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Is America About to Enter an Inflationary Depression?

Mr. Donald McAlvany is the editor of the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, a monthly geopolitical/financial intelligence newsletter analyzing global economic, social, political and monetary developments and their affect on our country, free enterprise system, families, and personal finances for today and the future of America.  Mr. McAlvany has been a featured speaker at Christian, political, monetary and investment conferences in Western Europe, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, Hong Kong, and Singapore, as well as all over the North American continent and Latin America.

With a background in undercover intelligence work, Don remains closely connected with the international intelligence community. He is sought out by leading high-level political, business, and military leaders throughout the world, who desire his consultation on issues ranging from military strategies to understanding geopolitical moves affecting global freedom and the international marketplace.

This fantastic 24 page report tells the how and why of the coming inflationary depression, market crash, real estate crash, and most of all it tells how to prepare for it in a rational, religious, and Biblical way.  This report is highly recommended.

McAlvany - Coming Inflationary Depression
Qty: Price: $5.00

The amazing Bayside Prophecies...   These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

A massive World Monetary Depression . . .
    Our Lady - "My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression. I can illustrate to you, My children, what I mean by this monetary depression.
    "Should you go and wish to buy a small instrument, even a guitar, that We hear plucking away at the dervishly, and devilry, of what is called the musical Mass, strung by guitars, and other creations of satan.  My child, I go on to tell you, you will say that the guitar is not a costly item, but in order to buy this guitar you will carry an actual satchel, an overnight bag - size, My child - let Us put it that way clearly - of notes, your currency.  It will take a whole suitcase of paper - paper money that no longer has a value. You will soon be reduced to bartering for your food.
    "My child, I know you are affrighted at this word 'war'; 'death', 'turmoil', 'depression', but what can I do but tell you the truth.  I cannot smooth over it, for I would be accepted like those upon earth who like ostriches, they walk about, proud in their scientific knowledge." (9-7-85)

A planned Great Depression . . .
    Jesus - "My child and My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer.  Keep this going throughout the United States and all of the nations of the world, for there is little time left. Soon, in the plans of the Eternal Father, He shall set forth and allow to come upon mankind, a great money disaster.  In this way it will prove to you that the disaster back in the 1920's, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now.  I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind." (10-1-88)

Destruction of the World Monetary Systems . . .
    Our Lady - "You will understand and broadcast the message to the world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the world.  It will affect both the United States and Canada, and all the great powers of the world. And I repeat again:  You will go to your stores to do your shopping carrying papers which may as well be newspapers, for the value they will have to purchase even food will be nil.
    "How can a great country like the United States fall, you say, My child?  You ask Me in your heart. I read your heart.  I will tell you why. Because they have given themselves over to satan.  When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over, to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall." (11-1-85)

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January 03, 2014


Other McAlvany Reports
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 2
McAlvany - Coming Inflationary Depression
McAlvany - Hurricane Katrina Disaster
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 1 
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 2
McAlvany - Mad Cow Disease Report
McAlvany - Oil Shock 2004/05 Report
McAlvany - Real Estate Market Crash  
McAlvany - US Economy & Markets Down
McAlvany - Communism is Not Dead
McAlvany - American Hyperinflation
McAlvany - Identity Theft
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 1
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 2
McAlvany-2007 Year of Living Dangerously
McAlvany-The Coming Death of the Dollar
McAlvany - Massive Deflation or Inflation
McAlvany - "Living with the Greatest American Lie"
McAlvany - "Scary"

U.S. Financial System begins to Melt Down
McAlvany - The Decline of the Middle Class
World Plunge to the Political Left
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part I
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part II