with your own human reasoning, neither asking nor bending your knee for Divine guidance"... Read more... 8-23-08
Holiness: "Does holiness reign, and charity, in the hearts of the clergy in My Son's House?"... Read more... 8-23-08
The Son of God and His Church... Read more... 8-23-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 8-23-08
Dangers of Ritalin... Read more... 8-23-08
Ernest Hemingway wrote on the German Inflation of 1922.  It's happening here in the United States now...  Read more...  8-22-08
The Queenship of Our Lady... Read more... 8-22-08
Bishop calls modern cultural changes "pleasing" to the devil... Read more... 8-22-08
August 5, 1976 message: "America the beautiful has become soiled with corruption. America, once beautiful, has taken on a new leader, and his name is satan"... Read more... 8-22-08
Lancaster UK Bishop: Contraception, abortion and sterilization "attack the very foundations of the human world"... Read more... 8-22-08
'Cold War' fears in Mideast: Israel worries region could be 'theater of conflict' as Russia boosts military ties with Syria... Read more... Read also... 8-22-08
Our Lady: "She above all can direct you because She is your Mother; She is the Queen of Heaven, and the Mother of every human being upon earth"... Read more... 8-22-08
Doctors and nurses say "it was a miracle"... Read more... 8-22-08
Pope Benedict describes unworthy reception of Holy Communion as Christ's greatest suffering... Read more... 8-22-08
What the saints say about the sin of homosexuality... Read more... 8-22-08
Guatemalan Cardinal on abortion: "It is just as serious to kill a 10 year-old child"... Read more... 8-21-08
Australian woman dies from taking birth control pill... Read more... 8-21-08
Showdown: Russia missile warning raises specter of war... Read more... Read also... 8-21-08
October 2, 1987 message: "You do not know how close you are to being one of the nations to be annihilated. I speak this of the United States of America, because they are being deluded by Russia"... Read more...  (Click to hear the actual message)   Read also... 8-21-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 8-21-08
Modernism... Read more... 8-21-08
The Bible on homosexuality... Read more... 8-21-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  8-21-08
Fatherless boys more likely to grow up into dangerous men... Read more... 8-21-08
The "Catholic" Pentecostal movement... Read more... 8-21-08
Head of Vatican's highest court: Ministers have "obligation to deny" Communion to pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 8-20-08
Will Denver Catholic Archbishop finally enforce Canon 915?... Read more... Read also... 8-20-08
California Supreme Court rules doctors must provide treatment against their religious beliefs... Read more... 8-20-08
The Holy Eucharist... Read more... 8-20-08
June 18, 1992 message: "Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you"... Read more... 8-20-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 8-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 8-20-08
April 13, 1974 message: Our Lady said that the women are not women; they are men. And they must be returned to their role as women and mothers... Read more... 8-20-08
APA insider says report on abortion is a "politically-motivated exercise" in support of legal abortion... Read more... 8-19-08
Russia has moved nuclear capable SS-21 missile launchers into Georgia... Read more... Read also... 8-19-08
Condoleezza Rice: Russia playing 'dangerous game'; NATO will defeat Russian aims in Georgia, not allow new Iron Curtain in Europe... Read more... Read also... 8-19-08
Homeschooling showdown in Brazil: Children to be tested by court in battle over educational rights of parents... Read more... 8-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 8-19-08
The Mass is a sacrifice, not a meal... Read more... 8-19-08
May 13, 1978 message: "Countless times in the past the Spirit of truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of spiritual darkness. This day has arrived, My children"... Read more... 8-19-08
God or Man? Read more... 8-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses message... Read more... 8-19-08
Secret meeting to plot global abortion strategy exposed - UN personnel present... Read more... 8-18-08
Fatima: "My Mother came to you at Fatima warning that unless man stopped his path to perdition, Russia would spread her errors throughout your world causing misery, sufferings, and death and enslavement. My children, you did not listen and act upon Her counsel"... Read more... 8-18-08
If just laws are not enacted to stop the spread of homosexuality, the United States cannot be saved... Read more... 8-18-08
Nyquist: Russia's concept for dominating Europe... Read more... Read also... 8-18-08
Persecution: "In many countries throughout your world it appears, My children--and I say, appears--that the communist country leaders are permitting religions within their rule. This is a sham, My children, a cover-up for the fact that it is state-controlled"... Read more... 8-18-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 8-18-08
300,000,000 American idolaters?... Read more... 8-18-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 8-18-08
Westminster exorcist says promiscuity can lead to demonic possession... Read more... 8-16-08
HPV vaccine causes 21 deaths and counting - CDC study launched... Read more... 8-16-08
Russian general warns Poland now a nuclear target... Read more... Read also... 8-16-08
May 17, 1986 message: "Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world"... Read more... 8-16-08
The “conversion of Russia”: what does it really mean?  Read more... 8-16-08
Russia's master plan... Read more... 8-16-08
Bishop Bernard Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 8-16-08
"Sodom! Gomorrha! Nineveh! Babylon! All fell because of sin"... Read more... 8-16-08
The Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary... Read more...  8-15-08
Mary, our sweet Mother... Read more...  8-15-08
New England Journal of Medicine: 'Brain death' is not death - organ donors are alive... Read more...  8-15-08
Pro-life women's group urges blog comments to HHS secretary - protect physician conscience rights on abortion... Read more...  8-15-08
Russian tanks moving deeper into Georgia... Read more... Read also... 8-15-08
Catholic Church: "You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus"... Read more... 8-15-08
Jacinta's Third Secret vision: She saw Pope Paul VI... Read more... 8-15-08
Criminal charges filed against Ecuadorian Archbishop for opposing "abortion" Constitution... Read more... 8-14-08
The happiness of Limbo... Read more... 8-14-08
The deceit of Russia... Read more...  PDF LogoPDF  8-14-08
Russians break truce, roll tanks deep Into Georgia... Read more... Read also... 8-14-08
Ruling that Christian message 'offensive' appealed to Supreme Court... Read more... Read also... 8-14-08
St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Masons... Read more... 8-14-08
What inspired Bishop Fulton Sheen to make a holy hour? Read more... 8-14-08
September 28, 1976 message: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though those who follow the light must go through a crucible of suffering for the restoration of My Son's Church, know, My children, that the eventual victory is with My Son"... Read more... 8-14-08
The ouija board and demonic possession... Read more... 8-14-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 8-14-08
The Holy Bible on child discipline... Read more... 8-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 8-14-08
No compromises: Kansas State Bishops declare voting for abortion candidate is "evil"... Read more...  8-13-08
Sun Tzu Predicts the Outcome of the Coming US Military Conflict with Russia...  Read more...  8-13-08
Rape victim loves her baby: "Why I love the baby of the man who raped me"... Read more... 8-13-08
Dick Morris: Russia's invasion same as Hitler's... Read more... Read also... 8-13-08
Former euthanasia petitioner receives invitation from Indian President after astounding recovery... Read more... 8-13-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 8-13-08
Georgian conflict leaves west reeling and Russia walking tall... Read more... Read also... 8-13-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 8-13-08
Predicted invasion of the U.S. through Mexico... Read more... 8-13-08
French magazine confirms Our Lady of the Roses warning about hard rock music: it is consecrated to Satan by Wicca... Read more... 8-13-08
  "When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  8-12-08
SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPEAL...  We need help to survive!  Read more... 8-12-08
  Pope: May the International Community Help End Hostilities in Georgia and Ossetia... Read more...  8-12-08
Canadian athlete at China 2008 Olympics changed mind about abortion... Read more...  8-12-08
U.S. Court of Appeals upholds First-Amendment right to distribute religious materials... Read more...  8-12-08
October 2, 1987 message: "The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell"... Read more...  8-12-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I assure you, My children, there is no freedom in Russia. It is all a delusion"... Read more... 8-12-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 8-12-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 8-12-08
Jesus is God... Read more... 8-12-08
The Pipeline War: Russian bear goes for West's jugular... Read more... Read also... 8-11-08
The Great War: Russia and China... Read more...  8-11-08
Over a thousand dead in Georgia from Russian invasion: Georgia claims 'state of war', calls Russian attacks over breakaway province South Ossetia 'annihilation of a democracy'...  Read more... Read also... 8-9-08
Russia and the annihilation of nations... Read more...  8-9-08
Jeff Nyquist: Russia invades Georgia... Read more... Read also... 8-9-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #334 - Glories of Heaven, Part 1... Read more...  8-9-08
U.S. Department of Health backing down on controversial freedom of conscience regulation... Read more...  8-9-08
Russia bombs Georgia airbases, 150 Russian tanks roll in... Read more... Read also... 8-9-08
Bishop Fabbro on voting: Abortion and euthanasia are priority over war and death penalty... Read more...  8-9-08
Communism on full parade in China... Read more... Read also... 8-9-08
September 27, 1986 message: "If only I could show you, the prideful and boastful United States and Canada—if I could show you what the enemy has in store for you now, you would grovel on your knees to make restitution to the Eternal Father"... Read more...  8-9-08
Unconverted Russia and its influence on Mideast terrorism... Read more... 8-9-08
"My Son's House is being stripped of all holiness"... Read more... 8-9-08
Supreme Knight of Columbus calls for Catholic revolt against abortion and pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 8-8-08
Ignoring threats and intimidation, Catholic Bishops of Ecuador denounce pro-abortion constitution... Read more... 8-8-08
June 30, 1984 message: "Any country that allows the murders of the young and the unborn shall be destroyed. Any country that allows homosexuals to roam and to seduce the young shall be destroyed"... Read more... 8-8-08
Catholic Church in communist China: Every one of the approximately 45 bishops of the underground Roman Catholic Church is either in jail, under house arrest, under strict surveillance, or in hiding... Read more... Read also... 8-8-08
The family: "The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation"... Read more... 8-8-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 8-8-08
Catholic Archdiocese of Manila imposes dress code for faithful... Read more... 8-8-08
  Financial Fraud Accelerates Economic Collapse report...  Read more...  8-7-08
The Trenton Times gets it wrong on Catholics and voting... Read more... 8-7-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 8-7-08
Foremost UK gay activist admits there is no gay gene... Read more... 8-7-08
Cardinal Arinze speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 8-7-08
Contraception is intrinsically evil... Read more...  8-7-08
Fatherless boys more likely to grow into dangerous men...  Read more... 8-8-07
House Speaker Pelosi vows to kill Defense of Marriage Act and still receive Communion... Read more... 8-6-08
ARCHIVES: Bishop Vasa on Nancy Pelosi: It's "categorically impossible" to be Catholic and hold abortion is "just a choice"... Read more... 8-6-08
Indian court rejects woman's request to abort her 25 week old unborn baby... Read more... 8-6-08
November 20, 1978 message: “Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome"... Read more... 8-6-08
Pope Benedict stresses necessity to halt cafeteria Catholicism... Read more... 8-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 8-6-08
Call no man "father"... Read more... 8-6-08
Dark clouds were forming even before Vatican II... Read more... 8-6-08
Jail time for complicit bishops?... Read more...  8-5-08
December 24, 1975 message: "When your world enters into My Church and you seek to set up man as an idol to worship, know that the sword shall be placed down upon you"... Read more...  8-5-08
India learns from Uganda: New AIDS strategy rejects failed UN approach - will focus on abstinence, fidelity... Read more...  8-5-08
August 5th: The Dedication of St. Mary of the Snows... Read more...  8-5-08
Putin says Russia needs to go back to Cuba... Read more... Read also...  8-5-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  8-5-08
Vatican II and the infiltration of the Catholic Church... Read more... 8-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 8-5-08
Reality says cohabitation a disaster for marriage but poll shows public believes otherwise... Read more... 8-4-08
Uganda First Lady decries increase in risky sexual behavior while West threatens to pull funding over Ugandan "homophobia"... Read more... 8-4-08
Nyquist: Politics by assassination?... Read more... Read also...  8-4-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 8-4-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more...  8-4-08
Sin of omission: "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy"... Read more... 8-4-08
For Rome it is very clear: pro-abortion politicians 'must' be denied Communion... Read more...  8-4-08
The truth about the devil: Exorcist states there are possession cases in every parish... Read more... 8-4-08
Feast of the Portiuncula: Obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting a Franciscan church today, August 2nd... Read more...  8-2-08
Radio Hall of Fame will not bow to homosexual pressure to dump Dobson... Read more...  8-2-08
Court Orders University of Florida to accept Christian fraternity... Read more...  8-2-08
Marylike standards for modesty in dress... Read more...  8-2-08
September 7, 1974 message: "You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit--a war of religion"... Read more... 8-2-08
Christians, Jews praying on Temple Mount 'seek religious war'... Read more... Read also...  8-2-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 8-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  8-2-08
Changes in the Church: "The experimentation and changes must be stopped and reversed!"... Read more... 8-2-08
Russia's master plan... Read more...  8-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 8-2-08
Motherhood is "the most rewarding experience of my life" says feminist icon's daughter... Read more... 8-1-08
In rare move bishops openly criticize Catholic professors over nutrition and hydration articles in Jesuit magazine... Read more... 8-1-08
Our Lady, Mediatrix of all graces... Read more... 8-1-08
U.S. official: Iraqis told me WMDs sent to Syria... Read more... Read also...  8-1-08
"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War"... Read more... 8-1-08
McAlvany: "The epicenter of the financial market sell-off will switch from the U.S. into Europe and Oceania. Most of Euroland has entered a recession. A synchronized, global downturn is on the agenda"... Read more... Read also...  8-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 8-1-08
May 26, 1976 message: "You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom"... Read more... 8-1-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 8-1-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 8-1-08
Presidential candidates respond to California Marriage Amendment... Read more... 7-31-08
The family: "The great foundation is based on family life. Destroy the family and you destroy your country"... Read more... 7-31-08
July 31st: St. Ignatius of Loyola... Read more... 7-31-08
North American Union: The dream 'is dead': Father of alignment of U.S., Mexico, Canada says secret plan has been killed by left, right... Read more... Read also...  7-31-08
December 6, 1975 message: "The plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves, and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!"... Read more... 7-31-08
Is abortion still important to campaigns?... Read more... Read also...  7-31-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 7-31-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 7-31-08
U.S. bishops and sacrilegious Communion... Read more... 7-31-08
  A new McAlvany report: "The Rigged Election of 2008"...  Click here...  7-30-08
  Our Lady of Grace statue now available for purchase...  Click here...  7-30-08
5.4 Earthquake Strikes Southern California...  Read more...  7-30-08
Court protects California woman from Schiavo-like death by dehydration... Read more... 7-30-08
Over 70 Colorado physicians sign statement saying personhood begins at fertilization... Read more... 7-30-08
U.S. intel: Iran plans nuclear strike on U.S.... Read more... Read also...  7-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more... 7-30-08
December 24, 1974 message: "A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least"... Read more... 7-30-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 7-30-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 7-30-08
Judge upholds Kansas post-viability abortion ban: Tiller will face charges... Read more... 7-29-08
Court orders that pro-homosexual proselytism by students be permitted in schools... Read more... 7-29-08
Terror watch: High profile events put U.S. in 'heightened alert' stage... Read more... Read also...  7-29-08
September 28, 1976 message: "Many shall not remain on the road to Heaven because there is no one who will pray for them"... Read more... 7-29-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 7-29-08
Pope Benedict blasts 'dismal theories' on gays... Read more... 7-29-08
We receive emails asking Pope Benedict to stop Communion in the hand: Communion in the hand is a detestable thing in the eyes of God; Today Catholics don't even know what a paten is; Cannot understand why so many priests and bishops are hell-bent on desecrating the Holy Host... Read more... 7-28-08
"Heaps of empirical evidence" vindicate Pope Paul VI's dire warnings 40 years ago about contraceptive culture... Read more... 7-28-08
Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules that homosexual 'hate crimes' law violates Pennsylvania Constitution... Read more... 7-28-08
Nyquist: KGB defector Golitsyn wrote, in a March 1989 memorandum: “The Soviet strategists are counting on an economic depression in the United States"... Read more... Read also...  7-28-08
Pope Benedict opposes Harry Potter... Read more... 7-28-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 7-28-08
Communism: "Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world?"... Read more... 7-28-08
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  7-28-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  7-28-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 7-28-08
Vatican Cardinal: Damage to the Church from the dissent on Paul VI contraception document continues today...  Read more... 7-26-08
July 26th: St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary... Read more... 7-26-08
Under influence of Harry Potter, kids are being drawn into the "language and mechanics" of the occult... Read more... 7-26-08
Neurologist calls withholding hydration from patients in "vegetative state" "euthanasia by omission"... Read more... 7-26-08
Have you been refused Holy Communion for kneeling? The Vatican wants to know about it... Read more... 7-26-08
September 14, 1979 message: “Your country is fast becoming ruled by a communist state"... Read more... 7-26-08
Pastor speaks out against immodesty... Read more... 7-26-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 7-26-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 7-26-08
Last abortion clinic in South Dakota closes after law requires patients be informed of possible side effects... Read more... 7-25-08
Atheist professor follows through on promise and desecrates Eucharist... Read more... 7-25-08
40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae: Pope Paul VI was prophetic... Read more... 7-25-08
July 25th: St. James the Greater... Read more... 7-25-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 7-25-08
Are feds stockpiling survival food?...Read more... Read also...  7-25-08
Contraception is intrinsically evil... Read more... 7-25-08
November 20, 1978 message - Our Lady rebukes the United States: "The more you cry 'peace', the more in your foolishness you give yourself to being saviors of the world"... Read more... 7-25-08
Reflections on women's liberation... Read more... 7-25-08
Pill Wars: Catholic Bishops and Senator Clinton clash over conscience rights for doctors... Read more... 7-24-08
Philippines in struggle against abortionist population control initiative... Read more... 7-24-08
Chavez calls for Russia alliance... Read more... Read also...  7-24-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 7-24-08
November 20, 1976 message - the one-world religion: "It will be a new religion that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator"... Read more... 7-24-08
Court says 'gay' rights trump Christian rights... Read more... Read also...  7-24-08
Pope Benedict on the theology of kneeling... Read more... 7-24-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 7-24-08
Veronica's landing points vision: Is this the plan for the invasion of the U.S.?... Read more... 7-24-08
2008 World Youth Day brings together largest crowd in Australian history... Read more... 7-23-08
US general warns Russia on nuclear bombers in Cuba... Read more... Read also...  7-23-08
South Dakota law goes into effect: Women must be told they are "terminating the life of a whole separate, unique living human being"... Read more... 7-23-08
U.K. police constable fights back against pro-homosexual police force over discrimination... Read more... 7-23-08
Moms, don't take your kids to an abuse shelter... Read more... Read also...  7-23-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 7-23-08
What the saints say about the sin of homosexuality... Read more... 7-23-08
Holiness: "Does holiness reign, and charity, in the hearts of the clergy in My Son's House?"... Read more... 7-23-08
The "Catholic" Pentecostal Movement... Read more...  7-23-08
  Muslims Become Roman Catholic in Large Numbers...  Read More...  7-22-08
New Papal norm for Papal liturgies: Anyone receiving Holy Communion from the Pope must receive kneeling and on the tongue only... Read more... 7-22-08
Scottish Catholic Bishop: A nation that condemns "beautiful and blameless unborn babies" is "ethically and politically untrustworthy"... Read more... 7-22-08
August 14, 1979 message: "Your nation, My child and My children, and all of the nations upon earth have now been reduced to a state of moral decay. It is a major sign for the fall of a nation"... Read more... 7-22-08
"Natural Family Planning Awareness Week" highlights positive reasons for Church teaching on artificial birth control and offers healthy alternative... Read more... 7-22-08
July 22nd: St. Mary Magdalen... Read more... 7-22-08
The global economy is at the point of maximum danger... Read more... Read also...  7-22-08
Doctors and nurses say "it was a miracle"... Read more... 7-22-08
Our Lady, the All-Pure... Read more... 7-22-08
"Homosexuality is not hardwired," concludes head of the Human Genome Project... Read more... 7-22-08
Pope Benedict describes unworthy reception of Holy Communion as Christ's greatest suffering... Read more... 7-22-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #333 - Eternity... Read more...  7-21-08
Catholic University of San Diego changes mind - rejects radical non-Christian feminist for theology chair... Read more...  7-21-08
Homosexual high school clubs increase risk of suicide says parents and friends of ex-gays & gays... Read more...  7-21-08
'American Hiroshima' prophecy? Our Lady warns of future radioactive contamination of U.S. food supply: "My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination"... Read more...  Eve of the Visitation of Our Lady - 7/1/85  7-21-08
High finance and Bolshevik principles... Read more... Read also...  7-21-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 7-21-08
Buchanan: Who's planning our next war?... Read more... Read also...  7-21-08
February 1, 1978 message: "It will come, the time, My children, when it will seem to all that the wicked have captured the earth"... Read more... 7-21-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  7-21-08
The Bible on homosexuality... Read more... 7-21-08
The dangers of the Charismatic movement... Read more... 7-21-08
San Jose professor fired for answering question about genetics and homosexuality... Read more... 7-19-08
New book cites US and UN-manufactured scares over population growth... Read more... 7-19-08
Pricey energy and dependence on Russian fuel have observers wary that 'the bear is back'... Read more... Read also...  7-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 7-19-08
Israel, France slammed for 'ending Syria's isolation' - Lebanese leader: 'They opened the doors of Europe to this wrecker'... Read more... Read also...  7-19-08
December 28, 1974 message: "Your city and the cities of your country shall be wiped away--wiped from the face of your earth, so great is the sin in your cities!"... Read more... 7-19-08
Changes in the Church: "It is the enemies of your God that have set themselves to promote change upon My words"... Read more...  7-19-08
God or Man? Read more... 7-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 7-19-08
Pope to World Youth Day: "The womb - has become a place of unutterable violence"... Read more... 7-18-08
Mexican pro-lifers to UN: Stop murdering our children... Read more... 7-18-08
Is Bin Laden planning Hiroshima-type destruction?... Read more... Read also...  7-18-08
Our Lady's prophecy: "Russia plans to invade the United States with missiles"... Read more... 7-18-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 7-18-08
Homosexuality: "Laws are being made now to protect the offenders of God, the homosexuals"... Read more... 7-18-08
The divine Christ and the Bible... Read more... 7-18-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 7-18-08
December 30, 1972 message: "A great responsibility for the many punishments that will come upon your country and the world will be set before the high priests in the House of God”... Read more... 7-18-08
Planned Parenthood in hysterics over Bush memo defining abortifacient contraception as abortion... Read more... 7-17-08
California Supreme Court upholds the people's right to vote on marriage in upcoming election... Read more... 7-17-08
Britain's "culture of promiscuity" sees nearly 400,000 new STD cases... Read more... 7-17-08
McAlvany: U.S. becoming increasingly indebted to Russia: "When the Bear has you in its claws"... Read more... Read also...  7-17-08
This recession could easily tip into a depression... Read more... Read also...  7-17-08
March 26, 1983 message: "This aura of modernism, pacifism--pacifying the enemy--for what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep"... Read more... 7-17-08

The Mass is a sacrifice, not a meal...
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 7-17-08
Fr. Hardon speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 7-17-08
Many U.S. public schools becoming indoctrination camps for the left... Read more... 7-17-08
Pope: Christianity is in crisis... Read more... 7-16-08
Pro-abort politicians "must" be refused Communion: Philippines Archbishop... Read more... 7-16-08
July 16th: Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel... Read more... 7-16-08
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell"... Read more... 7-16-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 7-16-08
US faces global funding crisis, warns Merrill Lynch... Read more... Read also...  7-16-08
Saving rate hasn't been this low since the Great Depression... Read more... Read also...  7-16-08
"Sodom! Gomorrha! Nineveh! Babylon! All fell because of sin"... Read more... 7-16-08
The “conversion of Russia”: what does it really mean?  Read more... 7-16-08
Bishop Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 7-16-08
Our last survey revealed that our visitors wanted more products.  Please let us know what additional products you would like to see in our shopping cart.  Click here...  7-15-08
  St. Michael statue is now available...  Read more...  7-15-08
 Christ Our Hope - Pope Benedict XVI's Apostolic Journey to the United States book...  Read more...  7-15-08
Come visit the new These Last Days Blog...  Click here... 7-15-08
Death Wish: The impending suicide of a once great nation - by Rev. John A. Corapi... Read more... 7-15-08
Jeff Nyquist: Cultural suicide... Read more...  Read also...  7-15-08
Oral contraceptives may be linked to atherosclerosis... Read more... 7-15-08
St. Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church... Read more... 7-15-08
Catholic Church: "You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus"... Read more... 7-15-08
The Holy Bible on child discipline... Read more... 7-15-08
The REAL Third Secret of Fatima specifically mentioned the year 1972, as Jacinta revealed to Mother Godinho... Read more... 7-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 7-15-08
Sex ed in the classrooms: a debauchery of young souls... Read more... 7-15-08
Portuguese physicians capitulate to pressure to change ethical code to allow abortions... Read more... 7-14-08
Another disabled young person dehydrated to death in Terri Schiavo's hospice... Read more... 7-14-08
Psychiatrists now report first case of "climate change delusion" in Oceania... Read more... 7-14-08
Europe faces Russian nuclear missile threat: Russia is thinking of aiming nuclear weapons at western Europe for the first time since the end of the cold war...  Read more...  Read also...  7-14-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 7-14-08
Cardinal Oddi on the Third Secret: "At this point let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"... Read more... 7-14-08
The Ouija board and demonic possession... Read more... 7-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 7-14-08
NARTH psychiatrist says study claiming biological basis for homosexuality "absolute rubbish"... Read more... 7-14-08
University called to fire professor who pledged to publicly desecrate Holy Communion... Read more... 7-12-08
Feds take control of IndyMac: Second largest bank failure in U.S. history... Read more... Read also...  7-12-08
McAlvany weekly radio commentary: Absolute carnage in the financial stocks; we could see Dow drop 1,000 points in 2008... Read more... Read also...  7-12-08
Homosexual man sues Bible publishers over Scripture verses against homosexuality... Read more... 7-12-08
July 12th is Veronica's birthday... Read more... 7-12-08
Our Lady: "She above all can direct you because She is your Mother; She is the Queen of Heaven, and the Mother of every human being upon earth"... Read more... 7-12-08
"My Memories of Veronica Lueken" by her personal secretary, Ann Ferguson...  Read more...  7-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope to Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 7-12-08
The deception of the century... Read more... 7-12-08
November 22, 1975 message: "I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior"... Read more... 7-12-08
Spanish Archbishop refers to homosexuality as an "epidemic" and a "fount of psychological problems and painful frustrations"...  Read more... 7-12-08
New book exposes eugenics mandate in reproductive rights agenda... Read more... 7-11-08
Philippines Bishop urges government to teach natural family planning... Read more... 7-11-08
U.S. Catholic bishops reject Vatican changes to Mass prayers... Read more...  Read also...  7-11-08
Our Lady warned us on May 29, 1976: "The United States of America heads fast to a schism"... Read more... 7-11-08
God in the soul... Read more...  7-11-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 7-11-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 7-11-08
Mysterious behaviors in Pope Paul VI’s papacy: Our Lady of the Roses provides the explanation... Read more... 7-11-08
Life begins at conception... Read more... 7-11-08
Gardasil - 18 dead, thousands suffer complications... Read more... 7-10-08
A thousand attend Ottawa rally demanding Order of Canada to abortionist be revoked... Read more... 7-10-08
Unconverted Russia threatens military response over missile shield: 'We will be forced to react not with diplomatic, but with military-technical methods'...  Read more...  Read also...  7-10-08
Unconverted Russia and its influence on Mideast terrorism... Read more... 7-10-08
What peace? What conversion?... Read more... 7-10-08
June 18, 1976 message: "Peace will not be given to mankind until he makes atonement to a dishonored God"... Read more... 7-10-08
Women's ordination groups all about power, free sex, abortion, New Age religion... Read more... 7-10-08
Cramer: Stocks are doomed, sell now... Read more... Read also...  7-10-08
UFOs and "alien" abductions: diabolical manifestations… Read more... 7-10-08
Anglicans to Catholics - Ready or not, here we come: "There can be no future for Christianity in Europe without Rome," an Anglican bishop … Read more...  7-9-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #332 - Prepare to meet your God... Read more...  7-9-08
Delaware House approves resolution protecting woman from dehydration/starvation... Read more...  7-9-08
Russia backed Litvinenko murder... Read more...   Read also...  7-9-08
Love of God: "No man knows the full meaning of love until he has reached out and become a man of God, a true child of the light"... Read more...  7-9-08
Jesus: "I wait for you"... Read more... 7-9-08
May 30, 1878 message: "My Son's House, His Church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction of its doctrine, tradition, paving the way for the ultimate goal of those in the power of satan to destroy My Son's Church by creating a church of man"... Read more...  7-9-08
Cardinal Arinze speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 7-9-08
Canadian Bishops: What "achievements" of Morgentaler's are being recognized?... Read more... 7-8-08
From oil to Armageddon... Read more...   Read also...  7-8-08
Alberta pastor convicted of hate speech appeals Human Rights Commission ruling... Read more... 7-8-08
Israel weighs Jerusalem separation... Read more...   Read also...  7-8-08
May 28, 1977 message: "As you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God"... Read more... 7-8-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 7-8-08
Pope Benedict says those who dissent from Church teachings should not receive Holy Communion ... Read more... 7-8-08
Cardinal Ottaviani endorsed the Neus Europa "third secret", said "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth"... Read more... 7-8-08
Catholic Archdiocese of Manila imposes dress code for faithful... Read more... 7-8-08
Abortionists in South Dakota now required to admit abortion kills a "whole, separate, unique, living human being"... Read more... 7-7-08
UK contraception and abortion promoters calling for sex ed for four year-olds... Read more... 7-7-08
Nyquist: What the Founding Fathers would say... Read more...   Read also...  7-7-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 7-7-08
Fr. Schiffer and seven other priests survived Hiroshima by praying the Rosary... Read more... 7-7-08
November 20, 1978 message: “Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome"... Read more... 7-7-08
Many mitres are on the road to hell: "Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep"... Read more... 7-7-08
Pope Benedict XVI to Read Genesis on TV - Kicks Off Bible Reading Marathon... Read more... 7-5-08
Bishops investigate report: 39 abortions, 9684 sterilizations performed in Texas Catholic hospitals... Read more... 7-5-08
Britain's pathway to euthanasia - NHS protocols for dehydrating disabled patients to death... Read more... 7-5-08
The difference between the U.S. and U.N.... Read more...   Read also...  7-5-08

When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more... 
U.S. Admiral: Iran strike on Israel "likely"... Read more...   Read also...  7-5-08
December 24, 1974 message: "A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least"... Read more... 7-5-08
Vatican II, part 3: The satanic revolution gains momentum at the Council... Read more... 7-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 7-5-08
America the Beautiful... Read more... 7-4-08
George Washington, a true American... Read more... 7-4-08
Morning after pill prohibited by Argentine province... Read more... 7-4-08
Home schooling family takes fight for rights at European Court of Human Rights... Read more... 7-4-08
Los Angeles foreclosures almost quadruple... Read more... Read also...  7-4-08
God and our American Presidents... Read more... 7-4-08
How St. Francis converted the Sultan... Read more... 7-4-08
Dark clouds forming before Vatican II... Read more... 7-4-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 7-4-08
Our Lady of the Roses spoke to President Reagan, warning him to protect oil supplies passing through the Strait of Hormuz... Read more... 7-3-08
Something is up: U.S. Navy Commander warns Iran that Strait of Hormuz will be protected...  Read more...  Read more...   Read also...  7-3-08
Flashback: 10 years ago, bin Laden called for oil to be at $144 a barrel... Read more... Read also...  7-3-08
Elderly woman rescued by family from NHS dehydration order... Read more... 7-3-08
November 20, 1976 message: "No man shall construct peace without his God"... Read more... 7-3-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 7-3-08
Vatican II and the infiltration of the Catholic Church... Read more... 7-3-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more...  7-3-08
Archbishop Burke preaches tough Communion rule: Turn away abortion-rights backers under pain of mortal sin... Read more... 7-3-08
Archbishop calls all Catholics to demand national award to abortion doctor be revoked... Read more... 7-2-08
Interview with world's leading proponent of natural family planning on the dangers of contraception... Read more... 7-2-08
German government chases homeschool family... Read more... Read also...  7-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 7-2-08
Famine: "In the future, with the raging wars and pestilence and famine that will come upon mankind, many will pass over the veil at a young age"... Read more... 7-2-08
Crippling effects of global inflation: 50 countries now have double-digit inflation... Read more... Read also...  7-2-08
May 26, 1976 message: "You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom"... Read more... 7-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  7-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 7-2-08
Pro-life hero Archbishop Burke to head to Rome to take position as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura... Read more... 7-1-08
Court order permits Christian handouts at homosexual "PrideFest"... Read more... 7-1-08
At the Mass for St. Peter and St. Paul on June 29, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI distributed Holy Communion only to people who are kneeling and on the tongue only... Read more... 7-1-08
Avoid dollar `at all costs,' investor Rogers says ... Read more... Read also...  7-1-08
December 6, 1975 message: "The plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves, and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!"... Read more... 7-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 7-1-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 7-1-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 7-1-08


  Gardening When it Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times Book...  Read more... 6-30-08

  The Latin Mass Explained Book...  Read more... 6-30-08
Corpus Christi 2008 pictures...  Read more... 6-30-08
Interview – Philadelphia Cardinal Rigali: The Church will never justify homosexual conduct... Read more... 6-30-08
McAlvany financial commentary: In the eye of the hurricane?... Read more... Read also... 6-30-08
Council of Europe passes abortion resolution to address child abandonment... Read more... 6-30-08
The enemy's scheme of attack... Read more... Read also... 6-30-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 6-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  6-30-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 6-30-08
September 28, 1976 message: "Many shall not remain on the road to Heaven because there is no one who will pray for them"... Read more... 6-30-08
Pope Benedict prefers Communion on tongue, says Vatican liturgist: believes that people receiving Communion kneeling and on the tongue will become common practice at the Vatican... Read more...  6-28-08
Arizona law forbids easy withdrawal of food and fluids from patients... Read more...  6-28-08
Our Lady's prophetic warning: "One will come out of Egypt ... he will promote the Great War": Arafat's plan is still on track... Read more... Read also... 6-28-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  6-28-08
Satanism: "I wish that all parents who hear My voice tonight be alerted to the fact that there are over 10,000, now, cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan"... Read more...  6-28-08
Worst June performance since the Great Depression... Read more... Read also... 6-28-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 6-28-08
Pope Benedict Envisions "Latin Mass" in Every Parish Worldwide...  Read more...  6-27-08
SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPEAL...  Bill collector harassing us for $1,300.  We need help!  Read more...   6-27-08
Interview with Pope John Paul II secretary: Catholics may not vote for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 6-27-08
Dow sinks more than 350 points to 21-month low... Read more... 6-27-08
GM stock crashes on Goldman sell call... Read more... Read also... 6-27-08
Human rights for apes: Spanish parliament passes unprecedented resolution... Read more... 6-27-08
Beware the Hindenburg Omen... Read more... Read also... 6-27-08
The new Commandment of Jesus... Read more... 6-27-08
Know the Church's teaching on assisted nutrition and hydration: the life you save could be your own... Read more... 6-27-08
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  6-27-08
France's Cardinal Babarin on how denial of the Eucharist can be an act of love... Read more... 6-26-08
Late-term abortion facility in Dallas to close - eighth closure since bishop began prayer at clinics... Read more... 6-26-08
New Vancouver school policy: Parents refused right to pull kids from pro-homosexual lessons... Read more... 6-26-08
Russia plans military exercises in Arctic... Read more... Read also... 6-26-08
Antipope of history: "One will be entered into the House of God, and woe to man when he places him upon the Seat of Peter, for then the great Day of the Lord shall be at hand"... Read more... 6-26-08
September 14, 1979 message: “Your country is fast becoming ruled by a communist state"... Read more... 6-26-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell-holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 6-26-08
  8,000 Mysterious Lightening Strikes Start 800 Fires in California...  Read more...  6-25-08
Pope links the Eucharist with the right to life... Read more...  6-25-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #331 - Teaching pure in God's sight?... Read more...  6-25-08
Faster inflation may unleash `financial tsunami'... Read more... Read also... 6-25-08
Poland pro-life groups call for health minister's excommunication after abortion involvement... Read more... 6-25-08
Why are so many women depressed?... Read more... Read also... 6-25-08
April 9, 1977 message: "Shall you sin and be always forgiven without penance? No, I say to you! Only a few will be saved. Many are called, but few are chosen"... Read more... 6-25-08
The essence of perfection consists in charity...  Read more... 6-25-08
Russia must be consecrated by name...  Read more... 6-25-08
Vatican II: "Satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth"... Read more... 6-25-08
Pope Benedict calls abortion "today's gravest injustice"... Read more... 6-25-08
The beautiful Our Lady of the Roses 'Blue Book'... Read more... 6-24-08
Nativity of St. John the Baptist... Read more... 6-24-08
Abortion better than adoption says European Parliamentary Assembly proposal... Read more... 6-24-08
New Zealanders petition to reverse anti-spanking bill... Read more... 6-24-08
High likelihood of a market crash: Market generates "Hindenburg Omen" on June 6th... Read more... Read also... 6-24-08
Hezbollah poised to strike?... Read more... Read also... 6-24-08
Veronica's landing points vision: Is this the plan for the invasion of the U.S.?... Read more... 6-24-08
Suffering: "You must understand the value of suffering; for each and every act of suffering, discomfort, can be offered for the sins of mankind. Even the smallest act of penance can save another"... Read more... 6-24-08
Bishop Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 6-24-08
"What is a priest?" Read more... 6-24-08
The divine Christ and the Bible... Read more... 6-24-08
Senior curial Cardinal says Humanae Vitae was a "defense of the dignity of women"... Read more... 6-23-08
Argentine Catholic Bishops blast national sex-ed program... Read more... 6-23-08
Exploiting our economic woes... Read more... Read also... 6-23-08
St. Alphonsus Liguori's advice to parents... Read more... 6-23-08
"Homosexuality is not hardwired," concludes head of the Human Genome Project... Read more... 6-23-08
Dangers of Ritalin... Read more... 6-23-08
Philadelphia Cardinal Rigali: One must believe what the Church teaches to receive Communion... Read more... 6-21-08
Catholic charity caught helping Virginia girl obtain abortion... Read more... 6-21-08
Scientist: 'Global warming' scheme to push global tax... Read more... Read also... 6-21-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 6-21-08
Persecution: "In many countries throughout your world it appears, My children--and I say, appears--that the communist country leaders are permitting religions within their rule. This is a sham, My children, a cover-up for the fact that it is state-controlled"... Read more... 6-21-08
Russia's master plan... Read more... 6-21-08
Cardinal Ouellet praises Humanae Vitae - abortion the consequence of the 'culture of contraception'... Read more... 6-20-08
Anti-spanking bill passes Canadian Senate... Read more... 6-20-08
Police state: German parents sent to jail for homeschooling... Read more... Read also... 6-20-08
Holiness: "Does holiness reign, and charity, in the hearts of the clergy in My Son's House?"... Read more... 6-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 6-20-08
November 1, 1974 message: "Women, you must be with your husband as a helper. You will not meet him on even ground, for you are destroying your image before God and man and you have nothing to gain"... Read more...  6-20-08
Msgr. Klaus Gamber's insights are strikingly close to Our Lady of the Roses messages on the Mass and tradition... Read more... 6-20-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 6-20-08
St. Padre Pio on modesty... Read more...   6-20-08
Golf Sized Hail Hits Nebraska...  Read more...  6-19-08
Up-and-coming Disney star vows abstinence till marriage... Read more... 6-19-08
Bishop of Saltillo denounces contraception, says condoms are not effective against venereal diseases... Read more... 6-19-08
Marxist roots of the global warming scare... Read more... Read also... 6-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 6-19-08
Fr. Schiffer and seven other priests survived Hiroshima by praying the Rosary... Read more... 6-19-08
Robert Bork on radical feminism... Read more... 6-19-08
US Floods Hit Food Prices...  Read more...  6-18-08
  Royal Bank of Scotland Issues Global Crash Alert...  Read more...  6-18-08
Developing nations tell UN that success in battle against AIDS comes from traditional religious practice... Read more... 6-18-08
As if it wasn't bad enough - Human Rights Commissions to review how to best police 'hate' on the Internet... Read more... 6-18-08
Smugglers had design for advanced nuclear warhead... Read more... Read also... 6-18-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 6-18-08
The truth about the so-called "investigation" in Veronica's own words... Read more... 6-18-08
March 18, 1974 message: "Not only your country, but the world has now reached a point of complete saturation of evil"... Read more... 6-18-08
 Food shortages are here and the price of food is going sky high.  The time to store food is now!  This book, "Stocking Up III," will tell you how to preserve and store any food and save money...  Read more... 6-18-08
You can now download all of the Virgin Mary's Bayside Prophecies Electronic-books from the web...  Click here to go to Lulu E-Books... 6-18-08
Hyperinflation / Global Food Shortage Don McAlvany Reports...  Read more...  6-18-08
Pope says defense of life and family urgent as "numerous forces are trying to weaken them"... Read more... 6-17-08
Competent enough to live... Read more... 6-17-08
U.S. to guarantee Israel's capital to Palestinians? Rice pledges to 'seriously' study proposal to cede east Jerusalem neighborhoods... Read more... Read also... 6-17-08
September 13, 1973 message: "Man no longer honors My Son upon his knees"... Read more... 6-17-08
'Groundbreaking' study shows 'gays' can change... Read more... Read also... 6-17-08
The four marks of the Church... Read more... 6-17-08
Forgiveness: “Start anew, My children. You will be forgiven if you repent now"... Read more... 6-17-08
Pornography, Ted Bundy's fatal addiction... Read more... 6-17-08
Our Lady's words on Fathers... Read more... 6-16-08
2005 Polish volleyball champion sacrificed her life for unborn child... Read more... 6-16-08
Ireland rejects EU treaty by wide margin... Read more... 6-16-08
Up to old tricks... Read more...  Read also... 6-16-08
September 7, 1985 message: "Tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government—an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression"... Read more... (Click to hear the actual message)  6-16-08
Heresy: "Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy"... Read more... 6-16-08
We know God exists... Read more... 6-16-08
American Medical Association seeks to deny pharmacists freedom of conscience... Read more... 6-14-08
Michigan Governor vows to veto partial birth abortion ban… again... Read more... 6-14-08
Can Catholics who vote for pro-abort politicians still receive Communion?... Read more... 6-14-08
Inflation rate jumps by biggest amount in 6 months... Read more...  Read also... 6-14-08
October 5, 1985 message: "In your darkest hours which are descending upon you--please turn to Me, My children, and I will help you"... Read more... 6-14-08
Vatican II: "The Council that brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls"... Read more.. 6-14-08
French magazine confirms Our Lady of the Roses warning about hard rock music: it is consecrated to Satan by Wicca... Read more... 6-14-08
Flooding hits historic 500-year levels in Iowa... Read more... 6-13-08
U.S. Bishops move towards strengthening stance on artificial nutrition/hydration... Read more... 6-13-08
Our Lady tells us to store food, water, blankets... Read more... 6-13-08
The comet chastisement... Read more... 6-13-08
Biblical message now criminalized: Penalties created for those who criticize homosexuality outside church walls... Read more...  Read also... 6-13-08
July 25, 1974 message: "Strip your country of its morality and your country will fall"... Read more... 6-13-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 6-13-08
Pope Benedict describes unworthy reception of Holy Communion as Christ's greatest suffering... Read more... 6-13-08
U.S. officially steps away from pro-abortion, anti-family U.N. Human Rights Council... Read more... 6-12-08
Judge finds sufficient evidence to send illegal California abortionists to trial... Read more... 6-12-08
Housing crisis final bill: $4 trillion... Read more...  Read also... 6-12-08
Canadian doctors do not have the right to remove life-sustaining treatment against the wishes of the patient... Read more... 6-12-08
May 13, 1978 message: "Satanic delusions have been set upon the governments of the world, even as they seek to remove from your courthouses the words 'In God We Trust'"... Read more... 6-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope to Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 6-12-08
Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"... Read more... 6-12-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  6-12-08
US court stands by military's decision to curb homosexuality within ranks... Read more... 6-11-08
Is this our future?... Read more...  Read also... 6-11-08
Belief and obedience: the critical difference... Read more... 6-11-08
Garabandal's prophecy about communism... Read more...  6-11-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 6-11-08
Jesus is God... Read more... 6-11-08
Congress of El Salvador unanimously condemns abortion as an "abominable crime"... Read more... 6-10-08
Alberta pastor fined $7000 and ordered to publicly apologize and remain silent on homosexuality... Read more... 6-10-08
Triggering global revolution... Read more...  Read also... 6-10-08
All of Our Lady of the Roses vigil messages online... Read more... 6-10-08
Abortion and the contraceptive mentality... Read more... 6-10-08
The Bank for International Settlements warns of Great Depression... Read more...  Read also... 6-10-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 6-10-08
Changes in Church: "Man will not change to please man; man will stay on the narrow road and please his God"... Read more...  6-10-08
April 2, 1977 message: "And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like children going through the fields picking daisies"... Read more... 6-10-08
People with cancer cured by Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers... Read more... 6-9-08
  St. Benedict Crucifixes...  Read more... 6-9-08
Fr. Alphonse de Valk: Fascism has come to Canada... Read more... 6-9-08
Book: The Second Great Depression... Read more...  Read also... 6-9-08
Interview with top Vatican communicators on how to address homosexuality in the modern world... Read more... 6-9-08
December 6, 1975 message: "Human life is of no value to the unbeliever"... Read more... 6-9-08
What is sanctity? Read more... 6-9-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 6-9-08
Life begins at conception... Read more... 6-9-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 6-9-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #330 - God alone creates the human soul... Read more...  6-7-08
The oil problem, part 2: About ten years ago, Osama bin Laden stated that his target price for oil is $144 a barrel... Read more...  Read also... 6-7-08
Dying for Green? ABC game tells you when you deserve to die... Read more...  6-7-08
After 120 years of service UK Catholic adoption agency forced to close doors over forced gay adoptions... Read more...  6-7-08
Banks' credit crisis solutions have echoes of 1929 Depression... Read more...  Read also... 6-7-08
June 2, 1979 message: "Yes, My child and My children, there are groups now throughout the world, men of power and wealth who are working as undercover peoples and agents to bring about a full control of the world"... Read more... 6-7-08

Remember First Saturday...
July 15, 1976 message: "When the upheaval in Rome takes place, My children, know that the end of your era is at hand"... Read more... 6-7-08
Paul Harvey: "If I were the devil"... Read more... 6-7-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 6-7-08
Sex ed in the classrooms: a debauchery of young souls... Read more... 6-7-08
Belgian Bishop hauled before court for Church teaching on homosexuality cleared of charges... Read more... 6-6-08
Abortion laws may be in the balance as Ireland prepares for European treaty referendum... Read more... 6-6-08
Syria has been "furiously" acquiring Russian missiles... Read more...  Read also... 6-6-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  6-6-08
Toll Bros. CEO: Housing could fall another 20%... Read more...  Read also... 6-6-08
June 8, 1974 message: "We abhor, We will not tolerate the murder of the unborn! Mankind seeks a terrible chastisement far beyond what his human mind or sight can ever conceive, for his actions against the creation of the Father"... Read more... 6-6-08
Conversations with an exorcist... Read more... 6-6-08
False obedience: "Many go forward in false obedience, because they do not have the light to recognize evil"... Read more... 6-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 6-6-08
Candidates, voters questioned on gruesome reality of abortion by Priests for Life... Read more... 6-5-08
California Supreme Court refuses to stay same-sex "marriage" decision... Read more... 6-5-08
Court reverses spanking ruling, ends family's nightmare... Read more...  Read also... 6-4-08

occult: "There is no such group as a good witch or a bad witch. My children, they all are under the rule of satan"... Read more...
Vatican's new rite of exorcism called a "blunt weapon"... Read more... 6-5-08
Knees to love Jesus... Read more... 6-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 6-5-08
Renowned psychiatrist maintained homosexuality is a curable disorder... Read more... 6-5-08
Starvation scapegoat: Blaming population for a green problem... Read more... 6-4-08
California Marriage Amendment qualifies for November ballot - the people will decide... Read more... 6-4-08
Cardinal Rouco: Homosexual “marriage” is rebellion against man’s biological limits... Read more...  Read also... 6-4-08
Alaska Supreme Court issues order to prevent pulling of patient’s life support... Read more... 6-4-08
August 5, 1976 message: "I give fair warning as your God, that Heaven has set a time and an hour to stop the desecration within My Church"... Read more... 6-4-08
Disobedience to the Pope: "Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar"... Read more... 6-4-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 6-4-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 6-4-08
Cardinal Ouellet says Bishops must follow Pope in speaking out more on moral issues... Read more... 6-3-08
Prominent Catholic canon lawyer switches sides - now agrees pro-abortion politicians should be denied Communion... Read more... 6-3-08
American Christians face 'hate crime' for preaching Gospel: Police told pastors they can't spread Christian message in Muslim area... Read more...  Read also... 6-3-08
November 22, 1975 message: "I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior"... Read more... 6-3-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more...  6-3-08
Vatican official suggests reconsidering Communion in the hand: says it is "high time to review" the policy... Read more... 6-3-08
Archbishop Burke preaches tough Communion rule: Turn away abortion-rights backers under pain of mortal sin... Read more... 6-3-08
Are there clues in Our Lady’s message pointing to a future Yellowstone supervolcano eruption?... Read more... 6-3-08
  Padre Pio and America book...  Read more...  6-2-08
  Serving at the Altar CD...  Read more...  6-2-08
Vatican: Automatic excommunication for women who try fake ordination and the bishops that assist them... Read more...  6-2-08
Historic chance to defeat Roe v. Wade on the ballot in Colorado... Read more...  6-2-08
Temple Mount '100% Islamic': Warning: 'Any action that offends holy site will be answered by 1.5 billion Muslims'... Read more...  Read also... 6-2-08

Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more... 
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 6-2-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 6-2-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 6-2-08
The Queenship of Our Lady... Read more... 5-31-08
Canadian mainstream media reps blast bishops for failing to speak out strongly on moral issues... Read more... 5-31-08
One police officer and four daycare workers deemed unqualified because of homeschool diplomas... Read more... 5-31-08
America's house prices are falling even faster than during the Great Depression... Read more...  Read also... 5-31-08
Love of neighbor... Read more... 5-31-08
Our Lady prefigured in Genesis 3:15... Read more...  5-31-08
Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack... Read more...  Read also... 5-31-08
Pope John Paul I was assassinated: A review of Father Jesús López Sáez's book "El Día de la Cuenta" (The Day of Reckoning)... Read more... 5-31-08
Changes in the Church: "The experimentation and changes must be stopped and reversed!"... Read more... 5-31-08
Sister Lucy's last unrestricted interview: Father Fuentes' interview with Sister Lucy... Read more... 5-31-08
Sebelius issues “laughable” defense of secret party at Governor's mansion honoring abortionist Tiller... Read more... 5-30-08
Assisted suicide bill passes California Assembly... Read more... 5-30-08
Jesus is God... Read more... 5-30-08
Jesus: "I wait for you"... Read more... 5-30-08
June 1, 1978 message: "You cannot deny that many in the Masons are practicing witchcraft and sorcery"... Read more... 5-30-08
The Cardinal Ottaviani Intervention... Read more... 5-30-08
Yoga and horoscopes can lead to possession by Devil, claims Cardinal's exorcist... Read more... 5-29-08
Archbishop Naumann defends his call for pro-abortion politicians to refrain from Communion... Read more... 5-29-08
University employee fired for opposing homosexuality commences legal action... Read more... 5-29-08
Secret plans under way to tear down Christian symbols: Army says chapel crosses violate policy... Read more...  Read also... 5-29-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I assure you, My children, there is no freedom in Russia. It is all a delusion"... Read more... 5-29-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 5-29-08
Mary, our sweet Mother... Read more... 5-29-08
Latin: the universal language of the Catholic Church... Read more... 5-29-08
Deaths exceed births in increasing number of major US cities... Read more... 5-28-08
Mandated homosexual adoptions forces Catholic Church to quit adoption agencies in England... Read more... 5-28-08
Jeff Nyquist: The oil problem... Read more...  Read also... 5-28-08
July 25, 1974 message: "Strip your country of its morality and your country will fall"... Read more... 5-28-08
Brazil Bishop: Excommunication for those who use or distribute morning after pill... Read more... 5-28-08
The divine Christ and the Bible... Read more... 5-28-08
The removal of the Latin Mass by the impostor pope (replaced Pope Paul VI); the restoration by Pope Benedict XVI... Read more... 5-28-08
  Home prices drop the most in 20 years...  Read more...  5-27-08
  China Modernizes Nuclear Weapons...  Read more...  5-27-08
Foreigner saved from being starved and dehydrated to death in American hospital... Read more... 5-24-08
Quebec report: Remove crucifixes and ban public prayer to solve immigrant tensions... Read more... 5-24-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 5-24-08
The nightmare German hyperinflation: The many parallels between 1924 Germany and present-day United States are cause for concern... Read more...  Read also... 5-24-08
St. Francis of Assisi on the Holy Eucharist... Read more... 5-24-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 5-24-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 5-24-08
Bishop Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 5-24-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 5-24-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #329 - Revolution... Read more...  5-23-08
February 10, 1978 message: "There is a great conspiracy of evil in your country, My children. It is a conspiracy to bring revolution by using the young"... Read more... 5-23-08
No comment from Bishops as Cherie, wife of former PM Blair, touts Catholicism while extolling contraception... Read more... 5-23-08
India High Court considers legalizing sodomy under international pressure... Read more... 5-23-08
General Petraeus calls Syria nuke program troubling... Read more...  Read also... 5-23-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 5-23-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 5-23-08
Dangers of Ritalin... Read more... 5-23-08
Return the use of the patens... Read more... 5-23-08
New Chinese Naval Base Poses a Great Threat to the United States...  Read more...  5-22-08
Abortion-politician-Communion scandal shows real lack of pastoral concern... Read more... 5-22-08
Pro-life movement offers Senator Kennedy prayers and forgiveness as he faces potentially fatal brain tumor... Read more... 5-22-08
French government seeks "universal decriminalization" of sodomy... Read more... 5-22-08
Changes in the Church: "Do not desert My Church. Do not judge it by the man who has stood there in ignorance or in pride and changed it until it will almost be unrecognizable. I am still with you, My children. Do not leave"... Read more... 5-22-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 5-22-08
Court reviews Planned Parenthood's extensive 'cover-up' of sexual abuse... Read more...  Read also... 5-22-08

May 23, 1979 message:
"My clergy, you must take yourselves out of the world. You are secularizing My Church, but you are also demonizing the sheep, subjecting them to falling into the abyss"...
Cardinal Oddi on the Third Secret: "At this point let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"... Read more... 5-22-08
Vatican II failed to condemn communism: Petition to condemn communism was suppressed... Read more... 5-22-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 5-22-08
The essence of perfection consists in charity...  Read more... 5-22-08
Harry Potter and "the Death of God" - by Michael D. O'Brien... Read more... 5-22-08
Homosexuals not permitted in any seminaries, reaffirms Vatican... Read more... 5-21-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 5-21-08
UK Parliament approve human/animal hybrid clones... Read more... 5-21-08
Filipino Cardinal bars outwardly gay participation in Marian celebration... Read more... 5-21-08
'Abortion is against every instinct of a woman'... Read more...  Read also... 5-21-08
April 2, 1977 message: "You have the picture of your coming destruction right before your face and you refuse to look"... Read more... 5-21-08
The truth about the devil: Exorcist states there are possession cases in every parish... Read more... 5-21-08
Russia must be consecrated by name to Our Lady... Read more... 5-21-08
Fr. Malachi Martin, who read the REAL Third Secret, believed Our Lady of the Roses was a true apparition... Read more... 5-21-08
Fatherless boys more likely to grow into dangerous men...  Read more... 5-21-08
Liberal Senator Ted Kennedy has been struck with cancer...  Read more...  5-20-08
March 18, 1977 message: "Your leaders have enacted rules, regulations and laws that hold no water, have no discipline and no purpose. They are too busy compromising"... Read more... 5-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 5-20-08
Contraception is intrinsically evil... Read more... 5-20-08
Pro-abortion expression permitted, pro-life forbidden on campus at Australia university... Read more... 5-19-08
First UN treaty including "sexual and reproductive health" enters into force... Read more... 5-19-08
February 10, 1978 message: "Your medias are responsible for the fall of your country"... Read more... 5-19-08
Jeff Nyquist: A dangerous passage... Read more...  Read also... 5-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 5-19-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 5-19-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 5-19-08
Marxist roots of radical feminism... Read more... 5-19-08
The Holy Trinity... Read more... 5-18-08
Abortifacient morning after pill now sold off the shelf in Canada... Read more... 5-17-08
Pray for Ted Kennedy: Senator hospitalized as he suffers two seizures... Read more...  Read also... 5-17-08
Russia: Tsar Putin is creating new fascist empire...  Read more...  Read also... 5-17-08
September 7, 1985 message: "There will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government—an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression"... Read more... 5-17-08
Pope Leo XIII against the Masons: "Christianity and Freemasonry are essentially incompatible"... Read more... 5-17-08
Dr. Laura advises parents to use "swift and terrible" correction for defiant children... Read more... 5-17-08
California Supreme Court imposes homosexual 'marriage' on state... Read more... 5-16-08
If just laws are not enacted to stop the spread of homosexuality, the United States cannot be saved... Read more... 5-16-08
Want to avoid arthritis? Breastfeed, have more children and don’t take the pill... Read more... 5-16-08
St. Margaret of Cortona: the second Magdalen who became a bride of Christ... Read more... 5-16-08
Soaring rice prices pose a global danger... Read more...  Read also... 5-16-08
Pope Benedict supports excommunication for pro-abortion politicians: "Incompatible with receiving Communion"...  Read more... 5-16-08
Statistical decline of the Catholic Church since Vatican II... Read more... 5-16-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 5-16-08
Bishops: "You will inform Our bishops that intellectual pride has been their downfall"... Read more... 5-16-08
Over 100,000 Die in Myanmar Cyclone...  Read more...  5-15-08
  Has a Biblical Plague Started in Texas?  Read more...  5-15-08
  Hyperinflation: Are We There Yet?  It is most important to play this recording.  Click here...  Read also... 5-15-08
New shipment of Our Lady of the Roses 1 inch gold and silver pewter medals...  See the medals for sale...
Unsealed court records show Attorney General actively undermined Planned Parenthood prosecution... Read more... 5-15-08
Black university employee fired for stating homosexuality not the same as color... Read more... 5-15-08
131,000 Coloradans endorse 'personhood' plan: Ballot initiative would extend constitution's protections to pre-born... Read more...  Read also... 5-15-08
April 10, 1972 message: "There is a plan now being formulated that will enslave the people of your country. Open your eyes, My children, and see your world as it truly is"... Read more... 5-15-08
The approved apparitions of Our Lady of Akita, Japan and the Third Secret... Read more... 5-15-08
Permissive parents: "Many parents are leading their children on the road to damnation by their example"... Read more... 5-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 5-15-08
Influential Texas televangelist Pastor John Hagee apologizes for anti-Catholic remarks...  Read more... 5-14-08
Archbishop: For the clergy obedience to Church "requires preaching about the moral evil of contraception"... Read more... 5-14-08
More and more seeing that "the pill kills"... Read more... 5-14-08
UN alert: One-fourth of world's wheat at risk from new fungus... Read more...  Read also... 5-14-08
UFOs: false miracles of the end times... Read more... 5-14-08
Archbishop Burke: Bishops must discipline pro-abortion Catholic politicians... Read more... 5-14-08
May 15, 1976 message: "The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell"... Read more... 5-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 5-14-08
 2008 Tornado Toll Already the Deadliest in A Decade...  Read more... 5-13-08
  Death Toll in China Earthquake in the Thousands...  Read more... 5-13-08
Pope Benedict: Teaching against contraception “does not change”... Read more... 5-13-08
Pope to pro-lifers: "How many human lives have you saved from death! . . . do not be afraid"... Read more... 5-13-08
British intel: China preparing for a nuclear war... Read more...  Read also... 5-13-08
Our Lady of the Roses says the REAL Third Secret mentioned this topic: There will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, with satan in their midst... Read more... 5-13-08
Cardinal Ottaviani endorsed the Neus Europa "third secret", said "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth"... Read more... 5-13-08
If Russia was really converted, where is the world peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima?... Read more... 5-13-08
Cohabitation and divorce... Read more... 5-13-08
St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Masons... Read more... 5-13-08
McAlvany Report - The Great Cave-In of 2008...  Read more... 5-12-08
Archbishop publicly tells pro-abortion Kansas governor not to receive Communion... Read more... 5-12-08
Michigan Supreme Court rules governments, universities can't give homosexuals health benefits... Read more... 5-12-08
Beijing and Riyadh will call the shots on ailing dollar's future... Read more...  Read also... 5-12-08
Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"... Read more... 5-12-08
Idolatry: "As it was in the past so it is this day upon earth, that man has now regressed back to an age of paganism, idolatry, and insanity from sin"... Read more... 5-12-08
More reasons for rejecting Communion in the hand... Read more...  5-12-08
Mary, our sweet Mother... Read more... 5-11-08
Directive from Heaven #250 - Mothers... Read more... 5-11-08
April 13, 1974 message: Our Lady said that the women are not women; they are men. And they must be returned to their role as women and mothers... Read more... 5-11-08
Women's liberation: "Mothers, do not discard your role as a mother"... Read more... 5-11-08
Smashing defeat for pro-abortion forces in Brazil... Read more...  5-10-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #328 - Famine and hunger... Read more...  5-10-08
June 18, 1992 message: "We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached"... Read more...   (Click to hear the actual message)  5-10-08
OPEC oil cartel does little to ease starvation crisis — even world's poorest nations give more... Read more...  Read also... 5-10-08
Lenin's prophecy about the United States... Read more... 5-10-08
Hezbollah overruns west Beirut as Lebanon on brink... Read more...  Read also... 5-10-08
Paganism: "Your country is turning back to pagan practices"... Read more... 5-10-08
Bishops of Connecticut: Are you willing to risk murder?... Read more... 5-10-08
Western Australia rejects clone and kill bill... Read more... 5-9-08
Ex-gays afraid to come out for fear of persecution: ABC News report... Read more... 5-9-08
Ahmadinejad: Israel is 'on its way to annihilation'... Read more...  Read also... 5-9-08
March 24, 1974 message: "Women of the world reject their places as helpmates to their husbands"... Read more... 5-9-08
Taxing ourselves into a Depression... Read more...  Read also... 5-9-08
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  5-9-08
Dietrich von Hildebrand: Communion in the hand should be rejected... Read more... 5-9-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 5-9-08
Russia's master plan... Read more...  5-9-08
As many as 100,000 may have died from cyclone in Myanmar... Read more... 5-8-08
Bella producer Leo Severino talks about Bella DVD, "the Entertainment Ultrasound"... Read more... 5-8-08
Ontario Premier's plan to scrap Lord's Prayer backfires as groundswell grows in opposition... Read more... 5-8-08
Save America the Rosary way... Read more... 5-8-08
McAlvany: Global paradigm shift - From free market capitalism to state controlled socialism... Read more...  Read also... 5-8-08
Pope Benedict on the theology of kneeling... Read more... 5-8-08
December 24, 1979: The Arabian sabre message... Read more... 5-8-087
Latin: the universal language of the Catholic Church... Read more... 5-8-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 5-8-08
Heaven demands that bishops use their full powers and excommunicate the heretics... Read more... 5-8-08
Washington Archbishop denies personal responsibility for allowing pro-abortion politicians to receive Communion... Read more... 5-7-08
Archbishop Wuerl is a 'buck-passer': "They go along ‘passing,’ as you say, ‘the buck,’ each one not willing to admit his error or his participation in evil, but only too willingly allowing others to take the blame or the responsibility. And I assure you, My children, if evil is being allowed, the ‘buck passer’ is just as guilty as the original one who had started the evil"... Read more... 5-7-08
Our Lady of the Roses medals... Read more... 5-7-08
Catholic Action League raps Massachusetts K of C leadership over pro-abortion Knights... Read more... 5-7-08
Black university employee suspended for objecting to comparison between black and homosexual discrimination... Read more... 5-7-08
Russia to flex its muscle: Military to return to Red Square in ritual parade... Read more...  Read also... 5-7-08
April 2, 1977 message: "The United States of America has been plucked. The vultures are gathering for the kill"... Read more... 5-7-08
Pope John Paul II: On government coercion in favor of contraception... Read more... 5-7-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 5-7-08
The murder of John Paul I.... Read more... 5-7-08
Huge victory: Kansas Supreme Court unseals secret abortion suit... Read more...  5-6-08
Arizona Bishops condemn efforts to curtail physician freedom of conscience... Read more...  5-6-08
June 13, 1981 message: "If you proceed ignoring My counsel and My direction, you will see many nations disappear from your world within moments. Hunger and starvation, famine, disease, pestilence”... Read more...  5-6-08
Viva Raymond Arroyo, faith defender!... Read more...  Read also... 5-6-08
  Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother of Hope DVD...  Read more...  5-6-08
Apocalypse: "It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness"... Read more...  5-6-08
What's wrong with the Masons? Read more... 5-6-08
The deception of the century... Read more... 5-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 5-6-08
Grand Theft Culture: The entertainment industry goes for the jugular... Read more... 5-5-08
Congress to transform America to socialism?... Read more...  Read also... 5-5-08
Pope Pius XI: No lasting peace among nations without submission to the rule of the Savior, Jesus Christ... Read more... 5-5-08
Third Secret tells of a spiritual chastisement... Read more...  5-5-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 5-5-08
China builds nuclear submarine base... Read more...  Read also... 5-5-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  5-5-08
Christian friendships... Read more... 5-5-08
Are there clues in Our Lady’s message pointing to a future Yellowstone supervolcano eruption?... Read more... 5-3-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 5-3-08
Australian bishops urge government to ban pornography, "One of the most evil uses of the internet"... Read more... 5-3-08
Lesbian break-in and riot during college speech on "born-gay hoax" forces cancellation... Read more... 5-3-08
Skills for Survival - How Families Can Prepare... Read more... 5-3-08
Kids say: Enough with the 'gay' stuff!... Read more...  Read also... 5-3-08
How old is your church? Read more...  5-3-08
St. Francis' Letter to all Bishops, Priests and Deacons... Read more... 5-3-08
September 28, 1978 message: "Lucifer, he seeks to unite My Church with the world"... Read more... 5-3-08
Cardinal Egan's rebuke to Giuliani - it was specifically about abortion... Read more...  5-2-08
Italian mother "lays down her life" for her unborn child... Read more...  5-2-08
Eminent psychiatrist says homosexuality is a disorder that can be cured... Read more...  5-2-08
Gulf states may end dollar pegs, Kuwait minister says ... Read more...  Read also... 5-2-08
Changes in the Church: "This new modern way has been created by satan"... Read more...  5-2-08
'Moral conscience' comes first for Catholic doctors... Read more...  Read also... 5-2-08
Russia's master plan... Read more...  5-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more...  5-2-08
The Apostles were not asleep at Jesus' Ascension into Heaven... Read more... 5-1-08
Focus shifts to Archbishop Wuerl; Washington prelate on hotseat on pro-abortion politicians... Read more... Read also... 5-1-08
Ex-abortion clinic owner tells pro-life group truth about abortion business... Read more... 5-1-08
CIA: Syria was on verge of becoming nuclear power... Read more...  Read also... 5-1-08
July 15, 1977 message: "You will be scoffed at; you will be called crazy and all manner of other epithets the unbeliever can devise. But, My children, you will follow the same path as My Son. Pick up your cross and follow Him"... Read more... 5-1-08
Investors see Wall Street Depression... Read more...  Read also... 5-1-08
New York City: Our Lady of the Roses tells us it is Babylon the Great of the Apocalypse... Read more... 5-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 5-1-08
Swiss grant rights to animals, consider same for plants - liberalize abortion laws... Read more... 4-30-08
New booklet outlines frightening facts about contraception... Read more... 4-30-08
Consumers ready to call it quits... Read more...  Read also... 4-30-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 4-30-08
"I weep tears of great sorrow because of the desecration, because of the lack of piety, holiness, and respect of the priesthood of My Son"... Read more... 4-30-08
The meaning of the consecration of Russia... Read more... 4-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  4-30-08
New York Cardinal Egan slams Giuliani for receiving Communion at Papal Mass - demands meeting... Read more... 4-29-08
Massachusetts principal warns parents: no "hate speech" against upcoming pro-homosexual "Day of Silence".... Read more...  Read also... 4-29-08
Alaska Governor Palin calls her baby born last week with Down Syndrome a "gift"... Read more... 4-29-08
Worst is ahead for U.S. housing, economy... Read more...  Read also... 4-29-08
Ten to fifteen preteens a year have abortions in Britain... Read more... 4-29-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 4-29-08
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell"... Read more... 4-29-08
Bill to ban human-animal hybrid creation introduced in Congress... Read more... 4-28-08
Report: Gorbachev signed death warrant on Pope John Paul II... Read more...  Read also... 4-28-08
Pro-abortion terrorists claim responsibility for university bombing... Read more... 4-28-08
The day the financial world almost ended... Read more...  Read also... 4-28-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 4-28-08
Brazil Bishop: Excommunication for those who use or distribute morning after pill... Read more... 4-28-08
The removal of the Latin Mass by the impostor pope (replaced Pope Paul VI); the restoration by Pope Benedict XVI... Read more... 4-28-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 4-28-08
Rep. Mike Pence: "For roughly 3,000 years in Western civilization, until 1973, it was the unanimous position of medical ethicists throughout Western civilization that abortion was immoral and unethical"... Read more... 4-28-08
Australian bishops issue Pastoral Letter against decriminalisation of abortion... Read more... 4-26-08
Don McAlvany: Silent Starvation; When Real Things Matter Most (audio)... Read more...  Read also... 4-26-08
Bill could force Hawaii Catholic hospital to give morning after pills... Read more... 4-26-08
July 15, 1976 message: "When the upheaval in Rome takes place, My children, know that the end of your era is at hand"... Read more... 4-26-08
Black leaders: De-fund 'racist' Planned Parenthood: Congressman joins D.C. rally to urge stripping abortion providers of taxpayer money... Read more...  Read also... 4-26-08

UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more...
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  4-26-08
Women tell of coerced, illegal abortions at Kansas abortion clinic... Read more... 4-25-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #327 - Time is running out... Read more...  4-25-08
Wall Street Journal: "Time for Americans to start stockpiling food"... Read more...  Read also... 4-25-08
Court rules unanimously: Illinois school must allow "be happy, not gay" T-shirt... Read more... 4-25-08
U.S. shows evidence of Syria-N. Korea nuke collaboration... Read more...  Read also... 4-25-08
The Tyrant State: Prophetic warnings of Pope John Paul II... Read more... 4-25-08
November 20, 1978 message - Our Lady rebukes the United States: "The more you cry 'peace', the more in your foolishness you give yourself to being saviors of the world"... Read more... 4-25-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 4-25-08
The miraculous conversion story of prisoner Claude Newman... Read more... 4-25-08
Reflections on "women's liberation"... Read more... 4-25-08
  Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses in United States - April 16 - 20, 2008...  Read more... 4-24-08
Italian doctors refusing to commit abortion... Read more... 4-24-08
April 24: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr... Read more... 4-24-08
EU shelves "sexual orientation" discrimination directive... Read more... 4-24-08
The growing oil and food crisis... Read more...  Read also... 4-24-08
November 24, 1979 message: "Soon your country, the United States, will join other nations in knowing physical hunger and want"... Read more... 4-24-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 4-24-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 4-24-08
Veronica's landing points vision: Is this the plan for the invasion of the U.S.?... Read more... 4-24-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  4-24-08
Euthanasia is murder... Read more... 4-24-08
The case for school prayer... Read more... 4-24-08
Cardinal Arinze voices support for May 3rd One Million Rosaries for Unborn Babies prayer event... Read more... 4-23-08
Wayward Catholic Bishop wins presidency in Paraguay... Read more... 4-23-08
Canadian pharmacists object to easier access to Plan B abortion pill... Read more... 4-23-08
Jesus Christ: Lunatic or God?... Read more... 4-23-08
Our Lady, the all-pure... Read more... 4-23-08
March 18, 1974 message: "Not only your country, but the world has now reached a point of complete saturation of evil"... Read more... 4-23-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 4-23-08
Highlights from the Pope's address to young people... Read more... 4-22-08
"Gay" sex kills... Read more... 4-22-08
Giuliani received Communion at Papal Mass: Breaks rule that bars from Communion those who remarry outside Church... Read more...  Read also... 4-22-08
The beautiful Our Lady of the Roses 'Blue Book'... Read more... 4-22-08
Doctors and nurses say "it was a miracle"... Read more... 4-22-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 4-22-08
The truth about the so-called "investigation" in Veronica's own words... Read more... 4-22-08
February 1, 1978 message: "It will come, the time, My children, when it will seem to all that the wicked have captured the earth"... Read more... 4-22-08
"Homosexuality is not hardwired," concludes head of the Human Genome Project... Read more... 4-22-08
Transcript: Pope’s remarks to youth in Yonkers... Read more... 4-20-08
Pope to educators: Appeals to academic freedom cannot justify positions against the Faith... Read more... 4-20-08
Correction: Ted Kennedy DID receive Communion at the Papal Mass... Read more... 4-20-08
Chinese troops on the streets of African city, witnesses say... Read more...  Read also... 4-20-08
How old is your church? Read more...  4-20-08
Pope decries the "scandal given by Catholics who promote an alleged right to abortion"... Read more... 4-19-08
Democrats blocked resolution welcoming Pope because of "pro-life" language... Read more... 4-19-08
Authorities lose patience with falling dollar... Read more...  Read also... 4-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 4-19-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 4-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 4-19-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 4-19-08
December 28, 1974 message: "Your city and the cities of your country shall be wiped away--wiped from the face of your earth, so great is the sin in your cities!"... Read more... 4-19-08
Pope tells Bishops they must deal with sex abuse scandal by addressing all of sexual morality... Read more... 4-18-08
Kerry, Dodd receive Communion at Papal Mass, Kennedy refrains... Read more... 4-18-08
Council of Europe declares unlimited abortion an unconditional right for all of Europe... Read more... 4-18-08
Are we facing another Great Depression?... Read more...  Read also... 4-18-08
300,000,000 American idolaters?... Read more... 4-18-08
Pope spoke privately with President Bush about abortion and homosexual 'marriage'... Read more... 4-17-08
Major pro-life group vows to photograph pro-abortion politicians as they receive Communion at Papal Masses... Read more... 4-17-08
Will Pope serve Eucharist to Washington, DC baby killer politicians?... Read more...   Read also... 4-17-08
Fr. Hardon speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 4-17-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 4-17-08
The Mass is a sacrifice, not a meal... Read more... 4-17-08
Pro-abortion Catholic politicians warned against receiving Communion during Papal visit... Read more... 4-16-08
Abortion is "murder" and a "negation of the right to life": Maltese Bishops to Council of Europe... Read more... 4-16-08
Be loyal to the Vicar of Christ... Read more... 4-16-08
Pope "deeply ashamed" of the clergy sexual abuse scandal, will work to make sure pedophiles don't become priests... Read more...   Read also... 4-16-08
The Papacy: "Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of faith and morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the seat of Peter"... Read more... 4-16-08
November 25, 1978 message: "There is only one religion that can save your country and all of the countries of the world: the religion of the cross and My Son's sacrifice upon that cross"... Read more... 4-16-08
The “conversion of Russia”: what does it really mean?  Read more... 4-16-08
Idaho becomes first state to criminalize coercing a woman to have an abortion... Read more... 4-15-08
King's niece: "Racism and abortion stem from the same poisonous root"... Read more... 4-15-08
Birth control pill linked to hardening of the arteries... Read more... 4-15-08

Hamas cleric: 'Islam will conquer Rome'... Read more...   Read also... 4-15-08
No idle threat: Our Lady of the Roses' prophecy that Rome will undergo revolution, Pope will flee for his life... Read more... 4-15-08
Pope Benedict says that refusing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians is a "doctrine of the Church"... Read more... 4-15-08
Catholic Church: "You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus"... Read more... 4-15-08
Princeton professor - Pro-abortion Catholics more horrific than clergy sex abuse... Read more... 4-15-08
Pope's opposition to euthanasia is personal: Cousin had Down's Syndrome and was taken by the Nazis... Read more... 4-14-08
Coming to America: Pope Benedict XVI pays a historic first visit... Read more... Read also... 4-14-08
Cardinal Oddi on the Third Secret: "At this point let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"... Read more... 4-14-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 4-14-08
Predicted invasion of the U.S. through Mexico... Read more... 4-14-08
NARTH psychiatrist says study claiming biological basis for homosexuality "absolute rubbish"... Read more... 4-14-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 4-14-08
Teen sex linked to regret and abortions in later adult life... Read more... 4-12-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #326 - Divine intervention... Read more...  4-12-08
China ratchets up Christian persecution... Read more... Read also... 4-12-08
PREPARE NOW: Our Lady counsels us to store food, water, and blankets... Read more... 4-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope to Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 4-12-08
Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"... Read more... 4-12-08
November 1, 1985 message: "Pray for your clergy, for the bishops are misguided"... Read more... 4-12-08
Catholic University of St. Thomas rejects black pro-life speaker, permits transgender speakers... Read more... 4-11-08
Lives of the Saints: April 11 - St. Leo the Great, Pope... Read more... 4-11-08
Police apologize after driver of truck with graphic abortion images ordered to leave town... Read more... 4-11-08
The great worldwide Warning: A revelation of our sins, a last chance to turn back to God, before the great Chastisement... Read more... 4-11-08
Skip the communist Olympics... Read more... Read also... 4-11-08
Mysterious behaviors in Pope Paul VI’s papacy: Our Lady of the Roses provides the explanation... Read more... 4-11-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 4-11-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 4-11-08
A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans... Read more... 4-11-08
Wisconsin appeals court rules against Catholic pharmacist's conscientious objection to contraception... Read more... Read also... 4-10-08
"Red alert" in the Dominican Republic over plans to legalize abortion... Read more... 4-10-08
Will trade deficit trigger depression?... Read more...  Read also... 4-10-08
UFOs and "alien" abductions: diabolical manifestations... Read more... 4-10-08

"Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"...
June 18, 1976 message: "Peace will not be given to mankind until he makes atonement to a dishonored God"... Read more... 4-10-08
Third Secret was to be revealed no later than 1960 "because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so"... Read more... 4-10-08
We urgently need your prayers and financial support to continue Our Lady's mission...  Read more... 4-9-08
Pope Benedict: Grandparents increasingly ostracized, even led to euthanasia by individualistic society... Read more... 4-9-08
Poland ratifies Lisbon Treaty with opt-out from EU Human Rights Charter... Read more... 4-9-08
The Ball of Redemption, the comet chastisement... Read more... 4-9-08
Road map to a Gaza war... Read more... Read also... 4-9-08
May 28, 1977 message: "As you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God"... Read more... 4-9-08
Cardinal Ottaviani endorsed the Neus Europa "third secret", said "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth"... Read more... 4-9-08
Restore the Church: "You must now return to your traditional rites, you must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior"... Read more... 4-9-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 4-9-08
Bishops of Connecticut: Are you willing to risk murder?... Read more... 4-9-08
Pope calls for an end to the "conspiracy of silence" over the wounds caused by the "grave sins" of abortion and divorce... Read more... 4-8-08
Darwin's Kool-Aid: A review of "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"... Read more... 4-8-08
September 28, 1978 message: "Mankind has returned civilization to its corrosive state of the past when it was necessary to destroy mankind in his sin in order to bring forth another flowering generation with promise for growth"... Read more... 4-8-08
Israel: We'll 'destroy' Iran: Harsh warning as region under general war alert... Read more... Read also... 4-8-08
Miraculous photos taken at the Shrine grounds... Read more... 4-8-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 4-8-08
Spiritual healing for abortion brought former feminist back to the Church... Read more... 4-7-08
U.S. House bill could be biggest bonanza in history for population control movement... Read more... 4-7-08
Mideast countries prepare for war... Read more... Read more...  Read also... 4-7-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 4-7-08
Turn back: "Awaken from your slumber, My pastors. You will turn back now and retrieve what you have lost when you have succumbed to the errors of humanism and modernism"... Read more... 4-7-08
Kneel before your God in the Eucharist... Read more... 4-7-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 4-7-08
For Rome it is very clear: pro-abortion politicians 'must' be denied Communion... Read more...  4-5-08
Congressional bill asks President Bush to boycott Beijing Olympics over human rights violations... Read more...  4-5-08
Chilean Supreme Court strikes down free distribution of abortion drug... Read more...  4-5-08
Dr. Peter Kreeft: "We are living in a spiritual Hiroshima"...  Read more...  Read also... 4-5-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  4-5-08
December 24, 1974 message: "A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least"... Read more... 4-5-08
Dark clouds were forming even before Vatican II... Read more... 4-5-08
Call no man "father"... Read more... 4-5-08
St. Francis of Assisi: Not a Birkenstock-clad hippie but a converter of Muslims... Read more... 4-4-08
Busted again: Planned Parenthood - Racist donations welcome we abort black babies... Read more... Read also... 4-4-08
February 10, 1977 message: "Compromise, My children, will enslave you"...  Read more... 4-4-08
Chinese spy 'slept' In U.S. for 2 decades: Espionage network said to be growing... Read more...  Read also... 4-4-08
Vatican II and the infiltration of the Catholic Church... Read more... 4-4-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 4-4-08
Without a human soul: UK researchers announce first cloned human/animal hybrid embryos... Read more... 4-3-08
Nearly 200,000 abortions a year "not a problem" for UK's biggest abortion advocate... Read more... 4-3-08
Student sues Wisconsin school after getting a zero for religious drawing... Read more...  Read also... 4-3-08
The truth about the devil: One of the best references ever written about the devil and exorcism... Read more... 4-3-08
Archbishop Burke preaches tough Communion rule: Turn away abortion-rights backers under pain of mortal sin... Read more... 4-3-08
Witness to the impostor pope: an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun sees Pope Paul VI and impostor pope within minutes of each other... Read more... 4-3-08
McAlvany Report - The Death of the American Dream: Plunging to the Political Left...  Read more...   4-2-08
Lives of the Saints: April 2 - St. Francis of Paula... Read more...  4-2-08
Over 50 pastors will rally to support Oklahoma politician pilloried for speaking against homosexuality... Read more...  4-2-08
Condom-promoters "going ballistic" over East African skeleton billboard ads... Read more...  4-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 4-2-08

South Carolina governor rips feds over REAL ID... Read more...  Read also... 3-31-08

Head of Pontifical Academy for Life reconfirms morning after pill cannot be used even in cases of rape... Read more...  4-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  4-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more...  4-2-08
'Personhood' of unborn silver bullet to kill Roe v. Wade?... Read more... 4-2-08
September 7, 1974 message: "You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit--a war of religion"... Read more... 4-2-08
Ecuador's President and ruling party seeks to exclude mention of God in new constitution... Read more... 4-1-08
Rally at Erie PA Catholic college causes bishop to cancel appearance... Read more... 4-1-08
Are we headed for the next Great Depression?... Read more... Read more...  Read also... 4-1-08
July 25, 1985 message: U.S. headed for a race war... Read more... (Click to hear the actual message)  4-1-08
Influential abortion advocacy group at UN calls on committees to pressure states on abortion... Read more... 3-31-08
Doctor says about "brain dead" man saved from organ harvesting - "Brain death is never really death"... Read more... 3-31-08
Exposed: Israel is negotiating Jerusalem... Read more...  Read also... 3-31-08
May 26, 1976 message: "You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom"... Read more... 3-31-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 4-1-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 3-31-08
U.S. bishops and sacrilegious Communion... Read more... 3-31-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 3-31-08
U.S. Bishops AID organization encourages condom use through "information"... Read more...  3-29-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #325 - A flicker of faith... Read more...  3-29-08
Planned Parenthood 2006 - 289,650 abortions, $112 million profit, $336 million in public funds... Read more...  3-29-08
Buddhist monks in tears cry out against lies while Beijing instructs foreign journalists... Read more...  Read also... 3-29-08
April 9, 1977 message: "Even if your faith is only a flicker, don't let it go out! It must be nourished, My children, or it will die, and you will die eternally".... Read more... 3-29-08
Pope Benedict tells pharmacists not to dispense drugs to inhibit implantation; implications for Plan B at Catholic hospitals... Read more... 3-29-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  3-29-08
Pastor speaks out against immodesty... Read more... 3-29-08
Why Canadians are forbidden to express their Church's teaching... Read more... 3-28-08
Survey finds pro-homosexual clubs at 96 Catholic universities in the United States... Read more... 3-28-08
China's strangulation of Tibet is only an extension of the suffocation of liberty in China itself... Read more...  Read also... 3-28-08
September 13, 1978 message: "The use of the hierarchy, their rank being used to set My sheep upon a path of damnation, shall not be accepted without a spiritual flight upon earth"... Read more... 3-28-08
Trying to skirt the Pope's negative appraisal of Harry Potter... Read more... 3-28-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 3-28-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  3-28-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 3-28-08
Nebraska bans public funding for destructive embryo research... Read more...  3-27-08
Russian bombers get NATO escort near Alaska... Read more...  3-27-08
Far left UK teachers' union calls for abolition of religious schools... Read more...  3-27-08
Goldman sees $1 trillion global credit loss... Read more...  Read also... 3-27-08
Sister Lucy wrote about a "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  3-27-08
Pope Benedict says that refusing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians is a "doctrine of the Church"... Read more... 3-27-08
May 26, 1979 message: Homosexuals - "they are dead souls in human bodies, possessed by Lucifer to do his will" ... Read more... 3-27-08
Message of the Pope's baptism of prominent Muslim: Be not afraid to acknowledge Christianity as The Truth... Read more...  3-26-08
Pro-life group reports fetal remains found behind Michigan abortion clinic... Read more...  3-26-08
We told you so: Gorbachev dispels 'closet Christian' rumors; says he is atheist... Read more...  Read also... 3-26-08
The Pope recognizes that the only real alternative to euthanasia is to love one another... Read more... 3-26-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 3-26-08
Vatican II: "Satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth"... Read more... 3-26-08
May 15, 1976 message: "The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell"... Read more... 3-26-08
The intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary prevented war in South America, newspaper reveals...  Read more...  3-25-08
The pro-life Pentecost in Brazil, and what it means for the rest of the world... Read more... 3-25-08
Fed's rescue halted a derivatives Chernobyl... Read more... Read also... 3-25-08

"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 3-25-08
Tradition: "You cannot separate tradition from your Faith"... Read more... 3-25-08
He is risen, alleluia! Meditation on Easter Sunday... Read more... 3-23-08
The Resurrection as described by Veronica... Read more... 3-23-08
The divinity of Jesus... Read more... 3-23-08
Jesus Christ, Redeemer... Read more... 3-23-08
Meditation on Good Friday... Read more... 3-21-08
Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday... Read more... (Print this page) 3-21-08
"Ecce Homo": Behold the Man... Read more... 3-21-08
The prophecy of Isaias... Read more... 3-21-08
The Passion of Christ ... Read more... 3-21-08
June 17, 1989 message: Jesus wants that known, that He was not only tied but He was nailed through the palms of His hands... Read more... 3-21-08  (Click to hear the actual message)
McAlvany Report - Understanding the Credit Meltdown: Toward Financial Armageddon, Part II... Read more... 3-21-08
China attacks the Pope, who receives the gratitude of the Tibetan government in exile... Read more... Read also... 3-21-08
New TLDM video: The Most Holy Eucharist (16 mins.)... watch video... Read also... 3-20-08
Gorbachev is a "Christian", and other lies... Read more... 3-20-08
Meditation on Holy Thursday... Read more... 3-20-08
U.S. loses No. 1 ranking as dollar drops: European Union now has world's biggest economy... Read more... Read also... 3-20-08
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass... Read more... 3-20-08
Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 3-20-08
The consecrated hands of a priest... Read more...  3-20-08
"What is a priest?" Read more... 3-20-08
July 14, 1979 message: "Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"... Read more... 3-20-08
Spanish Archbishop: Abortion is "the worst abasement in the history of humanity"... Read more...  3-19-08
Canadian Catholics ask Bishops to retract Winnipeg Statement - recommit to Humanae Vitae... Read more...  3-19-08
Downturn has barely begun... Read more... Read also... 3-19-08
Salvation: "My children, Heaven and the way does not change. It needs no improvement. It is a simple way, given to you from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father"... Read more...  3-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 3-19-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 3-19-08
The Third Secret and the Great Apostasy... Read more... 3-19-08
Economists: Bank losses to exceed $1 trillion... Read more...  3-18-08
Wall Street fears for the next Great Depression... Read more... Read also... 3-18-08
The tyranny is upon us but we're too compromised to see it says Michael O'Brien... Read more...  3-18-08
The four marks of the Church... Read more... 3-18-08
March 18, 1974 message: "Not only your country, but the world has now reached a point of complete saturation of evil"... Read more...  3-18-08
Exclusive interview: Ottawa Archbishop explains why pro-abortion politicians are denied Communion... Read more...  3-17-08
Monday of Holy Week... Read more...  3-17-08
Forgiveness: "Can you not turn back now and beg the forgiveness of the Eternal Father before it is too late? Are you so blind to the truth, My children, that you do not see the road you are traveling on?”... Read more...  3-17-08
Catholic colleges anticipate stern words: Pope Benedict has requested to meet with the leaders of Catholic colleges... Read more... Read also... 3-17-08
  Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother of Hope DVD...  Read more...  3-16-08
  The Song of Bernadette DVD...  Read more...  3-16-08
Meditation on Palm Sunday... Read more... 3-16-08
Communist China locks down Tibet's capital, Chinese security forces swarm Tibet... Read more... Read also... 3-16-08
Scandal from superiors... Read more...  3-16-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #324 - Admonish the sinner... Read more...  3-15-08
Scotland Catholic Bishop warns of "Huge and well orchestrated conspiracy" by homosexual activists... Read more... 3-15-08
Vatican advises Philippines Bishop not to accept donations from firms that produce contraceptives... Read more... 3-15-08
Kidnapped Iraqi bishop found dead... Read more... Read also... 3-15-08
September 7, 1985 message: World monetary crash - "One massive depression"... Read more... (Click to hear the actual message) 3-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 3-15-08
Princeton professor - Pro-abortion Catholics more horrific than clergy sex abuse... Read more... 3-15-08
Dollar's clout sinks worldwide... Read more... 3-14-08
Gold hits $1000, dollar tanks, oil soars... Read more... 3-14-08
The Seven Dolours of Our Lady... Read more... 3-14-08
The church of man: "You must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before you very eyes another religion, another church of man"... Read more... 3-14-08
The struggle with the capital sin of avarice... Read more... 3-14-08
Archbishop Burke: Bishops must discipline pro-abortion Catholic politicians... Read more... 3-14-08
May 17, 1975 message: "My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth"... Read more... 3-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 3-14-08
Fr. Hardon speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 3-14-08
No "new deadly sins" - media perpetrating massive distortion... Read more... 3-13-08
UK Catholic bishop accused of religious 'fundamentalism' for ordering a crucifix in every classroom, questioned by MPs... Read more... Read also... 3-13-08
Pope Benedict describes unworthy reception of Holy Communion as Christ's greatest suffering... Read more... 3-13-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 3-13-08
July 25, 1974 message: "Strip your country of its morality and your country will fall"... Read more... 3-13-08
Sister Lucy wrote about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  3-13-08
Pope Benedict: Hedonistic secularist mentality pervades the Church... Read more... 3-12-08
Practice during Passiontide and Holy Week... Read more... 3-12-08
Bill breathes life into Karl Marx... Read more... Read also... 3-12-08
August 19, 1978 message: "It is in the will of the Eternal Father that the world of man upon earth must make a decided change for the better, or the world must come to a closing of the era"... Read more... 3-12-08
Australia's Cardinal Pell: Dispels "heresy" that Catholics can approve contraception "in good conscience"... Read more... 3-12-08
Belief and obedience: the critical difference... Read more... 3-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope to Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 3-12-08
Syria 'intensely' arming itself... Read more... 3-11-08
The Mystery of Passiontide and Holy Week... Read more... 3-11-08
Lawsuits allege Planned Parenthood ripped off taxpayers for more than $180 million, fired whistleblower - "extensive, organized fraud"... Read more... Read also... 3-11-08
April 2, 1977 message: "And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like children going through the fields picking daisies"... Read more... 3-11-08
Jesus is God... Read more... 3-11-08
God's right to our gratitude... Read more... 3-11-08
The Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 3-11-08
A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans... Read more... 3-10-08
'Day of Silence' in schools 'about coercing students to repudiate traditional morality'... Read more... 3-10-08
Nyquist: Strategic relationships... Read more... Read also... 3-10-08
Pope Benedict must consecrate Russia, not the world... Read more... 3-10-08
Bishops of Connecticut: Are you willing to risk murder?... Read more... 3-10-08
May 30, 1878 message: "My Son's House, His Church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction of its doctrine, tradition, paving the way for the ultimate goal of those in the power of satan to destroy My Son's Church by creating a church of man"... Read more...  3-10-08
Passion Sunday: Everything around us urges us to mourn. The images of the saints, the very crucifix on our altar, are veiled from our sight... Read more... 3-9-08
Israel fears 'third intifada' as it buries latest victims of terror... Read more... 3-9-08
Following Europe toward tyranny: Henry Lamb says NAFTA, SPP,
North American Community all spell doom...
Read more... Read also... 3-9-08
Hezbollah-linked group claims credit for Jerusalem shooting... Read more... 3-8-08
Clergy sex abuse payouts nearly double... Read more... 3-8-08
Dr. Dobson outraged by California ruling banning home schooling: calls it an 'all-out assault on the family' ... Read more... Read also... 3-8-08
May 28, 1977 message: "As you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God"... Read more... 3-8-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 3-8-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 3-8-08
Israel on alert... Read more... Read also... 3-7-08
California court rules homeschooling illegal... Read more... 3-7-08
Russian nuke bomber again intercepted near U.S. aircraft carrier... Read more... 3-7-08
Feldstein: Dollar to fall, more rate cuts no help... Read more... 3-7-08
Suffering: "You must understand the value of suffering; for each and every act of suffering, discomfort, can be offered for the sins of mankind. Even the smallest act of penance can save another"... Read more... 3-7-08
The capital sin of gluttony... Read more... 3-7-08
"Kneel before your God in the Eucharist"...  Read more... 3-7-08
What the holy ones say about Communion in the hand... Read more... 3-7-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 3-7-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  3-7-08
When Pope Benedict speaks, people listen... Read more... 3-6-08
Please fill out this survey to help us to serve you better.  Click here... 3-6-08
McAlvany Report - Understanding the Credit Meltdown: Toward Financial Armageddon... Read more... 3-6-08
Huckabee endorses Colorado 'personhood' plan... Read more... 3-6-08
Next on school agenda: Teaching communism... Read more... Read also... 3-6-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  3-6-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 3-6-08
Cardinal Arinze speaks out against Communion in the hand... Read more... 3-6-08
The satanic revolution gained momentum after the Council... Read more... 3-6-08
November 20, 1978 message: “Russia has great plans for the capture of Rome"... Read more... 3-6-08
Media controlled: "You seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters"... Read more... 3-6-08
Israel: 'We'll reoccupy Gaza if necessary'... Read more... 3-5-08
February 10, 1973 message: Veronica - I can see the United States and Canada. And I can see South America. And also now Our Lady's pointing over to the left side of this globe. And there's Asia, Egypt, Africa. And then, oh! There is a terrible war. Many, many people are dying. Many, many people will die, Our Lady said... Read more... 3-5-08
The crowning with thorns... Read more... 3-5-08
UK government sex ed programme "verging on brainwashing"... Read more... 3-5-08
41 years away from the Faith: Conversion through intercession of Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 3-5-08
Odama ties same-sex issues to Jesus' Sermon on Mount... Read more... Read also... 3-5-08
Scapular miracles... Read more... 3-5-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 3-5-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 3-5-08
Hillary's secret weapon: Apostate Catholics... Read more... 3-4-08
The United States could go to war in South America as Chavez prepares to invade Colombia... Read more... 3-4-08
March 18, 1989 message: "I beg you, as your Mother, to listen to Me. You must not go into Latin America! That is what the plan from Russia is: for you to enter into Latin America"... Read more...  Eve of Palm Sunday    3-4-08
Jesus: "I wait for you"... Read more... 3-4-08
Putin's puppet wins Russian presidency... Read more... 3-4-08
Russian election a farce, says Garry Kasparov... Read more... 3-4-08
Nyquist: Ancient Athens and modern America... Read more... Read also... 3-4-08
Melanie Calvat's description of Our Lady... Read more... 3-4-08
Vatican II and the infiltration of the Catholic Church... Read more... 3-4-08
Israel threatens Gaza invasion amid border fighting; peace talks in jeopardy... Read more...  3-2-08
Meditation on the fourth Sunday of Lent... Read more... 3-2-08
Judge orders homeschoolers into government education... Read more... 3-2-08
Head of Pontifical Academy for Life reconfirms morning after pill cannot be used even in cases of rape... Read more...  3-1-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #323 - The elect... Read more...  3-1-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 3-1-08
Can a Catholic vote for Odama?... Read more... Read also... 3-1-08
Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more...  3-1-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 3-1-08
Christian charity towards our enemies... Read more... 3-1-08
The Church's Bible... Read more... 3-1-08
Undercover investigation reveals Planned Parenthood's racism... Read more... 2-29-08
Hamas intensifies rocket war... Read more... 2-29-08
Courageous Denver Archbishop fights coercion against Catholic hospitals... Read more... Read also... 2-29-08
The struggle against the capital sin of envy... Read more... 2-29-08
September 28, 1976 message: "Many shall not remain on the road to Heaven because there is no one who will pray for them"... Read more... 2-29-08
The granddaddy of terrorism is Russia... Read more... Read also... 2-29-08
International troops headed for Gaza? Olmert weighs allowing NATO to protect Israel... Read more... 2-28-08
Oil hits record $102 as dollar falls... Read more... 2-28-08
Restoring reverence to Holy Communion... Read more...  Read also... 2-28-08
Communism: "Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world?"... Read more... 2-28-08
June 18, 1980 message: “Your nation, the United States of America, has been now—the proud eagle has been plucked by satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and suffering and war"... Read more... 2-28-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  2-28-08
Pope Benedict opposes Harry Potter... Read more... 2-28-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 2-28-08
Confidence plunges, inflation rate soars... Read more... 2-27-08
Statement calls on Catholic institutions to refuse platform for pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 2-27-08
Nyquist: Misreading the tea leaves... Read more...  Read also... 2-27-08
The new Commandment of Jesus... Read more... 2-27-08
Sister Lucy wrote about a "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  2-27-08
Christian magistrate loses conscientious objection appeal: accuses Britain of "totalitarianism"... Read more... 2-26-08
Miracles of the Eucharist DVD... Read more... 2-25-08
McAlvany Report - Sea Change: As Russia, America and the World Plunge to the Political Left...  Read more... 2-25-08
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima DVD...  Read more... 2-25-08
Seduced by Putin's smile... Read more... 2-25-08
Cardinal asks for resignation of entire London, England hospital board... Read more... 2-25-08
The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ: a love so great it will be the admiration of the ages... Read more... 2-25-08
Hollywood salutes its WMDs... Read more...  Read also... 2-25-08
Pope Benedict calls abortion "today's gravest injustice"... Read more... 2-25-08
Vatican II: "Satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth"... Read more... 2-25-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 2-25-08
Meditation on the third Sunday of Lent... Read more... 2-24-08
Iraqi pair nabbed in Mexico, headed to U.S. with fake IDs... Read more... 2-23-08
Hezbollah head: Israel's disappearance 'within several years an inevitable fact'... Read more... 2-23-08
Soviet plan for WW3 nuclear attack, invasion of Germany unearthed... Read more... 2-23-08
Pope John Paul II blessed Our Lady of the Roses' workers... Read more... 2-23-08
Truth: "The truth always shines forth"... Read more... 2-23-08
July 25, 1978 message: "In the history of a fallen nation you will always find it is preceded by a fall into immorality and sin"... Read more... 2-23-08
Dangers of Ritalin... Read more... 2-23-08
Be loyal to the Vicar of Christ... Read more...  Read also... 2-22-08
Dad challenging 'manipulation' of kids... Read more... 2-22-08
Radical Kosovo Constitution removes all protection for the unborn and traditional family... Read more... 2-22-08
Odama mentor identified as communist... Read more... Read also... 2-22-08
Redemption and its effects... Read more... 2-22-08
The struggle against the capital sin of lust... Read more... 2-22-08
Friday penance is an obligation... Read more... 2-22-08
The meaning of the consecration of Russia... Read more... 2-22-08
The corruption of souls by the new catechisms... Read more...  2-22-08
What the Saints say about the sin of homosexuality... Read more... 2-22-08
US school districts cover up teacher sex abuse with confidential agreements and payouts... Read more... 2-21-08
'Sacrilege: Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church'... Read more... Read also... 2-21-08
Ugandan Anglican Church threatens to quit communion over homosexuality... Read more... 2-21-08
Rare snow blankets Jerusalem... Read more... 2-21-08
Sin: "Your children are being raised to know no sin!"... Read more... 2-21-08
"Compassion" in modern parlance means something like universal tolerance with a dose of sentimentality, which turns a blind eye to evil... Read more... Read also... 2-21-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 2-21-08
The beautiful Our Lady of the Roses 'Blue Book'... Read more... 1-21-08
Russia's master plan... Read more... 2-21-08
America's economy risks the mother of all meltdowns... Read more... 2-20-08
Missouri conscience bill seeks to reclassify MAP as abortifacient... Read more... 2-20-08
Claim: Syria 'involved' in killing Hezbollah arch-terrorist... Read more... 2-20-08
Pope Benedict says those who dissent from Church teachings should not receive Holy Communion ... Read more... 2-20-08
November 1, 1974 message: "Women, you must be with your husband as a helper. You will not meet him on even ground, for you are destroying your image before God and man and you have nothing to gain"... Read more...  2-20-08
Msgr. Klaus Gamber's insights are strikingly close to Our Lady of the Roses messages on the Mass and tradition... Read more... 2-20-08
"Introduction to the Bible" book...  Click here... 2-20-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses... Read more... 2-20-08
Political correctness is Marxism... Read more... 2-20-08
Deacons and Lay Distributors are not to touch the Sacred Host... Read more... 2-19-08
'Palestinian government' in Israel within weeks... Read more...  2-19-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #322 - Warnings unrecognized... Read more...  2-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 2-19-08
Changes in the Church: "It is the enemies of your God that have set themselves to promote change upon My words"... Read more...  2-19-08
Fr. Schiffer and seven other priests survived Hiroshima by praying the Rosary... Read more... 2-19-08
Robert Bork on radical feminism... Read more... 2-19-08
Old commies like new face... Read more... 2-18-08
Jeff Nyquist: In the red... Read more... Read also... 2-18-08
God and our American Presidents... Read more... 2-18-08
Second Sunday of Lent... Read more... 2-17-08
God's great gift of Confession... Read more... 2-17-08
Forgiveness: “Start anew, My children. You will be forgiven if you repent now"... Read more... 2-17-08
Kentucky Bishops: Catholics cannot vote for politicians who support abortion, except for morally grave reasons... Read more... 2-16-08
Top psychiatrist concludes liberals are nuts! Makes case ideology is mental disorder... Read more... 2-16-08
Nicaraguan leader calls Odama's campaign 'revolutionary'... Read more... 2-16-08
Heresy: "Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy"... Read more... 2-16-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  2-16-08
The smoke of satan in the House of the Lord: Rome's Fr. Amorth blasts ineffective new exorcism ritual, saying, "We have a clergy and an episcopate who no longer believe in the devil, in exorcisms, in the extraordinary evil that the devil can cause"... Read more... Read also... 2-16-08
September 13, 1973 message: "Man no longer honors My Son upon his knees"... Read more... 2-16-08
Israel braces for Hezbollah terror... Read more... 2-15-08
Top "gay" organization comes clean: "HIV is a gay disease"... Read more... 2-15-08
The capital sin of anger... Read more... 2-15-08
A once prosperous nation... Read more...  Read also... 2-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 2-15-08
Princeton professor - Pro-abortion Catholics more horrific than clergy sex abuse... Read more... 2-15-08
October 5, 1985 message: "In your darkest hours which are descending upon you--please turn to Me, My children, and I will help you"... Read more... 2-15-08
UFOs: false miracles of the end times... Read more... 2-15-08
A miraculous photo was taken showing Sister Mary Ambrosia Piazzolla in her full traditional habit.  She passed over the veil on February 9, 2008...  Read more... 2-14-08
St. Valentine, priest and martyr... Read more... 2-14-08
Russia threatens nuclear attack on Ukraine... Read more... 2-14-08
Video: Republican frontrunner on Roe v. Wade, 1999... Read more...  Read also... 2-14-08
Parallels of slavery and abortion issues, Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade decisions... Read more... 2-14-08
When tolerance trumps truth... Read more...  Read also... 2-14-08
Archbishop Burke: Bishops must discipline pro-abortion Catholic politicians... Read more... 2-14-08
May 17, 1975 message: "My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth"... Read more... 2-14-08
What inspired Bishop Fulton Sheen to make a holy hour? Read more... 2-14-08
Wall Street Journal has an incredible article on a Michigan teacher preparing for Hard Times...  Read more...  Prepare Now!   Material Preparations... Spiritual Preparations... 2-13-08
Is someone lying about dividing Jerusalem?... Read more... 2-13-08
Defeated South Dakota bill attempted to change the definition of "unborn child"... Read more... 2-13-08
EWTN video: Republican frontrunner voted against Federal Marriage Amendment and, “on abortion," his view "is not consistent with Catholic teaching”... Read more...  Read also... 2-13-08
The way of the Cross: "My child, the way to Heaven, it is not easy. It will be set with frustration, with trial, with suffering. It is truly the way of the cross"... Read more... 2-13-08
July 25, 1974 message: "Strip your country of its morality and your country will fall"... Read more... 2-13-08
Purgatory Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints book... Read more... 2-13-08
U.S. Navy intercepts Russian bombers... Read more... 2-12-08
Benedict XVI Chides the News Media on Information-Ethics for an Internet Connected World...  Read more... 2-12-08
Our Lady, Queen of religious life... Read more... 2-12-08
Republican frontrunner funded by pro-abortion billionaire Soros since 2001... Read more...  Read also... 2-12-08

Pro-abortion candidates and apostate Catholics...
Read more...  Read also... 2-12-08
"Pro-choice" position is heresy says Oregon Catholic bishop... Read more... 2-12-08

"By their fruits will they be known. And what have been the fruits of this humanistic and modernistic approach but discord, disunity, and a loss of souls to Heaven"...
Read more... 2-12-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 2-12-08
We must pray for and vote for God-fearing leaders or God will destroy the United States...  Read more... 2-11-08
We must stop abortion in the United States or God will abort America... Read more...  Read also... 2-11-08
150th Anniversary of Lourdes apparitions: Our Lady identified herself as "the Immaculate Conception"... Read more... 2-11-08
A miraculous spring will come up in New York: To be known as "the Lourdes of America"... Read more... 2-11-08
'A new phase in the arms race is unfolding' says Putin... Read more... 2-11-08
Republican frontrunner said in 1999: "But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade"... Read more... Read also...  2-11-08
Our Lady warns: "Compromise, My children, will enslave you"...  Read more... 2-11-08
Defenseless and stupid: A recent Pravda headline stated, “USA absolutely defenseless against possible attack from Russia or China”... Read more... Read also...  2-11-08
Belief and obedience: the critical difference... Read more... 2-11-08
Brooklyn Chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 2-11-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #321 - Unite against evil... Read more...  2-10-08
The mystery of Lent by Dom Gueranger... Read more... 2-10-08
June 12, 1976 message: "I plead as your Mother, I beg as your Mother, to stand there as a fortress and fight the evil. Do not run away; do not abandon My Son's Church. Remain and pray; fight!"... Read more...  2-10-08
A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Veroba during a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978...  Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3...  2-9-08
South Dakota bill to trample rights of conscience defeated: "We are Americans. You don't tell people they have to do something that violates their conscience" - Senator Jay Duenwald... Read more... 2-9-08
President Bush says November election battle about abortion, judges... Read more... 2-9-08
How to keep Lent, part 4: Prayer... Read more... 2-9-08
The history of Lent... Read more... 2-9-08
'Hillary the Movie' producer's stunning statement: "I believe that a vote for him is really a death penalty vote for the Republican Party in general"... Read more... Read also...  2-9-08
The sin of pride... Read more... 2-9-08
December 6, 1975 message: "Human life is of no value to the unbeliever"... Read more... 2-9-08
Bishops of Connecticut: Are you willing to risk murder?... Read more... 2-9-08
Mysterious behaviors in Pope Paul VI’s papacy: Our Lady of the Roses provides the explanation... Read more... 2-9-08
Syria acquiring Russian rockets at 'furious' pace... Read more... 2-8-08
Dobson calls a vote for this candidate 'unconscionable'... Read more... Read also...  2-8-08
Superbear Tice: Stocks to tumble for five years... Read more... 2-8-08
How to keep Lent, part 3: Almsgiving... Read more... 2-8-08
September 7, 1976 message: "Every soul has been sent upon earth with a mission"... Read more... 2-8-08
American Bishop: Pro-choice equals no Communion for Catholics... Read more... 2-8-08
The family: "The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation"... Read more... 2-8-08
Sister Mary's sight returns through the blessed rose petal... Read more... 2-8-08
Has a priest refused you Holy Communion for kneeling? Give them this Vatican letter, and then report that priest to the Vatican... Read more... Read also...  2-7-08
Tennessee governor on tornadoes: 'The wrath of God...' Read more... 2-7-08
China ‘Trojan Horse’ a threat to U.S. security... Read more... 2-7-08
Pro-abortion Republicans choose their candidate... Read more... Read also...  2-7-08
How to keep Lent, part 2: Fasting... Read more... 2-7-08
June 18, 1978 message: "My children, My Mother's counsel, Her directives, must go with great haste throughout the world"... Read more... Read also...  2-7-08
Pope Paul VI: “The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit"... Read more... 2-7-08
Protecting the Church’s freedom in Colorado... Read more... Read also...  2-7-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  2-7-08
Plan B manufacturer admits morning after pill can cause death of an embryo... Read more... 2-7-08
Extremely dangerous tornadoes kill 48 and injure hundreds in 4 Southern States... Read more... 2-6-08
How to keep Lent - part 1... Read more... 2-6-08
DEVASTATING DECLINE: Catholic nuns and monks decline worldwide: during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, nuns declined worldwide by a quarter (25%) ... Read more... 2-6-08
Ominous sign: President Bush cancels talk to attend emergency Cabinet meeting on economy... Read more... 2-6-08
Super Bowl champ: "Give God all the glory"... Read more... 2-6-08
The Cold War never ended... Read more... Read also...  2-6-08
Catholics who vote for pro-choice or pro-abortion candidates commit a mortal sin... Read more... 2-5-08
Archbishop Burke preaches tough Communion rule: Turn away abortion-rights backers under pain of mortal sin... Read more... 2-5-08
"Pro-choice" position is heresy says Oregon Catholic bishop... Read more... 2-5-08

October 6, 1992 message:
"Your nation, the United States, shall fall to the despot, and you will be all enslaved by him! I know, My children, many of you who hear My voice or My words will say, 'How can this happen to us?'
But We heard that, the Eternal Father has said Himself that He heard that many years ago when He sent prophets to warn Sodom and Gomorrha, and they, too, did not listen"
... Read more... 2-5-08
Pope Benedict: "It is, in fact, everyone's duty" to protect life before birth... Read more... 2-5-08
Oldest Rabbinic group in U.S. bans voting for anti-family values candidates... Read more... 2-5-08
Restore America to one nation under God... Read more... 2-4-08
Persecution: "Political powers, money powers--these have all gathered to bring about the destruction of Christianity"... Read more... 2-4-08
America at moral crossroads... Read more... Read also...  2-4-08
Judges: 'Gay' exposure OK for kindergarteners... Read more... 2-3-08
Vatican official suggests reconsidering Communion in the hand: says it is "high time to review" the policy... Read more... 2-2-08
Witnesses describe irreverence, sacrileges caused by Communion in the hand... Read more... 2-2-08
McCain not born in U.S.: Is he eligible to be President? Read more... Read also...  2-2-08
Sources affirm McCain dissed Alito... Read more... Read also...  2-2-08
Romney signed the 2005 Massachusetts bill that promoted chemical abortions with Plan B, argued that pro-life hospitals must dispense abortifacients... Read more... Read also...  2-2-08
Dad, mom fight over starving brain-damaged daughter... Read more... 2-2-08
Head of Columbian bishops' conference denounces modern feminism, abortion... Read more... 2-2-08
  My Way of Life book...  Read more...  2-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  2-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more...  2-2-08
Changes in the Church: "This new modern way has been created by satan"... Read more...  2-2-08
Russia's master plan... Read more...  2-2-08
Tennessee Senate passes uncompromising Pro-Life Amendment... Read more...  2-1-08
2008: An election in crisis... 
Read more...  2-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 2-1-08
June 10, 1978 message: "You must go forward now without slackening the pace of the work. Continue to send out the Message from Heaven"... Read more... 2-1-08

Grave questions about bishops' child-abuse prevention programs... Read more... 2-1-08
Catholic University extols pro-abortion alumnus Nancy Pelosi... Read more...  1-31-08
Latest Directive from Heaven:  #320 - If you conform to the world, you will die on the vine... Read more...  1-31-08
New book, The Faithful Departed: "the homosexual influence within the American clergy is even stronger today than it was before the sex-abuse scandal erupted"... Read more... Read also... 1-31-08
Pope Benedict tells pharmacists not to dispense drugs to inhibit implantation; implications for Plan B at Catholic hospitals... Read more... 1-31-08
June 15, 1974 message: "There is developing, My child, in your country and the world, a most dangerous trend. It is one of separation from the Peter, the head of your Church. You will not bring about this separation from the seat of Rome! You have nothing to gain but everything to lose"... Read more... Read also... 1-31-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 1-31-08
The corruption of souls by the new catechisms... Read more...  1-31-08
"My Memories of Veronica Lueken" by her personal secretary...  Read more...  1-31-08
Vatican II: "The great Council in Rome of Vatican II, the promises were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chessboard"... Read more... 1-31-08
Terri Schiavo's brother Bobby Schindler endorses Mike Huckabee for President... Read more... 1-30-08
The great depression of 2008?... Read more... 1-30-08
New pro-life group launches internet ad bashing Mitt Romney on abortion... Read more... 1-30-08
Romney name-calls Gregg Jackson (WRKO host) on air, evades question on same-sex marriage... Read more... Read also... 1-30-08
December 7, 1977 message: "Your country now has been invaded by a diabolical force, a conspiracy of evil for the destruction of the United States"... Read more... 1-30-08
Crowd packs Barcelona Convention Center to defend the family... Read more... 1-30-08
The meaning of the consecration of Russia... Read more... 1-30-08
Without morality, America will collapse... Read more... 1-30-08
Abortion is a "perfect demonic system" says Human Life International President... Read more... 1-30-08
The case for the Latin Mass... Read more...  1-30-08
Brazil Bishop: Excommunication for those who use or distribute morning after pill... Read more... 1-29-08
Huckabee gains endorsements from Missouri, Tennessee Right to Life groups... Read more... 1-29-08
Deal Hudson: Why I don't trust Mitt Romney... Read more... Read also... 1-29-08
US mortgage crisis creates 'ghost town' in Cleveland suburb... Read more... 1-29-08
Home Protection Packet... Read more... 1-29-08
REAL Third Secret mentioned a date (1972)... Read more... 1-29-08
Sister Lucy wrote about a "diabolical disorientation" in the Church... Read more...  1-29-08
Admonishing the sinner vs. judging...  Read more... 1-29-08
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell"... Read more... 1-29-08
Cardinal Stickler on the changes in the Mass...  Read more... 1-29-08
Republican candidates Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul lead pro-life rallies; McCain continues to support embryo destroying research... Read more... 1-28-08
St. Thomas Aquinas on contraception: "After the sin of homicide ... this type of sin appears to take next place"... Read more... 1-28-08
National home price decline in 2007 called first drop since Great Depression... Read more... 1-28-08
Letting go of our defenses... Read more... Read also... 1-28-08
The removal of the Latin Mass by the impostor pope (replaced Pope Paul VI); the restoration by Pope Benedict XVI... Read more... 1-28-08
Spanish Cardinal: Totalitarian State inevitable without objective morality... Read more... 1-28-08
Fr. Alonso, official archivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church... Read more... 1-28-08
July 25, 1978 message: "In the history of a fallen nation you will always find it is preceded by a fall into immorality and sin"... Read more... 1-28-08
Wisconsin requires Catholic hospitals to provide contraception... Read more... 1-26-08
Feds accused of gold-price manipulation... Read more... 1-26-08
Indiana Senate ties on pharmacist conscience clause on abortion, euthanasia... Read more... 1-26-08
Violence as Egypt closes Gaza border... Read more... 1-26-08
July 15, 1976 message: "When the upheaval in Rome takes place, My children, know that the end of your era is at hand"... Read more... 1-26-08
UFOs: "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls"... Read more... 1-26-08
U.S. seminaries: "Hell holes of error and heresy"... Read more... 1-26-08
Traditional Church teaching on the death penalty... Read more... 1-26-08
Cardinal Pell challenges listeners to comprehensive pro-life ethic... Read more... 1-25-08
Georgia Catholic Bishops won’t work for state “human life” constitutional amendment... Read more... 1-25-08
The Tyrant State: Prophetic warnings of Pope John Paul II... Read more... 1-25-08
The winning strategy of the American Right to Life... Read more... Read also... 1-25-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 1-25-08
Should women cover their heads in church? Read more... 1-25-08
The miraculous conversion story of prisoner Claude Newman... Read more... 1-25-08
Reflections on "women's liberation"... Read more... 1-25-08
  Huge Asteroid 2007 TU24 will come dangerously close to the Earth on Tuesday, January 29th... Read more... 1-24-08
Passing House Resolution 536 would make Georgia the first completely pro-life state... Read more... 1-24-08
Georgia bishops ‘do not support the passage of’ state human life amendment ... Read more... Read also... 1-24-08
Bishops: "Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep. You have joined with all manner of heretics and false teachers"... Read more... 1-24-08
Merrill Lynch: Worst recession in 25 years coming... Read more... 1-24-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more... 1-24-08
November 20, 1976 message - the one-world religion: "It will be a new religion that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator"... Read more... 1-24-08
Euthanasia is murder... Read more... 1-24-08
Abortion victims remembered... Read more... 1-23-08
Catholic thinkers, doctors and journalists sign statement against Catholic pro-abortion politicians... Read more... 1-23-08
Inaction of Wisconsin Catholic Conference seized upon by Planned Parenthood... Read more... 1-23-08
Zuckerman compares current 'financial crunch' to Great Depression... Read more... 1-22-08
Asian markets crushed again in panic... Read more...  1-22-08
Trillions of dollars have been wiped off markets worldwide already this year... Read more... Read also... 1-22-08
Mike Huckabee: State abortion bans first step, Human Life Amendment needed... Read more...  1-22-08
Judgment coming to the U.S.: "Measure for measure We are counting these abominations, and the punishments and chastisements shall be metered in accordance with the numbers of murders of the young"... Read more...  1-22-08
"Non-persons" in U.S. history... Read more... 1-22-08
Mother Teresa's letter to the Supreme Court on abortion... Read more...  1-22-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 1-22-08
Doctors and nurses say "it was a miracle"... Read more... 1-22-08
The reality of hell: stories of persons who visited hell and apparitions of the damned... Read more...  1-22-08
European, Asian markets plunge... Read more... World Market Indexes... 1-21-08
Our Lady of the Roses prophecy: "You will understand and broadcast the message to the world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the world"... Read more... PDF 1-21-08
  My Way of Life book...  Read more...  1-21-08
- Black Monday in London as biggest crash since 9/11 wipes off nearly $120 billion in shares... Read more... Read also... 1-21-08
- World stock markets routed: Losses in Germany, Britain and France alone amounted to more than $350 billion, or roughly the size of the combined economies of New Zealand, Hungary and Singapore... Read more... Read also... 1-21-08
- Will the U.S. stock market crash tomorrow on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, as God's judgment on America for abortion?... Read more... 1-21-08
Russia warns of 'preventative' nuke strike: Military chief says Moscow would use atomic weapons to protect itself, allies... Read more... 1-21-08
Alien minds: If China now trades peacefully with the United States, it is merely a necessary step in preparing for a future world war... Read more... Read also... 1-21-08
Sister Lucy repeatedly stated that Russia must be consecrated by name... Read more... 1-21-08
February 1, 1978 message: "It will come, the time, My children, when it will seem to all that the wicked have captured the earth"... Read more... 1-21-08
The truth about the so-called "investigation" in Veronica's own words... Read more... 1-21-08
Fr. Skurla on Our Lady of the Roses apparitions...  Read more... 1-21-08
The Bible on homosexuality... Read more... 1-21-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 1-21-08
Pope to Jesuits: Reaffirm "total adhesion to Catholic doctrine" on "sexual morality"... Read more... 1-19-08
Fears of major recession escalating across world... Read more... 1-19-08
Our Lady, co-redemptrix... Read more... 1-19-08
Homicidal deception: The growing debate over abortifacients posing as 'contraceptives'... Read more... Read also... 1-19-08
Catholic bishops in the Philippines condemn local abortion ordinances, as well as the distribution of contraceptive or abortifacient drugs... Read more... 1-19-08
The post-conciliar spirit, by Dietrich von Hildebrand... Read more... 1-19-08
Seminaries: "You compound lies and errors in My seminaries. I say unto you, pastors, bishops, you are given the time to clean up My seminaries"... Read more... 1-19-08
Fr. Nunes defends Our Lady of the Roses message... Read more... 1-19-08
Miraculous cures and conversions attributed to Our Lady of the Roses intercession... Read more... 1-19-08
Vatican warns that feminism is lethal to families... Read more... 1-19-08
HLI leader Fr. Euteneuer issues ten challenges for the pro-life movement in 2008... Read more... 1-18-08
'Syrian spy' busted before nuke attack... Read more... 1-18-08
Israel worried as Russia sends nuclear fuel to Iran... Read more... 1-18-08
Home construction slows to 27-year low... Read more... 1-18-08
The beautiful Our Lady of the Roses 'Blue Book'... Read more... 1-18-08
Global warming's communist underpinnings... Read more... Read also... 1-18-08

photos taken at the Shrine grounds...
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 1-18-08
The Mass is a sacrifice, not a meal... Read more... 1-18-08
November 1, 1985 message: Enact just laws to stop the spread of homosexuality... Read more... 1-18-08
Court rules British Airways may prohibit crosses but not symbols of other religions... Read more... 1-17-08
7-year plan aligns U.S. with Europe's economy: Rules, regs to be integrated without congressional review... Read more... 1-17-08
Latest Directive from Heaven: #319 - Angel of death... Read more... 1-17-08
Vatican newspaper runs pro and con articles on Harry Potter, repeating Pope's negative judgment... Read more... 1-17-08
March 26, 1983 message: "This aura of modernism, pacifism--pacifying the enemy--for what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep"... Read more... 1-17-08
Many nations shall disappear: "My children, you did not believe Me in the past when I counseled you that many nations shall disappear from the face of your earth. This will be, My children, and will come about in a short time"... Read more... 1-17-08
A miraculous spring is going to erupt soon in Bayside, New York... Read more... 1-17-08
The sanctity of human life, part 1: by Rep. Mike Pence... Read more... 1-17-08
Subprime Nation: the chickens of globalism are coming home to roost... Read more... 1-16-08
300,000,000 American idolaters?... Read more... 1-16-08
Abortion primary issue.... Read more... Read also... 1-16-08
May 30, 1978 message: "My Son's House, His Church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction of its doctrine, tradition, paving the way for the ultimate goal of those in the power of satan to destroy My Son's Church by creating a church of man"... Read more... 1-16-08
The “conversion of Russia”: what does it really mean?  Read more... 1-16-08
Bishop Bernard Stewart against Communion in the hand... Read more... 1-16-08
Pope Benedict says that refusing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians is a "doctrine of the Church"... Read more... 1-16-08
"Sodom! Gomorrha! Nineveh! Babylon! All fell because of sin"... Read more... 1-16-08
Pope Benedict celebrates Mass ad orientem: revives rumors the Pope will soon celebrate the Latin Tridentine Mass... Read more... 1-15-08
For life and family leaders it's 'anyone but Giuliani'... Read more... 1-15-08
Foreign cash pours into USA... Read more... 1-15-08
The curse of unreality... Read more... Read also... 1-15-08
Honduran Cardinal: "A politician who publicly supports abortion, he excommunicates himself"... Read more... 1-15-08
Princeton professor - Pro-abortion Catholics more horrific than clergy sex abuse... Read more... 1-15-08
Jacinta's Third Secret vision: She saw Pope Paul VI... Read more... 1-15-08
Catholic Church: "You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus"... Read more... 1-15-08
Pro-lifers rattle Rudy Giuliani on abortion at Florida stops... Read more... Read also... 1-14-08
Coast Guard forces vaccine derived from aborted child... Read more... 1-14-08
Indiana bill provides 'moral objection' protection for pharmacists...  Read more... Read also... 1-14-08
Roach: ‘U.S. homes should fall 30 percent’... Read more... 1-14-08
President Reagan's famous essay, "Abortion and the conscience of the nation"... Read more... 1-14-08
June 18, 1992 message: "I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!"... Read more... 1-14-08
World renowned theologian renders possibly decisive blow in debate on Plan B in Catholic hospitals... Read more...  1-14-08
Cardinal Oddi on the Third Secret: "At this point let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"... Read more... 1-14-08
The ouija board and demonic possession... Read more... 1-14-08
The Holy Bible on child discipline... Read more... 1-14-08
Two Canadian women die from use of contraceptive patch; sixteen more suffer blood clots... Read more... 1-12-08
Pro-family groups seeking to overturn 'gay' mandates... Read more... 1-12-08
Catholic Church in U.S. sinking fast... Read more... Read also... 1-12-08
May 27, 1978 message: "My Son's House is becoming a den of thieves. My Son calls to you as His faithful and true disciples to rid His House of these thieves who despoil His Body"... Read more... 1-12-08
Major Swiss exorcism confirmed existence of the impostor pope who overthrew Pope Paul VI: "There reigns in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope"... Read more... 1-12-08
Spanish Archbishop refers to homosexuality as an "epidemic" and a "fount of psychological problems and painful frustrations"...  Read more... 1-12-08
Black pro-life leader rips Odama... Read more... Read also... 1-11-08
Helping your children grow in maturity through discipline... Read more... 1-11-08
Holiness: "Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity fanaticism, and holiness derangement”... Read more... 1-11-08
The Vatican-Moscow Treaty and Vatican II... Read more... 1-11-08
The Brooklyn chancery did not investigate Our Lady of the Roses apparitions... Read more... 1-11-08
Purgatory Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints book... Read more... 1-11-08
Vatican newspaper article says Catholics should receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue... Read more... 1-10-08
Georgia pro-life group's personhood amendment will get Mike Huckabee's help... Read more... 1-10-08
Women's ordination groups all about power, free sex, abortion, New Age religion... Read more... 1-10-08
Vatican official: Kneeling expresses meeting Jesus in the Eucharist... Read more... 1-10-08
Heaven demands that bishops use their full powers and excommunicate the heretics... Read more... 1-10-08
World's Healthiest Foods book... Read more...  1-9-08
Marriage amendments getting ready to go on ballot in four states... Read more... 1-9-08
Merrill Lynch economist: U.S. already in recession... Read more... 1-9-08
GOP loses its life: A  pro-abortion nominee would shatter Reagan’s coalition... Read more... Read also... 1-9-08
Our Lady of the Roses message, 6-volume set... Read more... 1-9-08
Bishops of Connecticut: Are you willing to risk murder?... Read more... 1-9-08
Pope Leo XIII: Liberals "follow in the footsteps of Lucifer"...  Read more... 1-9-08
Holiness in the Church: "My Son's House is being stripped of all holiness"... Read more... 1-9-08
Chastisement of the United States: "If I could show you what the enemy has in store for you now, you would grovel on your knees to make restitution to the Eternal Father"... Read more... 1-9-08
  VIDEO (updated): The smoke of satan has entered the Church... Read more...
Benedict XVI calls Catholic faithful to adoration in reparation for clergy sex abuses... Read more... 1-8-08
Why have children rather than a car?... Read more... 1-8-08
Hillary fights back tears in New Hampshire: Pray she opens her heart to God... Read more... 1-8-08
Years of crisis ahead: The expected revolution is about to come. It will come on the heels of capitalism’s crisis... Read more... Read also... 1-8-08
The family: "The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation"... Read more... 1-8-08
Vatican II, part 3: The satanic revolution gains momentum at the Council... Read more... 1-8-08
Bishop Laise against Communion in the hand... Read more... 1-8-08
May 28, 1977 message: "As you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God"... Read more... 1-8-08
The existence of Limbo: a common doctrine from which it would be rash to depart... Read more... 1-8-08
United Nations population agency puts abortion at top of world agenda... Read more... 1-7-08
Emergency "contraception" and early abortion... Read more... 1-7-08
Recession fears mount: Wall Street has worst 3-day start since the Great Depression... Read more... 1-7-08
Romney for rights based on sexual proclivities... Read more... Read also... 1-7-08
Media controlled: "You seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters"... Read more... 1-7-08
Pope Benedict stressed necessity to halt cafeteria Catholicism... Read more... 1-7-08
Cardinal Ottaviani endorsed the Neus Europa "third secret", said "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth"... Read more... 1-7-08
The Epiphany of the Lord... Read more... 1-6-08
Three kings adored Baby Jesus, the Infant King... Read more... 1-6-08
Call no man "father"... Read more... 1-6-08
Vatican to reinforce shift on Latin Mass... Read more... 1-5-08
Second bishop breaks with Wisconsin Conference to oppose emergency contraception bill... Read more... 1-5-08
Latest Directive from Heaven: #318 - A man-made morality and theology... Read more... 1-5-08
Remember First Saturday... Read more... 1-5-08
November 21, 1981 message: "Your reward shall not be found on earth but in Paradise--the epitome of glory, with the angels. It is the only reward that man should strive for--all else is vanity, and passing"... Read more... 1-5-08
Giuliani trounced because of abortion: New Hampshire, Florida next... Read more... Read also... 1-5-08
Archbishop Chaput says abortion is "central social issue of this moment" in U.S. history... Read more... 1-5-08
Dark clouds formed even before Vatican II... Read more... 1-5-08
December 24, 1974 message: "A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least"... Read more... 1-5-08
"When communism comes again everything will happen" - Our Lady of Garabandal... Read more...  1-5-08
Expert research finds homosexuality more dangerous than smoking... Read more... 1-5-08
Study: Mothers care best for toddlers, daycare is disastrous... Read more... 1-5-08
Sister Lucy confided, in the 1970s, that "the chastisement predicted by Our Lady in the Third Secret had already begun"... Read more... 1-4-08

Over one million Spaniards demonstrate for marriage and family...
Read more... 1-4-08
Family leaders call Romney 'disaster'... Read more... Read also... 1-4-08
Global warming and pagan emptiness: Cardinal George Pell on the latest hysterical substitute for religion... Read more... Read also... 1-4-08
May 20, 1978 message: "True love lies in prayers and sacrifices for an individual"... Read more... 1-4-08
Vatican II and the infiltration of the Catholic Church... Read more... 1-4-08
In their own words: Our Lady of the Roses and the Catholic clergy... Read more... 1-4-08
Melanie Calvat's description of Our Lady... Read more... 1-4-08
Pope Benedict: Church of love addresses heretics with "drastic severity"... Read more... 1-4-08
ACLU founder a communist ideologue bent on uprooting Judeo-Christian foundation of America... Read more... 1-4-08
  The Decline of the Middle Class report by Don McAlvany...  Read more...  1-3-08
Pope highlights "educational emergency" of passing on values and correct behavior to youth... Read more... 1-3-08
Israel bars Jews from moving lips in prayer on Temple Mount... Read more... 1-3-08
Archbishop Burke preaches tough Communion rule: Turn away abortion-rights backers under pain of mortal sin... Read more... 1-3-08
Bishops and bald eagles: A must-read article by Judie Brown... Read more... Read also... 1-3-08
June 18, 1979 message: "There is a devious and diabolical force now trying to tear asunder My Son's Church. The laity must now go forward and save My Son's Church”... Read more... 1-3-08
Compromise: "The middle road is non-existent; there is only good or evil"... Read more... 1-3-08
Pope Benedict: Young trivialize sex... Read more... 1-2-08
Montana ballot measure supporting personhood on abortion moves ahead... Read more... Read also... 1-2-08
'Personhood' of unborn silver bullet to kill Roe v. Wade?... Read more... 1-2-08
Man, 69, gets bones broken counseling against abortions... Read more... Read also... 1-2-08
Radical feminism as a psychological disorder... Read more... 1-2-08
September 7, 1974 message: "You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit--a war of religion"... Read more... 1-2-08
Our Lady of the Roses warns, "MTV is satan's way"... Read more...  1-2-08
Teilhard de Chardin is in hell... Read more... 1-2-08
A Christmas gift to Our Lady: "El Diario / La Prensa" newspaper runs beautiful article on Our Lady of the Roses Shrine... Read more... 1-1-08
Top economist says America could plunge into recession... Read more... 1-1-08
Mary, Our Sweet Mother... Read more... 1-1-08
Our Lady, Mediatrix of all graces... Read more... 1-1-08
Hillary's plunge into the feminist fold... Read more... Read also... 1-1-08
May 26, 1976 message: "You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom"... Read more... 1-1-08
A must read: Why American culture and family are in disarray... Read more... 1-1-08
The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy... Read more... 1-1-08

The True Story of the Virgin Birth... Read more... 1-1-08

Archives 2007

We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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