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Is the U.S. Real Estate Bubble about to Burst?
Parts 1 & 2...


Is the U.S. Real Estate Bubble about to Burst? Part 1...
Our Lady - "My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression." (9-7-85)
    This extraordinary 16 page report has the following topics: Historical perspective of real estate manias, The anatomy of a real estate market blow off, Real estate inflation psychology, Speculators are buying record number of homes, Over property markets that are highly vulnerable, Barron's bearish outlook on U.S. real estate, and much more.  Anyone who has any real property must read these reports to protect themselves from the coming real estate market crash.

U.S. Real Estate about to Burst, Part 1
Qty: Price: $5.00

Is the U.S. Real Estate Bubble about to Burst? Part 2...
This extraordinary 20 page report has the following topics: Seducing the public into low interest loan and high leverage, Can real estate really drop or is it different this time, U.S. home values are built on a rotten foundation, San Diego: a study of a classic real estate bubble, Conclusion: the frenzy is guaranteed to end badly, and much more. 
    It also has the story on the Terri Schiavo execution - America's rapidly emerging culture of death. 
    Anyone who has any real property must read these reports to protect themselves from the coming real estate market crash.  Highly recommended.
U.S. Real Estate about to Burst, Part 2
Qty: Price: $5.00

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Copyright © These Last Days Ministries, Inc. 1996 - 2005   All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 40                     616-698-6448
Lowell, MI 49331-0040
January 03, 2014


Other McAlvany Reports
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 2
McAlvany - Coming Inflationary Depression
McAlvany - Hurricane Katrina Disaster
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 1 
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 2
McAlvany - Mad Cow Disease Report
McAlvany - Oil Shock 2004/05 Report
McAlvany - Real Estate Market Crash  
McAlvany - US Economy & Markets Down
McAlvany - Communism is Not Dead
McAlvany - American Hyperinflation
McAlvany - Identity Theft
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 1
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 2
McAlvany-2007 Year of Living Dangerously
McAlvany-The Coming Death of the Dollar
McAlvany - Massive Deflation or Inflation
McAlvany - "Living with the Greatest American Lie"
McAlvany - "Scary"

U.S. Financial System begins to Melt Down
McAlvany - The Decline of the Middle Class
World Plunge to the Political Left
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part I
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part II