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Sea Change: As Russia, America and the World Plunge to the Political Left...

Sea Change: As Russia, America and the World Plunge to the Political Left...

In this report, Financial/Bible expert Don McAlvany states that Russia is rapidly becoming a threat to the United States.  Under the rule of Vladimir Putin, Russia has returned to her imperialistic ideas of old.  Political dissidents in Russia are once again subjected to gulag style imprisonment.  Putin is also showing his true colors by bringing back assassination, a trick he learn while in the KGB.  Putin is flexing his military might in hopes of unnerving both Europe and America.  Not stopping there, Putin has placed a fifth column within the West.  Russia has recently made a grab for the Arctic, where scientist say there is a large amount of untapped oil and gas.  Putin is planning to use oil as the new weapon against the West and America in particular.  To make things worse, Putin has torn up several arms agreements and threatens to tear up others. 

There is also frightening news on the health front in the US.  The government is cracking down even harder on alternative medicines.  Imagine life without vitamin or minerals.  Imagine being arrest for distributing drugs if you grow and sell herbs.  This report includes ways to protect yourself from such injustices. 16 pages, Cost $5.00.  Item #R169

The World Plunges to the Political Left...
Qty: Price: $5.00

The awesome Bayside Prophecies...  http://www.tldm.org/Bayside/default.htm  
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"A delusion has been set upon mankind. The Eternal Father has deemed that man shall go along now and reap what he has sown. Man is forever searching for peace--peace of heart, peace in armaments. But the more he cries for peace the farther he flies from it. There shall be no peace upon earth unless man returns to his God.
     "The state of your world has been reduced by the immorality. The state of your world is capitulating now to all of the forces of the octopus that will seek to bring about a one-world religion and a one-world government under a supreme dictator of evil.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1978

"Though the world and My Church shall go through a crucible of suffering, you will emerge from it victorious and stronger. However, My children, the one fold and the one shepherd is not as man thinks it will be. It shall not be under a dictator, or a one-world religion, or a one-world government, for I am the Good Shepherd. I am your Shepherd and I shall gather My sheep.
     "No man shall set himself to rise above his God and command the power of his God. Man is not a god in himself. I hear claims of this, My children. It is a falsehood from satan! Man was made in the image of his God, but he is not a god! There is only one God.” –
Jesus, February 10, 1977

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Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 1996 - 2005   All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 40                     616-698-6448
Lowell, MI 49331-0040
January 03, 2014




Other McAlvany Reports
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 2
McAlvany - Coming Inflationary Depression
McAlvany - Hurricane Katrina Disaster
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 1 
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 2
McAlvany - Mad Cow Disease Report
McAlvany - Oil Shock 2004/05 Report
McAlvany - Real Estate Market Crash  
McAlvany - US Economy & Markets Down
McAlvany - Communism is Not Dead
McAlvany - American Hyperinflation
McAlvany - Identity Theft
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 1
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 2
McAlvany-2007 Year of Living Dangerously
McAlvany-The Coming Death of the Dollar
McAlvany - Massive Deflation or Inflation
McAlvany - "Living with the Greatest American Lie"
McAlvany - "Scary"

U.S. Financial System begins to Melt Down
McAlvany - The Decline of the Middle Class
World Plunge to the Political Left
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part I
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part II