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Great War approaches...
monetary depression: "My child
and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in
your land. Yes, My child,
what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there
will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute
crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States
and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the
world sees one big, massive depression.”
Those who have lost their faith: "There are so many errors now abounding that it seems almost hopeless to recover those who have lost their faith. Many have left My Church upon earth, and this disagrees with the heavenly plan to save all mankind. I become agitated, My child, when speaking of this, because the fault lies mainly with My clergy. The sheep are wandering now, and so few have taken to prayer to save them. The prayer life of the clergy has almost become nil." - Jesus, June 17, 1989 Read more... 4-6-01
U.S. must not give up its forces in Europe, or the other nations: “The nations are suffering. So therefore, We expect you to understand what may be a riddle, but easy to understand. The United States must not give up its forces in Europe, or the other nations, for they will be disarmed and we will be attacked." – Jesus, June 18, 1990 Read more.... Read also...
“Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." Read more… 9-3-01
First Saturdays devotion: "See, My daughter, My heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude... Say to all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary and keep Me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, in a spirit of reparation, I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls." Read more… 9-1-01 The
Brown Scapular: "I promise you all, when you wear My
Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell. I repeat: if you pass
on over the veil and are wearing the Brown Scapular, you shall not see the
fires of hell." The
Rosary: "The beads of prayer will be the major
instrument for the lessening of the Chastisement upon your country." Russia,
not the world, must be consecrated!
Great War approaches...
The REAL Third Secret continues to unfold: "My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976 Read more... 8-29-01
Devil-worship teenagers jump to their deaths in Germany... The suicides of three teenagers who leapt together to their death from a bridge, their bodies daubed with pentangle symbols, have increased concern among officials in Germany about the spread of Devil-worship. Read more ... 8-29-01 Giant waves may endanger Atlantic... The giant waves called tsunamis, long known as a danger in the Pacific Ocean, may also pose a danger to the U.S. East Coast. Read more... 8-29-01 From Guatemala - reported cure of cancer: “I wish to hereby express my deepest appreciation to Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers for Her intercession before God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost for having cured me of cancer.” – Doctor Odilia Leiva Bejórquez 8-27-01 Read more…
Abuse of children: "Little children, victims of their elders! Defilement among children by adults! Woe to the man who scandalizes the young! Better that he had died in his mother's womb! Suffer all little children to come to Me. The Kingdom of Heaven - the children should symbolize the spirit of innocence and purity and faith; but we see the most vilest of acts being committed against the purity of children. And I say unto you: better that a man receives a millstone about his head and is cast into the sea than to defile the young!” – Jesus, May 28, 1977
Scientists uncover Sodom's fiery end... British scientists believe they may have found evidence to support the Bible's account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Read more... 8-26-01 What do you do? "Do not, My children, be deceived by the father of liars, and his deception in raising up armies that gather under the banner of communism, atheism, satanism, agnosticism. And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like children going through the fields picking daisies, tripping along merrily, high on your way of life; your drugs and your alcohol and your dreams created by false mediums.” – Jesus, April 2, 1977 Read more… 8-23-01
An ecumenism designed from hell: "My Son, His heart is torn asunder by His representatives in the priesthood who now are Judases in His own House. They consort with the enemies of your God. In the manner of humanism and modernism, and an ecumenism that has been designed from hell, man now is plunging fast into making ready the full capitulation of My Son's Church and the world under a dictatorship of evil." - Our Lady, November 22, 1976 Read more…
in Africa: “... on the left side, is
the hammer and the sickle, the sign of communism and slavery.
"Your country is very sick": "I have tried to warn you, My children, that the United States is as like the eagle plucked bare by its enemies, plucked bare by misrepresentation, plucked bare by sin. Your country is very sick, My children." - Our Lady, March 26, 1983 Read more... 8-20-01
42 wildfires ravaging a half-million acres over 10 states across the West... "America the beautiful, what beauty shall you have when the fires are upon you?" Read more... 8-17-01 Ted Kennedy death scare... "You will write, and you must give out the knowledge without hesitating, that Heaven expects and commands the last of his clan in manhood to speak out and defend his faith in your city of Washington! If he does not, My child, he will be condemned. He will be taken, My child, when he is unprepared." Read more... 8-17-01 Pray for Ted Kennedy: "Prayers can move even the hardest of souls to repentance." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976 Read more... 8-17-01 Two new “Directives from Heaven”: D154 - Plague and Pestilence D155 - Antipope of History 8-16-01
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven: "Remember, My children, come to My Mother; for in Her memory of Her human days upon earth, She above all humans created—sinless, without the stigma of sin, a perfect life upon earth without sin, and assumed into Heaven, body and spirit—She above all can direct you because She is your Mother; She is the Queen of Heaven, and the Mother of every human being upon earth." - Jesus, August 14, 1979 Read more… Read also... 8-15-01 "The Deception of the century": The martyrdom of Pope Paul VI and the "deception of the century, " one of the most startling revelations of Our Lady of the Roses. Read more... 8-14-01 Monetary crash: "My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression." - Our Lady, September 7, 1985
of the World War 3 vision: “It's
a map of ... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French
Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness
now settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:”
Jerusalem and Palestine: It's a globe of the world, and there's blood dripping over on one side. And there's a pool of blood; it's like a river. And now the word comes out from inside the blood, and it says: "PALESTINE" P - A - L - E - S - T - I - N - E, and underneath, "JERUSALEM." - March 25, 1973 Read more... 8-10-01 July 2001 Newsletter: The latest news in articles covering Mad Cow Disease, Vatican III, human sacrifices, flying Hosts, God responds to evil, Aurora Borealis means war and much more. Read more... 8-9-01 Global communism: "As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing nations, destroying your Faith, entering into the highest places of My Son's House. Can you deny what is happening now in your world? Remove the blindness from your eyes and look!” - Our Lady, March 18, 1977 Read more… 8-9-01 · Communism – strongest political party in Russia: With popular support surging to as much as 40 percent of the electorate, the Communists are now considered to be the strongest political party in the Russian Federation – not merely in a few sectors, either, but all across the gigantic country. – Newsmax Read more… · Communism in Colombia: “Today someone very real is pushing against capitalism and freedom in South America. A Marxist insurgency is taking hold in Colombia. Ignore it as you like – it is there, it is real. Last month Human Rights Watch published a report about the largest communist guerrilla group in Colombia, known as FARC (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).” – JR Nyquist Read more… · Communism in Venezuela: “One would have to be ideologically blind or an idiot not to see that Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s Marxist-Leninist president, is trying to turn his country into a Cuban clone. The steps that Chavez is taking to turn Venezuela into Leninist totalitarian state are so well documented that it would be superfluous of me to repeat them.” – Peter Zhang Read more… · Communism in Africa: “But behind the anti-white campaign is the specter of communism, a specter that is haunting Africa. It haunts Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Congo and yes, South Africa. And behind communism stands the Red Chinese, the Kremlin, the North Koreans and the Cubans. If you haven't noticed, Russian transports fly regularly into the embattled cities of communist Angola. They are carrying weapons for the communists. The North Koreans are eyeing the uranium mines of the Congo. The Chinese and Russians have quietly aligned themselves with the communist-dominated ANC government of South Africa…. Are you getting the picture?” – JR Nyquist Read more… Read also… · Nepal: He said the current ceasefire between Nepali Government forces and the rebels was not an obstacle to the Maoists' intention to take over the entire country. Indeed he said this would just be a precursor to spreading the Maoist movement throughout the world. Read more… · Cuba: More than a million Cubans have taken part in an anti-US march to mark the start of the Cuban revolution 48 years ago. Read more… Cloning: "You seek to create as the Creator! You have reached the point of the fallen angels. You will create in the jar a monster, for it will be soulless! Your arrogance and superiority will be your own destruction, you who seek to take the place of your Father! My children, recognize the path you are falling on." – Our Lady, February 1, 1972 Read more… 8-8-01 · Playing God: Ethical and religious groups argue Antinori's team and other cloning researchers were trying to play God. Read more… The great War approaches: “There is a great war ahead. It will coincide with the war in the Mideast.” - February 17, 1974 Read more… 8-8-01 · War in Mideast: ”A war of the magnitude that is developing there will especially have profound effects on the oil driven economies of the West. In the most extreme scenario, the coming war could force the U.S. military to get involved directly – it could draw in Russia and Europe as well. Weapons of mass destruction, which are bristling in the inventories of all the potential combatants, could cause an appalling loss of life and render some of the oil-rich Middle East regions uninhabitable for decades.” – Hal Linsey Read more… Cast the U.N. from your shores ... I see the floor of the Chamber of the Gathering of Nations, the United Nations, but I do not see faces behind the desks. I see serpents lashing their tongues out in every direction. Read more... 8-6-01 Pope John Paul II: “…he is under the domination of his bishops and cardinals.” – October 2, 1989 Read more… 8-6-01 · Cardinal Lorscheider says Pope is “a prisoner”: On the day that the extraordinary consistory of cardinals opened in the Vatican, Brazil's Cardinal Aloisio Lorscheider outlined some of the underlying tensions facing the four-day meeting when he told the French daily, La Croix, that the Pope is "a prisoner of those who surround him". Read more… 8-6-01 Nations
of the World War 3 vision: “It's
a map of ... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French
Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness
now settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:” · Saudi Arabia talking war: A top Saudi Arabian official says "moderate" Arab states Egypt and Saudi Arabia should not rule out war with Israel. - WorldNetDaily Read more… · Regional war in 2002? Israeli sources said military intelligence has drafted a report that warns of the increasing likelihood of regional war in 2002. The report said the war could be sparked by either an Israeli offensive against the Palestinian Authority or an escalation in tension along Israel's border with Lebanon. – World Tribune Read more… · U.S. monitoring Egypt: CIA reports Egypt’s efforts to produce ballistic missiles with North Korea Read more… London Banker says Tuesday's US productivity data could spark sell off Read more... 8/6/01 First Saturdays devotion: "See, My daughter, My heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude... Say to all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary and keep Me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, in a spirit of reparation, I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls." Read more… 8-3-01 Three new “Directives from Heaven”: D151 - Possession D152 - Angel of light D153 - Astrology Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 8-3-01 Ten Commandments: "The Eternal Father desires the return of His Commandments to the homes and to the schools and to your government." - Jesus, November 24, 1973 Read more… 8-2-01
The Russians are getting ready for the dollar to crash: Preparedness measures have moved from the realm of published warnings, to concrete actions, such as the Central Bank's decision to put the gold chervonets coin into circulation. Read more... 8-1-01 “Collapse” of communism was a hoax: "Do not be deceived*. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much." - Our Lady, December 18, 1991 Read more… Read also… 8-1-01 * On Christmas Day, 1991, the Soviet Union “collapsed” into the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Lukewarm souls and apostates: “O ye of little faith, you are burrowing like rodents into the foundations of My Son’s Church! You run to and fro, crying peace, or love, or brotherhood! There shall be no peace, or love, or brotherhood without Faith and Tradition and truth! And you seek to separate Faith from Tradition. And what have you but lukewarm souls and apostates!” – Our Lady, October 2, 1976 Read more… Mad cow disease plague - Bayside prophecy fulfilled: “In the Holy City of Rome and in the country on the sea there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague.” - Our Lady, April 5, 1975 Read more… 7-31-01
False idols and gods: "There are secret societies now upon earth. They are all under the direction of satan. I command you as the Eternal Father commands you, and the Spirit of Light, I command you as your God that you shall not worship false idols and gods, such as gods of nature. I command you as your God to rid those who create the evil and the destruction of souls, to rid them from My House, My Church. All that is rotten will fall.” – Jesus, December 31, 1977 Read more… 7-30-01
One plan: "Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father—through pen or prose, or the written script—to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children." - Jesus, May 17, 1986 Read more… 7-30-01
aflame: Veronica
- ... and
there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it; they're all
“Collapse” of Soviet Union predicted one week before it happened: "Do not be deceived*. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much." - Our Lady, December 18, 1991 Read more… Read also… 7-26-01 * On Christmas Day, 1991, the Soviet Union “collapsed” into the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Astrology: "Yes, My children, there are many false prophets going throughout your world. And who are the false prophets but those who deny the Divinity of My Son. And who are the false prophets but those who promote the worship of false idols. Astrology is a creation of satan. Astrology is a false science. No man shall accept astrology and be classified as a believer." - Our Lady, December 7, 1976 Read more... Read also... 7-25-01
Bayside prophecy fulfilled: “In the Holy City of Rome and in the country on the sea there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague.” - Our Lady, April 5, 1975 Read more… 7-23-01 · Britain has covered up the magnitude of this plague for years: “The British government has at all stages concealed facts and corrupted evidence in mad cow disease.” (Dr. Richard W. Lacey, Mad Cow Disease: The History of BSE in Britain, p. xx) · FDA bans blood donations: On January 17, 2001, the FDA ordered a ban on blood donations in the U.S. from anyone who has lived in Britain or Ireland longer than six months, between the years 1980 and December 1996. This ban on donating blood is for the duration of their life! · Mad cow disease headlines: Scientist says mad cow may kill 500,000 Britains * Nobel scientist says mad cow may infect millions of sheep * Human mad cow deaths in UK now rising 33% per year * UK scientist says every Britisher has “eaten 50 BSE meals” * France bans blood from people who lived in the UK during 1980-1996 * Mad cow crisis sends Blair government into disarray · Emerging plague of the 21st Century: Mad cow disease is one of the most ominous threats to the health of the peoples of England, Europe, America and the entire world since the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) in the 1300's. Seeking to create life: "You wander about now in your earth, man of science, seeking to reach the gates of the eternal Kingdom. Man of science, in his arrogance, seeking to create life. I say unto you: no man shall take the power of creation into his hands, for he will destroy himself." – Jesus, February 1, 1977 Read more... 7-23-01
Israel aflame:
- ... and
there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it; they're all
Mad Cow Disease: The emerging plague of the 21st Century - It is one of the most ominous and threatening to the health of the peoples of England, Europe, America and the entire world since the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) in the 1300's. Read more... 7-20-01 Stop the experimentation in the Church: “You are blind, My pastors. You permit untold evil to ravage My House. How long do you think I will permit you to mislead and destroy the souls entrusted to you? I want an end to the experimentation in My House. I want an end to novelty.” – Jesus, May 26, 1976 Read more… 7-18-01 China vision: "Now he's bringing out from behind his back what appears to be a long tapered candle. And he's reaching up now. The candle has a light on it; it looks like he's about to touch the wick on the bomb. It looks like a bomb, but it looks like the world with a wick sticking out of it." (July 25, 1979) Read more… 7-18-01 · Taiwan tinderbox: “World War III can be cooked to order, Mandarin style. Any time China decides to unleash the dogs of war they need only begin an attack on the anti-communist island fortress of Taiwan. As everyone knows, President Bush has promised to defend that island; and now the Russians have promised to make war on the United States in the event of that defense…. Do we ever learn from history, or are we doomed to replay this broken record until the country hung out on a meat-hook is our own? ” – JR Nyquist Read more… Read also… 7-18-01 UFOS - “NOT A FIGMENT OF MAN’S IMAGINATION”:
"In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed
upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a
false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God.
Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to
confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth
are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. · Mass UFO sightings in New Jersey: At least 15 people contacted Tarrant's police department to report the strange lights. But Tarrant and other police officials are at a loss to explain just what it was hovering in their skies. Read more… 7-18-01 Israel aflame:
- ... and
there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it; they're all
aflame.... · First Arab shelling of Jerusalem in a generation: With war drums thundering just over the ridge on Jerusalem's southern horizon, Ariel Sharon convened his security cabinet Wednesday, in what was viewed as an emergency effort to brake - or continue to ride - a juggernaut of Israeli-Palestinian escalation. Read more… · Biggest deployment since start of uprising: Israel takes more security steps in the West Bank after its biggest deployment of forces since the start of the Palestinian uprising. Read more… · Saddam Hussein: President Saddam Hussein of Iraq has used a national television address to urge Arabs to stand up to Israel. Read more… "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward.” - Jesus, March 26, 1983 Read more… 7-17-01 · Communism dead?? Russia – China alliance: President Jiang Zemin of China flew to Moscow last night to cement a strategic pact with Russia designed to boost trade between the two countries and co-ordinate their opposition to American dominance of world affairs. Read more… 7-17-01 · Wake up, America! “Actions speak louder than words and Moscow's actions speak volumes about Moscow's intentions. Anyone who does not understand this, who does not see the Russian-Chinese alliance for what it is, must be listed as a fool. It must be said, in this regard, that we are overrun with fools. “ – JR Nyquist Read more… 7-17-01 · Russia and China: “… a failure to defend against the Russians and Chinese, who have been building up a genocidal capability against us, could spell the end of America once and for all.” – JR Nyquist Read more… 7-17-01 July 16 - Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: "I promise you all, when you wear My Brown Scapular, you shall not be condemned to hell. I repeat: if you pass on over the veil and are wearing the Brown Scapular, you shall not see the fires of hell." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985 Read more... Israel
- ... and there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about
it; they're all aflame.... · Israeli generals plan to smash Palestinians: Israeli generals have updated plans for an all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority, force out leader Yasser Arafat and kill or detain its army, according to a report published Thursday in London. Read more… · Israeli war plan revealed: The plan calls for air strikes by F-15 and F-16 fighter-bombers, a heavy artillery bombardment, and then an attack by a combined force of 30,000 men, including paratroopers, tank brigades and infantry, reports CBS News Correspondent David Hawkins. Read more… · Experts forecast use of weapons of mass destruction in Middle East war: (World Tribune) U.S. defense and security experts project the use of ballistic missiles with nonconventional warheads in the next Middle East war. U.S. officials said this scenario has been drafted by experts in several defense agencies. They said such countries as Iraq, Iran and Syria might launch chemical and biological weapons attacks in any confrontation with Israel. · Prophetic article by WorldNetDaily: ”The question arises: What does all this mean? Where is it leading? Is this how World War III begins?” – Joseph Farah Read more… Satanic human sacrifice - Grisly find in Braintree, MA: Police seize body parts and evidence of satanic worship in apartment. Read more... 7-11-01 More reported cures and conversions granted through Our Lady of the Roses: "Many miracles, cures, and conversions shall be given in the name of the Eternal Father for the promotion of the mission upon earth." - Our Lady, May 30, 1977 Read more... Read also... 7-10-01 To spread the news of Our Lady of the Roses Shrine: Want your cure, conversion or testimony of graces received to go worldwide for Our Lady of the Roses? Submit here! Read more... 7-10-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." Read more… 07-09-01 · Syria: Syrian President Bashar Assad warned that "we would not shy away from a war, if it is forced upon us." Read more… 07-09-01 · Preparations for a rocket attack on Israel: Small groups of elite Iranian soldiers who have infiltrated southern Lebanon are preparing for rocket attacks on Israel… Israeli Prime Minister Sharon is adamant that the Iranian presence could not have been established without Syrian permission. "Syria allowed Iran to use its airfields for the arms airlift to Lebanon," he said. Read more… 07-09-01 · Syria: (Ha’aretz) Israel will pay a heavy price for its weekend attack on a Syrian anti-aircraft post in Lebanon, Syrian Information Minister Adnan Omran said. In an interview with the London-based Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat published Wednesday, Omran was quoted as saying that Syria would choose the appropriate time and means to retaliate. "We choose the appropriate time and means to let Israel pay a heavy price," Omran added. Read more… 07-09-01 · Syria: Damascus has indicated it will respond to the air raid at a time and place of its own choosing — rhetoric that has renewed the focus on a simmering conflict in which the untested young Syrian President Assad may be preparing to challenge old war-horse Ariel Sharon. Such a standoff could dwarf the Israeli-Palestinian conflict waged since last September. Read more… 07-09-01 Promote the First Saturdays devotion: "See, My daughter, My heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude... Say to all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary and keep Me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, in a spirit of reparation, I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls." Read more… 7-07-01
Lady of the Roses prayer vigils in July, 2001:
request that all of the dedicated now join with the faithful in prayer
on these Sacred Grounds. The beads of prayer you will tell for three
hours on the eve of all Feast Days.” – Our Lady, March 24, 1973
more… 7-07-01 “… one will come
out of Egypt and cause a great catastrophe to mankind.”
(Nov. 20, 1975)
Petition to Pope to excommunicate pro-abortion politicians: (WorldNetDaily) Using the Catholic Church's canonical procedures for adjudication of complaints, 2,000 petition signatories are prepared to ask Pope John Paul II to excommunicate self-professed Catholic governors and members of Congress who support legalized abortion. The petition names 46 Democrats and five Republicans, including Sens. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., Tom Daschle, D-S.D., Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Gov. Gray Davis, D-Calif. and Gov. Tom Ridge, R-Pa. Read more… 7-04-01 Abortion – foulest of sacrileges: "My child and My children, children, I wish that you make it known to your countrymen in the United States, and Canada, and all the nations of the world, that We cannot tolerate the murders of the unborn. This is a sacrilege of the most foulest manner in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and shall be punishable by death. My children, more young souls sent upon earth by the Eternal Father have been destroyed in the past years - since the passing of lax laws by your government, more young souls have been destroyed than in many World Wars.” – May 17, 1986 Read more… 7-04-01 Your nation shall fall: “You, as a nation, shall fall without prayer and penance. The Queen of Heaven set Herself to warn you of the penance that would be given to you if you committed murder - the murder of the unborn in abortion.” – November 1, 1975 Read more… 7-04-01 God-fearing leaders: "For that one reason among many, the United States will suffer unless there is placed into your government a group that fears the Lord if they cannot love the Lord. They will fear Him and find measures to stop the slaughter of the unborn." - Our Lady, April 14, 1984 Read more… 7-04-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." Read more…
Pope John Paul II speaks to youth of Ukraine: The Ten Commandments "have permanent value, because they are the fundamental law of humanity, written in the conscience of every person. They are the first step to freedom and eternal life. ... The Decalogue is like a compass in a stormy sea which enables us to keep on course and reach land. This is why today I wish to present the commandments of the Decalogue to you anew, young people of Ukraine, in a symbolic way, so that they will be your 'compass', the solid point of reference for building your present and your future." Read more… 6-28-01 Million people attend Papal Mass: A million people gathered in western Ukraine as Pope John Paul II celebrated the final mass of his five-day tour in the country's Catholic heartland. Read more… 6-28-01 Three new “Directives from Heaven”: D148 - Adoration D149 – Satanism, Part 1 D150 – Satanism, Part 2 6-28-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 6-28-01 The Ten Commandments: "The Commandments of the Eternal Father must be followed. The Commandments of the Eternal Father will not be changed to suit the basic carnal nature of human mankind.” - Our Lady, November 19, 1977 Read more… 6-28-01 Real Third Secret unfolds before our eyes - Cardinals Villot, Benelli, Casaroli, Sodano: “How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978 Read more… 6-26-01 June 26th - Anniversary of a Vatican forgery: World-renowned forensic expert says handwriting in Vatican document is not that of Sister Lucy. Read more… 6-26-01 FatimaGate: From every angle, the June 26th document is proven to be a false substitute for the real Third Secret, which remains suppressed to this day. Read more… 6-26-01 The real Third Secret ExplainedBayside
prophecy: Empire State
Building will be an attempted target Veronica
- Well, I see two men. I
don't know if they're Moslems. They
have a different-colored skin, but they're not exactly black.
Now they are walking through a building, and they're carrying
with them, now, bags; but the bags are extra large, which makes it most
Chinese soldiers in region prophesied: Veronica - “And I see . . . oh, I see a terrible, terrible fighting, a war. I don't believe it's in the United States, because these people look like they're Egyptians, and Arabs, and dark-skinned people. And now, though, as the—I hear the great roar of bombs. I'm looking up, and the sky's becoming very lighted. And I am seeing thousands and thousands of people marching. But they look like Chinese, or Mongolian. No, they're—I believe they're Chinese; they're Asiatic. They're marching across the land, and they're boarding some kind of transport. They're going onto the water. Oh, it's a great War.” (June 8, 1974) Read more… 6-23-01
Three nations to rehearse Mideast war - Turkey, Israel, U.S. plan massive exercise over Mediterranean: One of the biggest air force exercises ever staged in the Mediterranean region takes place Sunday over southern Turkey with more than 500 craft from the U.S., Israel and Turkey participating. It will last 13 days, ending June 29. DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military experts reveal that Anatolian Eagle's secret objective is to make tangible preparations for a Middle East war. Read more… Read also… Nations
of the World War 3 vision: “It's a map
of ... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa.
Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling
upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:”
George W. Bush’s life is in great danger. "It is sad to look into the future, My child, and know that already the enemies of your God are planning to dispose of a Godly leader. The righteous man shall be met with much scorn and persecution..... Many prayers, many acts of atonement will be needed or your new leader will be removed from among you.” Our Lady August 14, 1974 Read more… 6-15-01 Mother Angelica doesn’t believe Third Secret was entirely revealed: “As for the Secret, well I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn’t get the whole thing. I told ya! I mean, you have the right to your own opinion, don’t you, Father? There, you know, that’s my opinion. Because I think it’s scary. And I don’t think the Holy See is going to say something that does not happen, that might happen. And then what does it do if it doesn’t happen? I mean the Holy See cannot afford to make prophecies, because. I know, —I don’t know—my funeral. . . . It’s not me, so don’t look at me. . . . Something’s gonna happen soon.” (EWTN live television show, May 16, 2001) Real Third Secret: scary it is! "My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978 The Third Secret Explained
Great Heat and a Great Children's Plague... Cuba:
Veronica - Oh, oh. Now Jesus is pointing over towards Cuba.
I see a whole map of the United States, and Jesus is pointing to
Cuba. China shipping arms to Cuba: China is shipping arms and explosives to Cuba in a sign of increased military cooperation between Beijing and Havana, The Washington Times has learned. Read more… 6-13-01 Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites before execution: “Prayers can move even the hardest of souls to repentance. Were it not for the prayers of many, many would fall fast into the abyss of eternal damnation.” – Our Lady, September 7, 1976 Read more… Read also… 6-12-01 “Syria
has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." The great world Chastisement: “I watch your world. I tremor for what you are asking as a just punishment for your actions! The Father chastises those He loves. Your world will be bathed with blood. Shall you accept the Blood of the Lamb, or shall you receive the sword? The choice is yours.” – Jesus, November 20, 1975 Read more… Abortion: "Sorrowfully, the penance that is to come upon the world for the murders of the unborn shall be a chastisement far greater in severity than man has ever witnessed in the past nor ever shall pass through again. Your world is plunging into a deep chasm of suffering and destruction." - Our Lady, May 20, 1978 Read more… Nations
of the World War 3 vision:
“It's a map of
... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco,
Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now
settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:”
Invasion – “These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States.” (Our Lady, June 18, 1987): The Chinese are now in an excellent position to move weapons into Central and South America, where communist rebels have carved out a huge chunk of Colombia. - J.R. Nyquist Read more… 6-7-01 Invasion of the U.S. predicted by Our Lady: "My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." - Our Lady, June 18, 1987 Read more… 6-6-01 Syrians rally in thousands to continue conflict: Thousands of Syrians rallied in downtown Damascus on Tuesday to call for the Palestinian Intifada to continue as international pressure mounted on Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat to halt the uprising. Read more… 06-06-01 Read also… 6-6-01 Russia supplying Syria with weapons: The Syrian army is currently 90-per cent equipped with Soviet hardware. Read more… 6-6-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 6-05-01 Nations
of the WW III vision: “It's a map of ... oh, I
can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa.
Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling
upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:”
Signs of the real Third Secret: “Do you not know why the hands now shake the hand of the devil, the enemies of God?” – Our Lady, September 27, 1975 Read more… 6-4-01 The Rosary: “It is not a prayer of repetition without meaning, Our Rosary, My children. It is a prayer that as you pray you will be surrounded by an aura of peace and holiness. You will find yourself coming closer to the Eternal Father in spirit.” – Our Lady, May 17, 1975 Read more… 6-4-01 “Syria
has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." Our
Lady of the Roses prayer vigils in June, 2001: “We request that all of the dedicated
now join with the faithful in prayer on these Sacred Grounds. The beads
of prayer you will tell for three hours on the eve of all Feast Days.”
– Our Lady, March 24, 1973
Read more…
The banner “Faithful and True”: ”The Father has chosen the words 'Faithful and True' for reason. It will be the banner for all children of God who remain in the light." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974 Read more… 5-31-01 Nations
of the WW III vision: “It's a map of ... oh, I
can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa.
Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling
upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:”
A pig headed Statue of the Virgin Mary! A sculpture of a concrete pig's head atop the body of the Virgin Mary was beheaded by angry Christians. Read more... 5-30-01 Communism dead? Know anyone brainwashed into believing the “communism is dead” propaganda? Send them this letter by WorldNetDaily columnist J.R. Nyquist! Read more… 5-30-01 Evidence for the real Third Secret - The murder of Pope John Paul I: ”He received the horror and martyrdom by drinking from a glass. It was a champagne glass given to him by a now deceased member of the clergy and the Secretariat of the State [Cardinal Villot].” – Our Lady, May 21, 1983 Read more… 05-28-01 “Syria
has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." “Coalition of the dark races”: The Organization of the Islamic Conference Saturday called on all 56 member nations to suspend all political and economic ties with Israel as long as the violence continues with the Palestinians. Read more… Read also… 05-28-01 The Anti-Priests: 30,000 Communist Priests have infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church with intent to destroy from within. Read more... 5-26-01 The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven: “They did not fall asleep. My Son ascended in full view. His loved ones were not asleep." Veronica - Our Lady says there is much fallacy in the world. The great Apostles of Jesus did not fall asleep. They were wide and fully awake when they watched Jesus ascend into Heaven.- May 22, 1974 Read more… 5-24-01 Three new “Directives from Heaven”: D145 - Materialism D146 – Honor the Eucharist, Part 1 D147 Honor the Eucharist, Part 2 5-24-01 A great War: “A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least. Your world cries peace, peace, love, when there is no peace; love, when the meaning of love is no longer known.” – Jesus, December 24, 1974 Read more… The real Arafat: “[Arafat] is a terrorist, a man whose talents are those of destruction, a man totally out of his element in the absence of conflict. From the moment he inked the 1993 Oslo Accord, he has proved he never intended to make peace with the Israelis.” – Hal Lindsey Read more… Read also… 5-23-01 Role of parents: “Each soul placed upon the earth, My child, is a flower that must be nourished with pure waters so that the stem may grow and be strong and the flower face of the child shall be turned upward to receive the light. We give to each parent the trust of this fragile flower, the child.” – Our Lady, December 28, 1974 Read more… 5-23-01 Syria holds the key: In Jerusalem, Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer threatened to attack Syrian targets in retaliation for Hizbullah strikes against the Jewish state. Once again, Ben-Eliezer addressed Syrian President Bashar Assad. "We will continue to fire on Bashar Assad and his troops in Lebanon if we are attacked," Ben-Eliezer said. "Syria is the real boss in Lebanon and it authorizes the transfer of weapons to Hizbullah." Read more… 5-22-01 Israel threatens Syria with “all out war”: Israeli warplanes again violated Lebanese air space as Israeli officials continue to threaten Lebanon and Syria. Top generals in Israel said a war with Syria is possible. Read more… 5-22-01 The truth of Jacinta: Sister Lucy’s Memoirs records two visions of Jacinta concerning the Third Secret. These visions contradict the disputed June 26, 2000 document. Read more… 5-21-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War."
Third Secret of Fatima: "From some fissure the smoke of satan entered into the temple of God." - Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972 Read more… 5-18-01 Castro finds “soul mate” in Syrian President Assad Bashar: The Syrian daily Tishrin in a front page editorial exclaimed, “Syria is the heart of the Arab nation ... while Cuba is an example to be followed in the struggle for independence, freedom and socialism.” Read more… 5-18-01 All-out war: Israel has warned it may launch an all out war against Palestinians if the uprising continues. Read more… 5-18-01 Our Lady of the Roses prayer vigil dates in May 2001 are May 23 and May 30: “We request that all of the dedicated now join with the faithful in prayer on these Sacred Grounds. The beads of prayer you will tell for three hours on the eve of all Feast Days.” – Our Lady, March 24, 1973 Read more… 5-16-01 The litmus test: Which version of the Third Secret of Fatima corresponds to what Fatima scholars and Sister Lucy has said that the Third Secret is all about? Read more… 5-16-01 The real Third Secret: "I say this evening, as your God, that on that date [1972], as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents—and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind—sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth. At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen?” – June 18, 1986 Read more… 5-15-01 Warning of Pope Paul VI: “Listen to your Vicar who stated that the smoke of satan had entered My Church. Did he have pride when he brought this knowledge to you? No! He asked for help. And what did you do? You turned away and widened the door for satan to enter!” – September 28, 1978 Read more… 5-15-01 The Pope of the Third Secret: "The suffering victim soul, your Holy Father, Pope Paul--he accepts his suffering with good heart. And there are many Judases about him who parade themselves as angels of light, but they have ravenous hearts of wolves. In disobedience they have used their rank to destroy from within. It was not in vain that Our Vicar cried out to you, 'There must be cracks within, for the smoke of satan has seeped in.'” – Jesus, May 20, 1978 Read more… 5-15-01 Russia converted? Russian President Vladimir Putin and leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez declared Monday that they would form a strategic alliance against U.S. dominance as the world's only superpower. Read more… Read also… 5-15-01 The real Third Secret: "My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978 Read more… 5-14-01 You did not listen: "Yes, My words were given in the same vein many earth-years ago, and they, too, were not heeded. Did you act upon them? No! You hid it away from the world. What will you do now? I warned you many years ago that satan would enter My Son's Church, but you did not listen. Now he is there!” - Our Lady, June 17, 1971 Read more… 5-14-01 To be released no later than 1960: "I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years* lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - Our Lady, April 29, 1992 Read more… 5-14-01 Revolution brewing in Panama? On Wednesday, May 9, some 10,000 demonstrators took to the streets, effectively shutting down Panama City… An old State Dept. hand very familiar with the situation in Panama tells NewsMax that the labor unions taking to the streets are backed by Fidel Castro. Read more… 5-14-01 Archbishop Pell of Sydney, Australia: If priests act like homosexuals "that's incompatible with remaining as a priest…. If that's happening, then they've got to choose one way or the other." Read more… 5-14-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 5-11-01 Heaven: "All this will be in the past when you come over the veil. There will be no tears, no sorrow, no wonder. All will be revealed to you in an instant. Joy supreme will reign--the glorification of the spirit, happiness beyond anything your human mind could comprehend. Is this not worth, My child, the struggle? Can you cast any of this aside for the temporary pleasures of your life on earth--a life so short, when over the veil it is eternity.” - Our Lady, April 13, 1974 Read more… 5-11-01 Atrocities in Sudan, Africa: An estimated 2 million people have been killed in the country's 18-year civil war between the Arabic Muslim north and the African Christian and animist south. Read more… Read also… 5-11-01 War in Zimbabwe, part 2: Rachel Johnston -- a wife, mother and grandmother -- has spent nearly all of her five decades on Earth as a resident of Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. While the white woman admits that she was part of a privileged class when the nation gained its independence in 1980, little did she envision that by 2001, whites in both rural and urban areas would be hunted down, tortured and, in some cases, murdered by gangs of thugs sponsored by the nation's communist leader, President Robert Mugabe. Read more… Read also… 5-11-01 One from Egypt - “He will promote the great War.” “From out of this land [Egypt] will come number six, completing the reign of the spirits. He will promote the great War.” – December 31, 1973 Read more… 5-10-01 The real Arafat: If most Americans understood that Arafat not only has Israeli blood on his hands, but the blood of American diplomats, too, they would be appalled. Read more… 5-10-01 Get out of the United Nations! “Your country must send from its shores the coalition the United Nations...." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975 Read more… 5-9-01 Email your Congressmen and Senators 5-9-01 Congress considers revenge on United Nations: Congress might scuttle a deal to pay hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the United Nations because of outrage over last week's votes in the U.N. to exclude the United States from its Commission on Human Rights and its narcotics board. Read more… 5-9-01 Our Lady states that the March 25, 1984 consecration of the world did not fulfill Her Fatima requests: "I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987 Read more… 5-9-01 The Holy Rosary: "Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God.” – Our Lady, October 6, 1970 Read more… 5-8-01 Bayside prophecy fulfilled - communism in Africa: ... on the left side, is the hammer and the sickle, the sign of communism and slavery. Now, the hammer and the sickle now is floating. It seems to have lost its moorings. It's floating over, over Our Lady's statue, and now I can see the whole continent of Africa. And the hammer and the sickle now is floating down. It's in the southern part of Africa. Now I see it's going north. And I see blackness. Oh, it's like the continent is going into darkness. It's a very frightening-looking sight! (March 18, 1977) Read more… 5-8-01
Russia converted? ”Russia has 40,000 metric tons of nerve toxins and blister agents -- the largest stockpile of its kind on planet earth.” – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 5-7-01 Communism dead??? "It is clearly a dictatorship, it's a Communist dictatorship, by their own testimony," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said of China. Read more… 5-7-01 Why communism is still alive in the world: "As I warned you in the past and you did not listen, unless you prayed more, did more penance, sacrifice, communism would go throughout your world, ravishing nations, destroying your Faith, entering into the highest places of My Son's House. Can you deny what is happening now in your world? Remove the blindness from your eyes and look!" - Our Lady, March 18, 1977 Read more… 5-7-01 Priesthood haven for homosexuals: Article from the New Zealand Herald reports that “The Catholic priesthood in Britain is fast becoming a gay profession. Proportionately, those training to be priests include significantly more homosexuals than there are in the general population, says the rector of one of the Church's seven English seminaries...” Read more… 5-5-01 Our Lady of the Roses explains the Church’s teaching on homosexuality: "How dare you debase My Son's heritage by allowing all evil to be condoned in His Church! You men who were formerly of the light and have given yourselves to the darkness, you condone this foul act of homosexuality. And why? As Satan inspires you and directs you, you go about looking for excuses for sin! You condone it with permissiveness! ... You even deny the truth of what the Eternal Father did to Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality. You who cry love your neighbor, do not twist the truth and say that Sodom and Gomorrah fell because they were inhospitable! Oh, no! I say unto you: hospitality had nothing at all to do with this. It was a manner of degrading, debased sin, using a creation of the Father for vile acts, animal acts, and far worse until your filth and pollution has entered into the minds and souls of the young! You defilers of mankind, the skin shall burn off of your bones soon!" - Our Lady, April 2, 1977 Read more… Also read… 5-5-01 The Brown Scapular: "My children, you must all unite in prayer, link for link, using the sacramentals given to you from Heaven, the beads of prayer, your Rosary, the Scapular of life; for I promise you: All who wear the Brown Scapular shall never feel the fires of hell. Even the greatest of sinner will be converted and saved if he will wear the Brown Scapular when he passes over the veil, when he leaves, My child and My children, his body at the moment you call upon earth death.” - Our Lady, August 14, 1979 Read more… 5-2-01 “Russia, the scourge of mankind”: “Russia has massive underground structures for protecting population and industrial assets. Russia also has thousands of nuclear weapons that could be used to reduce the United States to rubble. In other words, Russia has been preparing to fight and win a future nuclear war for over four decades.” – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 5-3-01 May – month of Our Lady: "My children, it is only because many years ago you consecrated your country to Me* that you have not received the destruction that is gradually coming closer to you from the outside world. But if you turn from Me now I no longer will be able to shield you." Our Lady, July 1, 1971 Read more… 5-2-01 China threat: China is secretly negotiating the purchase of two Russian "stealth" destroyers-equipped with nuclear-capable missile systems designed to kill U.S. aircraft carriers, United Press International learned Monday. Read more… 5-2-01 Was Chinese ship preparing nuke test? Surveillance of destroyer's activity possibly sparked EP-3 incident: Incredible expose by WorldNetDaily indicates that the U.S. EP-3 surveillance plane downed in China may have been monitoring the test of a highly sophisticated “carrier-killing” missile. Read more… 5-2-01 On the brink of war: "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward.” - Jesus, March 26, 1983 Russia and China, Part 1 , Russia and China, Part 2 4-30-01
Landing points in the US for what? Read more... 4-27-01 What does God think about abortion and homosexuality? Read more... 4-25-01 Two new “Directives from Heaven”: D143 - Humanism D144 - Modernism 4-25-01 China and the Taiwan tinderbox: President Bush said Tuesday that the U.S. has a duty to aid Taiwan in case of attack by China and would do ”whatever it took'' to help the island defend itself. Asked if this meant invoking the full force of the American military, he said, ``Whatever it took to help Taiwan defend their self.'' See Vision of China lighting wick and Read also 4-25-01 Adam and Eve, first parents of all mankind: "My children upon earth, you are complete descendants from the Eternal Father. You descended from the first created beings upon earth, known to you as Adam and Eve." - Our Lady, June 18, 1979 Read more… 4-23-01 Jesus Christ, Lord and Redeemer: "Do not fall into the trap set by satan by misleading you into a false security because of My Sacrifice for mankind to open the gates of the Kingdom of your God. Many are called, but few are chosen. My Sacrifice guaranteed eternal life to all, but all shall not enter, for many have rejected the message of your God from the beginning of time and they did not enter!” Read more… 4-19-01 “Peace, peace,” where there is no peace: “The ferocious regime of North Korea is openly preparing for World War III, boasting of the impending incineration of the United States. A North Korean general recently told his commanders that the next war would begin with the nuclear obliteration of the United States.” – J.R. Nyquist, Read more… 4-19-01 Read also Syrian President Bashar Assad warned Israel on Tuesday that it would bear the consequences of the deadly raid it carried out on Syrian targets in Lebanon. "Israel alone will bear the expense of its aggressive actions in the region," he said in a phone conversation with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan a day after the Jewish State raided Syrian positions east of Beirut, killing at least one soldier. Read more… 4-18-01 “Israel pounds Syrian targets: Israel warned its Arab neighbors yesterday that the "rules of the game have changed" after it launched its most serious raid on a Syrian military target in Lebanon for almost 20 years. Read more… 4-17-01 China’s Bahama base: You don't need to cross the Pacific to find China's threat. issues a timely reminder of a Chinese company's completion of the world's largest port just 60 miles from Florida, a story ignored by most media. Read more… 4-17-01 “He is risen! Alleluia ” Read Veronica’s vision of the resurrection of Christ. Read more… 4-15-01 Jesus Christ, true God and true man: “My children, you must fight to retain the divinity of My Son, and not have satan encroach upon it. It is a war far worse than man has ever seen in history. These are the days spoken of and written of by the prophets of old." - Our Lady, October 1, 1977 Read more… 4-16-01 China planning for war with U.S.: Just released – China is planning on a major war with the U.S. in the next two years. That is the conclusion of Admiral Thomas H. Moorer. Moorer is the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's highest-ranking military officer. He has advised no fewer than seven U.S. presidents. Read more… 4-16-01 Wake up, America! “Look at who Russia and China are supplying with weapons. Across the map, military supplies continue to pour into Russia's Cold War allies -- to communist Angola, to the ANC in South Africa, to North Korea, Vietnam and China. If communism was defeated in Russia, and if genuine repentance for the communist past existed in Moscow, such a policy would not be possible.” – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 4-16-01 The Passion and death of Christ: ”But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed." - Isaias 55:3-5 Read more… 4-13-01 Cincinnati mayor declares state of emergency Policeman shot. Mayor Charles Luken announced a citywide curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Is this a prelude to a race war? Read more... 4-12-01 What is China’s real intentions? Read Our Lady’s predictions concerning China. Russia and China, Part 1 , Russia and China, Part 2 4-12-01 Responsibility, Part 1: Dangers of a mistaken idea of freedom. Read more… 4-12-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 4-11-01 'Conflict is turning into war' in Middle East: Israeli army increased efforts yesterday to stop the Palestinians using mortar bombs as both sides admitted that the six-month conflict has reached new levels. Read more… 4-11-01 Russia-China threat: Why has the press ignored regular statements by Chinese officials and Chinese official news outlets that China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the U.S. and her naval fleets? The recent Chinese action should send chills down the spine. It should be a red alarm of the threat now posed by China. It is a threat compounded by the fact that China and Russia have formed a new axis to challenge the United States. - Newsmax Read more… 4-9-01 China’s propaganda inciting its people towards hatred of U.S.: In recent days Chinese propagandists have incited the world's most populous country to indignation, resentment, envy and general outrage against America. The Chinese press openly describes us as "arrogant" and "aggressive." We are said to be plotting against China and the rest of the world. "Hang the U.S. spies and take revenge for Xu Xinhu [the lost Chinese pilot]," said one writer in the People's Daily, a communist Chinese newspaper. – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 4-9-01 Beijing-Moscow alliance grows: In July 2001, Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin are planning to sign a new treaty of "friendship, cooperation, and neighborhood," according to official Russian sources. According to a recent statement from the Russian foreign ministry, the agreement will "lay the groundwork for a strategic partnership in all fields," including military cooperation. Read more… 4-9-01 Russians cheated massively on treaty: “The evidence shows clearly that Soviet leaders are attempting to prepare their military forces for the possibility of having to fight a nuclear war and are training to be able to maintain control over increasingly complex conflict situations,” states a March 4, 1984, estimate titled “Soviet Capabilities for Strategic Nuclear Conflict” (NIE 11-3-8-83). Stamped “Top Secret,” it was declassified in part in 1996. Read more… 4-9-01 Report – North Korea has sold 540 missiles to Mideast clients: North Korea has sold more than 500 missiles over the last 15 years to such Middle East clients as Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Libya, a South Korean government institute said. Read more… 4-9-01 When UFO's Land . . . Popular Mechanics Magazine has startling physical evidence they can't explain away. Read more... 4-5-01 China to light world aflame: Veronica - And there he is again, that terrible-looking man. I don't know who he is, but he has an Oriental appearance. I can see now what appears to be a globe, a globe of the world, but you could almost picture it as a bomb because it has a wick on the top of it…. And now he's standing there as though he's gloating over something, and he's taking his hand now from behind his back again and holding out his long tapered candle. He has a very thin, long tapered candle that's lighted, and now he's reaching over again to light the wick, as though—I do believe it must indicate starting perhaps a, a terrible war or something. I get that impression from his uniform and the fact he's lighting the wick upon the world. (August 4, 1979) Read more… 4-5-01 'Lost' asteroid could hit Earth At least one potentially dangerous asteroid is being discovered every night and the rate is increasing rapidly. However, even more worrying may be one that has gone missing. Read more... 4-4-01 Admiral Moorer says Beijing wants war: The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired admiral Thomas H. Moorer, says the Communist Chinese are preparing for ultimate war with the United States, and President Bush needs to show strength in dealing with them in the crisis over the crippled U.S. Navy EP-3 plane. Read more… 4-4-01 Sin of omission: "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980 Read more… 4-4-01 The Aurora Borealis "My children, I wish you to know that you ignored a sign of a short few days ago. We sent from the heavens the Aurora Borealis to shine unto men and let them know that when this happened before, there was a war." Read more... 4-3-01 Solar Flare Goes Off the Charts: Forecasters said a solar flare Monday was the most intense they have seen in the current 11-year-solar cycle. Space weather forecasters had to estimate its intensity, X-22 on a scale that only goes to 20, after sensors on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite could no longer measure it. They said the measurement could be off by plus or minus 2. Read more… 4-3-01 Vision of Israel aflame:
- ... and there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it;
they're all aflame.... Israel preparing for summer offensive: Israeli gunship attacks against Palestinian "Force 17" buildings and personnel marked the beginning of what sources say is the Jewish state's preparations for defending itself against a summer offensive that could explode into a regional conflict. Read more… 4-02-01 Who wants war in the Middle East? The international press reported that foreign diplomats were shocked by Assad's remarks. But they should not have been. Syria itself is a national socialist dictatorship led by hair-trigger psychopaths and murderers. Only a childishly naive person could believe in Syria's peaceful intentions, especially since Syria has spent many years building weapons of mass destruction -- a buildup with Russian connivance. Read more… 4-02-01 March 2001 newsletter The latest news! Our Lady and the 2000 election, armaments throughout Russia, Fatima Cover-up, fantastic Father John Corapi testimony, the coming persecution, coming monetary crash and much more. Read more... 4-2-01 Russia threatens “a new Cold War”: Moscow is charging the Bush administration with a "double standard" in its dealings with Russia and threatens "a new Cold War" with the United States, according to official Russian sources. Read more… 3-31-01 Directives on the Passion of Jesus Christ - Part I and Part II 3-29-01 Mubarak – alliances could lead Middle East into war: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned the Palestinians not to form an alliance with Iraq and Syria, Middle East Newsline is reporting. Arab diplomatic sources said Mubarak has sent a series of messages to Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat that warn of the consequences of his emerging alliance with Iraq and Syria. The sources said these messages warn Arafat that such an alliance would cost the Palestinians both political and financial support and lead the region into war. Read more… 3-29-01 China plans for war with U.S.: China expert Steven W. Mosher, Washington Times reporter Bill Gertz, researchers Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II strongly disagree with Adm. Blair's assessment. They have all documented China's preparations for a future confrontation with the United States. Read more… 3-29-01 President Assad of Syria at summit: Israelis all Nazis: President Assad of Syria called Israelis “Nazis” yesterday and offered to “forgive and forget” the decision of Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, to negotiate with the late Yitzhak Rabin. Speaking at the start of the first Arab League summit in a decade, Mr Assad overshadowed Arafat’s efforts to win support for the Palestinian uprising. Read more… 3-28-01 Israel braces for rocket attacks: Authorities are bracing for Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli cities. Officials said the prospect that the Palestinian Authority would fire rockets at Israeli cities is being discussed in both the military and security forces. They said the current PA mortar attacks on Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip appear to mark a prelude to an attack on Israeli cities. Read more… 03-28-01 Mideast War in 72 hours? Trouble in the Holy Land - Israel prepares for possible strike at Iranian missiles in Lebanon. Read more... 3-26-01 Russian spies at Cold War level: The Bush administration believes as many as 200 Russian diplomats have been spying in the United States - and is prepared to boot all of them if the Kremlin starts expelling large numbers of Americans. That's comparable to Cold War levels. Read more… 3-24-01 World monetary crash approaches: Stock markets around the world are in freefall. Traders and investors in America, Japan and Europe are scrambling to offload shares as concern grows about global economic prospects. Read more… 3-24-01 World stock markets are falling: The $10 trillion of paper wealth that has been destroyed worldwide over the past year accounts for about 30% of world GDP. Never has so much been lost in such a short time. Read more… 3-24-01 Media is asking: Could the world be heading for its first global recession? Stock markets almost everywhere are tumbling: over the past year nearly $10 trillion has been wiped off global share values—equivalent to America’s annual output. And fears are mounting in some emerging economies too, notably Argentina and Turkey. Is the world heading into recession? Read more… 3-24-01 ‘Bigger- Than ‘29 Crash’ - Sir John Templeton warns of a Long-Term Bear- Market. Sir John is one of the world’s most respected investment advisers. Read more... 3-22-01 Russia not converted: USA expels 50 Russian “intelligence agents” (spies) - In what a Russian official describes as a “relapse into the Cold War era”, the U.S. State Department has ordered about 50 Russian diplomats suspected of being spies to leave the U.S. Read more... 3-22-01 Two new Directives from Heaven: D141 - Responsibility D142 - Sin of Omission 3-21-01 Syria: Media uses identical words of Our Lady of the Roses prophecy! DEBKA analysts hypothesize that Assad [President of Syria] "holds the key" to the next series of events in the Mideast. "American policymakers, led by Vice President Dick Cheney and CIA Director George Tenet, are bitterly disappointed in … Assad," said the March 16 analysis. "As a young leader, he [Assad] was considered inexperienced, indecisive and malleable. Instead, he has turned out to be so radical as to turn their plans -- and the Middle East internal balance -- upside down." Read more… 3-20-01 University head slams Syria: The Jesuit president of the Universite Saint Joseph criticized Syria on Monday for Lebanon's national decline, keeping the war-torn country as a virtual fiefdom for decades. Lebanese Christians have been outspoken in their demands to end Syrian control of Lebanon and the withdrawal of 35,000 soldiers from their country. Read more… 3-20-01 North Korea gives “war warning” to U.S.: NORTH Korea's state radio warned America yesterday that the scrapping of a 1994 agreement to help Pyongyang to build nuclear reactors would amount to "a declaration of war". Read more… 3-20-01 Russia’s moral standards in deep decline, a sign she is not converted: In present-day Russia, moral standards are in a very deep decline and human values play almost no role in the lives of Russians. In the absence of real democracy and a free-market economy, and lacking any real major human values, many Russians are deeply disappointed by their lives and are looking for a way out through alcoholism, crime, drug addiction and other negative means that are destroying the lives of ordinary people. Read more… 3-19-01 Russian threat: “The truth is never easy, but danger signs pointing to Russia's hostile intentions are all over the map. Let us hope and pray that our leaders in Washington will chart a new course and avoid further mistakes.” – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 3-19-01 Russia set to make more missiles: Production 'may rise several-fold' due to U.S. defense-shield plans. Read more… 3-17-01 Worst Dow week ever: 7% of value vanishes in one week. Read more… Also read... 3-17-01 World monetary crash predicted! “ My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government - an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression.” (Our Lady, September 7, 1985) Read more... 3-17-01 Foot-and-Mouth Disease - a global livestock threat! In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague. Read more... 3-15-01 North Korea threatens United States: Communist North Korea is threatening President Bush: "If the U.S. imperialists dare turn to confrontation with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the army and people will take thousand-fold revenge on them." Read more… Also read… 3-14-01 An intense sell-off of U.S. stocks continued, sending the Dow Jones industrial average down 436 points — its fifth-largest point decline ever — while the Nasdaq sank 129 points, a 60% loss since December 1998. GE lost 44 billion in worth today. Are we near the great monetary crash? Read more... 3-12-01 Iraqi’s vow to ‘liberate all of Palestine:’ A group of 7 million Iraqi men and women volunteers bid an emotional farewell to their families and left for military training in the so-called Jerusalem Army. Read more… 3-12-01 Veronica encounters the Anti-Christ! Also, Veronica's incredible private conversations with Jesus. Read more... 3-9-01 Iran to buy $7 billion worth of Russian weapons: The presidents of Russia and Iran promised Monday to increase trade in weapons and cooperation in nuclear energy in defiance of U.S. efforts to discourage their nations' blossoming ties. Read more… 3-12-01 China threat: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee concludes that current U.S. policy toward Taiwan is "outdated and dangerous," and could involve the United States in a conflict between Taiwan and China. Read more… 3-12-01 Russia aids China for the mass destruction of America: Today more than 10,000 Russian scientists and engineers are working to build up China's weapons against America. Read more… 3-12-01 Pope praises recitation of the Rosary: “When the Spanish martyrs were prevented from freely expressing their faith or, later, in prison, in order to face the supreme moment, they found constant support in the holy rosary, recited alone or in small groups. The Rosary is in every era a valid help for countless believers." Read more… 3-12-01 Read also Directive on the Holy Rosary: Russia is not converted: Jane's Defense reports that Russia will be increasing its military equipment orders by 135 percent in 2001, while China announced plans on Tuesday to raise its defense spending by 17.7 percent. (Beijing cited "drastic changes in the world military situation" as the reason.) - J.R. Nyquist Read more… 3-8-01 Russia freed 877,000 convicts in recent months. The last time there were amnesties was just before Russia entered World War Two. In that event Stalin was taking hundreds of thousands of convicts and forming armies with them. Read more… 3-6-01 Israel went on high alert on Monday, expecting more suicide bombings with Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon preparing to take office later in the week; a defiant Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat maintained that Palestinians would continue their struggle until they hoisted their flag over Jerusalem's walls, mosques, and churches. Read more… 3-5-01 IRAQI Catholic Leader warns the West The whole of the Arab world is now against the Americans and the British, and ready to commit violence against the USA and Britain in their own countries. Read more . . . 3-3-01 Mideast on the brink of war: Iraq responded to U.S. air strikes by deploying six divisions near the Jordanian border, triggering military alerts in Tel Aviv, Washington and several Gulf capitals. Israeli air force jets flew toward Syria. Read more… 3-3-01 New Directive from Heaven: #140 Preparations: Material preparations for the days ahead. Read more . . . 3-3-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." Read more… 3-3-01 The biggest earthquake in the Pacific Northwest in 52 years Millions of residents could feel the tremor from Vancouver, B.C., to Portland, Ore. Read more . . . 3-1-01 Back to the catacombs for Russian Catholics: Russia’s Eastern Rite Catholics are being driven underground; thanks to a law that all but bans the Roman Catholic Church. Read more… 2-27-01 Russia will take over the world unless . . . “Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father - through pen or prose, or the written script--to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children." - Jesus, May 17, 1986 Read more . . . 2-27-01 Mississippi devastated by a weekend tornado Families are picking through shattered homes Monday that were devastated by a weekend tornado. Read more . . . 2-26-01 On the precipice of Armageddon: According to DEBKAfile, Arab sources said Syrian President Bashar Assad had reached a "strategic decision" either to allow the Iraqi divisions to march through Syrian territory en route to Israel, to give his approval to Hezbollah terrorist forces to unleash a "long-range rocket attack against northern Israel," or both. Read more… 2-24-01 New Directive from Heaven: #139 Preparations: Spiritual preparations for the days ahead. Read more . . . 2-23-01 Israel faces potential nuclear threat: Israel and the Mideast region are under a potential threat from nuclear weapons in Iraq and Iran, the chief adviser to Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon said in an interview in a German newspaper Friday. Read more . . . 2-23-01 Clinton pardon payoffs exposed The National ENQUIRER blows the lid off President Clinton's controversial last-minute pardons. Read more . . . 2-23-01 Stocks struggled to snap a three-day losing streak early Thursday amid worries about the economy and weak corporate profits. Bonds declined, and the dollar was mixed. Read more . . . 2-22-01 Friday penance - "Friday must be a day of self-denial now and forever more!" Read more . . . 2-21-01 “Syria has the key to the
solution of world peace or the Third World War."
More extraordinary emails . . . We receive many wonderful emails but these are outstanding! Read more . . . 2-19-01 Could you not watch one hour with me? Read more . . . 2-19-01 The United States and Britain on Saturday faced criticism from allies and foes alike — and threats of retaliation from the Iraqi regime. Read more . . . 2-17-01 PUTIN CAUGHT IN LIE: Satellites pinpoint Russian nukes in Baltics... Read more . . . 2-15-01 "Russia, being an atheistic country, My children - Russia, you cannot believe what they tell you, nor what they print in their tabloids. Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world.” 2-15-01
U.S. says Mideast security “seriously deteriorating”: The United States said Tuesday the security situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories had seriously deteriorated since the weekend and threatened to spiral out of control. Read more… 2-14-01 Countries of Our Lady’s vision: At the end of a two-day conference in Amman - attended by representatives from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia and the Palestinian Authority - the ministers declared the need to "increase aid to the brave Intifada of the Palestinian people and to bolster their economic ability to withstand the Israeli policy of siege and isolation." Read more… 2-14-01 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: The incredible story of the one who inspired him to make a Holy Hour before the Most Blessed Sacrament every day. Read more… 02-12-01 Actors
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman separate . . . The Arabs are planning against Israel a "day of rage" on Tuesday and "total confrontation" on Friday . . . Read more . . . The
earthquakes are coming . . . Scary Weather is the title on the cover of the February 5th issue of the U.S. News magazine. Also, Art Bell has a book out titled The Coming Global Superstorm. Read more . . . 2-12-01 The Great War approaches: Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a map. Oh, my! Now as I am watching—it's a map of . . . oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying on March 29, 1975: "The start of the Third World War, My child." 2-12-01
Miraculous photos: Miracles by the thousands have been granted on the sacred Shrine grounds in confirmation of the heavenly origin of the Bayside apparitions: "My child, the photographs you have been receiving, many were given to you for the present and some for the future. These photographs, miracles in print, are given for your edification. They bear witness to the Message of Heaven, and they will be a personal gift to many for their personal edification." - Our Lady, August 21, 1974 Read more… 02-05-01 Finding truth in the Mideast – WorldNetDaily interview of historian Joan Peters: Islamic Jihad leaders told me very carefully and very quietly and very succinctly that no one and no border exists for the Arabs, the Islamic Arabs, in the area between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean except the Islamic borders, and that any others are artificial and the governments must be wiped out. Read more… 02-05-01 Earthquakes hit upstate New York and southern Connecticut . . . "Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and God - sent upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers." Read more . . . 2-4-01 Fatima Cover-Up Exposed - The Sun Tabloid reveals the terrifying Third Prophecy Secrets the Vatican is trying to hide. See Page 1 and Page 2 More next week. 2-3-01 Human Cloning: “Man of science, in his arrogance, seeking to create life. I say unto you: no man shall take the power of creation into his hands, for he will destroy himself." -Jesus, February 1, 1977 Read more…. 02-01-01 New Directive from Heaven #138 - "Permissiveness" Read more . . . 02-01-01 Are you prepared for the coming Great Warning and Chastisement? Our Lady of the Roses tells us how. This will save you and your loved ones. It's a must read! Read more… 01-30-01 UFO closes Russian airport . . . Read more 1-30-01 Thousands
dead in India earthquake . . . Save your Priest's Soul from Purgatory . . . Read more . . . 1-27-01 U.S. forces placed on alert: The United States has sent a Patriot anti-missile defense battery to Israel amid heightened concerns of a Middle East war. Pentagon sources said the heightened tension in the Middle East prompted a decision to place on alert U.S. forces in Germany and Italy. They said Washington has been concerned about an Iraqi attack on Israel amid reports that several Iraqi divisions have moved close to the Syrian border. Read more… 1-27-01 Will you help spread “Directives” to the clergy and laity? "My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached." - June 18, 1992 Read more… 01-26-01 Pope
announces trip to Syria:
Bayside prophecy fulfilled: "Your country, the United States, My child, shall have great trial--the winter and the wars. There shall be internal strife in your government….” (Our Lady, October 6, 1980)
"There will be a great War..." And over to the left side of the flagpole there's written a word: "YELLOW AGAINST WHITE - WHITE AGAINST BLACK", and then there's a large cross over the world. It's a globe of the world, and there's blood dripping over on one side. And there's a pool of blood; it's like a river. And now the word comes out from inside the blood, and it says: "PALESTINE" P - A - L - E - S - T - I - N - E, and underneath, "JERUSALEM." (March 25, 1973) · Saddam: annihilate Israel - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called for the annihilation of the state of Israel and for the establishment of a "Palestine state from the river to the sea", in a televised speech marking the Gulf War's 10th anniversary. Read more… 01-19-01 The Egyptian Yasser Arafat - “…one will come out of
Egypt and cause a great catastrophe to mankind." (Our Lady, November
20, 1975):
James J. Welsh, a former member of the National
Security Agency, alleges that Yasser Arafat ordered the 1973 Khartoum
embassy takeover and the murders of the American diplomats, who were
machine-gunned to death -- all, Welsh charges, on the direct orders of
Arafat. Read more…
01-19-01 New “Directives from Heaven” –
Visions of the Great War: the Mideast and Visions
of the Great War: Russia & China Russia-China alliance: Reports that China and Russia are preparing to sign a "friendship pact" should send a chill down your spine…The two countries have made clear their reason for the new pact: to challenge the worldwide influence of the United States. Read more… 01-17-01 “Russia will also utilize the manpower of China” (May 26, 1983): Most Americans would be surprised to learn that Russia, not the U.S., has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal of strategic and tactical weapons. China has a growing nuclear arsenal and the world’s largest conventional army. Read more… 01-17-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War.” China's Vice-President Hu Jingtao arrived in Syria for talks on the latest developments in the stalled Arab-Israeli peace talks. Hu told reporters that China wants to increase cooperation with Syria in all fields. Read more… 01-17-01 Mild quake wakes Big Apple: A mild earthquake shocked New Yorkers with this morning's coffee when a temblor that reached 2.5 on the open-ended Richter scale shook Newark and nearby areas. Read more . . . 01-17-01 Russia’s growing military preparations: Russia’s intense military preparations became more evident last week with the shocking revelation that Moscow has shifted some of its nuclear weaponry to an area bordering on a NATO member’s territory… there is no doubt that under Putin Russia’s military buildup has become much more aggressive than ever, including even the hottest periods of the Cold War. Read more… 01-15-01 El
Salvador devastated after quake . . . "It
was a Miracle!" say Doctors and Nurses.
Miracles, Cures and Testimonies: "If the amount of cures that are claimed were true, Lourdes and Fatima are nothing, compared to Bayside" - Msgr. Otto Garcia, Chancellor, Diocese of Brooklyn Read more . . . 01-15-01 Russia-China alliance: A new and potentially dangerous treaty uniting Russia and China in an anti-U.S. alliance will be signed by the middle of this year. Read more… 01-15-01 Also read… Russia reality check: "They seek the monies of the world from the nations of the world. And why do you not learn a lesson? It happened in the time of Lenin; it happened in the time of Stalin. And there you are all on the same road, ready to give billions of monies that should be given to those of your nation and the free nations of the world. Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you. Lenin and Stalin used the same tactics, My children. Why do you not learn from your errors?" - Our Lady, June 18, 1992
Great War approaches: Our
Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what
looks like a map. Oh, my! Now as I am watching—it's a map of
. . . oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco,
Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now
settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying: NEWSFLASH!
Saddam puts army on alert to fight Israel:
The Iraqi
headquarters and Saddam's promise to support the Palestinian uprising -
reaffirmed in yesterday's speech - are being closely monitored by
Israel. It is expected that heavy Iraqi armour would join Syria
in any regional war against Israel. Ehud Barak, the Israeli prime
minister, predicts that such a war will break out if the Palestinian
question is not settled peacefully.
more… 01-08-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." Syria joins Iraq and Iran against Israel: Bashar has launched a new era of Syrian foreign policy all right, but one that is on a collision course for war, not peace, with Israel…” Read more… 01-05-01
December 2000 newsletter The latest news! Chinese illegally entering US, Russia arming Mideast countries, Syria holds the key to the Mideast peace, Rethinking communion in the hand, Save your priest from Purgatory, Miracle Food Cures in the Bible and much more. Read more . . . 1-4-01
Nuclear first strike: Russia's new leader has sent a blunt threat to the United States that the Kremlin will not hesitate to be the first to use nuclear weapons. Read more… 1-4-01 Russia reality check: ”And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985
is coming to the United States! Virgin
Mary's Bayside Prophecies Famine
coming to America! Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book - Read more and order 1-2-01 Great Earthquakes to hit California and New York Read more . . . 1-2-01 The Coming Events upon Mankind - Read more . . . 1-2-01 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War."
"One will come out of Egypt and cause a great catastrophe to mankind." (Our Lady, November 20, 1975) "In the name of Allah, we shall cause fire to devour half of Israel...." -Yasser Arafat, Iraqi News Agency, April 2, 1990 Read more... 12-27-00 Veronica’s vision of the First Christmas: Read more… 12-24-00
The majesty of Christmas – 2000 years later: Article by WorldNetDaily. Read more… 12-24-00
Russia – masters of deceit: "For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments.” (Our Lady, June 18, 1992) Read more… 12-22-00
Russia reality check: “The greatest danger facing America is a possible nuclear attack from Russia. This danger is not something imaginary. Russian nuclear missiles can reach America in about 30 minutes, reducing America's cities to rubble.” – J.R. Nyquist Read more… 12-22-00
New “Directive from Heaven” – Moral Issues: Read more… 12-20-00
“Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War."
reality check:
Fr. Guillermo Flores
y Flores of Guatemala on the Bayside apparitions:
reality check:
Dragon: Freedom
of religion, Chinese style: U.S.
Trains China for War: Russia reality check: The Kremlin is clearly putting the United States and the world on notice that Russia is once again reverting to form - a certain rival for influence and resources around the world and a potentially serious threat to American citizens and interests. Read more… 12-11-00 Conversions through Our Lady of the Roses: “I attribute my conversion to the messages from Jesus and Mary at Bayside through Veronica Lueken.” Read more… 12-11-00 December 8th, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception: This is the day great events occur. Read more . . . 12-7-00 Fr. Bernard Nunes, O.C.D. on the Bayside apparitions: In a 1976 report, a Carmelite priest from India exposes the false claims made by the Brooklyn diocese and proves that no proper investigation of the Bayside apparitions was ever conducted. Read more… 12-06-00 The Great War approaches: A Saudi newspaper warned Israel on Tuesday that a Middle East war would rally the Arab masses to fight against the Jewish state. A regional war "will not be short and will not be limited to regular armies, because it will lead to an Arab resistance different from that known in previous wars," the Al-Riyadh newspaper wrote. Read more… 12-06-00 “Syria has the key to the Third World War." Officials in Jerusalem and Washington are peering toward Damascus [Syria]. American and Israeli intelligence officials agree that Syria's leader, a British-educated ophthalmologist, has a defective view of reality. In regular strategic talks held recently, American officials expressed serious concerns regarding Bashar Assad's political judgment. They said that Syria's young president is likely to decide that an attempt to make Israel bleed will advance his own interests. They anticipate that Assad would encourage Hezbollah to renew its activities in order to heat up the northern border. 12-06-00 “Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World
War." Cohabitation and “divorce”: Syria has the key to the
solution of world peace or the Third World War. Russia deploys bombers
near Alaska Election Crisis:
Bayside prophecy fulfilled? Russia negotiating 15
billion arms sales to China Netherlands Passes
Euthanasia Law Politicians urged to
recognized Religion's role . . . Vatican addresses
“abuses” in healing ministry: Russia reality check: Kissinger: traitor to
America . . . Communion in the hand is a sacrilege! Early in the Church people were excommunicated for taking Communion in the hand. This report will cause a spiritual earthquake! Read more... 11-17-00 The Great War approaches Read more... 11-17-00
Offers China Arms to Destroy U.S. Navy:
"Unless Russia can be dedicated to the
Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary, unless they will recognize the truth,
they will continue to go throughout the world sowing seeds of discord,
discontentment, and war." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985 Read
more... 11-17-00 UFOs: "Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times." - Our Lady, December 24, 1973 Read more... 11-17-00 Soviet-style
election between George Bush and Al Gore? "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide Bayside prophecy fulfilled - communism in Africa (part 2): "And the hammer and the sickle now is floating down. It's in the southern part of Africa. Now I see it's going north. And I see blackness. Oh, it's like the continent is going into darkness." (March 18, 1977) Read more... 11-15-00 Chinese
soldiers sighted at U.S./Mexican border: "My
child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the
capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already
there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire
instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from
Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States.” (Our
Lady, June 18, 1987) Read
more... 11-15-00 Inroads of communism - Palm Beach County: "just another chapter in the continuing saga of the socialization of the United States of America played out on the stage of the Socialist Republic of Palm Beach." (Phil Brennan, Newsmax) Read more... 11-15-00 Inroads of communism - Did you
know? Maria Hsia, a fund-raiser
for Al Gore for ten years, has been identified by the FBI as a communist
Chinese agent: "The FBI, in every sense of the word, approved our
delineation of her [Maria Hsia] as an agent." (Senate Governmental
Affairs Committee Report) Read
more... 11-13-00
prophecy fulfilled - Navy officer claims
top personnel covered up Russian attack, espionage activity:
"Do not take lightly the reports of [Russian] ships out on the sea and submarines. They are there, My child and My children, and they are not out for a joy ride. It is all part of the master plan for the takeover of the United States and Canada."
- Our Lady, April 14, 1984 New Directive from Heaven - U.S. government leaders Read more... 11-10-00 "Syria
has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War."
Israeli and
U.S. intelligence experts agree that the Israeli-Syrian front is
liable to flare up at any moment. Bashar Assad, dazzled by the power
thrust upon him, is being pushed toward radicalization by his security
entourage. Read
more... 11-10-00
NEWSFLASH! Russia was involved in attack on USS Cole, Arab report says. "The cost of life means nothing to them, as you can recognize in all of the countries around your world that have been invaded by Russia, or Russia is the secret agent giving over the firearms and the destructive missiles to destroy the United States and Canada." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985 Read more... 11-9-00 Visions of the Great War - Russia & China: The "annihilation of nations" predicted by Our Lady of Fatima approaches, because Russia has not been consecrated to Our Lady by the Pope and bishops. Read more... 11-3-00 Consecration of Russia: Entrustment prayer of Holy Father on October 8th did not fulfill Our Lady of Fatima's requests. Read more... 11-3-00 Visions of the Great War - the Mideast: Our Lady of the Roses has provided visions of the Great War that will erupt in punishment to the world because (1) Russia has not been consecrated and (2) the sins of the world, particularly abortion. Read more... 11-1-00 "Syria
has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War."
Israeli Defense Minister
Ephraim Sneh warned Syria that Israel would retaliate "harshly"
for renewed violence and attacks against it by Hezbollah or other
Syrian/Iranian-backed groups, adding that Syria could not stand up to an
Israeli military assault. The Great War: "ISRAEL issued a warning yesterday that the daily running street battles between Israelis and Palestinians could erupt into a regional conflict that would engulf the Middle East and stretch across the Mediterranean to Europe." Read more... 11-1-00 Syria: "Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." (Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1981) Read more... 10-30-00
Arafat: "One will come
out of Egypt and cause a great catastrophe to mankind." (Our Lady,
November 20, 1975) Russia's connection to Arafat: "There is little question that Arafat is fanatically devoted to destroying Israel, and would sell his soul to the devil to gain his devilish ends." Read more... 10-26-00 Why are the Arabs
and Israelis fighting? Has
World War III begun? Calls grow for U.S.
to leave the United Nations . . . An
Arabian Saber Russia reality check - global communism (part 1): Today, communist-inspired revolution extends to the four corners of the earth. Read more... 10-9-00 September 2000 newsletter The latest news! - Russia’s new hand grenade, The Kursk sub, “Digital Angel”: technology that cares or the Mark of the Beast, and much more. Read more . . . 10-9-00 Open letter of Our Lady of the Roses to Pope John Paul II Read more... 10-5-00 Consecrate Russia,
not the world!
"I repeat again. My child Veronica,
you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of
the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day
for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and
annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the
twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My
children." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987 Russia reality check - the "errors of Russia" in the White House: "Clinton has helped Marxists and terrorists and their 'world revolution' at every opportunity." - U.S. Army Brigadier General Albion Knight, Jr. (Ret.) Read more... 9-28-00 Russia reality check - communist infiltration of Catholic hierarchy: "Bishops, cardinals in Rome, a plan is set afoot against you. Many have entered from the socialist—the Union of Socialist Republic, Russia, have entered the Church to destroy you!" - Our Lady, November 20, 1978 Read more... 9-25-00 Russia reality check: What peace? What conversion? "The century is coming to a close with a third of the world's 193 nations embroiled in conflict...." Read more... 9-21-00 China threat: "Thirteen of China's 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on the United States." - CIA's National Intelligence Daily, 1998 Read more... 9-18-00 Prophecy fulfilled: "60 Minutes" TV show and KGB defector Colonel Lunev confirm Our Lady's message: "Russia plans to invade the United States with missiles!" Read more... 9-15-00 China threat: "Recently, it has also been reported that the United States moved defense missiles into Guam, which is near the Taiwan Strip. According to the American media, Guam has never been home to such a huge capacity of weaponry before, indicating that the United States is also preparing for a conflict in the Taiwan Strait." - Johnny Chung, WorldNetDaily Read more... 9-15-00 Invasion: "I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions." (October 2, 1987) Read more... 9-12-00 The Final Phase: "If we fail to defend our country and our freedom, and this failure results in a destructive war for which we are unprepared, tens of millions of our countrymen might die who otherwise might have survived." - J.R. Nyquist Read more... 9-12-00 Abortion: America's demise - "For
that one reason among many, the United States will suffer unless there is placed into your
government a group that fears the Lord if they cannot love the Lord. They will fear Him and
find measures to stop the slaughter of the unborn." Communism dead? Think again! Bishop of underground Catholic Church arrested in China Read more... 9-6-00 China, to instigate WW III? "... and now he's reaching over again to light the wick, as though—I do believe it must indicate starting perhaps a, a terrible war or something." Read more... 8-30-00 China Puts 700,000 Troops on Alert in Sudan: "Largest Undetected Military Movement in Modern Times" ("Russia will also utilize the manpower of China in their thrust forward.") Read more... 8-28-00 FatimaGate: Evidence of the REAL Third Secret, Part 2: The Church's highest court has become a kangaroo court and is being used by corrupt Vatican officials as a weapon instead of an instrument of truth and justice ("How I warned and warned that Satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978) Read more... 8-24-00 Five inches of snow in England in August!!! Read more... 8-22-00 FatimaGate: Jacinta's Third Secret vision of the Holy Father: Bayside confirms it was Pope Paul VI Read more... 8-21-00 Russian subs part of master plan for takeover of U.S. click here 8-17-00 FatimaGate and an open letter to Michael Hessemann: TLDM answers the first attack against our third secret forgery exposé. Read more... 8-15-00 Did you know that the November 8, 1989 letter quoted in the June 26th Vatican commentary is also a forgery? Read more... 8-15-00 We urgently need your prayers and financial support
defend Our Lady of the Roses and get the FatimaGate report out. (click
here) 8-15-00
COMING TO ROME: Chinese enter U.S. through
Virgin Islands: NEWSFLASH! WorldNetDaily expose on massive Russian military buildup confirms Our Lady's June 18, 1992 message: "For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children. They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their forefathers.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1992 Read more . . . NEWS FLASH! July 12th article warns, "Russia Arming Chinese Navy against U.S." Our Lady's message told us, "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China in their thrust forward." Read more (Newsmax)... Russia and China, Part 1 Former International Chaplain of the Blue Army Fr. Robert Skurla says “The messages of Bayside restored my confidence in the Catholic Church once more. I will stake my reputation, if that means anything, on the doctrine contained in the messages. The doctrine is the same as I was trained in over the years.” Read more...
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